Honors Biology- March 2014 (Ms. Kim) Sun Mon Tue 2 Wed 3 Thu 4 Fri 5 6 Evolution Survey Lecture 1: Evolutionary Theories, Darwin and Natural Selection Breeding Bunny Lab Breeding Bunny Lab 16 17 Species/Speciation, AND SKILL PRACTICE HW: macroevolution, 23 24 Evolution Test! 8 Finch Beak Data Hardy-Weinberg Practice Problems 10 Population Genetic Lab Day 2 (Biotic and abiotic contribution to changing Gene Frequency) 7 Lecture 2 +3: HW and Criteria and Population (Microevolution) Mouse Pocket Lab Lamarck/Darwin 9 Sat 11 Finish HW sheet. Finish Natural Selection Sheet 18 Lecture 6: Evolution Evidence and Fossil Record 12 13 Lecture 4: Speciation (Macroevolution) Lecture 5: Zygotic Barriers (Macroevolution) 3 modes of Natural Selection HW: finish 3 modes of natural Reproductive Barrier Worksheet 19 Evolution Evidence and Embryology Lab Day 1 14 Evolution Quiz! (Theories, Darwin and Natural Selection, Hardy-Weinberg, Gene flow, Macroevolution) 20 Evolution Evidence and Embryology Lab Day 2 15 21 22 Grades Due! 28 29 ACT PREP! Molecular Homologies 25 Quarter 3 Exam Review! 26 Quarter 3 Exam!!! End of Quarter 3 Evolution Video Q3 Binder DUE! 27 Evolution Video Homework: In science notebook: 10.1 Assessment: #1-5 10.2 Assessment: #1-5 10.3 Assessment: #1-5 In science notebook: 11.1 Assessment: #1-4 11.4 Assessment: #1-5 11.2 Assessment: #1-5 11.3 Assessment: #1-5 In science notebook: 11.5 Assessment: #1-5 11.6 Assessment: #1-6 10.4 Assessment: #1-4 In science notebook: 12.1 Assessment: #1-4 12.2 Assessment: #1-4 Stamp Date: March 10, 2014 March 17, 2014 March 25, 2014 March 31, 2014 COLLECTING SCIENCE NOTEBOOK: MARCH 31, 2014 No Cornell Notes this time, but will have more handouts for homework along with your assessment questions this unit! Handouts Due Date Completed? Lamarck/Darwin Good Class Participation Good Attendance and No Tardies IDs (no reminders will give you the full participation here) Doing class work and paying attention: no sleeping, no phones, no eating, not talking to neighbors when not suppose to, no headphones unless told to, etc Works well with classmates (collaboration) Participates in class (It’ll boost you up to an A from that B in class participation every mid-quarter) Lecture 7: Early Earth and Life Start Geological Timeline Lecture 8: Absolute Dating Carbon 14 M&M Dating Activity