Cell Theory • Every organism is composed of one or more cells • Cell is smallest unit with properties of life • Continuity of life arises from growth and division of single cells Cell • Smallest unit of life • Is highly organized for metabolism • Senses and responds to environment • Has potential to reproduce The cell theory states that _____. 1. 2. 3. 4. every organism consists of one or more cells the cell is the smallest unit of organization that displays all the properties of life the continuity of life arises directly from the growth and division of single cells all of the choices 0% 1 0% 2 0% 3 0% 4 Structure of Cells All start out life with: – Plasma membrane – Region where DNA is stored – Cytoplasm Two types: – Prokaryotic – Eukaryotic Types of Cells cytoplasm DNA in nucleoid Bacterial cell (prokaryotic) plasma membrane Fig. 3-1a, p.39 The DNA of a prokaryotic cell is located in the _____. 1. 2. 3. 4. nucleus plasma membrane nucleoid cell wall 0% 1 0% 2 0% 3 0% 4 Plant cell (eukaryotic) Types of Cells DNA in nucleus cytoplasm plasma membrane Fig. 3-1b, p.39 Most Cells Are Really Small Fig. 3-4, p.41 Microscopes • Create detailed images of something that is too small to see • Light microscopes – Simple or compound • Electron microscopes – Transmission EM or Scanning EM Limitations of Light Microscopy • Cells must be thin enough for light to pass through • Structures are usually stained • Light microscopes can see details 200 nm in size Microscopes Fig. 3-2a, p.40 Path of light rays (bottom to top) to eye Ocular lens enlarges primary image formed by objective lenses. Prism (directs rays to ocular lens) Objective lenses (closest to specimen) form primary image. Stage (holds microscope slide in position) Condenser lenses focus light rays through specimen. Illuminator Fig. 3-2a, p.40 Electron Microscopy • Uses beams of electrons rather than light • Electrons are focused by magnets rather than glass lenses • Can resolve structures down to 0.5 nm Different Views Structure of Cell Membranes • Fluid mosaic model • Mixed composition: – Phospholipid bilayer – Glycolipids – Sterols – Proteins Prokaryotic Cells • Archaebacteria and eubacteria • DNA is not enclosed in nucleus • Generally the smallest, simplest cells Fig. 3-8b, p.44 The DNA of a typical prokaryote is organized into _____. 1. a single circular chromosome 2. many rod-shaped chromosomes 3. a corkscrew shaped chromosome 4. a spherical jellylike mass in the nucleoid region 0% 1 0% 2 0% 3 0% 4 Eukaryotic Cells • Have a nucleus and other organelles • Eukaryotic organisms – Plants – Animals – Protistans – Fungi Eukaryotic Cell Features • Plasma membrane • Nucleus • Endoplasmic reticulum • Golgi body • Vesicles • Mitochondria • Ribosomes • Cytoskeleton ribosome vesicle rough ER The Nucleus Fig. 3-9b-c, p.46 Endoplasmic Reticulum • Starts at nuclear membrane and extends throughout cytoplasm • Rough ER: ribosome covered, processes proteins • Smooth ER: no ribosomes, builds lipids Secretory pathway ends. Endocytic pathway begins. budding vesicle plasma membrane Golgi body Golgi Body Fig. 3-9e-f, p.46 Vesicles • Membranous sacs that move through cytoplasm • Lysosomes • Peroxisomes Cogito ergo…. 1. sum 2. non sum 0% no n su su m m 0% Mitochondria • ATP-producing powerhouses • Membranes form two distinct compartments • ATP-making machinery embedded in inner mitochondrial membrane outer membrane outer compartment inner compartment inner membrane Fig. 3-10, p.48 FOOD fats fatty acids glycerol glycogen complex carbohydrates proteins simple sugars amino acids glucose-6-phosphate NH3 GLYCOLYSIS PGAL pyruvate acetyl-CoA KREBS CYCLE urea carbon backbones Krebs cycle The Nucleus nucleolus chromatin nuclear envelope (two lipid bilayers) Fig. 3-9a, p.46 glucose Figure 6.5 Page 87 NAD+ 2 ATP 4 ATP 2 PGAL 2 NADH 2 pyruvate 2 CO2 2 NADH2 2 acetyl-CoA 2 NADH H+ H+ 2 ATP 6 NADH Krebs cycle H+ ATP 2 FADH2 4 CO2 H+ ATP 36 ATP H+ H+ ADP electron +Pi transfer phosphorylation H+ H+ H+ The function of a mitochondrion is to _____. 1. produce protein 2. make ATP 3. attach sugar side chains to some proteins and lipids 4. degrade toxins 0% 1 0% 2 0% 3 0% 4 Chloroplasts • Convert sunlight energy to ATP through photosynthesis • Found in plants and some protistans two outer membranes thylakoids (inner membrane system folded into flattened disks) Fig. 3-11, p.48 Griffith Discovers Transformation • 1928 • Attempting to develop a vaccine • Isolated two strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae – Rough strain was harmless – Smooth strain was pathogenic Griffith Discovers Transformation 1. Mice injected with live cells of harmless strain R 2. Mice injected with live cells of killer strain S 3. Mice injected with heat-killed S cells 4. Mice injected with live R cells plus heatkilled S cells Mice live. No live R cells in their blood Mice die. Live S cells in their blood Mice live. No live S cells in their blood Mice die. Live S cells in their blood Transformation • Harmless R cells were transformed by material from dead S cells • Descendents of transformed cells were also pathogenic What Is the Transforming Material? • Avery found protein-digesting enzymes did not change results – extracts still transformed bacteria • But treated with DNA-digesting enzymes – extracts lost transforming ability • Concluded that DNA, not protein, transforms bacteria If DNA from a disease-causing bacterium is added to the nucleus of a bacterium that normally does not cause disease, _____. 73% 1. the new bacterium will cause the disease 2. the new bacterium will not cause the disease 3. the bacterium will die 4. the bacterium will be resistant to the disease 12% 7% 1 2 3 8% 4 Bacteriophages • Viruses that infect bacteria • Consist of protein and DNA • Inject their hereditary material into bacteria Bacteriophages Bacteriophages are _____. 1. bacteria that infect viruses 93% 2. bacteria that infect humans 3. viruses that infect bacteria 4. viruses that infect humans 6% 1 1% 2 0% 3 4 Hershey and Chase’s Experiments • Created labeled bacteriophages – Radioactive sulfur – Radioactive phosphorus • Allowed labeled viruses to infect bacteria • Where were the radioactive labels after infection? 35S remains outside cells virus particle labeled with 35S DNA (blue) being injected into bacterium virus particle labeled with 32P 35P remains inside cells DNA (blue) being injected into bacterium Fig. 9-2, p.139 Hershey and Chase Results 35S remains outside cells 32P remains inside cells 2nm diameter overall Structure of DNA In 1953, Watson and Crick showed that DNA is a double helix 0.34 nm between each pair of bases 3.4 nm length of each full twist of helix Watson and Crick Watson-Crick Model • DNA molecule is a double helix • Consists of two nucleotide strands that run in opposite directions • Strands are held together by hydrogen bonds between bases • A binds with T, C binds with G Structure of Nucleotides in DNA • Each nucleotide consists of – Deoxyribose (5-carbon sugar) – Phosphate group – A nitrogen-containing base • There are four bases: – Adenine, Guanine, Thymine, Cytosine Nucleotide Bases ADENINE (A) phosphate group GUANINE (G) deoxyribose THYMINE (T) CYTOSINE (C) Composition of DNA • Amount of adenine relative to guanine differs among species • Amount of adenine always equals amount of thymine, and amount of guanine always equals amount of cytosine A=T and G=C Rosalind Franklin’s Work • Expert in x-ray crystallography • Used technique to examine DNA fibers Concluded that DNA was some sort of helix The double-helix structure of the DNA molecule was discovered by _____. 1. Watson and Crick 58% 2. Wilkins 34% 3. Franklin 4. all of the choices 7% 0% 1 2 3 4 DNA Structure Allows It to Duplicate • Two nucleotide strands held together by hydrogen bonds • Hydrogen bonds between two strands are easily broken • Each single strand serves as template for new strand 2-nanometer diameter overall DNA Models 0.34-nanometer distance between each pair of bases 3.4-nanometer length of each full twist of the double helix In all respects shown here, the Watson–Crick model for DNA structure is consistent with the known biochemical and x-ray diffraction data. The pattern of base pairing (A only with T, and G only with C) is consistent with the known composition of DNA (A = T, and G = C). Fig. 9-6, p.141 In 1952, Franklin reported that the DNA molecule was a double helix with a backbone formed of _____. 62% 1. phosphate groups 2. purines 3. pyrimidines 10% 4. nitrogencontaining bases 1 2 12% 3 16% 4 Patterns of Base Pairing • A to T • G to C one base pair or or DNA Replication • Each parent strand remains intact • Every DNA molecule is half “old” and half “new” new old old new Base Pairing during Replication Each old strand is template for new complementary strand Which of the following is a correct pairing of nitrogen-containing bases in DNA? 90% 1. A = T 2. T = G 3. C = A 4. G = A 4% 1 2 3% 3 3% 4 Enzymes in Replication • Enzymes unwind the two strands and complementary base pairs unzip • DNA polymerase attaches new complementary nucleotides • DNA ligase fills in gaps • Enzymes wind two strands together DNA Repair • Mistakes can occur during replication • DNA polymerase reads correct sequence from complementary strand and, together with DNA ligase, repairs mistakes in incorrect strand In DNA replication, a permanent alteration in the DNA sequence is called a _____. 84% 1. genetic code 2. mutation 3. proofreading error 4. semiconservativ e replication 9% 1 5% 2 3 2% 4 Which of the following statements about DNA is true? 1. changes in DNA can be inherited by future generations 2. the term DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid 3. DNA codes all information needed to produce a human being 4. all of the choices 97% 0% 1 2% 2 2% 3 4 DNA Sequencing • Order of fluorescent bands indicates DNA sequence DNA Fingerprints • Unique array of DNA fragments • Inherited from parents in Mendelian fashion • Even full siblings can be distinguished from one another by this technique Analyzing DNA Fingerprints • DNA is separated by gel electrophoresis • Pattern of bands is used to – Identify or rule out criminal suspects – Identify bodies – Determine paternity A DNA Fingerprint Clones Cloning • Making a genetically identical copy of an individual • Researchers have been creating clones for decades • Clones can be created by embryo splitting (artificial twinning) Clones from Adult Cells • In nucleus of differentiated cells, most DNA is turned off • Some DNA is turned on when nucleus is transferred to egg cell • New organism is genetically identical to donor of nucleus Nuclear Transfer • Nucleus of egg replaced with nucleus of adult cell More Clones • Numerous species been cloned Mice, pigs, cattle, cats, etc. • Most cloning attempts are still unsuccessful • Many clones have defects • Clones may vary in their phenotype More Clones Stem Cells • Embryonic • Adult Embryonic Cells I’m familiar with the arguments about stem cell research. 50% 50% se Fa l Tr ue 1. True 2. False Stem cell research is morally/ethically objectionable 50% 50% ee gr Id isa Ia gr ee 1. I agree 2. I disagree