Burrus ES “The Mayor's Holiday Celebration” The Houston

North Region Schools
Friday e-News
December 18, 2009
Atherton Elementary: DaCamera of Houston, The Dinky Drum Company, LLC and DDC Educational
Performances treated the students of Atherton Elementary to “Holiday Jazz”, which presents popular
songs from Christmas, Chanukah, and Kwanzaa. The students also learned the history of these holiday
songs and participated in rhythm games and play along (by clapping). “Holiday Jazz” was performed by
the Sam Dinkins III Trio (drums, bass, and saxophone).
Bruce Elementary: The Holiday Spirit filled the halls at BK Bruce. Principal Joe Gonzales guitar/vocals and the entire Music Magnet Staff (Erin Champs - keys, Joe Miller-trombone/drums,
Shannon Pate – guitar/vocals and Gary Weldon – keys/trumpet) treated the Bulldogs to the Fourth
Annual Holiday Sing-Along Day. Students from Pre-K to the 5th Grade attended regular music class and
enjoyed cookies and favorite holiday tunes as sung and played by the staff.
Burbank ES Over 65 parents received CPR training at their monthly breakfast meeting of Coffee with
the Principal on Friday, December 4, 2009. This not only provides more safety measures on our
campus, but also promotes life-long learning that can also be applied to their daily lives. For more
information please contact Liz Rios, Principal @ 713-696-2690.
Burrus ES “The Mayor’s Holiday Celebration” The Houston Children’s Chorus Burrus Elementary
Component will join the Houston Children’s Choir conducted by Steve Roddy in opening up the Mayor’s
Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony. This has been a busy set of singers numbering 21 strong!
Cook Elementary:
 Real Men Read- On Thursday, December 10, 2009, twenty men took time from their busy
schedules to read to our second and fifth grade students. The children were very excited and
they asked many interesting questions. We are looking forward to our next session.
 Northwest Mall Performance - Cheerleaders, Twirlers, Dancers and Band Members from Cook
Elementary will perform at Northwest Mall on December 11, 2009 between 10:30 a.m. and 12:30
p.m. The entire performance will have a Winter Holiday Theme.
Coop ES November 9-13, 2009 was Career Week at Coop. Our students were highly engaged in college
bound/career oriented activities. The students learned about various careers as the teachers
incorporated best practices tools such as Think-Pair-Share, KWL charts and various Graphic Organizers
during the learning process. On Friday we had a grand celebration with our annual “Believing Leads to
Achieving” Career Awareness Day program. The students dressed in their future career attire for the
parade of careers and heard powerful messages from our keynote speakers during the general
assemblies. Dr. Clarissa Booker, Professor at Prairie View A&M University shared with the PreK-2n grade
students about the importance of getting a good education and doing well in school to be able to achieve
their dreams. Dr. Isabel Cruz, founder and CEO of Vista Eye Care addressed the 3rd-5th grade students
about establishing goals, making plans and believing that they can achieve their career choice in life.
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North Region Schools
Friday e-News
December 18, 2009
Each classroom also received a 45 minute presentation by one of the numerous professionals from
various careers. We had representatives from NASA, the medical field, law enforcement, engineers,
entrepreneurs and corporate America. For more information please contact Rita Robinson, Counselor @
Crawford Elementary: Thanks to St. Arnold’s’ Brewery, Crawford’s newest business partner, one
hundred and fifty students will receive coats this holiday season.
Dogan Elementary:
 Dogan Elementary was selected, once again, to participate in
the Imagine Project, which is sponsored by the National
Association for Minority Contractors (NAMC). The Imagine
Project is a program founded by NAMC, where volunteers
from this association work with and mentor our fifth grade
students, as well as share their experiences in careers such
as contractors, engineers, architects, etc. This outstanding
program has a tremendous impact on the lives of our fifth
grade students, as they are afforded the opportunity to receive
pay for participating in the program. They earn $6.00 an hour,
and these funds are earmarked in a mutual fund designated
for college or a vocational school.
Dogan Elementary and Fleming Middle School:
 The National Association of Minority Contractors (NAMC)
has partnered with Dogan Elementary and Fleming
Middle Schools to pilot an addition to our Imagine
Project. Our Imagine Project allows students at our
schools to learn more about careers in the contracting
business, receive additional help with their studies from
mentors, and earn money for college or vocational
school. NAMC has now received a grant for $80,000,
which will be used to train and place 30 parents, family
members or friends who have low to moderate level
income. http://www.namctexas.com/index.html
Eliot Elementary: Eliot Elementary hosted a second cup of coffee for our parents on December 8.
Plans for next year’s community service project were discussed followed by a craft lesson on Christmas
Wreaths. Additionally, on December 7th, Eliot Elementary hosted the RTI demonstration training/lesson.
Twenty attendees consisting of coaches, teachers, and administrators participated in a reading response
to Intervention Workshop. Waynel Sexton presented cognitive strategy routines to create mental
images. Participants went away with a plethora of ideas to help students.
N.Q. Henderson Elementary:
 James Prince, non-profit cooperation will deliver Christmas gifts to all students in grades prekindergarten through fifth grade on Monday, December 14.
 On December 15, Price Water House Cooper will be on campus. They will distribute books to
every student in grades pre-kindergarten through fifth; provide books for the library, computers for
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North Region Schools
Friday e-News
December 18, 2009
classrooms and musical instruments. In addition, they will help the students in grades prekindergarten through second grade make Christmas ornaments, read books, and discuss careers
and the importance of attending college to students in grades three through fifth.
Executive Women International (EWI) will also be on campus on Tuesday, December 15th to
distribute books to each student in grades pre-kindergarten through fifth and to bring books for
the library. They also plan to raise funds to purchase musical instruments, computers and
student uniforms for the school and students.
Herrera ES Lab Class for Parents – On Tuesdays and Thursdays, a computer lab is open for parents to
come and get familiar with the computer. These classes teach basic computer skills and operational
programs. Parents are very enthusiastic about learning skills that their children are learning on a daily
basis. On Thursdays, the lab is open for parents to use the lab for anything they choose; Parent
Connect, projects, applying for jobs and learning about different programs used within the school. We
have on average 20 parents using these services each week. It is always a great experience when both
parent and child can enjoy using technology together! For more information please contact LaTrenda
Watson, Counselor @ 713-696-2800.
Houston Gadens Elementary:
 Mothers, grandmothers and aunts came together for a round table discussion for "Muffins for
Moms" Day to share their concerns on how the school and parents can work together for the
benefit of the students.
 Nearly two-hundred students, parents and teachers engaged in lab experiments related to optical
illusions, force and motion, physical science and weight/gravity during Family Science Night.
Isaacs Elementary:
 The Isaacs Elementary family would like to extend a warm and gracious thank you to Scroggins
Elementary School family for their heartwarming donation of two gift baskets filled with books
donated to the Isaacs School Library in loving memory of our 5th grade Science Teacher, Ms.
Katasha Johnson. The books were presented to Ms. Gloria J. Nash, principal, by Ms. Marisol
Gonzalez, Scroggins Secretary and Ms. Martha Arredondo, Scroggins Clerk
 Mr. Carlyle Thompson is a Wildlife Photographer who used his camera to capture life in Africa.
Mr. Thompson was born and grew up in Houston. This experience resulted in his book titled
“Africa: A Photographic Safari”. He joined the Houston Real Men Read team at Isaacs
Elementary on December 4, 2009 for the monthly reading program with a second grade class.
Mr. Thompson shared some of his experiences in Africa and gave copies of pictures he took of
the animals in Africa to every second grader. His visit was exciting for the students.
Kashmere Gardens Elementary: We are proud to announce that over 50 families received toys, book,
and bikes. Gifts were donated due to a partnership with Shell Oil & Gas. Company guests were treated
to holiday carols sung by our very own students.
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North Region Schools
Friday e-News
December 18, 2009
Ketelsen ES:
December 8, 2009
A graduate student string quartet from Rice University presented a marvelous interactive music program
to the string students in 2nd – 5th grade. The quartet played excerpts from the “Nutcracker” and shared
the music and the story.
December 8, 2009
Ketelsen Elementary School initiated and hosted about 90 parents from the North Region Davis feeder
pattern at its weekly parent meeting. Dinorah Ramos of Project GRAD presented a dynamic power point
on “Planting the Seeds for College”.
December 16, 2009
Cookie Michael awards Ketelsen’s Honor Roll Students with new bicycle each Christmas. The bicycles,
numbering about 60, are given in honor of her daughter, Kym Coleman. Barbara Hamilton, 713-220-5053
R. Martinez Elementary: Can a ten year old make the correct financial decisions for their life? The fifth
grade students at Raul C. Martinez Elementary were invited to board "The Success Express Bus" and
experience the challenges of making decisions that would impact their finances in the real world.
Students were involved in making mortgage payments, paying car and home insurances, paying the
babysitter, and many other important money decisions that adults have to do on a daily basis. The
students were encouraged to continue their education until college so that the jobs or careers that they
achieve will allow them the opportunity to have the financial security that they deserve.
Martinez, C. ES Fifth grader Joel Cruz’ design was selected by the Ketelsen family as the featured
design on their holiday card! First grade students participated in their first week of “Stanford Camp”. This
testing “Boot Camp” is designed to assist students in sharpening their skills for the exam in January.
Francis Martinez, 713-224-1424.
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North Region Schools
Friday e-News
December 18, 2009
Northline ES On Thursday, November 19, Northline Elementary School held its annual Family Science
Night. The theme of the night was based on Earth and Life Science. Three hundred fifty parents and
students participated in the event. The Northline PTO raised money to fund the installation of outdoor
lights under the school pavilion in the back of the school. For more information, please contact Brian
Doyle @ 713-696-2890.
Osborne ES On Thursday, December 3, 2009 our 3rd 4th and 5th grade students went on a fieldtrip to see
the Houston Aeros at Houston Toyota Center.” The students enjoyed meeting the Houston Aeros Team.
On Monday, December 7, 2009 our 3rd and 4th grade students attended a writing workshop by Erik Cork
in our school cafeteria. The writing workshop was an all day event. For more information, contact
Francisca Gutierrez - Garza at 281.405.2525
Paige Elementary: The fourth grade students at Roderick Paige Elementary School are busy making
holiday cards for Troops. They are a part of the effort initiated by the Toyota Center and the Harlem
Globetrotters which is called “Holiday Cards for Troops around the Globe.”
Pugh Elementary: Pugh Elementary is proud to announce the Texas School Readiness Certification of
three of our Pre-K teachers—Ms. Maria Fantini, Ms. Debbie Jayne, and Ms. Julia Parish. One hundred
fifty educators were awarded this prestigious certification for the Texas School Ready! ™ Program, which
is administered by the Texas State Center for Early Childhood Development. We applaud the vigor and
dedication these teachers display daily to deliver quality instruction to our students!
Ross Elementary: Zac Diles, Linebacker of the Houston Texans Football Team, visited Betsy Ross
Elementary to honor our fourth grade student, Alexander Albright for writing the winning essay, "Bring a
Texan to School". Alexander and his entire class had the opportunity to practice drills, jump rope, and
exercise with Zac Diles which made for an exciting time for the 4th graders at Betsy Ross
Scott Elementary:
 2009 is almost finished…a very successful year for our students with lots of magic and unforgettable
moments, one of which will be shared with families and community members on December 17 when
the school will celebrate the production of its holiday performance. Parent volunteers are working on
the finishing touches for costumes and decorations.
Scroggins Elementary:
 On the weekend of November 21, 2009, over 100 Scroggins students and their families attended a
Scroggins Celebration at the River Oaks Barnes and Noble Bookstore. In addition to enjoying their
visit to a bookstore (a first for many of our students), several of our children performed plays and
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Friday e-News
December 18, 2009
puppet shows they had been practicing to develop reading fluency and speaking skills. The
Scroggins Toe-Tappers, the Scroggins Robotics Teams, and the Scroggins Pre-K-2nd Grade Choir
also enjoyed performing and visiting the bookstore with their families.
The Scroggins Toe-Tappers earned first place recognition at the South Houston Volunteer Fire
Department Annual Parade of Lights as the best drill team. The Toe-Tappers, a team made up of
present and past Scroggins students, is one way Scroggins builds and keeps relationships with our
students and their families after they leave our school.
The Scroggins Robotics Teams earned a second place trophy in a regional robotics competition,
where the first place was won by a middle school. The robots were built and programmed by
Scroggins students who were coached by a Scroggins alumnus who is now attending Houston
Community College.
Through our Literature Magnet Program, several of our classes worked as teams to showcase
reading and higher level thinking skills by creating gingerbread exhibits to represent holiday books.
The books and projects were on display at the Hattie Mae White building for the December 10th
HISD’s Board of Education meeting.
Sherman ES an Exemplary school: Our 2nd and 3rd graders were introduced to ST Math program (GiGi)
around 3 weeks ago. After interacting with the software, there has been positive progression and
excitement from the students and their ability to complete all levels of the program. On December 03,
2009, 1st grade students performed several Christmas carols for our business partner the Federal
Reserve Bank. On December 10, 2009, Sherman strings students performed at The North Region
Special Ed end of the year holiday celebration. The performance was great! “For more information,
contact Roberta Wyatt at 713-226-2627.”
E.O. Smith Education Center: E. O. Smith held a Railroad Safety Assembly with Union Pacific Railroad
Representatives on December 9, 2009. Students were given several Train Safety materials and they
participated in mock- activities.
Burbank Middle School- Arely Gonzalez, a 6th grade Pre-AP Dual Language student, was awarded a
certificate and $200 for winning the third annual 2009 HISD International Spanish Academy Essay
Writing contest. The celebration took place on December 3, 2009 at Reagan High School. Her topic was
“Me gusta estudiar español porque…” Arely read her essay in front of an audience composed of the
winning ISA elementary, middle school and high school students and their parents, teachers and
administrators from the respective schools. Also, in attendance was the Houston area Education Advisor
of the ISA program, Mr. Miguel A. Hernáiz, Ms. Noelia Garza, HISD Superintendent for Special
Populations, as well as professors from the University of St. Thomas.
Arely Gonzalez & Teacher, Mr. Juan Meza (Burbank MS)
Fleming MS: (See Dogan Elementary and Fleming Middle School news above.)
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North Region Schools
Friday e-News
December 18, 2009
Henry MS On Friday, November 20, 2009, Patrick Henry Middle School’s Los Patriotas Mariachi group
competed in the annual Mariachis Vargas competition in San Antonio, Texas with other schools from
across Texas and the United States. Henry’s well known mariachis directed by Jose Longoria received
second place in the elementary/middle school division competition. This is the sixth consecutive year that
the Henry’s mariachis have completed and placed either first or second place in the elementary/middle
school division. In addition to Henry’s second place finish, HISD’s Johnston Middle School’s Altagracia
Vazquez received second place for best vocalist for middle school and the High School for Visual and
Performing Arts received two honors for best high school mariachi vocalists: 2nd place Samantha Arzipe
and 3rd place Maria Martinez. For more information please contact Jose Longoria, Mariachi Director @
McReynolds Middle School:
 Larry Dierker, former Astros pitcher, manager and television/radio broadcast personality spoke to
the students of John L. McReynolds Middle School on Thurs., Dec. 10 in a school wide assembly.
His message was to do well in school, graduate and then follow your dreams. After his talk, he
quizzed the students on baseball rules and trivia.
 The Mexican American Bar Association of Houston (MABAH) kicked off their mentorship program
at John L. McReynolds Middle School on Fri., Dec. 11. Students of the sixth grade qualified for
this program, which emphasizes doing well in school, graduation and beyond. Students will be
participating in activities such as values clarification and mock trial. The cohort of students will be
followed throughout their middle school career by the mentors of this group.
North Alternative School The North Alternative staff participated in PLC book study on Wednesday.
The book study will help enhance vocabulary instruction.
Barbara Jordan High School-College Readiness Recognition:
 Bellaire, Jordan, Reagan, and Westbury High School have received the 2009 College Readiness
Award from the Texas ACT Council for increasing the number of students taking the ACT test,
along with their level of achievement.
 Barbara Jordan was one of several schools that competed in the JROTC Leadership and
Academic Challenge. In the 5th Brigade, Jordan High School advanced to the second round in
the Academic Challenge, as well as the Leadership Challenge. Schools advancing after the next
round held Jan. 13-25, 2010, could earn a trip to Washington, DC to compete June 25-29.
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North Region Schools
Friday e-News
December 18, 2009
Davis HS First Fall Play Produced at Davis High School in over twenty years. The Davis High School
Theater Department presented their first show of the 2009-2010 Season on December 2 and 3, 2009.
The department put on Kimberly Akimbo, a comedy written by Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright David
Lindsay-Abaire. The Davis community is particularly appreciative of the strong leadership talents of
Kendra Willeby, new Davis High School theater teacher, and Samuel Jackson, fine arts department
chair, for coordinating this show, the first Fall play performed by Davis High School students in over
twenty years. The play tells the story of Kimberly Lavaco, and the cast and crew included Camelia
Aranda. Corey Gordon, Lupita Soto, Ashley Pizano and Charles Ulloa, Eshawna Herrington, Jessica
Gonzales, Gabriela Preciado, Jesus Mendoza, Manuel Villa and Tobi Ogunnaike. The theater
department now starts preparing for its 2010 One-Act Play The Angelina Project by Frank Canino.
Principal Jaime Castaneda stated that this play makes me aware that the Davis student body is a
talented bunch.
Kashmere HS: Kashmere High School held an All Male Assembly for Character Education on Friday,
December 11, 2009. Play-it-Smart Academic Coach, Namisha Joiner, M.Ed, presented a guest panel
that included: Otis King, TSU/Harvard Graduate and Dean of TSU Law School, Rodney Ray, owner,
Games of Champions Fitness Training, male youth mentor/former NFL player and Antonio Armstrong,
owner, First Class Fitness and youth advocate. The focus of the assembly was “Black Male Dropouts
Lead Nation in Incarceration”.
Washington High School The first set of senior students registered for FAFSA pin numbers this week.
This is the first step for students completing the financial aid process. The students are completing
scholarship applications and receiving college acceptance letters. Houston Community College will have
a mass college application drive in the spring. Every senior will have a post-secondary plan on file. Patti
R. Swinson Telephone: 713-696-6665
Wheatley HS:
PWHS celebrated the beginning of the holiday season with a spectacular evening filled with tremendous
talent. The celebration took place on Wednesday, December 9, 2009 at 6:00 PM in the auditorium
featuring the Purple Harmony choir, the Purple Explosion Band and the new Maximo Mariachi group.
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