Advocacy Letter Rubric (25 points possible) Component Excellent (4-5 points) Satisfactory (2-3 points) Organization Extremely well organized; logical format & easy to follow; flowed smoothly from one idea to another; organization enhanced effectiveness of the paper. Presented in a thoughtful Somewhat organized; ideas manner; there were signs of not presented coherently and organization but transitions transitions not always smooth. were not always easy to follow; at times ideas were unclear. Position and States and maintains a counterargument position, authoritatively defends that position with precise and relevant evidence and convincingly addresses reader's counterarguments. Call to action Provides an appropriate call to action that is clearly related to the advocacy cause. Audience Demonstrates consistent awareness tone and focus and demonstrates a clear sense of audience. Mechanics Consistently grammatically correct with rare misspellings. States and maintains a position, generally defends that position with reasonable relevant evidence and addresses most counterarguments. Fails to defend a position with any evidence and fails to address the reader's counterarguments. Provides a debatably realistic Provides a weak or unrealistic or appropriate call to action call to action, or no specific that is related to the advocacy action is requested. cause. Demonstrates consistent tone Demonstrates inconsistent and focus with a general tone or poor understanding of sense of audience. the audience. Few errors in spelling and grammar evidenced. Project generally adheres to Project adheres to the NLM style/format but has NLM style/format; some errors. references are complete; cover page is correct. Completed on time Completed on time Unsatisfactory (0-1 point) Utilizes poor spelling and grammar. Project is not in NLM style/format; references are incomplete. Not completed by the due date.