



Section 2 Societies of West Africa & Europe P. 2/ P. 33

A. Analyzing Causes and Recognizing Effects As you read about the empires and states that arose in West Africa and the different periods of

European change, briefly note the causes or effects of each situation.


1. Ships sailed from many African ports to

Arabia, Persia, and ports across the Indian Ocean


By 1500, Africa had been linked to the rest of the world for centuries

The king of Ghana taxed all the gold & salt passing thru his kingdom

3. Muslim empires of N.

Africa wanted to convert

Ghana’s people to Islam & to control the gold trade.

2. Ghana became wealthy & was able to build an army & an empire

Muslim armies invaded Ghana’s frontier region & weakened Ghana’s power.


Benin was located on main trade routes


4. Benin grew prosperous

Travel became safer, trade increased, & towns grew.

Muslim control of Holy Land

People in Europe began to question the meaning of life & study the classics, which led to the Renaissance.

Italian wealth from Asian trade

B. Finding Main Ideas On the bottom of this paper, define or explain each of the following:


A system where a king allows nobles, or lords to use lands that belong to him.



P. 35

Causes Effects

Benin was located on main trade routes

5. Feudalism led to increased stability.

Muslim control of Holy Land

4. Benin grew prosperous

Travel became safer, trade increased, & towns grew.

6.Europeans began Crusades, wars to win control of the Holy Land.

People in Europe began to question the meaning of life & study the classics, which led to the Renaissance.

Italian wealth from Asian trade

Starting in 1347, a great sickness known as the Bubonic Plague spread through Europe. The plague was also referred to as "the Black Death” because the skin of diseased people turned a dark gray color. The bubonic plague mainly affects rodents, but fleas can transmit the disease to people.

In 1347, Italian merchant ships returned from the Black Sea, one of the links along the trade route between Europe and China. Many of the sailors were already dying of the plague, and within days the disease had spread from the port cities to the surrounding countryside. The disease spread as far as

England within a year.

In winter the disease seemed to disappear, but only because fleas--which were now helping to carry it from person to person--are dormant then. Each spring, the plague attacked again, killing new victims.

Black Death- Lego Style

After five years 25 million people were dead--one-third of Europe's people.

Causes Effects

Benin was located on main trade routes

4. Benin grew prosperous

5. Feudalism led to increased stability.

Travel became safer, trade increased, & towns grew.

6. Europeans began the Crusades,

Muslim control of Holy Land wars to win control of the Holy Land.

7. Weakening of feudalism and suffering caused by plague

Italian wealth from Asian trade

People in Europe began to question the meaning of life & study the classics, which led to the Renaissance.

B. Finding Main Ideas On the bottom of this paper, define or explain each of the following:

FeudalismA political system in which a king allows nobles, or lords to use lands that belong to him.

RenaissanceTime of increased interest in art and learning,1300-1600s, from Italy thru Europe


B. Finding Main Ideas On the bottom of this paper, define or explain each of the following:




A political system in which a king allows nobles, or lords to use lands that belong to him.

A time of increased interest in art and learning. Lasted from 1300s to 1600. spread from Italy to all of Europe

Move to fix problems in the

Catholic church, split the Church 2 groups-Catholics and Protestants.

Causes Effects

Benin was located on main trade routes

4. Benin grew prosperous

5. Feudalism led to increased stability.

Travel became safer, trade increased, & towns grew.

Muslim control of Holy Land the Holy Land.

7. Weakening of feudalism and suffering caused by plague

6. Europeans launched the

Crusades, wars to win control of meaning of life & study the classics, which led to the Renaissance.

Italian wealth from Asian trade

8. Other Europeans wanted a share of Asian Trade
