Othello Study Guide Act I Guiding Questions for Act 1 Scene 1 1. Why does Iago say that he hates Othello? 2. Why does Iago continue working for Othello even if he hates him (what reason does he provide)? 3. What does Iago do in order to sabotage Othello (page 9)? 4. What are at least three things that we learn about Iago’s personality within the first act? 5. At the end of the scene, why do you think that Brabantio is so upset? Guiding questions for Act 1 Scene 2 1. When in the presence of Othello, how does Iago act (Is he kind, loyal, helpful, mean etc.)? Please write at least 2 sentences. 2. Do you think that Othello acts honorably or not? Why or Why not? (Use an example from the text). 3. Even though we have not been told yet in the play… Why do you think that Othello has been sent for, or asked to meet with the Duke? 4. Why does Brabantio call Othello a thief? Provide at least two possible reasons. Othello Study Guide Act I 5. On page 27, Brabantio says, “The law is on my side.” Explain what he could mean by this. 6. So far in the novel, nobody has called Othello by his name. He is instead referred to as the Moor. Why do you think this is so? Guiding Questions for Othello Act 1 Scene 3 1. According to Othello’s Speech, on pages 39-41, how and why did Desdemona fall in love with him? 2. On page 43, Desdemona is forced to choose between her father and Othello. Who does she choose? Why does she make this choice? 3. Do you think that Othello believes that Iago is trustworthy? (Find at least one quote from the text that supports your claim). 4. What advice does Brabantio give Othello about Desemona on page 51? If you were Othello, would you take this advice, why or why not? 5. On page 51, Roderigo states that because he Desdemona is married to Othello, that he wants to kill himself. What advice does Iago give instead on page 55? How is this advice significant?