Chapter 1 Notes

Mrs. Goux’s Living Environment 1
Chapter 1 Notes
The Science of Biology
Section 1.1 What is Science
- The goal of science is to investigate and understand the natural word, to
_____________________________ ___________________, and to use those explanations
to make useful predictions.
Section 1.2 Scientific Method
- Scientists must be keen observers.
- Scientific Inquiry. What is it?
-using one or more of the _______________________ to collect information (data).
- ________________________________ based experience or prior knowledge
- information gathered from observations using our senses, usually in the form of a
-the process of developing a __________________________ to a problem or question.
Ex. Based on observations of maggots coming from meat - living things come
from nonliving
matter – called
Scientific Method
– steps used to __________________________________ questions
Controlled Experiment
- Series of test or trials used to test a hypothesis
Mrs. Goux’s Living Environment 1
- A controlled experiment always has two groups:
1) Experimental group – this is the group that
2) Control Group – this is the group that ________________________________
We need both groups so that we can compare them. If we only had an
experimental group we would not really know if our treatment had an effect.
What do scientists do?
Steps of the Scientific Method
1. Ask Questions2. Make Observations3. Make Inferences4. Experiment5. Collect Data –
6. Draw Conclusions7. Repeat8. Peer Review-
- controlled experiment is used to test a hypothesis.
- A good controlled experiment must have
1) Control Group – used as a ________________________________ .
2) Experimental Group – differs from the control by one variable (the
group that ___________________________ or factor being tested.
3) _____________________________ is tested . All other variable are
Mrs. Goux’s Living Environment 1
4) A sufficient number of test subjects. The
__________________________ the results.
5) Publish the results.
There are ________ types of variable in a controlled experiment
Independent Variable
– the ___________________________ – you manipulate or change this
variable ( amt of water, fertilizer, temperature or time at which you collect or
measure the data)
Dependent Variable
– what ___________________________ in the experiment.
Ex. 1 Francesco Redi experimented to disprove spontaneous generation.
Mrs. Goux’s Living Environment 1
Ex. 2 Louis Pasteur experimented to disprove spontaneous generation.
Collecting/Analyzing Data
– collecting data to see if it ______________________________ hypothesis.
Drawing Conclusions
A) if data _____________ hypothesis  ______________________
B) if data __________________ hypothesis  ____________________
Ex. The work of Redi and Pasteur allowed for the theory of spontaneous generation ______
_____________________. A new theory called biogenesis took its place.
- states that living things __________________________________________
Scientific Theories vs. Laws or principles
– is a _______________________ by a body of evidence but ____________________ to be 100% true.
Mrs. Goux’s Living Environment 1
– scientific facts that are __________________________.
Organizing data often involves the use of ________________________.
 Graphs allow scientists to analyze
_________________ data to draw conclusions.
 The ___________________________ is on the x-axis.
 The ____________________________ is on the y-axis.
Examine the graph below:
What is the Independent Variable in this experiment?
What is the Dependent Variable in this experiment?
What can be concluded from this graph?
Graphing How to do a line graph
1. First pretend you are the experimenter.
2. Remember that the scale on a axis is like a ruler and that all spaces must be equal to one another on the
same axis.
3. Look at the Independent Variable (I choose) and look to see the largest number. Here, it is the days I am
counting the population of each species. The largest number is 5. I want to make the scale as large as
possible, so it is easier to mark my data points. I do that by counting how many lines there are on the xaxis. On this graph there are 22. I round down to 20. If I divide 20 lines by the 5 days ( 20/5=4) I get 4.
That means that every 4 boxes on the x-axis is equal to 1 day. So I start with o and the 4th line is 1, the 8th
line is 2, 12th
4. Next you will put the Dependant or Responding Variable ( it depends on what I chose to do on the Independent
variable. The population count changes depending on which day I chose to count them.). Here it is the
population number of species A and B. Again my largest population number is 60 and I have 22 spaces
available. Counting each space as 5 allows me to spread the scale for Populations as large as possible
and still making counting simple. I chose to mark every other box . Just make sure you mark every line
initially with pencil and then go back and erase every other one if you wish. Just make sure that all boxes
are of equal value, like a ruler.
5. If there are more than two sets of data points on the same co-ordinates as there are here on days 1, 2 and 3 you
put the dot there and mark with the circle surrounded by the triangle .
Mrs. Goux’s Living Environment 1
Mrs. Goux’s Living Environment 1
Section 1.3 Studying Living Things
Characteristics of Living Things (must have all of these traits in order to be considered to be alive)
1) Organization – composed of
Unicellular/multicellular (Levels of structure)
2) Reproduction – important for survival of species
-which is a group of organisms that ___________________________________
- can be sexual or asexual ( 2 parents or 1 parent)
3) Universal Genetic Code
– all organisms ______________ (deoxyribonucleic acid)
that govern inheritance passed from parent to offspring.
4) Growth and Development
 growth is the __________________ or the addition of new structures
 Development is any change from conception to death
5) Use Materials and Energy Production
 Organisms need __________________________________
 Chemical reactions of life are ________________________
 Use food to create energy molecules called ATP
 Two types of organisms on Earth
Mrs. Goux’s Living Environment 1
1. Autotrophs – ____________________________________
2. Heterotrophs – __________________________________ for food
6) Response to Stimuli – responding to your environment
- Appropriate responses are ___________________________
7) Maintaining an Internal Balance
- _____________________
- ex) body temperature in warm blooded organisms.
8) Adaptation
- is any ______________________________________________________________________
- usually inherited from previous generations
- the ______________________________________in a population over time is ______________
Organism - a living thing
Organic - substance from _______________________ organism
Inorganic - _________________
- Most carbon compounds with the exception of carbon dioxide are organic.
-Water is the most common inorganic compound in living things. It composes 80-95% of living organisms.
- Scientists have been unable to agree on a single definition that characterizes life.
Mrs. Goux’s Living Environment 1
Life Processes: (all organisms including humans must do all of these to remain alive)
1. Nutrition- the ____________________________________________________by an organism for its use
(a.) ingestion- ___________________________________________
(b.) digestion- ________________________________________ to simpler foods by an
2. Circulation - __________________________________within an organism
3. Movement- change in position by a living thing (avoids predation, allows feeding or movement towards
suitable conditions
4. Respiration- process used by organisms _________________________________________________
(ex. oxygen + glucose yields carbon dioxide + water + ENERGY)
** The energy released in respiration is needed to maintain life functions.
5. Synthesis- ________________________ chemical substances to _________________ ones (ex. starches
from simple sugars) “creating”
6. Excretion- the _______________________ of cellular waste products ( ex. sweating, exhaling, urinating,
NOT pooping!)
7. Regulation (coordination)
- the control of the various activities of an organism (mostly involves the nervous system and
endocrine glands in complex organisms)
8. growth- increase in living matter by ______________________________________________________
9. reproduction- ability of living things to make more of their own kind
** Not needed for organism survival--but necessary for the survival of the species.
10. immunity -- the ability of an organism to resist ___________________ causing organisms and foreign
- the ______________________________________________ needed to sustain life (the total of all of
the chemical reactions that occur in all the cells of an organism)
Mrs. Goux’s Living Environment 1
- the __________________________________________________________________ (steady state)
- A disruption in any organ system will result in a corresponding disruption of homeostasis.
-Organisms possess a control mechanisms that detect changes in the internal (or external) environment
and make adjustments to correct the situation.
[ Examples of Maintaining Homeostasis in Living Things]
1.) environmental temp increases ----> more sweating ---> more
evaporation --> cools down body
2.) Blood sugar regulation
__________ -- a ______________________________ produced by
the pancreas and carried through the blood
-- ____________________________ 2 major ways:
a.) Takes ________________________ to be used as fuel
in cell
respiration from our blood
b.) ________________________________________
(animal starch) and ___________ it in our
___________ and ___________________________
glucogon -- another ___________________ which
can ______________________
________ our blood sugar level if it is too
The failure to maintain blood glucose homeostasis results in
3.) Plant leaf regulation of water balance inside them.
________ -- microscopic holes in a leaf which allow
for ____________________
_____________out of the plant
________ -- ________________
the stomata (pores)
Changes in the stomata controlled
by guard cells that
_________________ _____
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____________________ by many plants.
Section 1.4 Tools and Procedures
SI units (International System of Units) of the Metric System
Length (distance)
Mass (amount of matter)
Volume (amount of space matter occupies)
Temperature (avg. KE of matter)
SI prefixes
1x106 (= 106)
meter (m)
kilogram (kg)
liter (L)
Celsius (°C)
Ex.’s using meter
Ex.’s 35 cm = _________ m
Liter volume
642 km = ______ m
1000 m = ______ mm
Mrs. Goux’s Living Environment 1
Tools for Observation & Measurement
A) Light Microscope – uses ______________ to produce an enlarged view
1. Simple Microscope – ___________ lens; Ex. Magnifying glass
2. ***Compound Microscope – __uses _____ lenses:
 Ocular (eyepiece) – magnifies 10X
 Objective – usually 3-4 choices (4X, 10X, 40/43X, 100X)
Total Magnification = ____________ x _____________
3. Phase-Contrast Microscope – _____________
4. Stereomicroscope – ____image of specimen (not reversed)
studying ______ & structural features
--- Used for
B) Electron Microscope
 Transmission EM – 250,000X  Uses electron beams (not light)
& electromagnetic lenses (not glass); Scanning EM (SEM)
1. Centrifugation – separates materials of different _________
2. Gel Electrophoresis – separation based on _____________
 ***_________________ molecules travel faster & farther
3. Chromatography – separating a color into their component colors based on size
4. Computers – Ex. MRI, CAT scans  Generate images of body tissues
5. Staining & Indicators
 Stains – make cell structures more visible
--- Ex. Iodine, methylene blue
 Indicators – substances that change _________ when they come in contact with certain
--- Ex. _______ _ paper – acidic, basic or neutral
Mrs. Goux’s Living Environment 1
Taxonomy = _______________ of organisms  Makes studying the unity & diversity of
living things EASIER
Classification Categories
 From broad groupings          Narrow & specific groupings
Kingdom  Phylum  Class  Order  Family  Genus  species
 Every species belongs to ONE of each groupings!!!
 Dichotomous Key – “di” = _____; Ex. bicycle, car, jet & motorcycle
Requires petroleum fuel
Requires only muscle power
go to Step 2
Has wings and flies
Has no wings and does not fly
go to Step 3
Has two wheels
Has more than two wheels
__ __________
Mrs. Goux’s Living Environment 1
 Prokaryotes – lack ________ membranes & most _________ (= internal membrane-bound
structures); without nucleus
 Eukaryotes – contain _______ membranes & organelles
1.) ARCHAEBACTERIA- extreme ancient bacteria that live in environments such as high
temperature above boiling, acidic environment (low pH) or highly saline(salt) environment
2.) EUBACTERIA = regular bacteria & blue-green algae
--- Cell walls, ________________ (one cell)
 Bacteria – _________________ (cannot make own food)
 Blue-green algae – __________ (can make own food)
3) PROTISTA – mostly unicellular
a) Protozoa – ___________________-like movement & nutrition
Ex. Amoeba & paramecium
b) Algae – can form colonies, do photosynthesis, have cell walls, ___________nutrition
Ex. Spirogyra, kelp, diatoms, seaweed
FUNGI – mostly ______________ (many cells)
--- __________________ on other living things
 Heterotrophs
 _______ of other organisms
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 Cell wall (made of ____________________)
Ex. Yeasts, molds, mushrooms
PLANTAE (Plants) – mostly multicellular
 Autotrophs = photosynthetic organisms (can make own food using energy from
 Cell wall (made of _________________)
Ex. Roses, oak & maple trees, cactus, dandelions
6.) ANIMALIA (Animals) – multicellular
 Heterotrophs
 ___________________ reproduction is very common
a) Invertebrates – sponges, worms, insects  Have NO ___________________
b) Vertebrates – fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, birds
Key Organisms (in order of increasing complexity):
 Amoeba – has _________________ (false feet)
for food absorption & movement
 Paramecium – has __________ for movement & an ______________
(side pocket) through which food is ingested
 Hydra
--- __ cell layers thick
--- Has a mouth surrounded by ___________ leading to an internal cavity
 Earthworm
--- _______________________ circulation and tube-like digestion
 Grasshopper
--- ____________________ circulation and tube-like digestion
 Humans
--- Mammals nourish young with ___________________, have hair/fur & have
well-developed brains
Mrs. Goux’s Living Environment 1