Coppin State University eHealth Project

Coppin State University
e-Health Project
eHealth Conference
June 10, 2008
Professor Betsy D. Simon, M.S., CHES, CPP
Principal Investigator/Project Director
Scott Jackson Dantley, Ph.D., Project Evaluator
Coppin eHealth Educators
Coppin State University eHealth
Presentation Overview
Overarching Goal &
Supportive Goals
Statement of Problem
Student Assessment
CSU’s NLM Solution
Community Partnering
Project Activities
Project Deliverables
Coppin eHealth Project Goals
Overarching Goal: Increase awareness of, access to, and use
of the National Library of Medicine (NLM) online health
Goal 1: Train Train-Of-Trainer Groups on NLM.
Goal 2: Increase utilization and dissemination of NLM in all
undergraduate health education syllabi.
Goal 3: Increase awareness, access, and dissemination of
NLM databases to campus and intended communities.
Goal 4: Measure awareness and use of NLM among campus
and community participants.
CSU eHealth Project Foci
Diabetes, Overweight, Obesity, & Physical Activity
Charts Retrieved from NLM databases by T. Carter
Statement of the Problem
(As We Began)
Diabetes affects ONE IN FOUR
African-American women
over 55-years-old.
Diabetes affects TWENTY-FIVE
PERCENT of African-Americans
between ages 65 and 74.
Statement of the Problem (National)
African-Americans are more likely than other ethnic
and cultural group to be diagnosed with diabetes.
Statement of the Problem (National)
African-Americans are
African-Americans are
more likely than non-Hispanic white
adults to have been diagnosed with
diabetes by a physician.
more likely than non-Hispanic
white adults to die from diabetes.
White Males
White Males
Source: NLM, 2006
Statement of Problem (State)
In Maryland, 9.5 percent African-American residents have
diabetes, compared to 6 percent of Whites.
Many of those African-Americans are unable to receive the
necessary health care.
Approximately one in every 400 to 500 children and adolescents
has Type I diabetes.
Type II diabetes is becoming more common in among
African-American children and adolescents.
Sources: MD BRFSS, 2002; USRDS Data, 2001
Statement of Problem (Local)
Coppin State University (CSU) and Coppin Academy High
School students, families, peers, and neighbors mirror the
Baltimore community which is disproportionately affected by
chronic diseases such as diabetes.
African-Americans in Baltimore City are 15 percent more
likely to die from heart disease than white City residents. In
Baltimore County, African-Americans are twice as likely to
die from a diabetes-related illness than whites (BCHD, 2008).
The prevalence of diabetes in Baltimore City is being
addressed as a city health crisis as indicated in City Council
Resolution number 03.1177 (2003).
Student Assessment Component
Assessment of the computer, website, Internet, library usage,
and NLM awareness and knowledge levels among consenting
CSU HEED students.
Baseline – April 2008
Post-Intervention – August/September 2008
Follow-up – December 2008
Research Procedures
The population of interest for this study consists of a
convenient sample of 194 undergraduate and 4
graduate health education students from Coppin
State University
Research Procedures continued
The survey instrument was designed to gather information in six
Demographic Information
Computer Skills and Usage
Internet and Web experience
Use of the CSU Parlett Moore or other Libraries
Use of NLM Databases
Diabetes and other Health Issues
Research Procedures continued
Measures continued
The survey included 86 multiple choice question and 10
open-ended question testing students’ knowledge of diabetes,
obesity and the importance of physical activity.
Trained Assessors administered the survey to a convenient
sample of 15 health education classes selected to participate;
course levels include 100, 200, 300 and 400 level courses.
Research Procedures continued
The survey was administered from April 8, 2008 to April 23,
2008. Follow ups will be done in September 2008 and
December 2008. SPSS 13.0 and Microsoft Excel were used to
analyze data collected. SPSS 13.0 was used to construct
frequency distribution tables and the single variable analysis
approach was used to illustrate overall findings.
Descriptive Statistics were used to present quantitative data
collected from the questionnaire. Data was collected from ten
open-ended questions into Microsoft Excel and used to
measure the student’s basic knowledge of diabetes and
obesity and the importance of physical activity.
Sample Demographics
% of Population
% of Population
Hispanic/Latino American
Over 60
Missing Value
Missing Value
% of Population
Missing Value
Sample Findings: Computer Skills &
Internet/Web Experience (N=198)
Fifty-one (51%) percent (101 students) identified themselves as
having good computer skills, while 31% (62 students) viewed
themselves as having excellent computers skills.
Twenty-five (25%) percent (50 students) spent 15-30 hours per
week on the Internet, while the majority, 42% (84 students) spent
6-15 hours per week on the Internet.
Thirty-nine (39%) percent (78 students) used the Internet daily
for studying, while 48% (94 students) used the web weekly for
Sample Findings: Use of the CSU Parlett
Moore or Other Libraries (N=198)
Thirty-nine (39%) percent (78 students) used the Library for
studying once a week each academic semester.
Seventeen (17%) percent (34 students) referenced online resources
at least once a month while 44% (88 students) never referenced
online resources.
Eleven (11%) percent (22 students) used periodicals twice a
semester while the majority 58% (115 students) never use
Seventeen (17%) percent (34 students) used EDatabases/Indexes/E-journals twice a semester; 50% (99 students)
never used E-Databases/Indexes/E-journals.
9.6% (19 students) used electronic classrooms weekly each
semester; 62% (123 students) never used electronic classrooms.17
Sample Findings: Use of NLM
Databases (N=198)
Seventy-seven (77%) percent (154 students) never heard of
the National Library of Medicine databases prior to taking the
Seventy-three (73%) percent (145 students) identified the BMI
as a method to estimate critical fat values.
Fifty-three (53%) percent (104 students) identified Google as
their main online source.
Twenty (20%) percent (40 students) identified WebMD as
their main online source.
Eleven (11%) percent (21 students) of participants identified
Yahoo as their main online source.
Sixteen (16%) percent (29 students) used others sources.
Sample Findings: Diabetes and
Physical Activity (N=198)
Seventy (70%) percent (138 students) listed at least one sign
of diabetes, while 30% left this section of the survey blank.
Seventy-five (75%) percent (148 students) listed one or more
types of diabetes.
Fifty-one (51%) percent (100 students) identified the
importance of the releasing of insulin into the blood stream.
Seventy-three (73%) percent (145 students) identified the
BMI as a method to estimate critical fat values.
Sample Findings: Diabetes and
Physical Activity (N=198)
Fifty-seven (57%) percent (113 students) identified 30
minutes as the amount of physical activity recommended for
adults by the Guidelines for Americans (CDC).
Thirty-one (31%) percent (62 students) identified 60 minutes
as the amount of physical activity recommended for children
by the Guidelines for Americans (CDC).
Thirty-four (34%) percent (68 students) identified 26.6-29.9
as a body mass index considered overweight.
Twenty (20%) percent (40 students) identified the percentage
of Americans who report no physical activity according to
Seventy-five (75%) percent (148 students) identified that the
health status of minorities has a direct impact on the health of
the majority.
In Summation
These preliminary findings support our original premise
that students are not aware of the massive resources
offered by the National Library of Medicine Databases.
Further analysis of the data will enable us to design a needs
based awareness and knowledge transfer service model
that will improve NLM databases access and utilization by
students at Coppin State University.
Coppin State University and NLM Databases
A Part of the Solution
NLM Databases are being used by persons trained through
the UNCFSP/NLM ACCESS Project, sponsored by the CSU
eHealth Project, and designed to train others.
NLM on-line resources are being accessed for academic,
personal, and familial purposes; proving to be an empowering
Coppin State University uses its role as the leader of the
educational corridor for the surrounding communities
(Baltimore City Data Collaborative, 2006) to partner with key
Coppin students are being introduced to NLM in health
education classes and through campus-wide activities.
The VMC Model of Engagement enables an equal partnering
with underserved communities which will help to ensure long
term sustainability.
Community Partnering (examples)
A Sustaining Tool
Addie Johnson, Principal
The Woodbourne Center
Walter O. Ginn, Placement Coordinator
Baltimore City Department of Social Services
Michelle N. McEachern, Executive Director
Coppin Heights Community Development Corporation
Tonya Johnson, Director
Baltimore City Health Department Health Education & Outreach
William Howard, Principal
Coppin Academy High School
The Village Model
The Participants Engagement Plan
The Village Model of Engagement is being used to increase
the utilization of NLM Databases by the Coppin family and
community residents.
The Model is a highly structured ecological program that is
termed the Village Model of Care (VMC) founded and
developed by Betsy Simon (Simon, Owens, 1995 UP), and
guided by the African concept, “It Takes a Whole Village to
Raise a Child” (Dickerson, 1995; Daley, et al., 1995).
VMC had been used in community, faith-based, and schoolbased settings for a number of years prior to its use as a
research and program evaluative model for youth and their
families from at-risk communities (seamless funding-NIDA,
CSAP, NINR via Friends Research Institute 1993 to the
Project Activities Phase I
Start-Up, NLM Awareness & Training Highlights
July – September 2007
eHealth Grant Proposal Review Session
Infused health disparities and NLM Databases into HEED Syllabi
Conducted NLM Sessions for Health Education faculty
Recruitment and Training of Student eHealth Educators
UNCFSP/NLM Orientation and Grant Award Announcement Program
Health Education NLM infused course syllabi distributed to students
October 2007
Campus Meetings/Trainings with CSU eHealth Educators
ORISE NLM On-Site Training for eHealth Team (30 participants)
November – December 2007
eHealth Team and eHealth Educators Trainings and Meetings
End of Semester Student Led NLM Awareness & Health Education Forum
Video Teleconference-Dr. Dantley, Dr. Powell, et al
Project Activities Phase II: Research, Training,
Assessment, and Intervention Highlights
February -April 2008
CSU eHealth Educators Trainings-D. Curbeam, Instructional Technologist
Webnair Teleconference with Dr. Powell, et al
CSU eHealth Team/Educators Trainings and Meetings
Site Visit from Dr. Powell (March 12, 2008)
IRB Approval for Assessment (March 31, 2008)
Training Session and OJT for Assessors by FRI (April 8, 2008)
Fifteen HEED Classes Assessed (April 8, 2008 – April 21, 2008)
Thirteen In-Class NLM Databases Presentations by eHealth Educators
Professor Simon, PI, and Kamilah Dickens, eHealth Educator, presented
NLM/eHealth for Faculty Research Committee at Brown Bag Lunch
Project Activities Phase III: Campus Sharing, Community
Out-Reach, Training, and eHConference
May 2008 – July 2008
 4th Annual CSU Students Mentor for a Day with VMC/ALC (May
7, 2008)
 End of Semester Student Led HEED Forum supported by NLM
Databases (May 7, 2008-evening and May 8, 2008-day)
 Final examination with permission to use NLM online resources
(group exam/two upper level HEED classes, May 13, 2008)
 Next Phase eHealth Team Luncheon Meeting (May 27, 2008)
 Mini-Training Institute for eHealth Educators (June 4, 2008)
 eHealth Conference in Bethesda Maryland (June 9-10, 2008)
Project Activities Phase IV: Interventions and
Sustainability Highlights
NLM information/facts mailing to participants (July 2008)
Launch eHealth Website & continued Marketing (July 2008)
NLM Awareness & Factual session (campus-wide, August)
Post-Assessment for Coppin HEED student participants
eHealth NLM Sessions for Community (September 2008)
Campus/Community eHealth Conference (September)
Community Presentations Continue
Follow-up Assessment for Coppin HEED student participants
National Diabetes Goal Champion Activities Begin (CSU invited)
COPPIN GOES FLAT by Eliminating Belly Fat Campaign
December 2008 & Beyond – Sustainability Initiatives continue.
CSU eHealth Project Deliverables
VMC Peer eHealth Educators Manual
 Youth through older adults teams
 How to Establish, Train, and Monitor teams
NLM Peer eHealth Educators Presentation PowerPoint *
NLM infused Health Education Course Syllabi (lower and
upper level courses)
NLM HEED Faculty Presentation PowerPoint **
eHealth Campus Community NLM Awareness Conference
CSU eHealth Project Deliverables
 Feasibility of using urban HBCU undergraduates and
eHealth Technology as a strategy for campus to
community outreach
 Assessing the technology, library usage, and NLM
awareness/knowledge levels of urban HBCU
 eHealth baseline, post, and follow-up survey
Annotated Timeline for NLM infusion on an HBCU campus
and surrounding communities
*Special Appreciation to Dionne Curbeam, Instructional Technologist, OIT, for CSU Peer eHealth Educators PowerPoint
Presentation, design, development, and training.
**Special Appreciation to Professor Antoinette W. Coward, Health Education Instructor, CSU, for HEED Faculty PowerPoint
Presentation, design and development.
NLM Conference Testimonies*
CSU Student eHealth Educators
Sherrie Alford
Kamilah Dickens
Christin Braswell
Lakiesha Williams
Tierra Carter
Joyce Castro
Onsite at June 10, 2008 eHealth Conference
Special Acknowledgements and
Appreciation To:
Dr. Sadie Gregory
University Provost and
Vice President of Academic Affairs
Dr. Reginald Avery
University President
All Persons that supported the eHealth Project
CSU eHealth Educators
Sherrie Alford
Kamilah Dickens
Christin Braswell
Eyituoyo Ebigbeyi
Tierra Carter
Taneka Lee
Joyce Castro
Candice Sewell
Shante’ Corbitt
Paul Williams
Yvette Davis
Lakiesha Williams
Project Staff
Professor Betsy D. Simon, M.S., CHES, CPP
Principal Investigator and Project Director
Scott Jackson Dantley, Ph.D.
Project Evaluator
Sherrie Alford
Administrative Assistant
Professor Antoinette W. Coward
Process Recorder
Carolyn McGlotten
Budget Manager and Public Forum Facilitator
Project Staff
Robernette Smith
Head of Reference Services, Parlett Moore Library
Emanuel Owusu-Sekyere
Director, Information Technology Services
Abby Byrnes
Instructional Technology Trainer
Dionne Curbeam.
Instructional Technology Trainer
Tahira Rashid
Assessment Facilitator
Consulting and Resource Personnel
Edna Simmons, Ed.D., Chairperson
Department of Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance
Mary Wanza, Ph.D., Director
Parlett Moore Library
Scott Jackson Dantley, Ph.D., Interim Associate Provost
Office of Academic Affairs and Office of Planning and Accreditation
Ahmed El-Haggan, Ph.D., Vice President
Division of Information Technology
Joann Christopher-Hicks, Ed.D., Associate Vice President
Division of Student Affairs
James Roberts, Acting Vice President
Division of Institutional Advancement
Community Partnerships
William Howard, Principal
Coppin Academy High School
Walter O. Ginn, Placement Coordinator
Baltimore City Department of Social Services
Michelle N. McEachern, Executive Director
Coppin Heights Community Development Corporation
Tonya Johnson, Director
Baltimore City Health Department, Reproductive Health
Health Education & Outreach Department
Addie Johnson, Principal
The Woodbourne Alternative Learning Center