College of Nursing Family Nurse Practitioner Preceptor Feedback of Student Clinical Competencies Student: Date completed: Due Week of: Semester: Fall Spring Summer PERFORMANCE SKILLS SUPPORTING CLINICAL COMPETENCIES Superior 1. Demonstrates skillful interviewing with patients/families 2. Elicits an age-appropriate comprehensive health history including modifications of the following for specific populations: Identifying information Chief Complaint History of present illness Past Health history Family history occupational history Health habits Clinical preventive services Functional status Psycho social history Review of systems. 3. Elicits and records pertinent dimensions of the patient’s symptomatology such as the following: Setting Onset Timing Quality/Intensity Location Precipitating factors Alleviating/aggravating factors Associated symptoms 4. Differentiates the components of a complete health history versus a problem focused history of the present illness. (Based on Current Procedural Terminology [CPT] Codes for evaluation and management. 5. Identifies the appropriate information to be included in each section of progress notes. 6. Performs a complete physical examination. 7. Demonstrates the appropriate use of the techniques of inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation throughout the physical exam. Differentiates normal from abnormal findings in all age groups. 8. Utilizes appropriate equipment accurately and efficiently in performing physical assessment. 9. Records the subjective and objective data in a concise, accurate and logical manner using appropriate terminology and format. 10. Please add other comments relating to the student’s achievements or progress in the area of health assessment. 11. Identifies specific health promotion/maintenance needs of patients, families, and populations. 12. Integrates national guidelines for prevention and screening into practice. 13. Appreciates the growing diversity of the population and understands health status and health care needs in the context of different cultural values. 14. Please add other comments on the student’s progress and skill in the area of health promotion. Very Good Adequate Weak Inadequate Not Observed College of Nursing Family Nurse Practitioner Preceptor Feedback of Student Clinical Competencies Superior 15. Maintains confidentiality. 16. Recognizes, detects, and attends to expressed and unexpressed content/feeling/concerns. 17. Monitors and reflects own emotional response to patient interaction. 18. Add other comments relating to the student/patient relationship. 19. Elicits information about the patient’s interpretation of health conditions as a part of the routine health assessment. 20. Elicits information about the patient’s perceived barriers, supports, and modifiers to learning when preparing the patient/s education. 21. Elicits information about cultural influences that may affect the patient’s ability to learn. 22. Additional comments relating to the teaching-coaching function of the nurse practitioner student. 23. Utilizes scientific foundations and theoretical frameworks to describe and implement the nurse practitioner role. 24. Recognizes own level of skill, limitations, and place in role development. 25. Additional comments relating to the student’s professional role development. 26. Shows enthusiasm to learn. Demonstrated by preparation for clinical, timeliness, working “until the work is done”, willingness to accept new challenges, and accepting instruction and suggestions from preceptor/s. 27. Comments on enthusiasm to learn. 28. Thank you for completing this evaluation. Add any other comments or suggestions. Very Good Adequate Weak Inadequate Not Observed