
The United States Constitution
1. What is a Constitution? a document stating the rules under which a
government will operate
2. Define Federalism. A system of government in which power is divided
between the national level and the regional, state, or local level.
3. Explain how the United States Constitution is structured and what it entails.
1st The Preamble: States what the United States Constitution entails (it is
like the introduction to an essay). 2nd The Articles: States how the
government will be run and set up. (it is like the body of an essay). 3rd The
Amendments: 1-10 are called the Bill of Right, stating the individual rights
guaranteed by all US citizens, 11-27 are other changes made to the US
Constitution (like the conclusion to an essay).
4. Break down and describe the Preamble to the United States Constitution line
by line.
 We the people of the United States,
All the people of the US.
 in order to form a more perfect union,
To create a better country.
 establish justice,
To make, enforce, and interpret laws.
 insure domestic tranquility,
To keep the peace within the US.
 provide for the common defense,
To create a military, police, and public safety to protect our country
and our people from enemies.
 promote the general welfare,
To make sure people in the US have their rights upheld and have the
necessities of life provided.
 and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity,
To keep our rights and freedoms real for citizens of today and citizens
of tomorrow.
 do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of
We will uphold, put into practice, and support the Constitution of the
United States.
5. Explain different Core Democratic Values and how they are linked to the
United States Constitution. Give at least 3 examples.
Life - An individual has the right to life, except in extreme cases, such as
when a person is killed when threatening the life of someone else.
Liberty - A citizen has the right to act, think, and believe as he/she wants
without government interference, freedom of ideas, speech, religion, press,
privacy and many others.
Pursuit of Happiness - A person has the right to find happiness in his/her own
way as long as he/she does not infringe on the rights of others.
Common Good - Everyone should work together for the good of all,
sometimes people should give up some personal freedoms for the good of a
larger group.
Justice - All people should be treated fairly. No group should be favored.
Equality - Everyone should get the same treatment regardless of where they
are from, their race, religion, or wealth.
Diversity - America is a mixture of different cultures blended together with
equal liberties under the law.
Truth - The government and citizens of the United States should not lie.
Popular Sovereignty - The Power of the Government comes from the people.
Patriotism - Citizens should show respect and loyalty to our country and the
core democratic values.
Rule of Law - Everyone, including government officials, must obey the law.
6. Define Core Democratic Values.
The building blocks of our government and the rules and liberties of our
7. Describe each of the Articles to the United States Constitution and what they
 Article I Legislative Branch (Congress) – Makes Laws
 Article II Executive Branch (President, Vice President, & Cabinet) –
Enforce Laws
 Article III Judicial Branch (District, Appellate, and Supreme Courts) –
Interpret Laws
 Article IV Creates a relationship among the states, recognize state laws,
court decisions, can admit new states, and protects the states
 Article V Defines the Amendment process.
 Article VI States the Constitution and Federal Laws rule over the State
 Article VII Explains how the Constitution will be ratified (signed, passed,
take effect) 9 of 13 states need to sign the Constitution.
8. List the 3 main branches of the United States government and describe the
main jobs of each.
1. Legislative Branch – Make Laws
2. Executive Branch – Enforce Laws
3. Judicial Branch – Interpret Laws
9. The President of the United States is a man of many hats, describe at least 3
of his many jobs.
Head of State: a living symbol of this nation
Chief Executive: responsible for enforcing the laws of the United States.
Chief Foreign Policy Maker: decides how America will react to foreign
Commander in Chief: in charge of the military
Chief Legislator: influences which legislation will be passed
Chief of Party: (democrat or republican) must constantly campaign for
others in the party who are seeking election
Watchdog of the Economy: prepares the nation’s budget and helps create a
prosperous US economy
10. Define Impeachment. The process that is used to charge, try, and remove
public officials for misconduct while in office. Impeachment is a
fundamental constitutional power belonging to Congress.
11. Explain what it means when a law is considered unconstitutional.
The law goes against what is stated in the Constitution, It is not upheld by
the Articles or Amendments.
12. Describe checks and balances, in regards of the branches of the United
States government.
A system of checks and balances safeguards against abuse of power. Each
branch of government has the power to check, or limit, the actions of the
other two. This arrangement guarantees that no branch of government will
become too powerful
13. Define Ratify. To confirm by expressing consent, approval, or formal
14.Depict the different amendments to the United States Constitution and
explain why these changes were necessary.
Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, and Assembly
Amendment 2 – Right to Bear Arms
Amendment 3 – Bans the Quartering of Troops
Amendment 4 – Puts restrictions on Searches and Seizures
Amendment 5 – Upholds the Rights of Accused Persons
Amendment 6 – Guarantees the Right to a Speedy, Fair Trial
Amendment 7 – Explains Civil Suits
Amendment 8 – Regulates Bail and Punishment
Amendment 9 – Explains the Powers Reserved to the People
Amendment 10 – Explains the Powers Reserved to the States
Amendment 11 - People who live in other states or foreign countries
cannot sue a state in federal court
Amendment 12 – Electoral College elects the President
Amendment 13 – Ended Slavery
Amendment 14 – Explains US citizenship
Amendment 15 – Gave Blacks the right to vote
Amendments 16 – Gave Congress the right to collect Income Taxes
Amendment 17 – Gave the people the right to elect Senators
Amendment 18 – Stopped the sale of Alcohol
Amendment 19 – Gave women the right to vote
Amendment 20 – States when the President will take office and
explains the succession of powers
Amendment 21 – Removed the 18th Amendment
Amendment 22 – Explained that the President is limited to 2 terms or
10 years as President.
Amendment 23 – Gives residents of Washington DC the right to vote
Amendment 24 – Bans Poll Taxes
Amendment 25 – States that the President nominates the Vice
Amendment 26 – Give the right to vote to all US citizens 18 and up
Amendment 27 – Starts Congressional pay raises will begin at the
beginning of a session
15. What were the first 10 amendments to the United States Constitution
called? Bill of Rights