Finance Committee Policies - Pittsburg State University

Table of Contents
Important dates for Allocation Time Periods
Pg 1
What is an Allocation?
Pg 2
Is my Organization Eligible for Allocations?
Pg 2
What Types of Activities can be Funded?
Pg 3-5
When & How Does My Organization Apply for Allocations?
Pg 6-7
Am I Required to Go to SGA Meetings?
Pg 7
How Are the Allocation Amounts Figured?
Pg 7
How Can My Organization Track the Amount of our Allocation?
Pg 7
How is My Organization Reimbursed for Its Allocations?
Pg 8
What Are The Restrictions on Allocations?
Pg 8-9
Finance Committee Policies
Pg 9-12
I. Appendices
Organizational Information
Travel Registration
Advisor’s Checklist for Travel
Event Summary Form
Spring 2016
Friday, February 12th 4:30pm, All Appendix A’s are Due.
You must have watched the Allocations Informational Video, taken the Video Quiz, and turned in an
Monday, February 15th
Appendix A before you schedule a Finance Committee Interview.
11:00-2:00pm &
OSC Kansas 4
Finance Committee Interview
Tuesday, February 16th
Wednesday, February 17th
Friday, February 19th
OSC Kansas 4
Finance Committee Interview
11:00-3:00pm &
OSC Kansas 4
Finance Committee Interview
OSC Cottonwood
Finance Committee Interview
Friday, March 11th, 4:00 pm, ALL RECEIPTS DUE, NO EXCEPTIONS
Wednesday, March 23rd, 1st Reading of Allocations, You do not have to be present
Wednesday, March 30th, 2nd Reading of Allocations, You do not have to be present
Thursday, March 31st, 11:00 am, Collegio Newspaper, All allocation results published
Each organization must take the Allocations Informational Video Quiz AND
attend 1 Finance Committee Interview to be eligible for Allocations.
Please contact Hank Cloninger, SGA Treasurer, with any questions at
ext. 4810 or at
What is an Allocation?
An Allocation is a distribution of money that is provided to Pittsburg State University organizations to
assist them in carrying out activities that will benefit the members of their organization and the student
body as a whole. Allocations are not intended to provide the operating income for PSU organizations.
Allocations are not guaranteed for all expenses.
The money that is allocated by the Student Senate comes from a small portion of each PSU student’s
activity fee. Therefore, Allocations are distributed to best benefit all PSU students, not just a
select few. This year, $60,000 is available to be disbursed to Campus Organizations. The $60,000 was
approved by the Fiscal Year 2016 Fee Council, which met during the Spring 2015 semester. This
amount has been distributed proportionately over two Allocation periods for this school year. The
following amounts are available for the following periods for this upcoming year.
Period #1--------------------------------- $ 30,000
Period #2--------------------------------- $ 30,000
Allocations are administered by the PSU Student Senate upon recommendation by the Senate Finance
Committee. The Student Government Association (SGA) Treasurer selects a group of nine (9) PSU
students to serve as voting members of the Finance Committee, and the SGA Treasurer shall serve as
the nonvoting chairperson, except when a member of the Finance Committee is a member of the
presenting group and the member in conflict’s absence comprises the voting quorum of the Finance
Committee. The Finance Committee is responsible for interviewing applicants for Allocations, setting
Allocation policies and procedures, and making budget recommendations to the Student Senate. The
Allocation budget is approved by the Pittsburg State University Student Senate after two (2)
consecutive readings, and then proceeds to the Association and University Presidents for final approval.
Please note:
The Finance Committee only makes recommendations for Allocation amounts. The Student
Senate of the PSU Student Government Association has the final say on allocated amounts.
No member of an organization who also sits on the Finance Committee can vote on that
organization’s Allocations.
If all Allocations available in one period are not allocated, the undistributed amount will be
added to the next Allocation period for distribution at that time.
Is My Organization Eligible for Allocations?
All Pittsburg State University registered organizations are eligible to apply for Allocations. However, it
is important to note that not all activities or events are eligible to be funded by the Student Senate.
Only organizations at PSU which are open for anyone to join are eligible. If questions exist as to your
organizations eligibility to receive Allocations for a particular activity, please consult the SGA Treasurer
as soon as possible for advisement. Registration is verified through the records kept in the Campus
Activities office.
**Effective Senate Meeting 23.Jan.2013, Resolution 12-35, ALL Registered Student Organizations participating in
the Allocations process must have an On-Campus Account set up by the University Business Office.**
Organizations must be registered to apply for Allocations. To register your organization,
please contact the Campus Activities Center located on the main level of the Overman Student
Center. If an organization wants to receive Allocations, they must be registered BEFORE they
take the Allocations Informational Video Quiz.
Names of organization members (with the exception of the advisor), phone numbers, and addresses,
will not be given out by the Association in any case due to the Kansas Privacy Laws. Anyone interested
in obtaining this or other information about a group will be directed to speak with the Campus
Activities Center. For more information about the Privacy Rights and the application to your
organization, please contact the Campus Life and Auxiliary Services.
Each organization must also have its own on-campus account. On campus accounts must be
independent (organizations cannot share an account). Each organization must supply a separate
account number, and no organization may have their funds deposited into a departmental account.
Account information will be verified through the Business Office prior to the awarding of Allocations
funding. For more information about establishing an on campus account, please contact the Business
Office at extension 4150.
What Types of Activities Can Be Funded?
The Student Government Association (the Association) funds certain activities through “regular”
Allocations. NOTE: “Regular Allocations will receive preferential treatment over “special
requests”. The Student Finance Committee will determine “special requests”. All requests
except the examples contained in the following paragraphs will be considered “special requests” and
shall be subject to the same policies and procedures as regular Allocations.
Audio/Visual Media1.
Audio/visual media is defined as filmstrips, video cassettes, audio cassettes, LP’s, compact
discs, DVD’s, etc.
No limits exist on the number or the amounts of the requests for audio/visual media except for
the $1,000 request limit per semester that applies to all organizations.
Educational videocassettes, DVD’s, etc. may be purchased only if such material cannot be
rented. Purchased videocassettes, DVD’s, etc. will be housed in the PSU Office of
Instructional Media, unless otherwise specified by the SGA Treasurer and or Finance
The use of audio/visual media must be open to all PSU students, faculty, and staff at no cost.
Electronics is defined as any electrical equipment from computers to cameras to sound
No limits exist on the number or amounts of the requests for electronics except for the $1,000
request limit per semester that applies to all organizations.
Electronics may be purchased only if the requesting organization can show a need for the
item. Purchased equipment will be housed in the SGA office, unless otherwise specified by
the SGA Treasurer and/or Finance Committee.
The use of all electronics must be open to all PSU students, organizations, faculty or staff
member at no cost.
 For example, if an organization used their Allocations money towards the
purchase of a sound system, they would have to keep it in the SGA office, and any
other student group who wished to use it would be able to check it out. This would
be true of any type of recording equipment as well.
Any requests for electronics will be handled on a case by case basis. Please take this into
consideration before making your request.
No limits exist on the number or amounts of the requests for speakers except for the $1,000
request limit per semester that applies to all organizations.
No funds will be paid to faculty, students, staff members of PSU, or to employees of the State
of Kansas.
All lectures financed by the Student Senate must be open to the student body, faculty, and staff
All organizations that are having a lecture MUST have dates and the name of the speaker prior
to the Finance Committee Interview.
Organizations asking for Allocations for a speaker MUST have a Consultant Agreement Form
filled out and turned in to the SGA Treasurer. If a Consultant Agreement Form is not filled out
completely and turned in on time, then the organization asking for Allocations for the specified
event WILL NOT receive them.
No speaker will be financed whose speaking engagement conflicts with an all-campus
activity (i.e. Homecoming or Apple Day.) The Finance Committee reserves the right to
define what constitutes an All-Campus Activity.
Travel requests will be based upon the most current State of Kansas Department of
Administration Employee Travel Expense Reimbursement. This year it is $0.54 per mile for a
privately owned automobile. The Travel Guidelines change twice a year now, and this
Handbook will follow these rates as they change. Upon writing, these are the most current rates.
Meals will only be reimbursed when spending the night. It will be reimbursed at face value up to
the state rate totaling no more than $1000.00.
Individuals not enrolled at PSU for a minimum of three credit hours are ineligible for
reimbursement on travel.
Travel is not reimbursable by the Association for PSU faculty or staff.
It is important that you read all travel guidelines set forth by the State of Kansas. If you
have questions as to the relevancy and application of such guidelines, please consult the
SGA Treasurer as soon as possible. Failure to apply these guidelines may result in an
inability to claim your Allocations.
Lodging requests will be based upon the following rates as indicated by the State of Kansas. If
the actual lodging expenses are less than the amounts indicated below, groups will be
reimbursed the actual lodging amount rather than the standard rate:
Lodging Location
In-state, and border city travel
Out-of-state, high cost area
Out-of-state, special high cost
Conference Lodging qualified under K.A.R. 1-16-18a(e)
It is important that you read all lodging guidelines set forth by the State of Kansas. If
you have questions as to the relevancy and application of such guidelines, consult the
SGA Treasurer as soon as possible. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result
in an inability to claim your Allocations. When available lodging should be made at
conference rates.
Questions regarding travel and lodging should be directed to the PSU Business Office (ext. 4150).
For travel information, visit the Business Office’s webpage at with links (left side) to the Travel Tri-fold and Lodging
Registration fees paid for admittance, attendance, or participation in seminars, conferences, or
other meetings will be reimbursed.
Individuals not enrolled at PSU for a minimum of three credit hours are not eligible for
reimbursement on registration.
Registration is not reimbursable by the Association for PSU faculty or staff.
Any receipts may be turned in for events held by the organization as long as the event is open
to all students, faculty and staff at no cost.
Receipts for private meetings of an organization will not be refunded.
When and How Does My Organization Apply for Allocations?
Funds will be dispersed to the eligible organizations during the Allocation Periods. The important
dates for the Allocations Periods are listed on page 1. Please note that all meetings will occur in the
Overman Student Center.
An organization representative MUST take the Allocations Informational Video Quiz
and attend a Finance Committee Interview (refer to page 1), Be sure to plan ahead!
It is advised to have this handbook at all of the following meetings. This rule exists due to the premise
that the Allocations information contained herein may change, and it is important that your
organization has updated information. Also, your organization is encouraged to keep all of its
Allocations materials in this handbook for easy reference.
The Allocations Informational Video and Quiz1.
Each organization that is requesting funding through Allocations must have an organization’s
representative view the Allocations Informational Video and take the accompanying quiz. This
is mandatory to even be considered for Allocations.
An Organization Representative shall be responsible for attending all Allocations meetings and
completing all the necessary paperwork.
The Organization Information Sheet (Appendix A) must be turned in to the SGA Treasurer via
email prior to the organization scheduling a Finance Committee Interview for the SGA
Treasurer to have on record.
As the representative viewing the Allocations Informational Video and taking the quiz,
you agree to the terms of the Allocations Handbook as approved by the SGA Finance
Committee. You are responsible to relay all relevant information to your organization.
Feel free to show the Allocations Informational Video at one of your meetings.
Finance Committee InterviewBring all relevant materials available (flyers, past agendas, etc.) to the Finance Committee Interview. Be
prepared to present relevant information and answer any questions regarding your organization’s
request as the decisions made by the Finance Committee will be based upon the material presented.
You will be scored on how beneficial your organization is to the student body as a whole, how much
fundraising you plan to do (more is better), what you plan to spend your Allocations on, and the style
of your presentation. It is highly advisable for the representative to discuss with the organization
advisor and president the activities of the organization. Consultation with SGA Treasurer about
potential questions is advisable as well.
Any group late to a Finance Committee Interview without an excuse approved by the
Treasurer that results in a rescheduling will be liable for a 10 point deduction from the
overall average score.
** Appendix A forms are due prior to scheduling an Interview. **
The Student Senate Meeting1.
An organization may be requested to attend the Student Senate Meeting in which the
Allocation’s resolution is read.
The purpose of a requested attendance is to have the organization answer any questions the
Student Senate may have concerning the events for which funds have been allocated. The
Finance Committee is not able to answer all questions that various Senators may have, creating
the need for the organization’s presence at the Student Senate meeting.
After the completion of the reading, once all Senator’s questions have been answered, each
organization is free to leave at any time.
Am I Required to Go to SGA Meetings?
No, SGA meeting attendance is not mandatory in order to receive allocations. Although we encourage
all students to voice their opinions at our meetings, it is not required for organization representatives to
attend meetings unless the Student Senate has a question regarding an organization as stated above.
How are the Allocation Amounts Figured?
Allocation amounts are figured by the Finance Committee based upon several factors presented to the
Committee in the Finance Committee Interview and the Allocations Request. The Senate Finance
Committee determines amounts based on amount of fund-raising, presentation, the nature of the event,
and how beneficial the event is to all PSU students. The Finance Committee Interview is based on a
100 point scale that will plug into a formula including the amount requested, the Finance Committee
Interview score, the number of organizations, and the total amount of $30,000 to be allocated.
An organization is not allowed to request more than $2,000 in a fiscal year, and is not allowed to
request more than $1,000 in a single period. Once the $2,000 requesting limit has been reached, your
organization will no longer be eligible to request Allocations for the remaining Allocation periods. A
confirmation of the amount of requesting privileges remaining may also be obtained by contacting the
SGA Treasurer.
**NOTE: Once a request has been made, the amount of the request is subtracted from the
amount of requesting privileges remaining for an organization, regardless of the amount of
Allocations actually awarded.
How Can My Organization Track the Amount of Our Allocation?
The organization may at any time contact the Student Government Association Treasurer to inquire
about the status of their Allocations, including how much money has been claimed, how much is
remaining, and the date which the remaining must be claimed by. It will be the responsibility of the
organization to keep up to date on this information.
How Is My Organization Reimbursed For Its Allocations?
Allocations are a reimbursement process. SGA does not give organizations money without
receipts. An organization is reimbursed its Allocations funding by submitting the proper paperwork
and receipts to the SGA Treasurer. Allocations will be paid out only for the purpose the money was
awarded for. NO EXCEPTIONS. The proper paperwork is available online at,
under the Allocations sub menu, Allocations Forms. Submit all forms, publicity and receipts
electronically to the SGA Treasurer when your organization has completed the appropriate parts. Once
all paperwork and appropriate receipts are submitted, a Departmental Purchase Requisition (DPR) will
be submitted to the Business Office.
On Campus Accounts: Once the DPR is processed, the allocated amount will be paid into the
organization’s account provided on the Organization Information Sheet (Appendix A). If an
organization wishes to reimburse individuals within the organization, it is the responsibility of the
organization to submit a DPR to the Business Office to reimburse said individual. The Association will
not reimburse individuals on any occasion. Contact the Association Treasurer or SGA Administrative
Assistant with any questions on how to fill out the forms.
What Are The Restrictions on Allocations?
Restrictions are as follows:
1. Reimbursement will be made to the organization only.
2. Reimbursement will NOT be given for advisors expenses (i.e. lodging, meals, etc.).
3. Travel expenses may not be split by two or more groups unless otherwise approved by
the Treasurer and Finance Committee pending proper documentation.
4. Reimbursement for meals will be given according to the Meal Allowance Rate as stated in the
State Travel Handbook. However, the organization must spend the night to obtain
reimbursement for meal expenses. Please contact the SGA Treasurer when claiming
reimbursement for meal expense.
5. Organizations requesting funding for an on campus event must make sure the event is 100%
free to all faculty and students
6. Organizations cannot request Allocations for any fundraiser.
7. Organizations cannot request Allocations for a charitable donation or philanthropy event.
8. Organizations will be restricted to spending their Allocations only on the items approved for
funding. In other words, if it wasn’t in the presentation, it cannot be paid.
9. All on-campus events must be publicized in one form or another such as flyers, emails, posters,
social media, or other forms of advertisement. If your organization cannot afford to advertise,
please contact the Collegio about a free spot in its Campus Calendar section. Each organization
receiving Allocations for an on-campus event must turn in proof of advertisement to the SGA
Treasurer. Failure to advertise may result in a reduction or revocation of your organization’s
10. Two (or more) organizations can NOT apply to be funded for the same activity or
activities. Generally the first organization to request funding for an activity will receive
said funding. Special exceptions such as conferences will be assessed on a case-bycase basis by the Treasurer and Finance Committee. Any questions, please consult the
SGA Treasurer.
11. Your organization must claim their Allocations by the end of the Allocations Period in which
the event took place. Refer to the table of Allocation Dates and Deadlines earlier in this
12. Organizations must be willing to agree to any stipulations set by the Student Senate on the
spending of the allocated funds. Stipulations shall be set forth in the Allocations Resolution.
Funding reimbursements for events must follow the guidelines set forth in this handbook. Failure to
follow the guidelines may result in no reimbursement. The SGA Treasurer shall have the power to
withhold payment of Allocations if funding is not for an approved item or if an organization violates
any of the policies and procedures contained herein.
If the SGA Treasurer denies Allocation funding, then the organization has the right to appeal the
decision. The appeal process is listed below.
Appeal process:
1. The organization must tell the SGA Treasurer, within 5 days of notification that their request
has been denied, that there is going to be an appeal.
2. The organization will then be required to fill out an Allocation Appeal form, available in the
SGA Office. This form should include the amount of the appeal and the event for which the
organization was denied an Allocation.
3. The SGA Treasurer will then have an informational meeting with the organization president
and advisor.
4. The appeal will be presented to the Finance Committee for a vote, if denied then the
organization must then go before the Student Senate and plead their case, at the first available
regularly scheduled weekly senate meeting.
5. The Student Senate will then render a decision as to whether the organization will be
reimbursed, or if the decision to deny allocations made by the treasurer will be upheld.
*Proper Communication with the SGA Treasurer should prevent the need for an Appeal*
Finance Committee Policies
The attendance of an organization to a Finance Committee Interview shall
constitute a promise by the organization that one or more of its members, and/or
Advisor has read and fully understands the information contained within the
Allocations Handbook and Appendices.
Receipt Turn-In
1. All receipts submitted MUST be sent online to the account. No
Exceptions! These documents received electronically shall be signed electronically and a
notice of receipt returned back to the group within 5 school days. All Appendices will be
turned in by hand to either Hank Cloninger in the SGA Office or Barbara Circle in the CAC
Office. Please verify this is the person you are leaving your appendices with before leaving
either office.
Documentation Requirements
1. Any events falling on or after the last day of receipt acceptance in a given semester shall
not be accepted towards said semester but shall be accepted for the following allocations
2. Groups who fail to turn in Appendices with a receipt will not have that receipt counted
towards their total receipts submitted for reimbursement. If no Appendices accompany the
entirety of receipts, the group shall receive a 50% deduction of the total amount awarded.
Deduction will be reflected by a halving of the total finance committee score.
3. If receipts turned in do not match the total amount requested on Appendix A, the group’s
amount requested shall be auto-reduced to match the amount of receipts turned in.
Deduction Rule
Any deductions made to an allocation amount will be taken into account the semester in which
the deduction is incurred. Deductions shall not carry over to another allocations period.
Failure to Register Prior to an Allocation Request
No student organization shall be allowed to request Allocations without registering prior to the
date of the request.
If a student organization does request Allocations without first being registered, then that
request shall be considered void. The SGA Treasurer shall notify the Organization Advisor
and/or President of the status of the request within five (5) school days of the voidance.
Failure to Report Material Changes in a Requested Event
All material changes, determinable by the Finance Committee, in a requested event must be
reported and explained to the SGA Treasurer.
If the material changes of a request have occurred due to unexpected circumstances beyond the
control of the organization, it is the duty of the organization to notify the SGA Treasurer within
5 school days after the conclusion of the event. If the SGA Treasurer does not receive
notification within the allotted time period, then a hearing shall be scheduled between the
organization in question and the Finance Committee to determine the status of the requested
Allocations. If the organization fails to appear at the hearing, the Finance Committee shall
determine the status of the requested Allocations.
If the material change of a request has occurred intentionally or gives the appearance of such, a
hearing shall be scheduled between the organization in question and the Finance Committee to
determine the status of the requested Allocations. If the organization fails to appear at the
hearing, the Finance Committee shall determine the status of the requested Allocations.
Upon the completion of the hearing, the SGA Treasurer will notify the Organization Advisor
and/or President, Pittsburg State University Student Senate, the advisors of the Pittsburg State
University Student Senate, and the President of the Student Government Association of the
findings of the Finance Committee.
Over inflation of Allocations Requests
No registered student organization requesting Allocations shall be allowed to over inflate an
Allocation request for any reason without the prior consent of the SGA Treasurer.
If an over inflation of a request has occurred due to unexpected circumstances beyond the
control of the organization, it is the duty of the organization to notify the SGA Treasurer within
5 school days after the event. If notification is not received within the allotted time period,
then a hearing shall be scheduled between the organization and the Finance Committee to
determine the status of the requested Allocations. If the organization fails to appear at the
hearing, the Finance Committee shall determine the status of the requested Allocations.
If an over inflation of a request has occurred intentionally or gives the appearance of such, a
hearing shall be scheduled between the organization in question and the Finance Committee to
determine the status of the requested Allocations. If the organization fails to appear at the
hearing, the Finance Committee shall determine the status of the requested Allocations.
Upon the completion of the hearing, the SGA Treasurer shall notify the Organization Advisor
and/or President, Pittsburg State University Student Senate, the advisors of the Pittsburg State
University Student Senate, and the President of the Student Government Association of the
findings of the Finance Committee.
Failure to Claim Allocations Funding Within Allotted Time
The action of Claiming Allocations is simply turning in receipts and all of the necessary
appendices by the set deadline.
No registered student organization shall be allowed to claim Allocations after the allotted time
specified in the Allocations Handbook.
Student organizations failing to make the proper claims within the allotted time shall forfeit all
funding for the allocated event.
Over claiming of Allocations Funding
No registered student organization requesting Allocations shall be allowed to over claim their
Allocations funding.
If an over claiming of funding has occurred, it is the duty of the organization to notify the SGA
Treasurer within 5 school days of the over claiming. If the SGA Treasurer does not receive
notification within the allotted time period, then a hearing shall be held between the
organization, Finance Committee, and member of the Pittsburg State University Business
Office to determine the status of the organization’s funding. If the organization fails to appear
at the hearing, the Finance Committee shall revoke the organization’s requesting abilities for the
balance of the fiscal year.
If an over claiming of a request has occurred intentionally or gives the appearance as such, a
hearing shall be scheduled between the organization in question, the Finance Committee, and
members of the Pittsburg State University Business Office to determine the status of the
organization funding. If the organization fails to appear at the hearing, the Finance Committee
shall revoke the organization’s requesting abilities for the balance of the fiscal year.
Upon the completion of the hearing, the SGA Treasurer shall notify the Organization Advisor
and/or President, Pittsburg State University Student Senate, advisors of the Pittsburg State
University Student Senate, the PSU Business Office, and the President of the Student
Government Association of the finding of the Finance Committee.
To Sum It All Up
If something changes on your Appendix A, for the amount you are requesting, contact the SGA
Treasurer within 5 days of the change. This is to ensure that it was out of your control, and that you are
not trying to cheat the system to get more money. The amount allocated will be based on state rates
and the amount requested. Be sure that the forms are filled out as accurately as possible. Honest and
open communication will prevent any issues!