Name: Period:______ Date:______ Latino Americans EP1: Cornell

Name:________________________________ Period:_________ Date:___________
Latino Americans EP1: Cornell Notes
Episode Title:___________________________________________
Early Spanish activity
in the Americas
The first European language spoken in what would become the United States was
________ years after Columbus’s arrival, Spanish conquistadors and
_______________ pushed into ____________ _______________ to search for gold and to
spread ___________________.
_______________ were sent to populate Spanish territory in North America.
California Missions
____ ______________ _________ stretched from San Diego to Sonoma.
Tejas (aka Texas)
It linked the 21 missions that were the birthplace of California’s great coastal
List two examples of these mission cities: ______________ and ______________.
Indian populations diminished drastically due to ___________ brought by the
Spanish settlers. Many converted to Catholicism because of its promise of
In _______ (year) news reached California that Mexico had won _______________
from Spain after a 10-year war.
The new government of Mexico challenged the power of the _____________
___________ , and in 1833 ordered all missions secularized and divided into
___________. The inhabitants of which became known as Californios.
The first _________ settlers to cross the Spanish border into Texas in 1821 were
invited by the government of Mexico.
What were the only two requirements for people settling in Mexico?
The Mexican people of Texas were referred to as _______________.
________ Seguin was a 3rd generation Tejano who referred to himself as ________.
In 1834 when President _______________________ dissolved ___________ to rule all of
Mexico with an iron hand, Texans and Tejanos united in opposition. In 1835 they
rose in open rebellion.
On the 28th of February 1836, Santa Ana took possession of San Antonio. 200
Texans fell back to the old Spanish mission called _____ ____________.
On February 29th, Seguin was sent behind enemy lines for __________________. On
March 6th, all 189 men left at _____ ______________ had been killed.
Seguin gathered a company of Tejanos to the cry of “_________________ ______
____________” and joined Sam Houston’s army at the battle of San Jacinto where
Santa Ana surrendered.
What were the consequences of the war for Mexicans living in Texas, including
those who fought alongside the Texans?
The MexicanAmerican War
U.S. President James Polk wanted to push the American _________ all the way to
Name:________________________________ Period:_________ Date:___________
the ______________ __________.
The Mexican-American War lasted nearly _____ years.
The California Gold
After winning the war, the U.S. nearly doubled in size adding _________ of what
had once been Mexico.
The Treaty of _____________ ___________ gave 80,000 Mexicans living in conquered
land the opportunity to become U.S. _______________.
In ________ (year) gold was discovered in California.
List 2 racial consequences of the Gold Rush:
Nuevo Mexico (New
Established in ________ (year), Nuevo Mexico was the ___________ and oldest
Spanish settlement in the U.S. with more Mexicans than either California or
What happened to lands held “in common” (publically owned) as the railroads
moved into New mexico?
The ___________ brothers (Pablo, Nicanor, and Juan Jose) organized the
“_____________ ____________” or “white caps” to protect half a million acres of land
held in common, burning barns and cutting down barbed wire fences.
They were arrested in 1889, but charges against them were ____________.
They were disbanded in 1891, but set a precedence of Latino _____________ to
New Mexico is unique in having substantial ________________ participation of
Latinos in government.
Juan Seguin said that after the Mexican-American War, in which he fought alongside the American
Texans, he felt like “a foreigner in [his] own land”. Taking into account the loss of half of the land that
once was part of Mexico to the U.S., reflect on how the consequences of the war effected the hundreds
of thousands of Mexicans still living in the conquered lands of California, Tejas (Texas), and Nuevo
Mexico (New Mexico). How do you think these consequences might extend to the American perception
of Latinos living in these U.S. states today? Has learning the history of how these states became part of
the U.S. and what they were like before American conquest changed your perception of them or Latino
people who live there in any way? Why or why not?
Name:________________________________ Period:_________ Date:___________