Bed in summer -

prepared by MrMounir
Composed upon Westminster Bridge
Not lively
Moral nature
Affecting the
round roof
Plain, simple
Shining, sparkling
Depression between
Earth has not anything to show more fair
Dull would he be of soul who could pass by
A sight so touching in its majesty:
This city now doth, like a garment, wear
The beauty of morning; silent, bare,
Ships, towers, domes, theatres and temples lie
Open unto the fields, and to the sky
All bright and glittering in the smokeless air.
Paraphrase:The poet describes the beauty of nature when he admires
the city of London. It is an impressive view. He says the earth doesn't
have any more beautiful place than London. He says any person who
passes by and is not affected must be an unhappy person.
The city is like a person who is wearing clothing of silence. The beauty
of the morning makes it more beautiful.
Man made objects like ships, towers of churches, domes, theatres and
temples. They are in beautiful harmony with God made objects like
fields and the sky.
Also, these objects sparkle in the pure air of morning.
Extract /pick up / Give the figures of speech:
1-personification: "Earth has not anything to show more fair"
The poet gives the city the image of a person who displays things.
2-simile: "This city now doth like a garment wear".
The poet likens the silence of the morning to a garment.
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3-personification: "This city now doth like a garment wear".
The poet gives the city the image of a person who wears a
4-metaphor: "All bright and glittering in the smokeless air"
The poet gives the objects the images of shining objects.
Never did sun more beautifully steep
In his splendour, valley, rock, or his hill,
Ne'er saw I, never felt a calm so deep!
The river glieth at his own sweet will:
Dear God! The very houses seem asleep;
And all that mighty heart is lying still!
The sun has never come to a more beautiful place. Everything, the
valley, rock and the hill is great (magnificent). Also, the river runs as it
The poet never feels more relaxed in any other place. He enjoys the
silence of the morning as all the people seem asleep and so do the
This harmony makes the poet appeal to God whose presence can be
seen and felt.
Extract /pick up / Give the figures of speech:
1-personification: "The very houses seem asleep"
The poet gives the houses the image of sleeping people.
2-Metaphor: "all that mighty heart is lying still"
The poet gives the machines in the factories the image of hearts.
1-What is the sonnet?
It is a poem of fourteen lines on one theme.
2-What is the main theme of the sonnet Poem (Composed upon
Westminster bridge)?
The poet shows his love of nature and admires God's perfect creation.
3-Comment on the poem " Composed upon Westminster bridge"?
1-It is a sonnet consists of 14 lines.
2-the rhyme scheme is simple but musical: a bb aa bb a cd cdcd
3-The poem shows Wordsworth's religious feeling and his love of
nature is clear.
4-There are some figures of speech:
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a-personification: "Earth has not anything to show more fair"
The poet gives the city the image of a person who displays things.
b-simile: "This city now doth like a garment wear".
The poet likens the silence of the morning to a garment.
c-personification: "This city now doth like a garment wear".
The poet gives the city the image of a person who wears a
5-The language is simple and easy.
6- The poet is William Wordsworth.
4-Mention some elements of Romanticism referring to the sonnet.
The poet shows his love of nature.
He is alone in the bridge.
His religious tendency is clear.
He describes a personal experience.
5- The poem shows Wordsworth's religious feeling and his love of
nature. Explain.
Wordsworth admires God's perfect creation and the harmony of
2 . Blow, blow,
1-What is the poet's motive behind the poem? (Occasion)
The poem is taken from the play "As you like it" in which a brother
stole his brother's dukedom and forced him to live in the forest. One of
the banished duke followers sang thin song showing man's ingratitude is
harder and more painful than the harsh cold weather in the forest. He
says most friendship is false and most love is foolish because people
pretend love.
2-What is the main theme of the poem Blow,blow?
Man's ingratitude is harder and more painful than the harsh cold
weather in the forest.
Art =are
Heigh - ho
It gives music
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Thou = you
Thy =your
ingratitude Repaying good with
Sharp and hard
Green holly
Stupid, foolish
Blow, blow, thou winter wind,
Thou art not so unkind
As man's ingratitude;
Thy tooth is not so keen
Because thou art not seen,
Although thy breath be rude.
Heigh – ho ! Sing heighho ! Unto the green holly:
Most friendship is feigning, most loving mere folly
Then heigh – ho !the holly !
This life is most Folly
The poet asks the wind to blow hard. He says that the cold and strong
wind is much kinder than ungrateful friends. He added that very rough
wind couldn't hurt as much as the rudeness of mankind. We can not see
hard wind but we can see unfaithful people.
He says most friendship is false and most love is foolish because people
pretend love.
"Freeze, freeze thou bitter sky,
that dost not bite so nigh
as benefits forgot:
Though thou the waters wrap,
Thy sting is not so sharp
As friend remember'd not.
Heigh – ho ! Sing heighho ! Unto the green holly:
Most friendship is feigning, most loving mere folly
Then heigh – ho !the holly !
This life is most Folly
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In the 2nd stanza he asks the winter cold to freeze water. But,
although very cold water is shocking, it's less painful than a friend who
forgets friendship and gratitude.
The treatment of a false friend much worse effect on man's soul than
the cold weather.
People only pretend to love each other. They are unfaithful and untrue.
The poet asks people in the forest to sing showing that life in the forest
is much happier and more beautiful as there is no friendship or love
among people in the city.
He asks people to enjoy a happy life in the forest without hatred or
Extract /pick up / Give the figures of speech:
1-personification : Blow, blow, thou winter wind,
the poet speaks to the wind asking it to blow and then to freeze
2 –Apostrophe "Freeze, freeze thou bitter sky"
the poet speaks to an inanimate (the sky)
3 –metaphor : "Thy tooth"
The poet gives the wind the image of a snake who has a teeth.
3-How does the poet describes the bitter sky?
He describes it as it can bite and a sting like a snake or a scorpion. It
can turn water into ice which hurt people.
4-Comment on the poem
1-the poem is a song
1-The poem consists of two stanzas.
2-The last four lines of each stanza are the same.
3-The rhyme and the repetition of lines give music to the song.
5-there are some figures of speech:
1-personification : Blow, blow, thou winter wind,
the poet speaks to the wind asking it to blow and then to freeze
2-Apostrophe "Freeze, freeze thou bitter sky"
the poet speaks to an inanimate (the sky)
3-metaphor: "Thy tooth"
The poet gives the wind the image of a snake who has a teeth.
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3 . Bed in summer
1-What's the main idea (theme) of the poem:" Bed in Summer"?
The poet talks about the bad weather in England. In winter he has to get
up early during winter when it is still dark. But in summer he goes to
bed early when it is still light
2-Paraphrase the first stanza:
In winter I get up at night
And dress by yellow candle light.
In summer quite the other way,
I have to go to bed by day,
The poet says in winter it's still dark until 8.00 am. So, he gets up when
it's still dark and gets dressed on a candle's light.
3- Get /extract the figures of speech:
1-contrast : (light / dark- day/night -winter /summer )
It makes the meaning clear.
2-alliteration : ( bed /by ) the letter/ b/ is repeated to make music.
3-The second stanza:
I have to go to bed and see
The birds still hopping on the tree,
Or hear the grown up people's feet
Still going past me in the street.
Voc: Hopping =jumping in one leg
Grown-up=mature =elder person
The poet says in summer it's still light until 9.00 pm. So, he goes to bed
by day. At this time, birds are still playing and singing on trees. Also, he
goes to bed while grown up people walk and enjoy themselves.
4-The third stanza : Paraphrase:
And does it not seem hard to you
when all the sky is clear and blue,
And I should like so much to play,
To have to go to bed by day.
the poet says that it's very difficult for him to go to bed at the time he
wants to go out and play. He asks us a question because he wants us to
feel sorry for him.
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5-What does the poet complain of ( hate )?
He complains of the bad weather in England.
6- Comment on the poem "Bed in Summer" ?
1- It consists of three stanzas of four lines each.
2-The rhyme scheme is the same in the three stanzas: aa, bb
3-The language is simple and easy.
4-There is a figure of speech: Contrast in the words :light/dark day/night –winter / summer. It makes the meaning clear.
7- Extract /Give a figure of speech in the poem "Bed in Summer "?
Contrast in the words :light/dark and day/night. It makes the meaning
4 . Night
Voc: descending; setting =going down
Seek =look for bower = arbour =(house)
1-First Stanza :
The sun descending in the west,
The evening star does shine,
The birds are silent in the their nest,
And I must seek for mine.
2- Paraphrase:
The poet draws a beautiful picture to nature when the sun is going
down. The stars have begun to appear and the birds are silent in their
nests. So, he must go home.
3-Figures of speech
2-Metaphor : "And I must seek mine "
The poet gives his house the image of a nest.
4- The Rhyme scheme : a b a b
2-Second Stanza:
The moon like a flower,
In heaven's high bower,
With silent delight
Sits and smiles on the night.
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The poet says the moon is full and it looks like a flower in the garden of
the sky. In its silent happiness it sits and sends its smiles to the night.
-The rhyme scheme : a a b b
Figures of speech:
1- Simile : The moon like a flower, The poet compares the moon to a
2-Personification : " Sits and smiles on the night."
The poet makes the moon as a person who sits and smiles.
1-What the main idea (theme)of the poem Night ?
The poet expresses his admiration of the quietness of the night and
the beautiful picture of the moon.
2-Why does the poet uses many words with the letter 'S' ?
To make the reader feel the calmness and the softness of the night.
( silent –seek –sits –smiles )
3-Coment on the poem Night ?
1-It consists of two stanzas.
2- The rhyme scheme : a b a b c c d d
3- It contains some figures of speech :
1- Simile : The moon like a flower, The poet compares the moon to a
2-Personification : " Sits and smiles on the night."
The poet makes the moon as a person who sits and smiles.
4-The poem is written by William Blake.
5-The language is simple and easy.
5 . Poetry introduction
It is the oldest form of literature. Poetry is like music
It creates beautiful sounds with words. It expresses feelings and ideas.
Figures of Speech:1-Personification: To regard a thing or animal as a person.
" I am busy " said the sea .
The poet personifies the sea and makes it talk.
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2-simile: comparison of one thing to another using as or like.
He walks like a king.
3-Metaphor: comparison of one thing to another without using as or
He is the lion. (he is strong and brave)
4-Rhyme: It means that the words at the end of lines sound alike.
6 . Day
large land masses vain
wheat, rice,etc.
First stanza:" I'm busy, "Said the sea
"I'm busy, think of me.
Making the continents to be.
"I'm busy" said the sea.
The poet says the sea is busy and important. Because it makes the
land that we live on. He says the sea makes the world.
Figures of speech:1-Personification: " I am busy " said the sea.
The poet personifies the sea and makes it talk.
2- Alliteration : (The repetition of the same sound (letter) at the
beginning of some words in the same line to make music)
the letter S is repeated in: ( said –Sea)
Second stanza: (Day)
"I'm busy" said the rain.
When I fall it is not in vain.
Wait and you will see the grain.
"I'm busy" said the rain.
The poet says the rain is busy and important because it helps plants to
grow. Nothing can live without water.
Extract /pick up / Give the Figures of speech:
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1-Personification : " I am busy " said the rain
The poet personifies the sea and makes it talk.
3th Stanza:
" I am busy "said the air.
Blowing here and blowing there.
Up and down and everywhere
"I am busy" said the air.
The poet says the air is busy and important because it blows
everywhere. And none can live without the air.
Figures of speech:
1-Personification : " I am busy " said the air.
The poet personifies the sea and makes it talk.
2-Contrast (here/ there- up / down) It makes the meaning clear
4th Stanza:
"I am busy"said the sun.
All my planets, every one.
Know my work is never done.
"I am busy"said the sun.
The poet says the sun is busy and important. Because all planets know
its work can not finish. Nothing can live without the sun.
5th Stanza
Sea and rain and air sun,
Here's a fellow toiler one,
Whose task will soon be done.
The poet talks to the elements of nature saying he is their friend. He
works like them but his work will be finished one day.
Figures of speech: Personification: The poet gives the elements of
nature the image of a person who works and talks to them.
1-What is the main (theme) idea of the poem "Day"
The work of nature is important and it does not finish but the work of
man can finish.
2-What is main comparison in the poem "Day" ?
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Both man and the elements of nature do certain tasks but the work of
man can finish while the work of nature doesn't finish.
3-What is the work of the Sea according to the poem "Day"?
It makes land.
4 -What is the work of the rain according to the poem "Day"?
It helps the plants to grow.
5- What are the main figures of speech in the poem "Day"
1-Personification : " I am busy " said the sea.
The poet gives the sea the image of a person who can talk.
2- Alliteration : (The repetition of the same sound the beginning of
some words in the same line to make music.)
examples : ( said –Sea wait –will )
3- Contrast : ( the use of opposite words in the same line )
examples : ( here –there Up –down)
6-What is the rhyme scheme of the poem "Day" ?
The rhyme scheme is aaaa, bbbb, cccc, dddd, eee
7- Comment on the poem "Day "?
1- The poem consists of five stanzas.
2- The language is simple and easy but beautiful.
3-The rhyme scheme is easy and regular : a aaa, bb b b, cccc, dddd
4- There are some figures of speech like personification,
alliteration and contrast.
Personification : " I am busy " said the sea.
The poet personifies the sea and makes it talk.
* 'I'm busy' said the sea.
Complete the Stanza to the end and give the figures of speech.
*Write from your recitation the lines that show the importance of 'air'?
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1-Supply the missing parts in the dialogue:
Tamer: I've just come back from Sinai.
Ali : Really,………………………………………………..?
Tamer: No, I've been there on business.
Ali : What……………………………………………………….?
Tamer: I want to plan a pharaonic village; such projects attract tourists.
Ali : Nice…………………………………………………………?
Tamer : Yes, it was hard work but really enjoyable.
Ali : …………………………………………………………………………..?
Tamer: Wonderful. The temperature is around 25 degrees.
Novel (Oliver Twist) 1-" Please, sir, I want some have some more."
2-Speak about MrSowerberry and Oliver's suffering.
2- Describe Oliver's at the workhouse?
Poetry: " I am busy "said the sea.
"I'm busy " think of me
Making the continents to be
"I am busy" said the sea.
-Paraphrase the above lines. –Pick up the figures of speech.
1-Supply the missing parts in the dialogue:
Tamer: I've just come back from Sinai.
Ali : Really,………………………………………………..?
Tamer: No, I've been there on business.
Ali : What……………………………………………………….?
Tamer: I want to plan a pharaonic village; such projects attract tourists.
Ali : Nice…………………………………………………………?
Tamer : Yes, it was hard work but really enjoyable.
Ali : …………………………………………………………………………..?
Tamer: Wonderful. The temperature is around 25 degrees.
Novel (Oliver Twist) 1-" Please, sir, I want some have some more."
2-Speak about MrSowerberry and Oliver's suffering.
2- Describe Oliver's at the workhouse?
Poetry: " I am busy "said the sea.
"I'm busy " think of me
Making the continents to be
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"I am busy" said the sea.
-Paraphrase the above lines. –Pick up the figures of speech.
Great, Wide, Beautiful, wonderful world
First Part
Great, Wide, Beautiful, wonderful world,
With the wonderful water around you curled,
And the wonderful grass on your breast,
World , you are beautifully dressed.
Ah, you are so great, and I am so small,
curled = curved like waves breast=chest
dressed =wearing
2-Paraphrase :
The poet says that the world is so big, wide, beautiful and amazing. It
seems like a person who wears a beautiful dress referring to the grass.
3-Extract /Pick up –Give the Figures of speech :
1- Personification : "wonderful grass on your breast,"
The poet makes the world as a person who has a breast.
2- Metaphor : World , you are beautifully dressed.
The poet gives the grass the image of a dress.
4- Rhyme scheme : (a a b b)
Second Part:
I tremble to think of you world, at all;
And yet, when I said my prayers to-day
A whisper inside me seemed to say,
You are more than earth though you are such a dot,
You can love and think but the earth cannot!
1-Voc: tremble =shake in fearwhisper =a very low voice
dot = small point
2-Paraphrase: The poet compares himself to the world and thinks
the world is so big and he is so small. So he feels frightened. But while
praying his spirit tells him that he is greater than the world because he
can love and think but the earth cannot.
3- Devices:
1- Alliteration : The letter / w / is repeated in (Wide –wonderful –world )
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The letter / s/ is repeated in (seemed –say)
The poet uses it to give internal music.
2-Contrast : (great # small )
To make the meaning clear
Questions :
1- What is the main idea (theme) of the poem (Great, Wide, )?
The world is so great but man is greater because he can love and think.
2-Comment on the poem (Great, Wide, )?
1- It consists of ten lines.
2-The rhyme scheme is aa bb cc dd ee
3- We can find some Figures of speech such as:
1- Personification : "wonderful grass on your breast,"
The poet makes the world as a person who has a breast.
2- Metaphor : World , you are beautifully dressed.
The poet gives the grass the image of a dress.
4-The language is simple and beautiful.
5-The poem is written by W. B. Rands, an English poet.
3- What adjectives does W .B Rands use to show the greatness of the
He uses many adjectives to show the greatness of the world such as
great, wide, beautiful, wonderful.
5- What is a poet laureate?
It is a reward given to the poet for his great works.
8 . Under the Greenwood tree
Stanza 1
Under the greenwood tree
Who loves to lie with me,
And turn his merry note Unto
The sweet bird's throat,
Come hither, come hither, come hither;
Here shall he see
No enemy
But winter and rough weather
merry note=happy song / hither =here / rough =bad
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The poet invites people to come to live in the forest where they can
enjoy a happy life composing songs and singing them like birds. Life is
simple and they have no enemies except winter and the bad weather.
Stanza 2
Who doth ambition shun
And loves to live I'the sun,
Seeking the food he eats,
And pleased with what he gets,
Come hither, come hither, come hither;
Here shall he see
No enemy
But winter and rough weather
Voc: doth =does
ambition =desire to be better
Paraphrase:The poet states the advantages of living in the desert as
there is no ambition except his search for food and being happy with
what they get. Also, they have no enemies except the winter and the
bad weather.
Stanza 3
If it do come to pass
That any man turn ass,
Leaving his wealth and ease
A stubborn will to please,
Ducdame,ducdame, ducdame:
Here shall he see
Gross fools as he,
An if he will come to Ami.
come to pass =happen
ass =donkey =foolish
ease =comfort
gross =big
Stubborn =strong headed, not to change his mind
Paraphrase :
This stanza shows a complete change in the poet's view as now he says
that if it happens that a man comes to live in the forest he will be stupid
to leave his wealth and easy life. He will meet foolish people like he
1-what is the occasion of this poem " Under the Greenwood tree" ?
It is taken from the play" As you like it" when a brother banished his
elder brother to take his dukedom by force. He drove him to live in the
forest with some of his followers. The banished people could enjoy the
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advantages of living in the forest. They could have a happy and care-free
life with no ambitions or greed as people in the city may kill each other
for the throne.
2-What is the main idea of the poem "Under the Greenwood tree"
Life in the forest is happy where there is no greed or ambition except
for the search for food and the bad weather.
3-How does the poet contradict himself in the poem Under.....?
In the first two stanzas the poet likes life in the forest as it is simple
and woth no ambition or greed. But in the last stanza he contradicts
himself when he considers the people who leave the easy life in the city
and live in the forest to be foolish.
9. Leisure
What is this life, if full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare?
No time to stand beneath the boughs?
And stare as long as sheep or cows.
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in glass.
No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.
No time to turn at Beauty's glance.
And watch her feet, how they dance.
Voc: stare=watch boughs=branches of the trees
squirrel=a small fury animal enrich=get
Broad=full stream=small river like a canal glance=look
Paraphrase : The poet complains about the kind of life we live as it is full
of worries that we do not have time to stop to enjoy watching nature.
Animals like cows and sheep are luckier than people as they can enjoy
shade and nature longer. It is a poor of life if it is so full of worries that
we do not have time to enjoy watching it.
1-Comment on the poem "Leisure" ?
1 -the poem consists of fourteen lines each two lines rhyme. The first
two lines and the last lines have the same rhyme.
2-Each two lines begin with no time emphasizing the poet's idea
about failing to find time and missing all things that God has created.
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3-There is a figure of speech : PersonificationThe poet gives the beauty
of nature the image of a beautiful girl but we have no time watch it.
4-The language is simple and easy.
2-What is the main (theme) idea of the poem "leisure" ?
Life is so bad when we have a lot of worries and have no time to enjoy
the beauty of nature.
The rainbow
William Wordsworth was one of the greatest poets of the
Romantic period. He was born in CumberlandEngland and was educated
at Hawkshed grammar school.He used to wander and come close to the
life of the country people
His main concept of poetry was that it was "a natural overflow of
powerful emotions recollected in tranquility" . In 1843 he was the
greatest poet. His famous works are: 'I wanderedlonely as a cloud',
'Composed upon WestminsterBridge' and 'the solitary reaper'
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The Poem "rainbow"
My heart leaps up when I behold
A rainbow in the sky:
So was it when my life began
So is it now I am a man;
So be it when I grow old,
Or let me die
The child is father of the Man
And I could wish my days to be
Bound each to each by natural piety.
Rainbow= Natural phenomena during which an arch of different colours
appears in the skyopposite the sun usually after the rain
Leap=jump /behold =see /bound =tied piety =the action of showing and
feeling deep respect for god and religion
In these lines the poet expresses his happiness whenever he sees a
rainbow in the sky. The poet's love is shown in these lines.
He talks about himself in connection with nature. He says that our love
for nature is born with us and it grows with us as we grow older. He
compares the continuity of this natural phenomenon to continuity of
man's life.
In line 7 "The child is father of the Man" the poet sums up his
philosophy. He says that the child grows up to be a man, and he gets
married and has children of his own, who grow up to be men and so on.
In the last two lines the poet sums up his love and admiration for
nature. He expresses his wish to spend all his days in peace and
harmony enjoying the beauty of nature and showing love and respect
for God.
Figures of Speech
'My heart leaps up when I behold
A rainbow in the sky'
The poet compares his heart to a person jumping with joy and
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The poet is comparing his happiness on seeing the rainbow to a person
jumping through the air with joy and happiness.
The rhyme scheme is ab cc ab c dd
1-What is the main idea of the poem 'Rainbow'?
The poet expresses his love of nature and his happiness when he sees
the rainbow.
2-The poem reveals some elements of Romanticism. Explain.
Firstly, the poem shows the poet's love for nature when he sees the
Secondly, it shows love of loneliness and sadness,
the poet also speaks about himself in connection with nature.
Thirdly, the poem shows the religious aspect of Romanticism.
3-Comment on the poem 'Rainbow'?
1-It consists of one stanza of nine lines.
2- The rhyme scheme is a b cc a b c d d
3-There are some figures of speech: 1-Personification
My heart leaps up when I behold
A rainbow in the sky:
The poet compares his heart to a person jumping with joy and
The poet is comparing his happiness on seeing the rainbow to a
person jumping through the air with joy and happiness.
4-Wordsworth outlines his philosophy in the 7th line The child is father
of the Man Explain?
In line 7 "The child is father of the Man" the poet sums up his
philosophy. He says that the child grows up to be a man, and he gets
married and has children of his own, who grow up to be men and so on.
5-Give the lines which reflects the poets love of nature.
6-What is the poet's wish in the poem 'Rainbow'?
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The poem 'If'( Part 1)
By Rudyard Kipling
Born in Bombay in 1865
/ educated in England / worked a
journalist /wrote stories and novels /awarded Nobel prize in 1907
1st stanza:
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
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But make allowance for their doubting too,
If you can wait and not be tired of waiting
Or being lied about,don't deal in lies.
Or being hated, don't give way to hating'
And yet don't look too good, nor walk too wise
find fault with
deal in lies
be a liar
Paraphrase of 1st stanza::
In the 1st two lines the father is asking his son always to be calm, never
to lose his temper even when people around him are getting nervous
and losing control over themselves.
The Son should have faith and confidence in himself even when all men
around him are mistrusting him.
The Son is requested to have patience and not to get angry so quickly.
The Son must be honest; he shouldn't lie to people when they lie to him
The Son should be forgiving. He shouldn't hate those who hate him. He
should also be wise, modest and humble not to be very proud of
Figures of speech
1-Contrast: in the opposites: keep your head x losing theirs
lied about x don't deal in lies
2nd stanza
If you can dream-and not make dreams your master,
If you can think-and not make thoughts your aim,
If you can meet with triumph and disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools
Or watch the things you can gave your life to be broken
And stoop and build them up with worn out tools
Voc: (Give the meaning of )
imposters things forced upon you
disaster=losing failure
wicked people
bear =tolerate put up with
bend your body down
so as not to be broken
worn out
prepared by MrMounir
in very bad
and destroyed with
The Son is requested to be realistic and not to live in a dreamy world.
He should not build castles in the air. Son should be flexible to deal with
success and failure just the same.
The Son is asked to bear bravely the wicked people who might change
his words just to fool and deceive him.
TheSon should never give in. when he fails he should never be
discouraged. He should try again and again.
Figures of speech1-Contrast
triumph × disaster / truth× imposters - It makes the meaning clear and
The poem 'If'
Part 2
If youcan make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch and toss
And lose and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will witch says to them hold on.
heap =pile
serve your
winnings =gains
Pitch =
hold on
throw by the
Figures of Speech1-contrast: Winnings x loss
- It makes the meaning clear and strong.
4 stanza
preserve (keep)
=strong cord
joining the muscles
don't give in,
prepared by MrMounir
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue
Or walk with kings not lose the common people
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you
If all men count with you but none too much
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds worth of distance run
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it
And which is more you'll be a Man, my son.
Voc:(Give the meaning of)
common people unforgivingminute time of hatredtoward
distance run
hard fruitful work
you deal with
TheSon is advised to be flexible and modest. He should treat all kinds of
people equally the same whether they were poor or were of his rank
Son should be forgiving he should forgive his enemies before his friends
he should deal with all kinds of people.
The Son shouldn't waste a minute of his life in hatred.
he must try to compensate for every minute of his hard feelings
towards others.
If the son follows the above advice, only then he will own the whole
world and everything that is in it and he will be a Man.
Important questions:1-What is the main theme (idea) of the poem "If"?
The poet is giving his son some pieces of advice to be a man.
2- Comment on the poem "if"?
1-The poem consists of four stanzas.
2-there are a lot of comparisons in the poem.
For example: lied about x don't deal in lies
triumph × disaster / truth × imposters
These comparisons help to clarify the idea if perfection.
3- List some pieces of advice mentioned in poem and can help you in
your life.
1- to be calm and never to lose temper.
2-to have faith and confidence in oneself.3-to be patient.
prepared by MrMounir
4-to be forgiving and never hate anyone.
5-to be flexible and deal with success and failure just the same.
4- What is the answer to "if" in the poem?
The answer comes at the end of poem. The son possesses the Earth
and he would be a man.
1-My uncle ………some of his blood (did –dominated –donated –donor )
2-He needs ……….to support his business. (fund -found-fair –fine )
3-The ……told him he might find a treasure.
(misfortune –fortunate –fortune-teller -fortunately )
4-The bad.........which he faced made him unable to complete his
(circumstances –negotiation –circuits –commitments )
5-In a ……… she could guess so many things
( almshouse –security –support –speculation )
6-He is one of the ……..who suspect our honest efforts to help the poor.
(cynics –cynic –secular –epidemic )
7-We have to follow………rules before importing meat.
(original –sacred –rigorous –elaborate )
8-……….you are saying that people do not have free will.
(Sense –In essence –Common sense –Essential )
9-One ………..of living in the town is the lack of safe places for the
children to play.
(advantages – orphans –orphanages –disadvantages )
10-Our school has a large ………for journeys and other activities.
(fund –statue –fond –founder )
11-…………….to the bank is through the main entrance.
(Axe –Access –Success –Visual )
prepared by MrMounir
12-I got an architect to …….the price of the house.
(estimate –tolerate –estimates –estimation )
13-…………is a serious problem. (Illiteracy –Philanthropy –philanthropist
–illiterate )
14-The mobile was so expensive so I asked for ………
(reduce –decline –reduction –negotiation )
15-Our government does its best to…………….illiteracy.
(invade –elaborate –eradicate –investigate )
16-He ……..arrange a tour. It is necessary. ( should –has to - ought to –
17-He wants to establish a big company. He is so………..
(mandatory –fortunate –ambitious- precocious)
18-It was very cold. They……….stayed in door.
(therefore –nevertheless –despite –because)
19-He suffers from pain in his ………so he can't stand up.
(stomach –shoulder –pelvis –eyes )
20- Scientists study the…………of lunar eclipse.
(phenomena –phenomenon –phone –phoning )
21-After they ……….H W, they went out. (has done –had done –did were doing )
22-We …………our lunch until our father had come home.
(didn't eat –hasn't eaten –hadn't eaten –was eating )
23- Ministry of information will………..the new satellite next month
(lunch –latch –lauch –raise )
24-The workers went in strike to get a pay…………(raise –rise –arise –
arouse )
25-………..they played the final match, they had been training very hard.
(After –Because –Before –Therefore )
26-By the time the firemen arrived, a lot of people ……….the fire.
(were fighting -have fought fight –had been fighting )
27-……… the problem has been resolved.
(Eventually – Nevertheless –Particularly –Disastrously)
28-They caught the train because they arrived ……….
(on time –this time –timing –at the time )
29-He ----------his lunch until his father had arrived )
(didn't have –hasn't had –hadn't had –won't have )
30-As soon as he ………a car, he had an accident.
prepared by MrMounir
(buying –has bought –had bought –buys )
31-As soon as he............., he will eat lunch.
(had arrived –arrived –arrives -will arrive)
32-He was kept in the intensive care room as he suffered..........which
made him unable
to breathe. (Pneumonia –mania –paranoia )
33-He never cares about the poor. He is a...........person
(mutual –brutal –effective –flexible )
34-The Arabs felt.........after the Egyptian soldiers had defeated Israel in
(bride –pride – uprising –uptight )
35-He is …………the room up and down as he is very angry.
(standing –protesting –stamping –stomping )
36-He suffers from…….,he can never walk or use his hands.
(flu –fever –polio –maniac )
37-A major power failure………havoc in New York last night.
(broke –wreaks – wreaked – worked )
38- Poor health and bad housing conditions are ……………linked.
(inextricable –flexible –comfortably –inextricably)
39-All what the fortune-teller has just said is…………
(bloom –blame-baloney –bullying )
4-A lot of women like to…………….in other words they like to ………
other people's affairs. (gossip –creep –create –penetrate )
41-The rock is so tough. The nail can not ------------it
(convince –contemplate – penetrate –dazzle )
42- Sally is very sensitive. She is a/n ---------girl
(urban –tolerant –astounding –vulnerable )
43-The novelist is going to publish the ……….of his first story
(sequence –sequel –affective –essential )
44-My daughter bought a woolen ……… make a piece of cloth.
(loom –lone –roam –rave )
45- Isaac Newton is considered a ………..figure in physics.
(fanatic –poverty –towering –vibrant )
46- The celebration in the last festival was a/n …………event.
(spectator –spectacular –divine –feminine )
47-……….is the time of changing from being a child into an adult.
(Epidemic –Adolescence –Adolescent –flush )
prepared by MrMounir
1-Let's go to a ……….to enjoy music.
2-Most of teenagers like visiting………..where they play video games.
(video games –video –orchard –video arcade )
3-We meet for lunch……..(one –while –in a while –once in awhile )
4-I dislike him. He always……….me when I'm studying.
(bother- brother –other –bothers )
5-The princess came in a beautiful ………..drawn by horses
Poetry -Iwandered Lonely as a cloud
Stanza 1
I wandered Lonely as a cloud
That floats on high over vales and hills
When all at once I saw a crowd
A host of golden daffodils
Beside the lake, beneath the trees
prepared by MrMounir
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze
Voc: wander =move around
lonely =unhappy Vale –small valley
crowd =large number of people or things
host =a large number
flutter =moves wings quickly and lightly
breeze =gentle wind
The poet says he was wandering alone when he suddenly saw a large
number of daffodils moving as if they were dancing.
Extract / Give the Figures of speech :
1-simile:'I wandered lonely as a cloud' the poet compares himself to a
cloud that is moving without a clear direction.
2-Personification 'dancing in the breeze' the poet makes daffodils a
person who dances happily.
3-alliteration The letter /h/ is repeated in (high /hills ) to give music.
4-Contrast :( lonely /crowd -vales /hills ) It makes the meaning clear
5-metaphor : 'fluttering' the poet makes the daffodils as birds that
flutter their wings.
Stanza 2:
Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the Milky Way
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay
Ten thousand saw I at a glance
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
twinkle =shine / the Milky way =a group of stars in the sky
Margin=side of something
bay=area of water
Glance=quick look tossing=moving sprightly =lively
The poet says that the daffodils stretched along the lake like the stars
that shine in the sky. They were so many that he saw ten thousand at a
Extract the Figures of speech:
1-Simile:'Continuous as the stars'
The poet compares the daffodils to the stars
2- Personifaction : 'Tossing their heads in sprightly dance'
prepared by MrMounir
The poet makes the daffodils as someone who move their head
and dance
Poetry -I wandered Lonely as a cloud
Stanza 3
The waves beside them danced but they
Outdid the sparkling waves in glee
The poet could not but be guy
In such a jocund company
I gazed and gazed but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought
Voc:Outdid =excelled /
glee =happiness / gay =cheerful / jocund
The poet says that the water in the lake was moving and dancing as
well but the daffodils were lovelier and happier. Their happiness made
the poet happy too.
Stanza 4
For often, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bless of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with daffodils.
Voc: gaze =look for a long vacant =empty / Pensive =thoughtful
inward eye=the mind /
bless =happiness / solitude =being alone
prepared by MrMounir
The poet says that sometimes when he lies at home thinking and feeling
unhappy, he remembers the beautiful daffodils which he has seen and
his heart fills with happiness and peace.
Figures of Speech:
1- contrast : (vacant / pensive )
2-metaphor : 'my heart with pleasure fills'
The poet makes his heart as a container that is full of happiness.
3-Personification :'my heart dances'
The poet makes his heart as a person who dances.
1-What is the main idea of the poem "I wandered lonely…"?
The poet describes beauty of the daffodils and his love of nature
2-Comment on the poem "I wandered Lonely as a cloud" ?
1- The poem consists of four stanzas
2-The rhyme scheme is a b a b cc.
3-The are figures of speech :
1-There is contrast in the 1stStanza : The poet was 'lonely' then
suddenly, he saw a 'crowd' of daffodils. It makes the meaning clear.
2- Personification :The daffodils are pictured as people dancing and
feeling happy.
4-the language is simple and easy.
5- The poet is William wordsworth.
6- The poem shows the poet's love of nature because he is a romantic
Stanza 1:
Tiger ! Tiger ! burning bright
In the forest of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry
Paraphrase : The poet talks to the tiger that shines and glows with fiery
eyes in the darkness of night. He wonders at the endless power of God
that creates the tiger in such a fearful but beautiful shape.
Figures of speech:
prepared by MrMounir
1-metaphor 'burning' the poet sees the fur of the tiger as if it were
2-alliteration: ( burning /bright ) the letter 'b' is repeated it makes
internal music.
Stanza 2
In what distant deeps or skies
Burning the fire of thine eyes ?
On what wings dare he aspire
What the hand dare seize the fire?
Paraphrase: The poet asks where we can find like those shining eyes of
the tiger's on earth. He wants to say we can't find these eyes in any
other animal on land or in any bird in the sky.
Extract Figures of speech:
1-contrast :(deeps / skies) it makes the meaning clear.
2-alliteration : (distant /deeps ) (what / wings) the letters ( d / w) are
repeated. It makes a kind of music.
Tiger (Stanza 3)
And what shoulder, and what art,
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
And when thy heart began to beat
What dread hand? and what dread feet?
Sinew=a cord connects a muscle to bone
dread=great fear
Again the poet asks who can ever catch the tiger, who can surpass his
strength and skill. Also, the poet marvels at the tiger's strength and
fierceness when it feels danger.
Figures of speech
1-metaphor:'twist the sinews of thy heart' the poet pictures the sinews
of the tiger as a wire that can be easily twisted.
Stanza 4
What the hammer? What the chain?
In what furnace was thy brain?
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What the anvil? What dread grasp
Dare its terror clasp ?
anvil=the block which metal is shaped
Grasp=seize / terrors=fears / clasp=seize with hand /
The poet compares the tiger to the hammer, the chain and the anvil as
the tiger is stronger than them. Its brain is kept in a head that is as
strong as a furnace. Its hold is fearful and causes death.
Stanza 5 :
When the stars throw down their spear,
And water'd heaven with their tears,
Did He smile His work to see?
Did He who made the lamb make thee?
The poet goes on to say that when the stars shine brightly, when the
sky waters the earth with rain; God must be pleased to see his
wonderful creation. He wonders if he who created the lamb, the tender
innocent little animal, did create the tiger, the fierce animal.
Figures of speech:
1-Personification: 'When the stars throw down' the poet makes the
stars sending down rays as if they were soldiers throwing spears.
'with their tears' the poet makes the sky as a person who cries and
shed tears
2-metaphor : 'down their spears' he makes the rays of the stars as
1-What is the main idea of the poem 'Tiger' ?
The poet expresses his admiration of the beauty of the creation of God
represented in the tiger.
And he wonders if He who created the tiger and he also created the
2-Comment on the poem 'tiger' ?
1-the poem is divided into six stanzas of four lines each.
2-The rhyme scheme of this poem is aa bb cc dd.
3-The poem is simple, allowing for pauses at the end of every line.
4-Figures of speech:
prepared by MrMounir
1-metaphor 'burning' the poet sees the fur of the tiger as if it were
2-alliteration: ( burning /bright ) the letter 'b' is repeated it makes
internal music.
3- There is a contrast in the use of tiger /lamb. It makes the meaning
1-Personification: 'When the stars throw down' the poet makes the
stars sending down rays as if they were soldiers throwing spears.
'with their tears' the poet makes the sky as a person who cries and
shed tears
2-metaphor : 'down their spears' he makes the rays of the stars as
Poetry -I wandered Lonely as a cloud
Stanza 1
I wandered Lonely as a cloud
That floats on high over vales and hills
When all at once I saw a crowd
A host of golden daffodils
Beside the lake, beneath the trees
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze
Paraphrase :
The poet says he was wandering alone when he suddenly saw a large
number of daffodils moving as if they were dancing.
prepared by MrMounir
Extract / Give the Figures of speech :
1-simile: 'I wandered lonely as a cloud' the poet compares himself to a
cloud that is moving without a clear direction.
2-Personification 'dancing in the breeze' the poet makes daffodils a
person who
dances happily.
3-alliteration (high /hills ) The letter /h/ is repeated to make music.
4-Contrast :( lonely /crowd - vales /hills) It makes the meaning clear
5-metaphor: 'fluttering' the poet makes the daffodils as birds that
flutter their wings.
Stanza 2
Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the Milky Way
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay
Ten thousand saw I at a glance
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance
Paraphrase: The poet says that the daffodils stretched along the lake
like the stars that shine in the sky. They were so many that he saw
about ten thousand at a glance.
Extract the Figures of speech:
1-Simile:'Continous as the stars' The poet compares the daffodils to the
stars 2-2-Personifaction: 'Tossing their heads in sprightly dance' the
poet makes the daffodils as someone who move their head
Poetry -I wandered Lonely as a cloud
Stanza 3
The waves beside them danced but they
Outdid the sparkling waves in glee
The poet could not but be guy
In such a jocund company
I gazed and gazed but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought
The poet says that the water in the lake was moving and dancing as
well but the daffodils were lovelier and happier. Their happiness made
the poet happy to Extract the Figures of speech:
1-Personifaction: "The waves beside them danced" The poet makes the
waves as a person who can dance.
prepared by MrMounir
2-alliteration: What /wealth the letter /w/ is repeated to make music.
Stanza 4
For often, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bless of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with daffodils.
The poet says that sometimes when he lies at home thinking and feeling
unhappy, I remember the beautiful daffodils which I saw my heart fills
with happiness and peace.
Figures of Speech:
1-contrast: (vacant / pensive )
2-metaphor : 'my heart with pleasure fills' the poet makes his heart as a
container that is full of happiness.
3-Personification :'my heart dances' the poet makes his heart as a
person who dances.
1-What is the main idea of the poem "I wandered lonely…"?
the poet describes beauty of the daffodils and his love of nature
2-Comment on the poem "I wandered Lonely as a cloud" ?
1- The poem consists of four stanzas
2-The rhyme scheme is a b a b cc.
3-The are figures of speech :
1-simile: 'I wandered lonely as a cloud' the poet compares himself to a
cloud that is moving without a clear direction.
2-Personification 'dancing in the breeze' the poet makes daffodils a
person who
dances happily.
3-alliteration (high /hills ) The letter /h/ is repeated to make music.
4-the language is simple and easy
Poetry - tiger
Stanza 1
Tiger ! Tiger ! burning bright
In the forest of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
prepared by MrMounir
Could frame thy fearful symmetry
Paraphrase : The poet talks to the tiger that shines and glows with fiery
eyes in the darkness of night. He wonders at the endless power of God
that creates the tiger in such a fearful but beautiful shape.
Figures of speech:
1-metaphor 'burning' the poet sees the fur of the tiger as if it were
2-alliteration: ( burning /bright )
Stanza 2
In what distant deeps or skies
Burning the fire of thine eyes ?
On what wings dare he aspire
What the hand dare seize the fire?
Paraphrase: The poet asks where we can find like those shining eyes of
the tiger's on earth. He wants to say we can't find these eyes in any
other animal on land or in any bird in the sky.
Extract Figures of speech:
1-contrast :(deeps / skies) it makes the meaning clear.
2-alliteration : (distant /deeps ) (what / wings) the letters ( d w) are
repeated. It makes a kind of music.
1-What is the main idea of the poem 'Tiger' ?
The poet expresses his admiration of the beauty of the creation of God
represented in the tiger.
And he wonders if He who created the tiger and he also created the
2-Comment on the poem 'tiger' ?
1-the poem is divided into six stanzas of four lines each.
2-The rhyme scheme of this poem is aa bb cc dd.
3-The poem is simple, allowing for pauses at the end of every line.
4-Figures of speech:
1-metaphor 'burning' the poet sees the fur of the tiger as if it were
2-alliteration: ( burning /bright )
3-There is a contrast in the use of tiger / lamb. It makes the meaning
5- The poet asks many questions to show the great endless power of
prepared by MrMounir
3-How does the poet draw a wonderful picture of the tiger?
He says the tiger is a fearful but beautiful animal. It shines brightly like
a fire in the darkness. No power could squeeze the tiger's muscles. It's
stronger than the hammer, the chain and the anvil.
4-What is the main comparison in the poem?
The comparison is between the strong fearful tiger and the weak
tamed lamb.
He wonders if he who created the lamb, the tender innocent little
animal, did create the tiger, the fierce animal.
1-Supply the missing parts in the dialogue:
Tamer: I've just come back from Sinai.
Ali : Really,………………………………………………..?
Tamer: No, I've been there on business.
Ali : What……………………………………………………….?
Tamer: I want to plan a pharaonic village; such projects attract
Ali : Nice…………………………………………………………?
Tamer : Yes, it was hard work but really enjoyable.
Ali : …………………………………………………………………………..?
Tamer: Wonderful. The temperature is around 25 degrees.
prepared by MrMounir