City of Coral Video Questions

Answer the questions as you view the video. They are in order.
You do not need to use complete sentences.
Where (which country) is the coral reef located?
Name 2 reef predators?
3. How do small fish, like herring, protect themselves from predators?
4. What fish cleans other fish to obtain food?
On the sand flat, what fish alters it skin color to avoid predators?
6. Name 2 predators fish that burrow into the sand to lay in ambush for their prey?
7. What does the puffer fish do to avoid being eaten by a bigger fish?
8. In the grass bed, what survival strategy does shrimp employ with a sea urchin?
9. Where are conch eyes located?
10. What constructs the reef? Is it alive?
11. At what depth do you see ocean sponges?
12. Do corals attack each other? Why?
13. What is a threat to coral reefs? What fish controls the algae?
14. What is the only tree that grows in saltwater?
15. At what age do brown pelicans begin to fly?
16. Why do the squirrel fish schools go to the grass beds at night?