Expository Text in Reading

Expository Text
Expository Texts include:
text books,
non-fiction trade (library) books,
newspaper & magazine articles,
user manuals (how-to guides),
government documents
(such as the driver’s
license test booklet).
There are certain elements found in
expository text, each type of element
makes its own demands on the reader:
 description,
 sequence,
 comparison,
 cause & effect,
 problem & solution,
 proposition & support.
The author lists
features, and
examples to describeeat insects
a subject.
Have wings
They fly
Signal Words
Signal to Reader
• Such as, for example,
for instance, most
important, in front,
beside, near
• A list of characteristics
will follow
The author lists items or events in
numerical or chronological order.
Helps the reader understand how
Almost 300 males
events are related
competed in the
Modern Olympics
began in 1896
Olympics ended
in 394 A.D.
Olympics began
in 276 B.C.
1896 Olympics
Signal Words
Signal to Reader
• First, second, third,
before, on (date), not
long after, after that,
at the same time,
finally, then
• A sequence of events or
steps in a process is
being described
seasons – sun shines
sports are played
Summer and Winter
The author explains
how two or more
things are alike or
no snow
warmer temperatures
baby animals
Easter & 4th of July
colder temperatures
no flowers blooming
bears hibernate
Christmas & New Years
Signal Words
Signal to Reader
• Like, unlike, but, in
contrast, on the other
hand, however, also, too,
as well as
• Likenesses and
differences are being
presented and/or
Cause & Effect
The author explains one or more
causes and the resulting effect or
Cause and Effect
Signal Words
Signal to Reader
• Therefore, so, this led
to, as a result, because,
if…then…, consequently,
cause, effect, in order
to, since
• Evidence of causes and
effects will be given
Problem & Solution
The author states
a problem and
lists one or more
solutions for
the problem.
Problem and Solution
Signal Words
Signal to Reader
• Solution, solve, effect,
hopeful, concern,
challenge, resolve
• Problems AND solutions
will be discussed. With
problem and solution
there is ALWAYS a
Proposition & Support
• The author makes a claim/statement
and supports it with details
Proposition & Support
Signal Words
Signal to Reader
• Clearly, logically, surely,
in conclusion, therefore
• A claim will be made and
details will be given to
support the claim.
Author is trying to
Marking the Text
• In order to identify which type of
expository text you are reading and
to determine the author’s purpose, it
is important to mark the text. When
marking the text for nonfiction
there are three steps to follow.
Step 1
• Number the paragraphs
– Do this first as it will give you a
reference point when you are reading
Step 2
• Circle
key terms, cited authors, and
other essential words or
• To identify key terms consider if the word is
repeated, defined by the author, used to explain
an idea, a central concept, or relevant to the
reading purpose
Step 3
• Underline the author’s claims and
other information that is relevant to
the reading purpose
– Claim: An arguable statement that
should be supported with data, facts,
and other backing
– Claims can be anywhere in the text
– There may be more than one claim