JOURNAL OF THE 107TH STUDENT SENATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA _____ January 13, 2016 The Senate assembled at 5:30 PM and was called to order by the PRESIDENT. The proceedings were opened with the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a moment of reflection. CALL OF THE ROLL The roll was called for the purpose of attendance, resulting as follows: Present [29]; Not Present [8] PRESENT Alduino Beall Holgate Holgate McClamrock McDowell Santamaria Smalls Wright Brown, E Kirby Mitchell Spuhler Brown, L Lewallen Morrow Tedesco Burns Long Peksenar Toler Free-Jenkins Lordo Rooney Velis Hacker Martin Sampson Williams Moore Norris Total—[29] NOT PRESENT Dubose Vera Holmes Little Mareesa Means Total—[8] A quorum being present, the proceedings of the Senate continued. APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS JOURNAL On the motion of Senator Lordo, the Journal from December 2, 2015 was approved. THE SENATE PROCEEDED TO THE PERIOD OF GENERAL ORDERS. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES Senator Lordo from the Rules Committee provided a general committee report. Senator Santamaria from the Academics Committee provided a general committee report. Senator Williams from the Athletics Committee provided a general committee report. Senator Alduino from the Environmental Committee provided a general committee report. Senator Peksenar from the Finance Committee provided a general committee report. Senator Toler from the Judiciary Committee provided a general committee report. Senator Spuhler from the Multicultural Affairs Committee provided a general committee report. Senator McClamrock from the Powers and Responsibilities Committee provided a general committee report. REPORTS OF GUESTS OF THE SENATE Student Body President Kaufman provided a report for the Office of the Student Body President. THE SENATE PROCEEDED TO THE PERIOD OF SPECIAL ORDERS. FIRST READING CALENDAR The following Bills, Resolutions, and/or Recommendations were introduced: SBL (107) 64 – Introduced by Senator Peksenar: A Bill to allocate funds for the Student Government Budget for the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Senator Peksenar spoke on the bill. The Bill was referred to all committees. SBL (107) 65 – Introduced by Senate Finance Committee: A Recommendation to Permit the Senate Finance Committee to allocate funds to Student Organizations Senator Peksenar spoke on the Recommendation. The Recommendation was referred to Senate Finance Committee. SBL (107) 66 – Introduced by the Powers and Responsibilities Committee: A Resolution for the annual submission of Reapportionment of Student Senate districts for the purpose of election Senator McClamrock spoke on the Recommendation. Senator McClamrock moved to pass the Recommendation by acclimation. Senator Lordo motioned to pass the Recommendation by acclimation. The Recommendation was adopted. SECOND UNCONTESTED READING CALENDAR SBL (107) 57 – Introduced by Senator Morrow and the Student Services Committee: A Resolution to recognize the Achievements of Carolina Dining Senator Morrow spoke on the Resolution. Student Body President found the resolution favorable. The question then was the adoption of the Resolution. The Resolution was adopted. SBL (107) 60 – Introduced by the Senate Finance Committee: A Recommendation to Permit the Senate Finance Committee to Allocate Funds to Student Organizations Senator Peksenar spoke on the Recommendation. Student Body President found the Recommendation favorable. The question then was the adoption of the Recommendation. The Recommendation was adopted. SBL (107) 61 – Introduced by Senators Peksenar, Santamaria, E. Brown, & L. Brown: A Resolution to Support Increasing the Foreign Language Offerings of the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Senator Peksenar spoke on the Resolution. Senator Toler motioned to pass the Resolution by acclimation. Senator Santamaria moved to pass the Resolution by acclimation. The Resolution was adopted. THE CONSIDERATION OF BILLS HAVING BEEN COMPLETED, THE SENATE PROCEEDED TO THE PERIOD OF OPEN DISCUSSION. OPEN DISCUSSION Senator Lordo is recognized. Senator Lordo and Senator McClamrock spoke on Senate Seat Apportionment. On the motion of Senator Kirby, the Senate agreed to dispense with the Open Discussion Period. THE PERIOD OF OPEN DISCUSSION HAVING BEEN COMPLETED, THE SENATE PROCEEDED TO THE PERIOD OF ANNOUNCEMENTS. ANNOUNCEMENTS President spoke about Student Government Elections Candidate Interest meeting on January 13, 2016. President spoke about open applications for the Homecoming Commission. President spoke about the possibility of changing the time of Senate meetings. ADJOURNMENT At 6:25 PM, on the motion of Senator Kirby, the Senate adjourned.