Ocular Anatomy V.S. 112 UAB School of Optometry Timothy W. Kraft, Ph.D. 975-2885 twkraft@uab.edu Summer 2007 First Day of School 2004 Goals for the Term Solid base of knowledge Comfort with Ocular terminology Basics of tissue structure & function – At the end of the course you can give yourself a 3D guided tour of the eye and orbit within your mind’s eye. Exam Schedule & Grading Midterm 37% Lab work sheets & hw (4%) Quizzes: Four each 5.5% (22%) and Final Exam 37% • some of Final is review There will be 4 or 5 Lab sessions, attendance is mandatory Sources of information The Human Eye structure and Function by Clyde Oyster Hand-outs, outlines including additional figures. CD’s of power point presentations for out of class review Come to Class Texts and Supplements Oyster (you buy this one) The Human Eye Williams & Warwick Functional Neuroanatomy of Man (copy provided) Snell & Lemp: Clinical Anatomy of the Eye (copy of selected figures provided) Broad-based learning Power point presentations – Almost all lectures available on CD Hand out outline the lecture Study Guides When all else fails: RTB Go to Class Competitive Analysis Competitors - YOU HAVE NONE – Drive yourself - help your classmates – Work with each other • Share strengths overcome weaknesses Its not about grades, its about knowledge! Report cheating to Honor council Any Questions? How do I get this thing off my finger? Visual system Overview Overview When the structure seems complicated , think FUNCTION – Imaging : OPTICAL CLARITY – Information processing: pathways, adaptation – Mobility: balance, strength, speed, MECHANICS – Biological System: respiration, pain, protection Terminology Rostral (toward top of head - rooster) Caudal (toward tail) cauda equina - horses tail Anterior - front - ventral Posterior- back - dorsal (dorsal fin) Medial (midline) {Nasal} Lateral away from midline (Temporal) Central Peripheral- away from center Reference planes How do you know this is a diagram of the right eye? Pop Quiz #1 a a: Lens l b: Ciliary Body l e (Pars plicata) l c: Pars Plana of ciliary body d: Retina l e: Zonule or suspensory ligament b l Figure by Williams and Warwick c d Basic components of eyeball Eyeball: Optical Pathway Cornea Anterior Chamber Iris/Pupil Posterior Chamber Lens Vitreous Retina Figure by Snell & Lemp Eyeball: Layered tissues Protective epithelium Cornea/Sclera Choroid RPE – All to protect/nourish the nervous tissue of retina/optic nerve Uvea: uveal layer is shown in red: It consists of the iris, ciliary body and choroid From Williams & Warwick Neuronal function Figure by Snell & Lemp Figure by Snell & Lemp Figure by Snell & Lemp