Civitan Club Planning Calendar 2015-2016 Starting in June, this calendar should assist you in designing your leadership plan as club President. The calendar begins with July 2015, three months before your term and ends December 2016. Review each month carefully. As the year progresses, you may want to look back at check points from previous months. We suggest you always look forward a month or two when plotting your times to accomplish key written and verbal communications. We realize leadership techniques are different and you may choose to vary from this planning calendar. However, successful club presidents inform us if you use this important tool as club President it will be invaluable to your success. GOOD LUCK! July 2015 Prior to Your Term of Office CHECK EACH ITEM WHEN COMPLETED Organize ____ Create a binder with tabbed sections which might include: club roster, club goals, budget data, club bylaws, board minutes, club bulletins, committees, monthly reports, district information, international information. Meet with Board of Directors ____ Contact current Secretary to make sure the club officer report form was submitted to Civitan International and to the Governor-Elect by the July 2 deadline. ____ Review a current club roster and discuss with board of directors who is active and who is not. ____ Seek advice for next year on areas of improvement in the club Committee Appointments ____ Review club committees currently in place (even a “committee” with just a chair). Evaluate how well these committees are functioning; adequately, poorly or not at all. What changes need to be made, if any? ____ Appoint committee chairs for 2015-2016. Club Officer Certification ____ Attend one of the Geographical Leadership Workshops in order to obtain certification for your President and President Elect. (President, President-Elect, Secretary, & Treasurer must be trained for your club to be in good standing and eligible to vote) Conventions ____ Attend the Civitan International convention. As president-designate, you should be one of your club’s delegates to the International convention. ____ Plan to attend district convention in August or September. Observe ____ Observe for the next three months all aspects of club meetings. Do they start and end on time? Is there an agenda, informative speakers, good attendance by members, introductions of guests? Make notes of needed changes and make necessary changes. ____ Observe all board meetings. Are they held at least once a month? Is there an agenda? Are committee chairs requested to attend and give reports? Is the club’s financial condition reviewed? Make notes of needed changes and make necessary changes. Supplies ____ Review with club secretary supplies needed for the start of the coming year. Place orders through the Civitan International Supply Department. ~ July 2015 ~ Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 Thu 2 Canada Day 5 6 7 8 Fri 3 Deadline Report 2015-2016 Officer Elections 9 Sat 4 Independence Day 10 11 International Board Meeting 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 Leadership Workshops INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ST. LOUIS 19 20 21 July dues billing delinquent after this date 26 27 Atlanta, GA Kingsport, TN Little Rock, AR Albuquerque, NM Columbus, OH Decatur, AL 28 29 30 31 Notes: August 2015 Prior to Your Term of Office CHECK EACH ITEM WHEN COMPLETED Finalize Committee Appointments ____ Appoint committee chairs and officers. Each should understand the job expectations and the resources/support available from you and the club. ____ Provide job descriptions to committee members for the coming year (Descriptions are provided in the in the President Leadership manual) Committees ____ Determine club members’ interests and complete committee assignments by August 12. If possible every member should serve on at least one committee. Installation Ceremony ____ This is the responsibility of the current President and Secretary. (They should order pins, awards, etc., and invite an incoming district officer.) Club Officer Certification ____ Attend officer training at one of the Geographical Leadership Workshops (President, President-Elect, Secretary, & Treasurer must be trained for your club to be in good standing and eligible to vote). Membership ____ Find out if your club had a net gain or loss in membership in the last year. When was the last time your club had a formal membership drive? ____ Brainstorm ideas with incoming officers on how the club can increase membership. Work with club membership chairs to develop solid growth plans. Set membership goals and dates of membership meetings each quarter. ____ Review the Membership Plan of Action which is due in September 14 to district Governor Elect. Review Information and Materials ____ Review a copy of the club’s constitution and bylaws. Become familiar with the provisions. Budget/Finances ____ Review the club’s budget. Is it reviewed against expenditures and income each month by the board of directors? Does the club stay within the overall budget and are there periodic revisions? Is the club in sound financial condition? ____ Meet with incoming and current Treasurers to review club’s financial status and develop a budget for board approval. ____ Schedule budget-planning session with board and committee chairs for late September. Board must approve final budget before October 1. Club Newsletter/Bulletin ____ Meet with the newsletter/bulletin editor to review newsletter format and details of distribution. Board of Directors ____ Conduct planning meeting with outgoing & incoming Board. Review & plan in the following areas: Service Projects, Fund Raising Projects, Membership Growth, Budget/Finances, etc. ~ August 2015 ~ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Leadership Workshops Jacksonville, FL Greensboro, NC Albany, GA Memphis, TN Burbank, CA Leadership Workshops Columbia, SC Lansing, MI Huntsville, AL Mobile, AL 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Leadership Workshops Orlando, FL Raleigh, NC 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Leadership Workshops Chattanooga, TN Evansville, IN Nashville, TN 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Leadership Workshops Charlotte, NC Jackson, MS Birmingham, AL 30 31 Notes: September 2015 Prior to Your Term of Office CHECK EACH ITEM WHEN COMPLETED Follow Up ____ Review with current club Treasurer all year-end reports and make sure all bills and dues are current. Discuss with club Treasurer any difficulties in collecting dues and other obligations of members? ____ Confirm current or new Treasurer is sending dues notices to the membership for the October – December quarter dues. ____ Make sure all your incoming officers have been trained and certified. ____ Review all club service projects. Does your club have a major continuing service project? Do service projects involve a substantial amount of member participation or is it generally the same group of people? ____ Ask incoming Secretary to prepare updated club roster for distribution to members in October. ____ Discuss with outgoing officers any issues that should be resolved prior to the beginning of the year. Fundraising ____ Review all club fund raising programs. Are they providing adequate funds for regular service projects and do your members enjoy them? Budget/Finances ____ Conduct a meeting of the incoming board prior to October 1. Finalize proposed budget for board approval in October. Membership ____ Submit Club’s Membership Plan of Action to the district Governor-Elect. (Deadline Sept. 14) ____ Review the club’s new member orientation program. Has it proven successful? What changes need to be made? Is the New Member Orientation Video being used? ____ Conduct a membership survey with all your members. This will give you an insight as to how you can better serve their interests in the coming year. ____ Review year-end adds and deletes which are due to Civitan International by end of month. Meet with Lt. Governor/Area Director ____ Meet with current club President and the district Lt. Governor/Area Director to complete the Year-End Conference Report due September 30. Club Meetings ____ Meet with President-Elect or Club Program Chair to review October - December club meeting programs. Work with them to ensure your club offers members a chance to enhance their knowledge. Encourage your chair to contact the Chamber of Commerce or other agencies to reserve speakers. Ideas for programs are listed in the President-Elect Leadership Manual. ~ September 2015 ~ Sun 6 Mon 7 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 Labor Day 13 14 Club Membership Plan of Action Due to Governor Elect 20 21 Deadline: Adds/Deletes for October Billing 27 28 29 30 Area Director/Lt. Gov. Year End Conference Report Due Notes: October 2015 During Your Term of Office CHECK EACH ITEM WHEN COMPLETED Follow Up ____ Contact your fellow club officers on October 1 and 2, welcoming them to their positions. Offer assistance and encouragement. ____ Assist outgoing President and Secretary with any reports due. Membership ____ Meet with Membership Committee chair to check on progress of membership goals and/or upcoming membership meetings. ____ Be the first to sponsor a new member. Challenge others to follow your example. Board Meeting ____ Approve the clubs’ goals and budget. ____ Collect committee reports. ____ Review board agenda and minutes format for board meeting. Public Relations ____ Ask the PR chairman to submit a news release about installation of club officers to local paper. Encourage chairman to publicize club news throughout the year. Newsletter/Bulletin ____ Contact the Newsletter Editor about information that needs to be included in the next issue of the newsletter/bulletin. It should inform, praise, encourage, motivate, and remind. Committees ____ Contact committee chairs to arrange initial meetings during the month with their committees to formulate goals, action plans, and a budget for the upcoming quarter. Ask for reports during quarter. District Meeting ____ Plan to attend any first quarter district-wide meetings. Budget/Finances ____ Present the proposed budget to membership for approval. ~ October 2015 ~ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 Fri 2 5 6 11 12 13 Canadian Thanksgiving Day 18 19 3 Deadline for Adds/deletes for 2014-2015 Civitan Year Begins 4 Sat 7 8 9 10 14 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 31 Columbus Day 20 October dues billing delinquent after this date 25 26 27 Halloween November 2015 During Your Term of Office CHECK EACH ITEM WHEN COMPLETED Review ____ Review minutes of past month’s board meeting. ____ Evaluate past month’s club meetings and adjust as needed. ____ Review September membership survey results from members. Phone those who have not replied. Compile results and briefly report them at the next meeting to the entire membership. ____ Evaluate the work being done in standing committees. Membership ____ Review roster and determine non-attending members. Re-engage them in club meetings and activities by setting up a phone committee to call them. Make sure they are also being sent club newsletters. ____ Review the progress on upcoming membership meeting organization. Meet with membership chair to discuss membership meeting and encourage all members to bring guests. Follow Up ____ Application for awards must be submitted to Civitan International by December 1. ____ Make sure all officers are reported as certified to Civitan International. Certification is awarded upon completion of attending one of the Geographical Leadership Workshops and/or workbook. (Deadline November 16) Newsletter/Bulletin ____ Contact the Newsletter Editor about information that needs to be included in the next issue. It should inform, praise, encourage, motivate, and remind. ~ November 2015 ~ Sun 1 Mon 2 Tue 3 Wed 4 Thu Fri 5 6 Sat 7 Board of Directors Meeting Tentative 8 9 10 11 Remembrance Day (Canada) 15 16 12 13 14 Veterans Day (US) 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 Deadline for Club Officer Certification 22 23 Thanksgiving Day 29 30 Notes: December 2015 During Your Term of Office HAVE A WONDERFUL HOLIDAY!! CHECK EACH ITEM WHEN COMPLETED Membership ____ Review the plan of action/membership meeting timelines with committee chair. Analyze results to date. With first quarter ending, determine if you are on target toward attaining your growth goals. Finances/Budget ____ Review the club financial status with club Treasurer/billing contact. Make sure all bills are being paid to local, district, and international accounts. ____ Review the club budget and goals. Look for areas of success and also needed improvements. Club Meetings ____ Meet with President-Elect or Club Program Chair to review January - March club meeting program. Work with them to ensure your club offers members a chance to enhance their knowledge. ____ Have a holiday social for members. Newsletter/Bulletin ____ Contact the Newsletter Editor about information that needs to be included in the next issue. It should inform, praise, encourage, motivate, and remind. Follow Up ____ Confirm Treasurer is sending dues notices to the membership for the January - March quarter dues. ~ December 2015 ~ Sun Mon 1 Tue Honor 2 Club/Competitive Award Applications for 2014-2015 Year Deadline Wed Thu Fri Sat 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Deadline for Adds and Deletes 27 28 29 30 31 Christmas Notes: January 2016 During Your Term of Office HAPPY NEW YEAR!! CHECK EACH ITEM WHEN COMPLETED Committees ____ Contact committee chairs to arrange initial meetings with their committees to formulate goals, action plans, and a budget for the upcoming quarter. Ask for reports. Membership ____ Committee should finalize plans for 2nd quarter membership meeting. ____ Encourage all members to bring a prospective member to the meeting. Public Relations ____ Work with club Public Relations Chair to send out press releases about Clergy Appreciation Month activities which are held in the month of February. Newsletter/Bulletin ____ Contact the Newsletter Editor about information that needs to be included in the next issue. It should inform, praise, encourage, motivate, and remind. Dues ____ Pay quarterly district and international invoices/dues by mid-January. ~ January 2016 ~ ◄ Dec 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 Happy New Year 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 G-E Academy - Tentative 17 18 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 19 20 21 22 G-E Academy - Tentative 24 25 Sno-Do - Tentative 31 Notes: 26 23 Sno-Do - Tentative 27 28 29 30 February 2016 During Your Term of Office CHECK EACH ITEM WHEN COMPLETED Public Relations ____ Offer any assistance to club Public Relations in relation to Clergy Appreciation Week activities. Newsletter/Bulletin ____ Contact the Newsletter Editor about information that needs to be included in the next. It should inform, praise, encourage, motivate, and remind. Meetings/Conventions ____ Confirm dates and locations of district meetings and International convention and announce them in upcoming club meetings. (President-Elect should be a delegate for your club at the International convention). ____ Determine/gain approval for club to contribute to financing delegate attendance, if this was not included in budget. Reports ____ Ensure the Federal Income Tax Report form is filed to the IRS by February 16. (US clubs only). ~ February 2016 ~ Sun Mon 1 Tue 2 Wed 3 Thu 4 Fri Sat 5 6 Clergy Appreciation Week 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Notes: 14 Valentine’s Day March 2016 During Your Term of Office CHECK EACH ITEM WHEN COMPLETED Membership ____ Review roster and determine non-attending members. Re-engage them in club meetings and activities by personally contacting them. Make sure they are also being sent club newsletters. ____ Conduct the 2nd quarter membership meeting. ____ Sponsor a member personally. ____ Hold an initiation and orientation for new members. Awards ____ Review the Honor Club application and Civitan International Awards program. Determine if your club is on target. Public Relations ____ Begin planning Civitan Awareness Month activities for April. Newsletter/Bulletin ____ Contact the Newsletter Editor about information that needs to be included in the next. It should inform, praise, encourage, motivate, and remind. Follow Up ____ Confirm Treasurer is sending dues notices to the membership for the April - June quarter dues. Club Meetings ____ Meet with President-Elect or Club Program Chair to review April - June club meeting programs. Work with them to ensure your club offers members a chance to enhance their knowledge. Encourage your chair to contact the Chamber of Commerce or other agencies to reserve speakers. District Meetings ____ Plan to attend spring district meeting. ~ March 2016 ~ Sun Mon Tue 1 ► Wed 2 Thu 3 Fri 4 Sat 5 Governor’s Update - Tentative 6 7 8 9 10 Update - Tentative 13 11 12 Dance-A-Thon - Tentative 14 15 16 17 18 19 23 24 25 26 St. Patrick’s Day Dance-A-Thon Ends 20 21 22 Good Friday 27 28 Easter 29 30 31 Notes: April 2016 During Your Term of Office CHECK EACH ITEM WHEN COMPLETED Civitan Awareness Month Dues ____ Pay quarterly district and international dues by mid-April. Club Treasurer/billing contact should have received invoice. Annual Club Election of Officers ____ Conduct the election of 2016-2017 officers between April 1 and third week in May. International Convention ____ Finalize selected club members as delegates to the district and international conventions. ____ Mail in registration forms for international convention to Civitan International. Newsletter/Bulletin ____ Contact the Newsletter Editor about information that needs to be included in the next. It should inform, praise, encourage, motivate, and remind. District ____ Meet with district Lt. Governor/Area Director to complete Semi-Annual Club Conference Report which is due to Civitan International by April 30. Committees ____ Contact committee chairs to arrange initial meetings during the month with their committees to formulate goals, action plans, and a budget for the upcoming quarter. Ask for reports during quarter. Club Officer Certification ____ Pre-register club President & President Elect for officer certification at one of the Geographical Leadership Workshops. ~ April 2016 ~ Sun 3 Mon 4 Tue 5 Wed 6 Thu 7 Fri Sat 1 2 8 9 Board of Directors Meeting - Tentative 10 11 12 13 17 18 19 20 14 15 16 21 22 23 28 29 30 April dues delinquent after this day 24 25 26 27 Area Director/Lt. Gov. Semi-annual Conference Report Due May 2016 During Your Term of Office CHECK EACH ITEM WHEN COMPLETED Membership ____ Committee should finalize plans for 3rd quarter membership meeting. ____ Encourage all members to bring a prospective members to your membership meeting. Club Officer Certification ____ Pre-register club President & President Elect for officer certification at one of the Geographical Leadership Workshops. Newsletter/Bulletin ____ Contact the Newsletter Editor about information that needs to be included in the next. It should inform, praise, encourage, motivate, and remind. ~ May 2016 ~ Sun 1 Mon 2 Tue 3 Wed 4 Thu 5 International Honor Key Nomination Deadline 8 Fri Sat 6 7 Cinco D Mayo 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 Mother’s Day 15 Armed Forces Day 22 23 24 25 31 Notes: Victoria Day (Canada) 29 30 Memorial Day 26 27 28 June 2016 During Your Term of Office CHECK EACH ITEM WHEN COMPLETED Awards ____ Review the Honor Club application and Civitan International Awards program. Determine if your club is on target. Membership ____ Conduct a 3rd quarter membership meeting. ____ Sponsor a member personally. ____ Hold an initiation and orientation for new members. ____ Help new members get involved with club committees in areas that match their interests. Conventions ____ Finalize plans to attend district and international conventions. Club Officer Certification ____ Pre-register club President & President Elect for officer certification at one of the Geographical Leadership Workshops. Reports ____ Submit the new club officer report to Civitan International by July 1. Supplies ____ Start thinking about year-end supplies needed for installation, awards ceremonies, member recognition, etc. Order early Newsletter/Bulletin ____ Contact the Newsletter Editor about information that needs to be included in the next issue of the newsletter/bulletin. It should inform, praise, encourage, motivate, and remind. Follow Up ____ Confirm current or new treasurer is sending dues notice to the membership for the July - September quarter dues. Club Meetings ____ Meet with President-Elect or Club Program Chair for review July - September club meeting program. Work with them to ensure your club offers members a chance to enhance their knowledge. Encourage your chair to contact the Chamber or other agencies to reserve speakers. Leadership Workshops TBA ~ June 2016 ~ Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 Thu Fri Sat 2 3 4 Club Officers Elections for 2016-2017 Completed 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 Notes: Father’s Day 26 July 2016 During Your Term of Office CHECK EACH ITEM WHEN COMPLETED Dues ____ Pay quarterly district and international dues by July 20. Club Treasurer/billing contact should have received invoice. Installation/Awards Ceremony ____ Work with your Secretary to make certain the supply order is submitted for items used by your club to honor incoming and outgoing officers and other club leaders (officer pins, plaques, certificates, etc.), and allow three to six weeks plus shipping time for items requiring engraving. Invite incoming Lt. Governor or Governor-Elect to install incoming officers. Installation is usually conducted at the end of September or the beginning of October. Club Election of Officers ____ Deadline is July 1 to report 2016-2017 club officers to World Headquarters. Membership ____ Review roster and determine non-attending members. Personally contact members who have missed two or more meetings to avoid future deletion problems. Determine what their expectations are from the club. Make sure they are satisfied and show a desire to help them find an activity and become involved. Meet with Incoming President ____ Offer advice on areas of potential improvement in the club. Conduct a club assessment in August to help develop goals for the next administrative year if incoming President request it. Convention ____ Plan to attend International convention. Committees ____ Contact committee chairs to arrange initial meetings with their committees to formulate goals, action plans, and a budget for the upcoming quarter. Ask for reports during quarter. Newsletter/Bulletin ____ Contact the Newsletter Editor about information that needs to be included in the next issue. It should inform, praise, encourage, motivate, and remind. Leadership Workshops TBA ~ July 2016 ~ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 Sat 2 Canada Day 3 4 Deadline Report 2016-2017 Officer Elections 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 Independence Day 10 11 Board of Directors Meeting International Convention – Norfolk VA 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Notes: August 2016 During Your Term of Office CHECK EACH ITEM WHEN COMPLETED Awards ____ Review the Honor Club application and Civitan International Awards program. Determine if your club is on target. Membership ____ Committee should finalize plans for 4th quarter membership meeting. ____ Encourage all members to bring a prospective member to the membership meeting. Recognition ____ Order any recognition awards for club from Civitan International supply house. District ____ Plan to attend district convention. Newsletter/Bulletin ____ Contact the Newsletter Editor about information that needs to be included in the next issue. It should inform, praise, encourage, motivate, and remind. Leadership Workshops TBA ~ August 2016 ~ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Notes: September 2016 During Your Term of Office CHECK EACH ITEM WHEN COMPLETED Membership ____ Conduct a 4th quarter membership meeting. ____ Sponsor a member personally. ____ Hold an initiation and orientation for new members. Installation Ceremony ____ See July “things to do”. Newsletter/Bulletin ____ Contact the Newsletter Editor about information that needs to be included in the next issue. It should inform, praise, encourage, motivate, and remind. Meet with Lt. Governor/Area Director ____ Meet with current club President and the district Lt. Governor/Area Director to complete the Year-End Conference Report due September 30. Follow Up ____ Confirm current or new Treasurer is sending dues notices to the membership for the October - December quarter dues. ~ September 2016 ~ Sun 4 Mon 5 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 23 24 Labor Day 11 12 Club Membership Plan of Action Due to Governor Elect 18 19 20 21 22 Deadlines for Adds/Deletes for October Billing 25 26 27 28 29 30 Area Director/Lt. Gov. Year End Conference Report Due Notes: October 2016 After Your Term of Office CHECK EACH ITEM WHEN COMPLETED Dues ____ Pay quarterly district and international dues by mid-October. Club Treasurer/billing contact should have received invoice. President’s Materials ____ Pass on president’s materials to incoming club President. Awards ____ Review and complete the Honor Club Application and Club Competitive Awards applications which are due by December 1. Newsletter/Bulletin ____ Coordinate with new President and Newsletter Editor an article in the newsletter highlighting the accomplishments of the past year and thank everyone for their support. ~ October 2016 ~ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Civitan Year Begins 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 28 29 Deadline for Adds/Deletes 9 10 Columbus Day 16 17 October Dues Delinquent after this date 23 24 25 30 31 Notes: Halloween 26 27 November 2016 During Your Term of Office CHECK EACH ITEM WHEN COMPLETED Review ____ Review minutes of past month’s board meeting. ____ Evaluate past month’s club meetings and adjust as needed. ____ Review September membership survey results from members. Phone those who have not replied. Compile results and briefly report them at the next meeting to the entire membership. ____ Evaluate the work being done in standing committees. Membership ____ Review roster and determine non-attending members. Re-engage them in club meetings and activities by setting up a phone committee to call them. Make sure they are also being sent club newsletters. ____ Review the progress on upcoming membership meeting organization. Meet with membership chair to discuss membership meeting and encourage all members to bring guests. Follow Up ____ Application for awards must be submitted to Civitan International by December 1. ____ Make sure all officers are reported as certified to Civitan International. Certification is awarded upon completion of attending one of the Geographical Leadership Workshops. (Deadline November 15) Newsletter/Bulletin ____ Contact the Newsletter Editor about information that needs to be included in the next issue. It should inform, praise, encourage, motivate, and remind. ~ November 2016 ~ Sun 6 Mon 7 Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 Sat 5 12 Veterans Day (US) Remembrance Day (Canada) 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 23 24 25 26 Deadline for Club Officers Certification 20 21 22 Thanksgiving Day 27 28 29 30 Notes: December 2016 During Your Term of Office CHECK EACH ITEM WHEN COMPLETED Membership ____ Review the plan of action/membership meeting timelines with committee chair. Analyze results to date. With first quarter ending, determine if you are on target toward attaining your growth goals. Finances/Budget ____ Review the club financial status with club Treasurer/billing contact. Make sure all bills are being paid to local, district, and international accounts. ____ Review the club budget and goals. Look for areas of success and also needed improvements. Club Meetings ____ Meet with President-Elect or Club Program Chair to review January – March club meeting program. Work with them to ensure your club offers members a chance to enhance their knowledge. ____ Have a holiday social for members. Newsletter/Bulletin ____ Contact the Newsletter Editor about information that needs to be included in the next issue. It should inform, praise, encourage, motivate, and remind. Follow Up ____ Confirm Treasurer is sending dues notices to the membership for the January – March quarter dues. ~ December 2016 ~ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 Fri Sat 2 3 Honor Club/Competitive Award Applications for 2015-2016 Deadline 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Deadline for Adds/Deletes for January Dues Billing 25 26 Christmas 27 28 29 30 31