Econ 301 Econometrics Bilkent University Department of Economics Taskin Mid Term Exam II December 13, 2014 Name ___________________________ For each hypothesis testing in the exam complete the following steps: Indicate the test statistic, its critical value, your decision on the null hypothesis and its economic interpretation for each hypothesis. In your numerical calculations: Show all your computations, complete the calculations to receive full points. Please, answer individual sections of each question in the order they are asked. Please do not write on the margins, you may use the back of each sheet. 1. (24 points) SCALING OF VARIABLES Consider the following equation: Yi = b1 + b2 Xi + ui which is estimated to be: Yˆi = 4.40 + 0.869Xi se. (1.23) (0.117) R 2 0.756 a) If the values of the Xi are multiplied by 2 such as X i * X i x 2 , find the numerical values of intercept and the slope coefficient of the following regression using the coefficient estimates above (show all your steps) Yi 1 2 X *2i ui b) How will the residual, ûi , Vaˆr (ˆ2 ) , t-stat and R2 be affected by this scaling. Illustrate step by step. c) If the values of the X i and Yi are both multiplied by 2 such as X i * X i x 2 , and Yi * Yi x 2 ; what will be the numerical values of intercept and the slope coefficient of the following regression (show all your steps). Y *i 1 2 X *2i ui Name ___________________________ Question 1 answers (con’t) 2 Name ___________________________ 2. (30 points) (FUNCTIONAL FORM, HYPOTHESIS TESTING AND RESTRICTIONS) The production function for the air transport is given by the following equation log(Yi ) = b1 + b2 log(Li )+ b3 log(Ki )+ b4t + ui where Yi is the output; Li is the labor input; K i is the capital input; and t is the time trend that takes the values 1, 2 ,3, …, 32. The estimated equation is: Dependent Variable: LOG(Y) Method: Least Squares Date: 12/09/10 Time: 23:21 Sample: 1 32 Included observations: 32 Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. C LOG(L) LOG(K) TIME -0.206271 1.555910 -0.062296 0.020077 0.090808 0.144506 0.056165 0.007897 -2.271503 10.76710 -1.109171 2.542197 0.0310 0.0000 0.2768 0.0168 R-squared Adjusted R-squared S.E. of regression Sum squared resid Log likelihood Durbin-Watson stat 0.993578 0.992890 0.076893 0.165553 38.82121 0.945304 Mean dependent var S.D. dependent var Akaike info criterion Schwarz criterion F-statistic Prob(F-statistic) a) Before the estimation, explain the expected signs of the = ¶log(Yi ) / ¶t ). b2 , b3 and b 4 1.969834 0.911935 -2.176325 -1.993108 1444.083 0.000000 (which is ) b) Test the hypothesis that 2 are individually significant. (Your formal test should include null and the alternative hypothesis, test statistics, conclusion and interpretation.) c) What are the mathematical and economic interpretation of b2 and b3 coefficients. d) What is the economic interpretation of the b 4 coefficient? (What is the graphical interpretation of b 4 for the production function in a Y and L space?) Test the hypothesis that H 0 : b4 = 0 ; against the alternative that H a : b4 > 0. What is your conclusion? log(Yi / Ki ) = b1 + b2 log(Li / Ki )+ ui , what are the restrictions on b2 , b3 and b 4 . (You need to do simplifications in the first e) If you estimate equation.) f) If the sum of squared residual of the above restricted equation (in e) is calculated to be 0.387831, formally test this restriction. 3 Name ___________________________ Question 2 answers (con’t) 4 Name ___________________________ Question 3 answers (con’t) 5 Name ___________________________ 3. (30 points) DUMMY VARIABLES The following is the statistical model used to estimate the consumption expenditure function with quarterly data, for the period 1974 Q1 to 1984 Q4, in United Kingdom (ie. n=44) Ct 1 1 D1t 2 D2t 3 D3t 2Yt 1 ( D1t *Yt ) 2 ( D 2t *Yt ) 3 ( D3t *Yt ) ut where C t is the real total consumption expenditures for the quarter, Yt is the real personal disposable income for the quarter, D1t is a dummy variable that takes the value of 1 for the first quarter and 0 otherwise. D2t is a dummy variable that takes the value of 1 for the second quarter and 0 otherwise. D3t is a dummy variable that takes the value of 1 for the third quarter and 0 otherwise. The results of the estimation is: ============================================================ LS // Dependent Variable is CONSUMPTION Sample: 1974:1 1984:4 Included observations: 44 ============================================================ Variable Coefficien Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. ============================================================ C -3022.704 4792.427 -0.630725 0.5322 D1 1277.218 6303.654 0.202615 0.8406 D2 3370.955 6916.018 0.487413 0.6289 D3 1386.167 6266.817 0.221192 0.8262 INCOME 1.035047 0.090584 11.42641 0.0000 D1*INCOME -0.009703 0.122342 -0.079313 0.9372 D2*INCOME -0.076366 0.131093 -0.582536 0.5638 D3*INCOME -0.020470 0.120583 -0.169759 0.8661 ============================================================ R-squared 0.941246 Mean dependent var 50234.07 Adjusted R-squared 0.929822 S.D. dependent var 4689.827 S.E. of regression 1242.388 Akaike info criter 14.41255 Sum squared resid 55567012 Schwarz criterion 14.73695 Log likelihood -371.5093 F-statistic 82.38969 Durbin-Watson stat 1.267609 Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000 ============================================================ Coefficient Covariance Matrix: Diagonal elements are VAR( b i ) and off-diagonal ones are Cov( bi , b j ) ==================================================================================== ==================================================================================== 22967355 -22967355 -22967355 -22967355 -432.78 432.7877 432.7877 432.7877 -22967355 39736049 22967355 22967355 432.7877 -768.1134 -432.7877 432.7877 -22967355 22967355 47831308 22967355 432.7877 -432.7877 -903.9751 -432.7877 -22967355 22967355 22967355 39272999 432.7877 -432.7877 -432.7877 -752.7958 -432.7877 432.7877 432.7877 432.7877 0.008205 -0.008205 -0.008205 -0.008205 432.7877 -768.1134 -432.7877 -432.7877 -0.008205 0.014968 0.008205 0.008205 432.7877 -432.7877 -903.9751 -432.7877 -0.008205 0.008205 0.017185 0.008205 432.7877 -432.7877 -432.7877 -752.7958 -0.008205 0.008205 0.008205 0.014540 ============================================================================== ===== 6 Name ___________________________ a) Which one is the base category and write the equation that represents this category? b) Formulate and test the hypothesis that the autonomous consumption is the same in the first and the fourth quarter. c) Formulate and test the hypothesis that the autonomous consumption is the same in the second and the third quarter. d) Formulate and test the hypothesis that marginal propensity to consume in the first quarter is greater than the fourth quarter. e) Formulate the hypothesis and describe (but DO NOT TEST) how you will test that marginal propensity to consume is the same in all quarters. f) Formulate the hypothesis and describe (but DO NOT TEST) how you will test that quarters do not affect consumption behaviour. [HINT: INTERCEPT SHOWS AUTONOMOUS CONSUMPTION AND SLOPE SHOWS MARGINAL CONSUMPTION] [HINT: YOUR FORMAL TESTS SHOULD INCLUDE HYPOTHESIS, TEST STATISTICS, CRITICAL STATICS AND INTERPRETATION] 7 Name ___________________________ 8 Name ___________________________ 4. (16 points) TRUE FALSE ON MULTICOLLINEARITY Indicate and explain whether the following statements are True or False? Your explanations should involve a clear explanation and/or formal proof of your statement. The completeness of your answer will determine the points you will receive. 1) In a regression model Yi = b1 + b2 X2i + b3 X3i + ui ; as the correlation coefficient between X2i and X3i increases, the Var(b̂2 ) and Var(b̂3 ) declines, because more the variation in explained by the explanatory variables. Yi can be 2) You will not obtain a high R2 value in a multiple regression if all the partial slope coefficients are individually statistically in significant on the basis of t-tests. 3) Even with perfect multicollinearity the OLS estimates are B.L.U.E. 9 Name ___________________________ FORMULA SHEET ˆ 2 = nå X iYi - å X i åYi nå X - (å X i ) 2 i å ˆ1 = Y - b2 X = 2 = å( X - X )(Y -Y ) å( X - X ) i i 2 i where i = 1….n X i2 åYi - å X i å X iYi nå X i2 - (å X i )2 where i = 1….n X 2i Var ( ˆ1 ) ˆ 2 2 n ( X X ) i 1 Var ( ˆ2 ) ˆ 2 2 ( X i X ) X Cov( ˆ1 ˆ 2 ) ˆ 2 2 ( X i X ) sˆ 2 = t stat R2 å ûi2 n-K ˆ j j seˆ( ˆ j ) SSE SSR 1 SST SST R 2 1 SSE is sum of squared explained, SSR is sum of squared residuals SSR /( n K ) TSS /( n 1) Var ( x y ) Var ( x) Var ( y ) 2Cov( xy) F stat SSRR SSRU /( J ) SSRU /( n K ) ei 2 2k AIC ln n n 10 Name ___________________________ 11 Name ___________________________ 12