
Honors Marine Biology – Mr. Ludwig
Final Exam Review Guide
This review packet will help you prepare for the final exam. The final will cover
second semester only. This is NOT the only thing you should use to study you
should also look over the unit packets, textbook, and class notes.
Plate Tectonics (Chapter 2)
1. How many years ago was the earth formed?
2. Identify the parts of the earth: crust, mantle, and inner and outer core.
3. State the difference between magma and lava.
4. Vocab: Pangaea, lithosphere, asthenosphere, continental crust and oceanic crust.
5. What is the continental drift? What are the pieces of evidence that support continental drift?
6. What is seafloor spreading? Why was it such an important discovery?
7. Describe SONAR and why it is such an important/useful technology.
8. List the pieces of evidence that support the theory of plate tectonics.
9. What is the theory of plate tectonics?
10. Identify the types of plate boundaries/zones that occur: divergent, convergent, and transform.
What results at each of these plate boundaries? (ex: Convergent – continent vs. continent =
mountains (Himalayas)
11. Relate the types of plate boundaries to the creation and destruction of the lithosphere.
12. Explain the convection currents which move the crustal plates over time.
13. Explain the formation of “hot spots” and identify specific examples on a map.
14. Identify the ring of fire on a map and relate it to plate movement.
Deep Ocean Zones (pgs. 222-223 and Chapter 16)
1. Construct a graphic for the zones of the ocean using the following vocab: photic, aphotic,
epipelagic, mesopelagic, bathypelagic, abyssalpelagic, and hadalpelagic.
2. What are the general characteristics of each zone?
3. Which zone can sunlight penetrate?
4. Which zones are considered Deep Ocean?
Deep Ocean Exploration (Chapter 16)
1. Why is it so hard to explore the deep ocean?
2. What were the first attempts at deep ocean exploration?
3. What are the characteristics of deep ocean technology: Submersibles, ROVs, AUVs? Be able
to give an example of each.
4. What are the advantages, disadvantages of submersibles, ROVs, and AUVs?
5. Given a scenario be able to explain what type of technology you would use and why.
6. Explain the many reasons why organisms are bioluminescent and how this is achieved.
Hydrothermal Vents (pgs.36-37 and 360-361
Identify the tectonic activity that would give rise to hydrothermal vents.
What are the main characteristics of hydrothermal vents?
How do hydrothermal vents work? (Hint: Step 1-4) Be able to explain this in your own words.
Identify and list the characteristics of the 2 basic types of hydrothermal vents.
5. What is chemosynthesis?
6. Be able to compare photosynthesis and chemosynthesis in terms of raw materials, end
products, and energy sources.
7. Why are bacteria important to hydrothermal vent communities?
8. Identify the physical adaptations of the following and their symbiotic relationship: symbiotic
bacteria and tubeworm (Riftia)
9. Identify the organisms that live in hydrothermal vents:
 squat lobster
 symbiotic bacteria
 tubeworm (Riftia)
 zoarcid fish
10. Be able to construct a food web of organisms in a hydrothermal vent community including
symbiotic bacteria.
Fish (Chapter 8)
1. Classification of fish, 3 Classes, 2 Subclasses of Bony Fish
2. Characteristics and examples of all 3 fish classes.
3. External fish anatomy of both bony and cartilaginous fish.
a. The 5 types of fins on fish, where they are located, and what they do: dorsal, pelvic,
anal, caudal, and pectoral.
4. Internal characteristics of fish:
a. How do fish breathe?
b. How do fish osmoregulate?
c. How do they regulate buoyancy?
5. What are some differences between Osteichthyes and Chondrichthyes?
6. Fish body shapes: fusiform, laterally compressed, dorso-ventrally flattened
7. Fish coloration: camouflage, poster colors, warning coloration, disruptive coloration, falseeyespot, and countershading.
8. What are examples of the sensory adaptations do sharks have for locating a potential prey
9. How are the body shape, position of mouth, and fin shape related to the feeding techniques
and swimming ability of fish?
10. What type of feeders are fish? (carnivores, filter feeders, and herbivores) Know 1 example of
11. What is schooling and why might fish form a school?
12. What are the 2 types of fertilization in fish? (Which class has it?)
13. Shark – mating, development, and parental care.
14. Bony fish – types of spawning, development, and parental care
15. Be able to identify by common name the LIS fish:
atlantic salmon
striped bass
summer flounder
winter flounder
16. Be able to identify the following parts of a shark: mouth, nares, spiracles, gill slits, lateral
line, claspers, fins, stomach, liver, spiral valve, ovaries/testes, and heart.
17. Be able to identify the following parts of a bony fish: mouth, nares, gills, operculum, lateral
line, fins, stomach, liver, swim bladder, heart, intestine, and gonads.
Fisheries (pgs. 366-379)
1. Describe how fish are commercially caught and explain the impact these techniques have on
the marine environment: gill nets (drift nets), long lining, trawling, and purse seining.
2. Identify on a map, commercial fishing areas on the northeast coast and discuss
characteristics that make them rich fishing “holes”.
3. Define upwelling and its significance to the fishing industry.
4. Discuss the history of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and its impact on fishing.
5. Analyze the loopholes and inadequacies of the current fishing regulations in the United
States. Include bycatch, indiscriminate fishing methods, habitat loss, overfishing, and lack of
law enforcement.
6. The importance of a fishway to migrating fish.
Cetaceans (Chapter 9)
The characteristics of cetaceans.
How to classify cetaceans by order and suborder.
The differences between mysticetes (baleen) and odonotocetes (toothed whales).
How cetaceans are adapted for living in the aquatic environment: buoyancy (blubber),
swimming, breathing, diving, feeding, reproduction, skeletal, sense modifications and
Echolocation and its importance to toothed whales
The importance of the MMPA and IWC.
Identify by genus and suborder of the following cetaceans:
Blue Whale
Humpback Whale
North Atlantic Right Whale
Bottlenose Dolphin
Killer Whale
Sperm Whale
Finback Whale
Minke Whale
Harbor Porpoise
Describe these adaptive behavioral patterns and their significance: breaching, logging, flipper
slapping, bubble feeding, kick feeding, lunge feeding, pod formation and migration).
Discuss solutions to help protect marine mammals from human impacts (whaling, ship
strikes, entanglement, stranding, bioaccumulation (mercury, PCBs).
Other Marine Mammals (Chapter 9)
1. Compare seals, sealions, walrus and manatees in terms of physical characteristics, feeding
habits and other behaviors.
Coral Reefs (Chapter 14)
1. Identify the environmental conditions necessary for coral reef formation.
2. Explain why the coral reef community is called the “oasis’s of the sea”.
3. Discuss the symbiotic relationship between Zooxanthellae and coral polyps in a coral reef
4. Discuss the current health status of the coral reef community and man’s influence especially
coral bleaching.
5. Visually identify and classify some of the types of organisms found on and around a coral reef.
6. Know these different types of reefs: Atoll reefs, barrier reefs, fringing reefs