Chapter 7 Times of Plenty, Times of Hardship Unit Test Study Sheet


Chapter 7 Times of Plenty, Times of Hardship Unit Test Study Sheet

Name _______________________________________ # ___ Date _______________________

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1. The complete ban on the sale of alcohol in the 1920’s was called Prohibition.

2. The 18 th amendment outlawed the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcohol throughout the United States.

3.The automobiles, radios, and washing machines would have been produced on an assembly line in the 1920’s.

4.The daily lives of Americans were changed by many new appliances and an increased reliance on electricity to run them.

5. The radio and movies were major sources of mass media that influenced and standardized

American culture in the 1920’s.

6.Although the “Roaring Twenties” were times of plenty for many, farmers and factory workers were NOT able to purchase the products manufactured and enjoy the rising standard of living?


Writers, artists and musicians celebrated the African contributions to American life in their art as a part of the Harlem Renaissance.

8.The economy in the late1920’s included:

Investors bought stock on credit and owed more money than stock was worth

High tariffs on goods produced in other countries resulted in more tariffs for farmers

Crop prices fell and farmers had trouble paying off debts

9.A tariff is a tax.

10. When stock prices fell and many investors sold their stocks it resulted stock market crash of 1929. (think about Quaggles game)

11.Causes of the hard times of the 1930’s included: high tariffs on goods, loans/debts to banks were not paid and they went broke, and stock market crashed.

12.The followi ng are examples of how the hard times of the 1930’s affected the lives of many


Many people lost their homes as unemployment increased.

People left failing farms to migrate to cities and work.

Shantytowns sprang up nicknamed Hoovervilles.

13.Franklin D. Roosevelt TRIED to help our country through the 1930’s by: creating relief programs to help families that were hungry designing reform laws to correct problems that led to the hard times working to help the economy recover and create jobs

14.The following are programs from Roosevelt”

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Social Security

Civilian Conversation Corp

15. Franklin Roosevelt’s ideas for change in the 1930’s was called The New Deal.

16. Franklin Roosevelt replaced Herbert Hoover as President after the 1932 election.

17. The comic book was a new form of entertainment in the 1930’s included characters such

as Superman.

18.The nickname of the hard times of the 1930’s is the Great Depression.

Pick one of the following and be prepared to write your answer. The answers can be found in your textbook in chapter 7.

A. Explain how movies helped to standardize American culture in many ways.

B. Explain how automobiles changed the everyday lives of American people in many ways.

C. Explain how unemployment had a domino effect in the 1930’s.
