TABLE OF CONTENT 1) Introduction 2) Reproduction In Human

The Reproductive System
By: A. V.
1) Introduction
2) Reproduction In Human Beings
Puberty (Boys & Girls)
3) The Whole Process
4) Exceptional Cases
Multiple Births
5) Progress And Research
Test-Tube Babies
Artificial Insemination
Surrogate Mothers
6) Conclusion
Can you imagine the phenomenal process that can change one barely
visible cell into more than 200 million highly distinct cells in just 9
months? Think of the sequence of events that can transform a single
fertilized egg into a fully developed baby that weighs 6 billion times
more than a tiny dot from which it grows. Is it not amazing that after
only 40 days into its 9 months (40 weeks) of growth, a developing
embryo can have a heart that already has been beating for 2 weeks and
a brain and nervous system that is capable of sending out impulses?
Knowing all these excellent facts, I am sure you want to know more
about this remarkable natural process by which a human being forms.
So basically, the ability to give birth to more of their own kind is called
reproduction. In this report I will talk about the male and the female
reproductive system and the process by which a small bundle of joy
comes into this universe.
Reproduction In Human
It’s a amazing transition from a unit called CELL
to a cute little BABY.
One of the most important body functions.
A process by which life is created.
Male & Female Reproductive
The organs inside the male body consist of external reproductive
organs, the genitals, the penis, and scrotum. Inside the scrotum
are two testes, they produce testosterone and sperm. Then the
sperm is stored inside the epididymis, located inside each testicles.
The sperm from the epididymis, has to travel to the vas deferens.
It then joins the duct from the seminal vesicle to become the
ejaculatory duct. Then during sexual intercourse the male
ejaculates a fluid into ejaculatory ducts and it mixes with the
sperm. The prostate glands then mix the ejaculatory ducts and the
urethra to make a clear, sticky fluid. When the men is ready, he
will then ejaculate through his penis. The reproductive organs
found inside the female body consist of vagina, the uterus, the
fallopian tubes, and the ovaries.
Girls start puberty between 9-14
years of age. Once puberty
begins the breasts start getting
larger and rounder, hips will also
get wider. Pubic hair will start to
grow around the vagina and
under arms. They can also
expect pimples. Then each month
during there menstructural cycle
a mature egg is released from one
of the females ovaries into one of
the fallopian tube. There genitals
begin to develop completely and
start to produce mature eggs.
Boys start puberty between 12-14
years of age. Once puberty
begins your voice will change.
They can also expect pimples to
appear soon. They will get hair
growing under arm, on there
face, and maybe even on there
chest. Pubic hair will start to
grow on there genitals. The wet
dreams will start to come and
play an important role in there
The Whole Process
It all begins when the males sperm fertilizes a female egg. This process is also
called conception. This usually happens during sexual intercourse. During
intercourse the male ejaculates his semen and it goes into the females vegina.
The semen contains millions of sperm. The semen travels though the cervix
into the females uterus and then into the fallopian tubes. Then during the
females menstructural cycle a mature egg comes into contact with the sperm.
Then together they travel down the fallopian tube. During that process
fertilization occurs. The sperm must get through the egg in order for it to
fertilize inside the head of the sperm, it is called a crozome. At that time the
fertilized egg is called zygote. It contains 46 chromosomes, 23 from the egg,
and 23 from the sperm. Before it reaches the uterus the zygote goes through
few changes. After fertilization, the zygote moves through the fallopian tube
towards the uterus. The zygote begins to divide from 1 cell, to 2 cells, to 4
cells, to 8 cells, and so on. This process is called cell division. After cell division
the zygote is called embryo. After three days the embryo begins to produce
hormones called human chorionic gonadotropin. The hormones stop the
menstructural cycle so the pregnant female no longer gets her period.
During the first two weeks of pregnancy, there are structures that help the
embryo grow and begin to form in the uterus. One of the structures that help
it grow is called placenta. The placenta removes the embryos waste materials
and supplies it with oxygen and food. It also makes the hormones control the
embryos development. All the major organs then start to form. At nine week
the babies body begins to grow and its organs begin to develop until the baby
born, from that point the baby is called a fetus. The first 3 months the fetus’s
length increases dramatically growing many inches every month. Then during
the last months of pregnancy the weight of the fetus greatly increases as well.
When it’s time for the baby to be born the woman goes into labor and the
baby comes out. Now the child is no longer called fetus but called a baby after
This is a picture of a
embryo, which is the
second step of the
This is a picture of a
fetus, which is the
second step of the
This is a picture of a
baby, which is the third
step of the Formation.
Exceptional Cases
Twins are two children, who are born from the same mother, at
the same time. They are born once in about 90 births. All humans
are developed inside the mother’s body from an egg which is
fertilized by the father’s sperm. Identical twins occur when the
fertilized egg of the mother, splits into two pieces. Each egg
develops into a baby and they have identical genes. Fraternal
twins develop from 2 different eggs, which fertilize at the same
time by the same sperm. Siamese Twins and Mirror-Image twins
are extremely rare twins. The Siamese twins are exactly alike. The
Mirror- image twins form when the egg of mother splits very late
in the pregnancy. The first pair of Identical twins were Jim
Springer and Jim Lewis. Since they were born till they were 30
years old, they never met each other till the researchers brought
them together. The researchers found that they were both alike in
so many ways, for example they both have the same kind of job,
both there wives names are Linda, they were both married twice,
and they both have a son name James.
Exceptional Cases
Triplets are three babies born from the same mother, at the same
time. Four babies are called quadruplets. Five babies are called
quintuplets. The triplets occur once in 7500 births, the
quadruplets occur once in 650,000 births, and the quintuplets
occur once in 57 000 000 births. Multiple births occur when the
egg of the mother is split into 3, 4, or 5 parts. Lately the number of
twins and multiple twins born has increased because of fertility
drugs given to women, who aren’t able to become pregnant. The
drugs cause the women’s body to give more than one egg at a time
and that’s why more twins and multiple twins are being born.
Test-Tube Baby
This process is also known as the “Embryo transplantation” or
“In vitro fertilization” ( IVF ). The process starts when the egg is
removed from the mother’s body to be placed in a dish, where it is
mixed with the semen and nutrient fluids of the father. When the
egg is fertilized it’s placed in another dish mixed with nutrient
solutions. It is then left there for few days until the stages of
growth start to occur. As the beginning of an embryo starts to
form it is implanted in the mother’s uterus and then grows as a
normal fetus inside the uterus. The first test-tube baby was born
on 25th July, 1978 by the Caesarean Section in England. Till then
a lot of women are conceiving through Test-tube babies and the
success rate is increasing day by day of this amazing process.
Artificial Insemination (AI)
Artificial Insemination is the process by which sperm is inserted into the
female’s reproductive system, rather than sexual intercourse. Things like
this show technology advancing. There are two ways by which this can be
If the husband’s sperm is inserted into the woman’s vagina then it’s called
“Artificial Insemination Husband” also known as (AIH). It is used when
there is a problem with the men’s penis. The method used in AIH is by
inserting sperm, directly next to the cervix in the women’s vagina.
If an unidentified male’s sperm is inserted into the woman’s vagina then
it’s called “Artificial Insemination Donor” also known as (AID). It is used
when the woman is allergic to her husband’s sperm. The method used in
AID is like AIH but by inserting the sperm of an unidentified male,
directly next to the cervix in the women’s vagina.
Surrogate Mothers
The word Surrogate Mothers came from a medical procedure
called “In Vitro Fertilization” and “Embryo Transfer”. The
process was first used in 1970. It was used when both husband and
wife had an abnormality. In the process you first surgically remove
the egg of the women. Then you fertilize it outside her body with
her husband’s sperm. Next you put the fertilized egg inside
another woman’s uterus. Then let it grow inside the woman’s
uterus till it’s birth. The catholic church is one of the groups who
disagrees with this procedure. They have said “Surrogate mothers
have offended the dignity and right of the child to be conceived,
carried in the womb, brought into the world and brought up by its
parents.” Surrogate mothers have said surrogacy is an easy way
to earn money. But I personally think that the experience of this
will always be a terrible reminder for them and that money can
buy a child but can’t buy motherhood.
We started out with a tiny, weenie unit of life called
“CELL” and now we are talking of a grown
embryo, to a fetus, and to a baby! What a change!
The power of the cell to do such a surprising
creation, it amazed me. This inspired me to go in
to depth of the creation of a human life from a
The Miracle Of Life!!