Common Structural Rules for Tankers Gary Horn, P.E. Director, Technology ABS Houston Houston Tanker Event 2007 Houston, TX 26 March 2007 1 IACS Common Structural Rules AIM: To develop a set of unified Rules and Procedures for the determination of the structural requirements for oil tankers and bulk carriers 2 Tanker Operations Tanker incidents by cause 1978-2004 Source: Intertanko 3 Tanker Operations Improvements made in tanker operational, safety and pollution performances We have “come a long way…” However, we wanted to employ continuous improvement principles and take the next step… Common Structural Rules intended to enhance safety, robustness and durability. 4 IACS Common Structural Rules CSR for Tankers Complete Set of Structural Rules for Double Hull Oil Tankers Length greater than or equal to 150m CSR for Bulk Carriers Complete set of Structural Rules for SSS and DSS Bulk Carriers Length greater than or equal to 90m 5 Features of the new CSR 1. Rules are to result in common scantling requirements 2. Net scantling approach includes a clear link between newbuilding strength checks and inservice gauging review standards 3. Include coating standard criteria 4. Fatigue standard enhanced to include exposure to North Atlantic environment with minimum life of 25 years 5. Includes the results from industry input and feedback 6 IACS Common Structural Rules Tankers Section Topic Section Topic 1 Introduction 9 Design Verification 2 Underlying Principles 10 3 Rules Applications Buckling and UltimateStrength 4 Basic Information 11 General Requirements 5 Structural Arrangement 12 Renewal Criteria (SiO) 6 Material and Welding A Hull Girder Ultimate Strength 7 Loads B Structural Strength Assessment 8 Scantling Requirements C Fatigue Strength Assessment D Buckling Strength Assessment 7 CSR/Tanker - Overview Loads Design Requirements Design Requirements Operational Requirements Section 2/4 Static Loads Section 7/2 Dynamic Loads Section 7/3 Design Basis Section 2/5 Accidental Loads Section 7/5 Loads Dynamic Load Combination Factors DLCFs Section 7/6.5 Load Combinations Section 7/6 Loading Manual Section 8/1 General Rule Requirements Static Load Combinations Section 7/6 General Rule Requirements Basic Information Section 4 Static Plus Dynamic Load Combinations Section 7/6 Impact and Sloshing Loads Section 7/4 Structural Arrangements Section 5 Scantling Requirements Materials Section 6 General Detailed Requirements Section 11 Plating and Local Support Members Section 8/2 Longitudinal Strength Section 8/1 Primary Support Members Inc Bhds Section 8/2.6 Scantling Requirements Minimum Requirements Minimum Thickness Section 8/2 Minimum Requirements Stiffness and Proportions Section 10/2 Hull Girder Inertia and Section Modulus Section 8/1 Fore and Aft Ends Section 8/3 & 8/5 Deck houses Section 11/1 Machinery Space Section 8/4 Structural design details (welding, brackets) Section 4/3 Sloshing and Impact Section 8/6 Other Minimum Requirements Criteria Assessment Yield, Shear, Buckling Design Verification Hull Girder Ultimate Strength Section 9/1 Strength Assessment (FEM) Section 9/2 Fatigue Strength Section 9/3 Design Verification Global Cargo Tank Structural Strength Analsis Appendix B/2 Criteria Assessment Local Fine Mesh Structural Strength Analysis Appendix B/3 Criteria Assessment Yield, Shear, Buckling Nominal Stress Approach Appendix C/1 Hot Spot Stress (FE) Approach Appendix C/2 Criteria Assessment Fatigue Damage Evaluation of Hot Spot Stress for Fatigue Analysis Appendix B/4 8 CSR & Coating Performance Standards Promote effective use of protective coatings Provide a protective barrier to delay onset of corrosion, noting; Corrosion wastage allowance is still included in rules Wastage allowances are not reduced due to presence of coatings Target useful coating life of 15 years Added benefit – facilitate in-service inspection Top coat to be a light color to easily distinguish from rust Protective Coating Wastage Allowance Predicted corrosion in 2.5 years (0.5 mm) Required Renewal Thickness Annual Thickness Measurements 9 Coating Performance Standards IMO Res MSC.215(82) Performance Standard for Protective Coatings for Dedicated Seawater Ballast Tanks in All Types of Ships and Double-Side Skin Spaces of Bulk Carriers IACS PR No. 34, IACS Procedural Requirement on Application of the IMO PSPC under IACS Common Structural Rules for Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers IACS Common Interpretation and answers to frequently asked questions on IACS website ABS Guide for the Class Notation Coating Performance Standard (CPS), December 2006 10 CSR Rule Status CSR - effective date 1 April 2006 Tanker updates: Corrigenda 1 – effective date 1 April 2006 Corrigenda 2 – effective date 1 April 2006 Rule Change Notice (RCN) No. 1 – effective date 1 April 07 or earlier if agreed between yard and owner All future updates to follow IACS process: PR32 Hull Panel Project Teams Rule updates and maintenance Rule interpretations, Q/A 11 CST/Tanker RCN No.1 Effective 1 April 2007, may be applied earlier if agreed by builder and owner. Can not be partially applied Contents: Corrosion additions for heated cargo tanks Clarification of heavy ballast condition Buckling assessment in way of bottom portion FE analysis of tight floor, girders and webs Slenderness ratio of bulb profiles Deck equipment welding Tolerance of hopper knuckle connection 12 Oil Tanker Orders - Gross Tons Source of feedback… Oil Tanker N/C Contracts 6,000 Monthly KGT Worldwide 4,000 2,000 0 May-06 Jun-06 Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06 Jan-07 Feb-07 13 Oil Tanker Orders – Number of orders Source of feedback… Oil Tanker N/C Contracts 100 Monthly Count Worldwide 80 60 40 20 0 May-06 Jun-06 Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06 Jan-07 Feb-07 14 IACS Project Teams for CSR Maintenance IACS implemented 2 Project Teams for CSR Maintenance Active from 1st June 2006 PT for Bulk Carriers: 3 JBP + 1 JTP members PT for Oil Tankers: 3 JTP + 1 JBP members Rotation among members every 2 years Running of the PT governed by IACS procedure IACS COUNCIL PERMANENT SECRETARIAT R. Leslie HULL PANEL Chairman: T. Yoneya CSR Bulk Carriers CSR Oil Tankers SG/CSR NK, LR, BV, ABS CSR Secretariat G-Y Han S. HARADA Project Manager ClassNK G. CESARINE BV P. SALTVEDT Project Manager DNV F. CHENG LR A. Schulz-Heimbeck GL K. ABE ABS R. NAGAYAMA ABS P. BAUMANS BV 15 IACS CSR Knowledge Center/Database Centralized mechanism for collecting, categorizing and storing questions and answers, feedback and responses, tasks and pending actions, interpretations and rule changes Basis for future improvements External access to Q&A and Interpretations from IACS Web Site Transparency and consistent implementation of the Rules 16 GBS Overview IMO Basic Principles of Goal-Based Standards Broad, over-arching safety, environmental and/or security standards that ships are required to meet during their lifecycle The required level to be achieved by the requirements applied by Class Societies and other ROs, Administrations and IMO Clear demonstratable, verifiable, long standing, implementable and achievable irrespective of ship design and technology; and Specific enough in order not to be open to differing interpretations 17 GBS Overview IMO Tier I Tier II Goals IMO Functional Requirements Tier III Verification and Acceptance criteria Tier IV Requirements, Rules and Industry Standards Tier V Procedures and Quality Systems IMO IMO IACS Industry 18 Influence of GBS on future CSR developments Structural residual strength: the CSR partially cover the GBS intent, but additional work necessary to define assumed extent of structural damage, environmental loads and acceptance criteria Structural redundancy: the CSR partially cover the GBS intent, but additional work necessary to develop method to confirm structural redundancy and structural hierarchy Reference to other standards: cross reference other regulations or standards Human element Design transparency Survey and maintenance Structural accessibility Recycling considerations 19 Why Common Structural Rules? An improved structural standard. A major aspect in a complex yet integrated set of initiatives with the goal of improving performance for the safety of life, property and the marine environment. 20 Thank you Common Structural Rules for Tankers Gary Horn, P.E. Director, Technology ABS Houston 21