Page 1 of 15 Exercise Workflow Invest into FS View Account Balances Purchase Supplies with Cash Purchase Supplies via Payables Misc. Pay Rent Exercise Deliverables Deliverables are consolidated into one worksheet at the end of the exercise. It is only necessary to turn in that worksheet and that worksheet alone along with data in the system if required. For this exercise you will need the following deliverables: In the System: Journal Entries On Paper: Answer(s) to Question(s) Document Number(s) Page 2 of 15 Step 1: Invest into FS Invest into FS View Account Balances Purchase Supplies via Payables Misc. Purchase Supplies with Cash Pay Rent In this step, an outside investor invests $10,000 into FS. You must record this transaction in FS’s books within SAP. You will credit $10,000 to FS’s common stock (shareholder equity) account and debit the same amount to FS’s bank account within the SAP system. Step 1.1: In the “SAP Easy Access” screen, follow the navigation path below: Navigation Accounting Financial Accounting General Ledger Posting Enter G/L Account Document What is the transaction code to post a journal entry? You may be required to enter in your company code. If you are not asked to enter in your company code and the transaction does not say your company code at the top of the screen you can change the current company code to yours by clicking on Edit and then Change Company Code at the top of the screen. Step 1.2: In the “Edit G/L Account Document” screen, enter the following information: Field Name Document Date Step 1.3: At the bottom of the screen, enter the following information: Field Name G/L acct D/C Amount in doc. curr. Step 1.4: Data Entry Current Date Click on Data Entry (Line 1) Your Bank Account Debit 10000 (ENTER). Date Entry (Line 2) Your Common Stock Credit 10000 Page 3 of 15 Notice the status light Step 1.5: Click on will turn to green when done correctly. (SAVE). You will receive a message that says “Doc. posted”. What is the resulting document number? What type of document is this? Hint: View the top of the screen for the type of document. Exercise Deliverables In the System: Journal Entries On Paper: Answer(s) to Question(s) Document Number(s) Page 4 of 15 Step 2: View Account Balances Invest into FS View Account Balances Purchase Supplies with Cash Purchase Supplies via Payables Misc. Pay Rent In this step, you view the account balance of the posting you have made in the previous step. Step 2.1: In the “SAP Easy Access” screen, follow the navigation path below: Navigation Accounting Financial Accounting General Ledger Account Display Balances (New) What is the transaction code to view account balances? Step 2.2: In the “G/L Account Balance” screen, enter the following information: Field Name Account Number Data Entry Your Bank Account Hint: To search for your bank account number, click on the icon or press on the “F4” key while having your cursor in the field. When searching for the account, make sure that you search through YOUR chart of accounts (GL##) and increase the number of hits possible. Step 2.3: Click on (EXECUTE). What is the general ledger account number for your bank account? What is the account document currency? What is the current debit balance for your bank account? Step 2.4: In the “Balance Display: G/L Accounts for the Ledger OL” screen, doubleclick on 10,000.00 (at the bottom right of the “Cum. balance” column). The following screen lists all of the transactions for the selected month. The “DocumentNo.” column breaks down all of the changes in your bank account by separate transactions. Step 2.5: In the “Line Item Display” screen, select the only document within the chart by placing a check mark next to the green check mark on the left side. Page 5 of 15 Step 2.6: Click on (DISPLAY). Step 2.7: In the “Display Document: Line Item 001” screen, click on the icon. This will let you view the journal entries. Two fields to the left of the account number is the posting key field. The posting key describes the type of transaction (expense, credit memo, stock initial entry, etc.) that is entered into a line item during accounting document creation. The document overview will bring up a screen or page that will display the accounts used by the document from Step 1 and indicate how they are affected by this transaction when posted. How many accounts are being affected within this transaction? Which period did this transaction take place in? What does Posting Key 40 stand for? What does Posting Key 50 stand for? What account is being debited? What account is being credited? Exercise Deliverables: In the System: None On Paper: Answer(s) to Question(s) Page 6 of 15 Step 3: Purchase Supplies for Cash Invest into FS View Account Balances Purchase Supplies with Cash Purchase Supplies via Payables Misc. Pay Rent In this step, you purchase supplies. Because it is a cash transaction, FS will not assume liability. Step 3.1: In the “SAP Easy Access” screen, follow the navigation path below: Navigation Accounting Financial Accounting General Ledger Posting Enter G/L Account Document What is the transaction code to purchase supplies with cash? Step 3.2: In the “Edit G/L Account Document” screen, enter the following information: Field Name Document Date Posting Date Step 3.3: Data Entry 20th of the Current Month 20th of the Current Month At the bottom of the screen, enter the following information: Field Name G/L acct D/C Amount in doc. curr. Cost center Data Entry (Line 1) Your Supplies Expense Debit 500 Your Admin Costs Date Entry (Line 2) Your Bank Account Credit 500 (leave blank) Look for your administration costs by using your identifier. Step 3.4: Click on (ENTER). A yellow warning message may occur about a future date. If this should happen, click on the icon to continue. Keep this in mind for the following steps for the rest of this exercise. Step 3.5: Click on (SAVE). You will receive a message that says “Doc. Posted”. Page 7 of 15 What is the resulting document number? Refer to a previous exercise on how to review account balances. Review your supplies expense and your bank account to answer the following questions for this exercise. What is the general ledger account number for your supplies expense? What is the general ledger account number for your bank account? What is the posting key for your supplies expense? What is the posting key for your bank account? Exercise Deliverables: In the System: Journal Entries On Paper: Answer(s) to Question(s) Document Number(s) Page 8 of 15 Step 4: Purchase Supplies via Payables - Misc. Invest into FS View Account Balances Purchase Supplies with Cash Purchase Supplies via Payables Misc. Pay Rent In this step, FS purchases supplies via payables miscellaneous and then pay for them at a later date from its bank account. This is a two-step process: receive the supplies and pay for it later. Step 4.1: In the “SAP Easy Access” screen, follow the navigation path below: Navigation Accounting Financial Accounting General Ledger Posting Enter G/L Account Document What is the transaction code to purchase supplies via payables – misc.? Step 4.2: In the “Edit G/L Account Document” screen, enter the following information: Field Name Document Date Posting Date Step 4.3: Data Entry 10th of the Current Month 10th of the Current Month At the bottom of the screen, enter the following information: Field Name G/L acct D/C Amount in doc. curr. Cost center Data Entry (Line 1) Your Supplies Expense Debit 500 Your Admin Costs Date Entry (Line 2) Your Payables-Misc. Credit 500 Your Admin Costs Step 4.4: Click on (ENTER). Step 4.5: Click on (SAVE). You will receive a message that says “Doc. Posted”. What is the resulting document number? Page 9 of 15 Refer to a previous exercise on how to review account balances. Review your supplies expense and your payables-misc. account to answer the following questions for this exercise. What is the general ledger account number for your supplies expense? What is the general ledger account number for your payables-miscellaneous? What is the posting key for your supplies expense? What is the posting key for your payables-miscellaneous? Which period did this transaction take place in? Refer previously on how to get back to posting an accounting document to your ledger. Step 4.6: In the “Edit G/L Account Document” screen, enter the following information: Field Name Document Date Posting Date Step 4.7: Data Entry 15th of the Current Month 15th of the Current Month At the bottom of the screen, enter the following information: Field Name G/L acct D/C Amount in doc. curr. Cost Center Data Entry (Line 1) Your Payables-Misc. Debit 500 Your Admin Costs Date Entry (Line 2) Your Bank Account Credit 500 Step 4.8: Click on (ENTER). Step 4.9: Click on (SAVE). You will receive a message that says “Doc. Posted”. What is the resulting document number? Refer to a previous exercise on how to review account balances. Review your payables-misc. account and your bank account to answer the following questions for this exercise. What is the posting key for your bank account? What is the posting key for your payables-miscellaneous? Which period did this transaction take place in? Page 10 of 15 Exercise Deliverables: In the System: Journal Entries On Paper: Answer(s) to Question(s) Document Number(s) Page 11 of 15 Step 5: Pay Rent View Account Balances Invest into FS Purchase Supplies with Cash Purchase Supplies via Payables Misc. Pay Rent In this step, FS pays the rent on its building for the current month and prepay the rent for the following two months. You must record this transaction in FS’s books. FS pays $500 per month so you need to pay a total of $1500 from FS’s cash account. You must debit the current month’s rent from the rent expense account and assign it to the cost center for administrative costs. You must then debit the payment for the next two months of the year. The second part of this exercise step simulates the journal entry that will be made the following month when FS’s rent payment is due. Because the Bank has already received the payment, the journal entry records the reduction in the prepaid expenses rather than as another cash payment. Step 5.1: In the “SAP Easy Access” screen, follow the navigation path below: Navigation Accounting Financial Accounting General Ledger Posting Enter G/L Account Document What is the transaction code to pay rent? Step 5.2: In the “Edit G/L Account Document” screen, enter the following information: Field Name Document Date Posting Date Step 5.3: Field Name G/L acct D/C Amount Data Entry Last Day of the Current Month Last Day of the Current Month At the bottom of the screen, enter the following information: Line 1 Your Prepaid Rent.(Need to create a new G/L Account for this expense) Debit 1000 Line 2 Your Rent Expense Line 3 Your Bank Debit 500 Credit 1500 Page 12 of 15 Cost center (leave blank) Your Admin Cost (leave blank) Step 5.4: Click on (ENTER). Step 5.5: Click on (SAVE). You will receive a message that says “Doc. Posted”. What is the resulting document number? Refer to a previous exercise on how to review account balances. Review your prepaid rent, your rent expense, and your bank account to answer the following questions for this exercise. What is the general ledger account number for your prepaid rent? What is the general ledger account number for your rent expense? Refer previously on how to get back to posting an accounting document to your ledger. Step 5.6: In the “Edit G/L Account Document” screen, enter the following information: Field Name Document Date Posting Date Step 5.7: Data Entry Last Day of the Next Month Last Day of the Next Month At the bottom of the screen, enter the following information: Field Name G/L acct D/C Amount in doc. curr. Cost center Data Entry (Line 1) Your Rent Expense Debit 500 Your Admin Costs Data Entry (Line 2) Your Prepaid Rent Credit 500 (leave blank) Step 5.8: Click on (ENTER). Step 5.9: Click on (SAVE). You will receive a message that says “Doc. Posted”. What is the resulting document number? Page 13 of 15 Exercise Deliverables: In the System: Journal Entries On Paper: Answer(s) to Question(s) Document Number(s) Page 14 of 15 Attachment 1: Exercise Worksheet Jordan Perry Name: Course and Section: Identifier: Client: FB50 1: What is the transaction code to post a journal entry? 2: What is the resulting document number? 3: What type of document is this? 4: What is the transaction code to view account balances? 5: What is the general ledger account number for your bank account? 6: What is the account document currency? 7: What is the current debit balance for your bank account? 8: How many accounts are being affected within this transaction? 9: Which period did this transaction take place in? 10: What does Posting Key 40 stand for? 11: What does Posting Key 50 stand for? 12: What account is being debited? 13: What account is being credited? 14: What is the transaction code to purchase supplies with cash? 15: What is the resulting document number? 16: G/L Account Document FAGLB03 100000 USD 14,245.00 FB50 100000002 What is the general ledger account number for your supplies expense? 740000 17: What is the general ledger account number for your bank account? 100000 18: What is the posting key for your supplies expense? Page 15 of 15 19: What is the posting key for your bank account? 20: What is the transaction code to purchase supplies via payables–misc.? 21: What is the resulting document number? 22: What is the general ledger account number for your supplies expense? FB50 100000005 740000 23: What is the general ledger account number for your payables-miscellaneous? 781000 24: What is the posting key for your supplies expense? 25: What is the posting key for your payables-miscellaneous? 26: Which period did this transaction take place in? 27: What is the resulting document number? 28: What is the posting key for your bank account? 29: What is the posting key for your payables-miscellaneous? 30: Which period did this transaction take place in? 31: What is the transaction code to pay rent? 32: What is the resulting document number? 33: What is the general ledger account number for your prepaid rent? 34: What is the general ledger account number for your rent expense? 35: What is the resulting document number?