Leadership and Organizational Behavior

Leadership and Organizational Behavior
Published and Forthcoming Articles
Weingart, L., Behfar, K., Bendersky, C., Todorova, G., and Jehn, K. (2014). The
directness and oppositional intensity of conflict expression. Academy of Management
Brett, J., Behfar, K., & Sanchez-Burks, J. (2014). Managing cross-cultural conflicts: A
close look at the implication of direct versus indirect confrontation. In N. Ashkanasy,
O. Ayoko, & K. Jehn (Eds.), Handbook of Research in Conflict Management. United
Kingdom: Edward Edgar Publishing.
Bendersky, C., Bear, J., Behfar, K., Weingart, L., Todorova, G., Jehn, K. (2014).
Identifying gaps between the conceptualization of conflict and its measurement. In N.
Ashkanasy, O. Ayoko, & K. Jehn (Eds.), Handbook of Research in Conflict Management.
United Kingdom: Edward Edgar Publishing.
Gerstrøm, Anna and Isabella, Lynn A. “Understanding Bankruptcy: How Organizational
Members Narrate Their Bank Going Bankrupt,” Illness, Crisis and Loss.
Thomas-Hunt, M. C. and Nagpal, M. “Women in Leadership Literature Review:
Obstacles and Opportunities” Filene Research Institute White Paper. Madison, WI.
Scott Snell and Morris, S.M. (forthcoming). “Intellectual capital and organizational
learning” Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance.
Morris, S.M., Snell, S.A., Hammond, R. (forthcoming). “A micro-foundations approach
to transnational capabilities: Testing the influence of knowledge search behaviors in a
global professional service firm”, Journal of International Business Studies.
Way, S. Tracey, J.B., Fay, C. Wright, P.M. and Snell, S.A. (2013). Validation of a multidimensional HR flexibility measure, Journal of Management.
Kang, S.C., Snell, S.A., and Swart, J. (2012). Options-based HRM, intellectual capital, and
exploratory and exploitative learning in law firms’ practice groups. Human Resource
Management 51(4): 461–485.
Behfar, K. J., Mannix, E. A., Peterson, R. S., & Trochim, W. M. (2011). Conflict in Small Groups:
The Meaning and Consequences of Process Conflict. Small Group Research, 42 (2), 127-176.
Winner of Best Paper published in 2010-2011, Small Group Research.
Morris, S.M. and Snell, S.A. (2011). Intellectual capital configurations and organizational
capability: An empirical examination of human resource subunits in the multinational
enterprise. Journal of International Business Studies, 42 (6): 805–827.
Loyd, D. L., Phillips, K. W., & Whitson, J. & Thomas-Hunt, M.C. (2010). Expertise in your midst:
How congruence between status and speech style affects reactions to unique
knowledge. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 13, 379-395.
Sinaceur, M., Thomas-Hunt, M.C., O’Neill, O., & Neale, M.A. (2010). Influence and perceived
expertise in group decision making: Minority members’ impact on private judgments and public
decision. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 36(3), 423-437.
Cabrera, S.F., Sauer, S. J., & Thomas-Hunt, M.C. (2009). The evolving manager stereotype: The
effects of industry gender-typing on performance expectations for leaders and their
teams. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 33(4), 419-428.
Davidson, M. N. & Proudford, K. L. (2007). Cycles of resistance: How dominants and
subordinants collude to undermine diversity efforts in organizations. In K. Thomas, (Ed.),
Diversity Resistance in Organizations: Manifestations and Solutions (pp. 249-272). Hillsdale, NJ:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Davidson, M. N. & James, E. H. (2007). The engines of positive relationships across difference:
Conflict and learning. In J. Dutton & B. R. Ragins (Eds.), Exploring Positive Relationships at
Work: Building a Theoretical and Research Foundation (pp. 137-158). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates.
Book chapters
Zhong, B-J., Morris, S. S., Snell, S. A., & Wright, P. M. (2013). “Resource-Based View of
International Human Resources: The Role of Integrative and Creative Capabilities in
Gaining Competitive Advantage for Mncs,” in G. Stahl, I. Bjorkman, and S. Morris (eds.)
Handbook of Research in International Human Resource Management. Edward Elgar.
Snell, S.A. and Crane, B. (2014). “Human capital,” in Cary Cooper (ed.), Wiley
Encyclopedia of Management, 3rd edition.
Phillips, K.W., Duguid, M.M., Thomas-Hunt, M.C. & Aparna, J. (2013). “Diversity As
Knowledge Exchange: The Roles of Information Processing, Expertise and Status,” in
Quinetta Roberson (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Diversity in the Workplace, Oxford
University Press.
Bateman, T.S. and Snell, S.A. (forthcoming 2014). Management: Leading and
Collaborating in a Competitive World, 11th Edition, Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw-Hill Higher
Education, Inc.
Snell, S.A., Morris, S.M. & Bohlander, G.W. (2014). Managing human resources, 17th
edition, Cincinnati, OH: Cengage Publishing.