A sign-up sheet is posted on the Missions bulletin board. Please

United in faith, we seek to…
Align our lives with the way of Jesus Christ.
Invite others to journey with us.
Move beyond our walls to create a more
just and loving world.
11528 Vale Road  Oakton, VA 22124
Sunday Worship at 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.
Sunday School for All Ages at 10:00 a.m.
United in Faith (Vale’s Vision) Week 3
Order of Worship ~ April 26, 2015
Welcome & Announcements
Passing the Peace
Offer one another signs of reconciliation and peace
* Call to Worship
Lay reader leads congregation
The entire world can change in the span of one Holy Week. We
have seen shouts of joy at the arrival of the king turn into cries
for execution. But execution is not the final act. The final act is
resurrection! The Lord is risen!
He is risen indeed!
We have seen the loyalty of the disciples veer quickly into
betrayal. But betrayal is not the last word. The last word is,
“He is risen!”
He is risen indeed!
We have seen the sky torn apart and the world go dark. But the
darkness is demolished in the light of morning, and the great
good news floods the world like the dawn: Christ is risen!
He is risen indeed!
* Hymn
“We’ve a Story to Tell to the Nations”
* Prayer of Confession
No. 569
Lay Reader leads congregation
God, on that bitter day in the garden when sin entered into the world,
you began writing a story of redemption. You so desired to be in
relationship with us that you set a plan in motion that would require
the death of your only Son. How terribly beautiful. But, the story did
not end there. In order for our redemption to be made complete, life
had to triumph over sin and death. Today we celebrate that triumph,
the new life we received because Jesus came alive! You raised him
from the dead and now we are restored. How we thank you, God!
* Congregation, please stand as you are able.
We are so eager for the day when we will see you face to face and all
will be as it was meant to be in the garden. Our hearts are full of hope
and anticipation! Amen.
This is the Good News: Jesus Christ is risen!
He is risen indeed! Thanks be to God. Amen.
Scripture Matthew 28:16-20
Children’s Moment (10 am Service)
Pastor Jeff
Ruth Anne Luckenbaugh
Children and Youth (Age 3 to Grade 12) may leave for Sunday School
* Hymn
“AIM: Move Beyond Our Walls”
“Easter People, Raise Your Voices”
Pastor Jeff
No. 304
Prayers of the People
Caring Cards are available in the Narthex and Resource Library for
your personal use in supporting the congregation’s joys and concerns.
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
They kingdom come,
thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever.
* Congregation, please stand as you are able.
* Doxology “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow”
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise him, all creatures here below;
Praise him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen
No. 95
* Prayer of Dedication
Almighty God, accept the joyful offering of your church and grant
that your son may shine in us as the light that lightens every nation.
We ask this in the name of the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
* Hymn
“Christ is Alive”
No. 318
* Benediction
* Congregational Benediction
“God of Grace and God of Glory”
No. 577, verse 1
* Postlude
Lay Reader – Deb Cohen (8:30am) and Rosemary Daum (10:00am).
Coffee Fellowship – Worshipers are invited to remain after the service and
socialize over coffee. Thank you to the DuBois/Rutherford family (8:30am)
and to Sharon Geddes (10:00am) for their gift of fellowship by sponsoring
today’s coffee hour.
If you would like to sponsor a coffee hour, please contact Diane DuBois
(8:30am service) or Pat Ogle-Collins (10:00am service).
Altar Flowers – The altar flowers today are in memory of Don Minkler
with love from his family.
* Congregation, please stand as you are able.
Grace and Gratitude, Week 1, May 3, 2015
Scripture: Luke 15:11-32 ~ Sermon: “Delighting in God’s Grace”
Bishop Ken Carder writes “Stewardship for Wesley does not begin with
money. Neither does it originate in humanitarianism, charity, or duty.
Stewardship has its origin in the nature and mission of God. God owns
everything and God desires that all people share in the blessings of God’s
good creation. At the very core of existence is grace, and creation itself is
permeated with God’s grace. God gives God’s own self for the creation and
salvation of the cosmos! …God wills that all receive and respond to the
divine grace in all its full dimensions. God’s grace, God’s unmerited gift
bestowed upon [creation], is the lens through which we are to view the
world and our own existence. … The Psalmist expresses the foundation for
stewardship in the Wesleyan tradition: “The earth is the Lord’s and all that
is in it, the world, and those who live in it …” (Psalm 24:1).”
Only with this foundation are we able to understand the meaning of John
Wesley’s stewardship “formula” – “Earn all you can…Save all you can…
Give all you can” – that we will explore over the next three Sundays.
Communion Sundays:
Sunday, May 3
Sunday, May 31
Please note that we will offer communion on Sunday, May 31 (rather than
Sunday, June 7).
* Congregation, please stand as you are able.
Imagine it is October of 2019…
Vale Church, Oakton, Virginia
The Vale Church Council, celebrating the Church’s 125th
anniversary, makes the following report at the annual “State of the
Church” report during the fall Vale Church Charge Conference:
We remain committed to our mission statement adopted many years
United in Faith, we seek to…
Align our lives with the way of Jesus Christ.
Invite others to journey with us.
Move beyond our walls to create a more just and loving world
We are happy to report the congregation is strong, growing, and
energized. We still worship principally in the original white-frame
sanctuary, lovingly maintained as part of our identity.
The Fellowship Hall, built back in 1994, is still the principal addition
to the original structure, though the smaller additions built on a few
years ago to provide office space for additional staff and to handle
the demand created by our educational and music programs were
built to be consistent with the original designs, and are truly
The Preservation and Restoration Fund which provided the funding
for the updating and expansion of the sanctuary and educational
facilities, now ensures we have a consistent and available capital
fund for the buildings maintenance and upkeep. The kitchen has
been updated and improved to accommodate our ever-growing and
successful missions that involve cooking for and feeding local
homeless persons.
The outdoor sanctuary on the north end of the property has been
enhanced with refurbished benches, the addition of lighting, sound
and video capabilities, and is often used for innovative outdoor
services and activities. The playground has been remodeled to
attract families with young children, to enhance our programs for
children and to strengthen the offerings of our preschool. The
cemetery is now beautifully framed and has a truly historic look
befitting its heritage. More members have expressed interest in the
purchase of available gravesite in our historic cemetery. The
traditional but impactful signage out front really welcomes
prospective members.
The Sanctuary has adapted well to the different worship patterns for
which it is now used. The original pews are comfortable with
cushions, and the accommodations and accessibility for the
physically challenged have been completed. We do run about 7580% capacity attendance throughout most of the year.
Our three regular worship services are varied, at times very
participatory, at others very reflective. We incorporate artists and
musicians, and weave in our mission work often as part of worship.
We experimented with many ideas, and found creativity and variety
important to many, while others like it more traditional. Hence, the
8:30 service remains distinct and different from the other two
services. We’ve been blessed to hear from distinguished religious
leaders passing through the D.C. area.
Bringing a deacon back into the church was so very important. A few
years ago, several members also began exploring Lay Servant
Ministry, and have been receiving training from the United Methodist
Church. As Lay Servants, they are providing strong Lay ministry,
through Bible study teaching, church and community leadership,
spiritual caregiving and even preaching.
The Youth took control of their worship services a few years ago, and
really found a blend between the traditional services of their parents
and the more contemporary services found in other churches. They
like to center it around dynamic music, frequent guest speakers and
sermons, and even form prayer groups during the service. They use
the Fellowship Hall on Saturday nights and sometimes on Sunday
evenings. They have a wonderful choir and music ensemble, which
remarkably gets stronger in the summer because it attracts the
“home for the summer” college youth. The younger singles and
families with kids in Sunday sports also find these services a good
The campaign we kicked off five years ago to ask everyone to engage
in Christian Education really has had a transformative impact. At
first it seemed to be hard to imagine everyone would be part of a
discipleship journey. We knew the issue was not one of spirituality,
just of time commitment, and by setting an expectation that all
should be on a journey, many took their first step in creative ways.
Many formed their own groups for Bible study in their homes and in
the homes of friends. And that extra educational space really helped
with the new Bible study format where there are frequent religion
courses offered in person and on-line. The World religion,
archeological and ancient city courses are always great hits, and
whoever thought of inviting theological professors from nearby
universities deserves a medal.
Our Vale Missions Program is now known throughout this part of
the County. We make such an impact through our local hunger and
homeless missions, and they allow everyone in the church to
participate on some level. You can now ask anyone in the area what
is Vale Church known for, and they talk about our passion on this
issue. Just check out our Facebook page and see how much a
difference we are making. It seems there is a place for everyone,
either in this local mission, or in the other important regional and
international missions we whole-heartedly support.
The concept of tithing seemed foreign at first, and while not everyone
can meet that level of contribution, the expectation that all should
participate in giving seems natural now. The finance professional we
employ has proven invaluable to understanding our finances, and
we found a way quarterly and at the end of each year for the
congregation to easily grasp our financial condition with a
straightforward report.
There was a notable shift several years ago to elevate the importance
of hospitality programs. Every member of Vale is an active shepherd
of our flock. As we attract new visitors and members, we
intentionally assimilate them into the church activities quickly.
Prospective members are followed up with visits to their homes and
are given special invites to our mission work, just to get their feet
wet. Our communications strategy has kept not only the
congregation feeling well-informed, but it has become a central of
our community outreach.
We envision a Vale of spiritual growth that springs forth from our
core values. We envision a Vale where all members seek to develop
themselves spiritually through Christian education. We envision a
Vale where every member engages in fruitful hands-on mission
work, maximizing their talents, resources and time to make a
difference for those in need. In short, we cherish our Vale experience
of today and look forward to the amazing possibilities of tomorrow
with a thriving congregation and active ministries that help us live
our mission every day.
End of Vale Charge Conference Report, October 2019
Of course, it’s only a vision…
…a vision of a spiritual journey of vibrancy, inclusion, family,
mission, and renewal.
It is clear to us that the congregation is willing and ready to begin
such a journey. Guided by this vision, the 2013 Long Range
Planning Committee sets out its key findings and recommendations.
United in Faith (Vale’s Vision) Week 3
Vale Announcements ~ April 26, 2015
Whether you are new to the area or a long-time resident, we warmly
welcome you to our community of faith at Vale Church!
If you are visiting for the first time, we invite you to fill out a visitor card
located in your pew—and please join us after the service for coffee and
snacks. We look forward to meeting you!
Please also be sure to pick up a Vale Welcome Bag, which contains more
information about our church. The bags are available at the entrance to the
Main Sanctuary and outside the Church Office.
For families with children … at the 10am service, children ages 3 through
Grade 12 are invited to attend Sunday School following the Children’s
Moment. You may pick them up in their classrooms after the service.
Nursery care is available for infants and toddlers during both services.
UMW to Support Military Care Package
On April 29th, members of the United Methodist Women will
gather at the Vale Schoolhouse between 9:30am and 2:00pm
to help the Vale Club pack packages to be sent to our military.
The Vale UMW is very proud to be sending a package to one
of our own, Captain Paul Keller, son of Pam and Jim Keller.
Paul is stationed in Kuwait, serving his third tour of duty. If
you would like to help package, please contact
Karen.Leniart@gmail.com so we will know how many to
Vale Scholarship Applications –
Due Thursday, May 7
Vale Church is blessed to have a scholarship fund for
supporting the educational endeavors of Vale community
members. And now is the time to apply!
A single application, which can be downloaded from Vale’s
website, qualifies applicants to be considered for any funding
available through Vale. Paper applications are also available in
the Scholarship Box in the Resource Center.
Applications and letters of recommendation (typewritten only,
please) must be completed and returned to the church office or
emailed to Melany Hansen at MelanyHansen@gmail.com by
Thursday May 7 at 5pm.
Questions? Contact Scholarship Committee Coordinator
Melany Hansen.
10th Annual Vale Guatemala Mission Trip – Please join us!
Planning is underway for Vale’s
10th Guatemala Mission trip! The
trip will take place July 18-25,
2015. Pastor Jeff, Alex Woody
and Josh and Johna Barrow have
already signed on, so this trip will
feature nightly music and worship
as well as a music-focused project
with children. We also will
continue to work on building the
school in Twi’Ninwitz, Vicky
Alonza’s village. The allinclusive cost of the trip is $1750
per person.
If you have any questions, contact
Team leader, Deb Cohen at 703304-9709 or DRQT@aol.com. We are hoping to have a team roster and
collect deposits by April 15.
Bible Study: 24 Hours that Changed the
Come join our class today from 11:30am to
12:30pm. All are welcome. This is a study by
Adam Hamilton that includes a video filmed in
the Holy Land focusing on the time leading up to
the Resurrection.
Wednesday Bible Study (10:30am) with Pastor Jeff -- Come join the
Wednesday morning bible study at 10:30am in the Resource Room. A
video on the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer will be viewed and discussed.
On May 3rd, we will view and discuss a video on Clarence Jordan.
The Closet: The new schedule for
Vale's volunteer times at The Closet,
May through July, has been posted on
the Mission board. Please help us to
help others in our area with limited
budgets who find it very difficult to
make ends meet. The non-profit store
sells clothes, household goods, books,
toys, shoes and even art work at very affordable prices. Take time to
look at the sign-up sheet and give a few hours toward this worthy cause.
Unfortunately, due to closings because of this winter's bad weather, The
Closet had no money to donate to other organizations this quarter. It is
hoped we can make it up during the spring and summer months. The
re-opening, March 28, after the seasonal changeover totaled $12,545.21,
which is the fourth highest in our history.
The voucher desk continues to allow the needy to buy clothing at no
cost.to those recommended by social services, the homeless shelter and
community churches. During, the months of January - March of this
year, $13,882.90 was given away. That is up $3,111.50 from the same
period last year. We know we served 1,567 people who were sent by
Cornerstone and the shelter with vouchers. During that same period,
the truck ministry made 14 trips to the VA mountain communities we
also service. Those goods are also given away. The need is great, and
you can help!
If you have questions, please call Chris Olson at 703-476-4561 or Bette
Rutherford at 703-620-2448
American Girl Presentation: On Sunday, May 17th, from 1:00 p.m.-3:00
p.m. in the Vale Fellowship Hall, the United Methodist Women (UMW) will
present a program that will delight anyone who has ever loved a special doll.
This program will focus primarily on American Girl dolls, but will also
include other dolls. Our presenter, Marcia Woolston, is an expert on
collecting and repairing dolls. Bring your daughter or granddaughter, mother
or mother-in-law—and your favorite doll—to enjoy an afternoon of dolls,
refreshments, and other surprises. Please RSVP to Karen.leniart@gmail.com
by Monday, May 11.
Alternative House Teen Shelter
On the fourth Tuesday of every
month, Vale volunteers prepare a
meal to feed six to twelve people
at Alternative House, a Vienna-based shelter for abused and homeless teens.
A sign-up sheet is posted on the Missions bulletin board. Please sign up if
you can help. We are looking for volunteers for the month of July.
Please contact Jan Feeney at 703-383-1353 if you have any questions.
Vale Rallies for 3rd Annual Walk-a-Thon for Youth Missions (May 9)
Looking to "get fit" this Spring? Vale's upcoming
Walk-a-Thon for Youth Missions is a great
opportunity to get some exercise, socialize AND
raise funds for the REACH youth mission trip to
Roanoke, Virginia this summer.
On Saturday, May 9 (the day before Mother's Day), Vale walkers—adults
and youth—will set off down the Washington & Old Dominion Trail
(starting in Vienna and walking toward Herndon). Walkers can log up to 20
miles and will be seeking sponsors to make a donation for each mile walked.
All walkers will get a well-deserved, free massage following the event.
If walking is not your thing, there are many other ways you can help support
the event. On the day of the walk-a-thon, we need people to set up stations,
hand out water, offer encouragement along the route, and distribute awards—
to name just a few of the volunteer opportunities.
If you would like to participate in this fun (and healthy) fundraiser—as a
walker OR a volunteer—log into ValeChurch.org and click on the link to
“WalkerVolunteer Sign Up”.
Vale Choir to Participate in Vivaldi Concert at
Fairfax UMC (May 3)
On Sunday, May 3, Vale's Choir
will be joining several other
United Methodist church choirs
to perform a Vivaldi Concert at
Fairfax United Methodist Church
(10300 Stratford Ave, Fairfax).
The concert will begin at 7:00pm. All are invited to
come enjoy this special evening of music.
Lock the Door!
This is a friendly reminder that if you are the last one in the building,
please be sure to check and lock all doors on your way out.
Check Out the New "Vale Sign-Ups" Page on Our Website
There are so many different ways to
volunteer your time and talents here
at Vale—but sometimes the biggest
challenge can be finding where to
sign up. For your convenience,
we’ve created a new “Vale SignUps” page on Vale’s website that lists all active online volunteer signup links: http://www.valechurch.org/vale-sign-ups.html.
If you are coordinating volunteers for a Vale program or event and
have created an online “Sign Up Genius,” please send the link with a
brief description of the opportunity to Susan Estes at
susan.estes@raymondjames.com (and please notify Susan when a link
has expired and needs to come down).
This Week at Vale ~ April 26, 2015-May 3, 2015
Sun, April 26
Mon, April 27
Youth Group Spring Retreat at Camp Highroad
11:00 am JAM Children’s Choir Rehearsal
11:15 am Youth Choir Rehearsal
11:30 am Bible Study
11:30 am Confirmation Class
2:00 pm Girl Scout Troop 3250--Mother’s Day Activity
9:30 am
5:00 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
FACETS – Hot Meal Delivery
Boy Scout Troop 1983 PLC & BoR Meeting
Handbell Choir Rehearsal
Tues, April 28
Alternative House
9:30 am Vale Preschool Classes
Wed, April 29
9:30 am Vale Preschool Classes
9:30 am Jazzercise
10:00 am Vale Preschool Spring Field Trip to
Loudoun Heritage Farm Museum
10:30 am Bible Study with Pastor Jeff
7:30 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal
Thurs, April 30
9:00 am
9:30 am
7:00 pm
8:00 pm
Vale Preschool Classes
Evangelism Meeting
Vale Youth Music Ensemble Rehearsal
Fri, May 1
9:30 am Vale Preschool Classes
9:30 am Jazzercise
7:00 pm Vale Bowling Team
Sat, May 2
Sun, May 3
Jr./Sr. High Youth First Sunday Mission in DC
11:00 am JAM Children’s Choir Rehearsal
11:15 am Youth Choir
11:30 am Bible Study
11:30 am Confirmation Class
12:00 pm Vivaldi Concert
The Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Haugh, Pastor
Cell: 804-687-3938 / Email: jeffhaugh@vaumc.org
Lorene Perrin, Administrative Assistant
Church Office: 703-620-2594 / Email: Lorene.valeumc@verizon.net
Ruth Anne Luckenbaugh
Director of Christian Education & Preschool Director
Tel: 703- 620-2594 / Email: valeumcpreschool@gmail.com
Alexandra Woody, Youth Director
Tel: 703- 620-2594 / Email: valeumcyouth@gmail.com
Joshua Barrow, Music Director
Tel: 703- 620-2594 / Email: joshuacbarrow@gmail.com
Daniel Pereira-Gonzalez, Organist  Norm Dietz, Accompanist
Mary Morran, Nursery Caregiver  Cathy Lacy, Nursery Caregiver
Edilman Robles, Custodian
Bob Lacy, Chairperson  Susan Leigh, Secretary
Tom Feeney, Lay Leader  Brian Daum, Finance Committee Chair,
Jim Brinker, Financial Secretary  Eileen Koefoot, Treasurer
Pat Ogle-Collins, Staff-Parish Relations Chair
Diane Hirsch, Trustees Chair  Ed Lowry, Nurture Ministry Chair
Marcia Paulson, Witness Ministry Chair
Steve Miska, Outreach Ministry Chair
Michelle Whitlock, Lay Member for Annual Conference
Dave Pelgrim, United Methodist Men, President
Karen Leniart, United Methodist Women, President
Clint O'Brien, Member at Large  Andy Sigle, Member at Large