Version B Exam Review Answers

1. In Deuterostomes, the (mouth or anus) develops first, their cleavage is (spiral or radial) and their
cells (determinate or indeterminate).
2. The three classes in Phylum Annelida are:
Class Oligochaeta (“earthworms)
Class Polychaeta (“clamworms)
Class Hirudenia (“leeches”)
3. Which of the following are correctly paired?
a. Gills: mostly found in terrestrial animals (i.e. spiders)
b. Book lungs: primarily in aquatic animals (i.e. crab)
c. Tracheae and spiracles: composed of the opening (tracheae) and the network of branches
d. Tracheae and spiracles: composed of the opening (spiracles) and the network of
branches (tracheae)
4. T/F: Insects have closed circulatory systems that are composed of a heart, arteries, and veins.
5. Hemimetabolous metamorphosis is composed of 3 stages (egg, nymph, adult) and the adult
resembles the nymph.
6. What is the pore that water enters in through in order for a starfish to move via the water vascular
a. Tube feet
b. The aboral surface
c. Madreporite
d. Central disc
7. Subphylum Chelicerata are composed of animals like spiders, scorpions, and horseshoe crabs.
Which of the following is incorrect when describing Subphylum Chelicerata?
a. They have one pair of antennae
b. 4 pairs of walking legs
c. They have pedipalps that help them eat
d. They can be terrestrial or marine
8. What happens to the coelom within an animal in Phylum Arthropoda?
a. It explodes
b. It expands
c. It grows and encompasses the organism, forming another layer of protection
d. It degenerates
9. (Centipedes or Millipedes) have poison glands, have 2 legs per segment, and are carnivores.
10. Metamerism means to show true segmentation.
11. Protostomes go through (schizocoelous or enterocoelous) development while Deuterostomes go
through (schizocoelous or enterocoelous) development.
12. In invertebrate chordates the pharyngeal slits become
suspension feeding devices.
13. Explain Hypothesis “A” and Hypothesis “B” for the evolution of vertebrates.
Hypothesis “A”: the ancestral vertebrate chordate evolved from a
cephalochordate-like animal.
Evidence that supports it: cephalochordate adult has all four chordate
characteristics and larva or lampreys resemble that of lancelets
Hypothesis “B”: the ancestral vertebrate chordate evolved from a urochordate.
14. Which of the following characteristics pertain to Class Chondricthyes?
a. Notochord persistent
b. 2-chambered heart
c. No operculum or swim bladder
d. Placoid scales
e. All of the above
15. What is the extinct group found in Class Agnatha? Ostracoderms
Amplexus is a form of external fertilization in which water is required for the
and egg to meet.
17. Under what Class and Order are lizards and snakes categorized?
a. Class Reptilia, Order Rynchocephalia
b. Class Reptilia, Order Squamata
c. Class Reptilia, Order Monotremata
d. Class Mammalia, Order Testudines
18. T/F Carinate birds have a flat sternum and as such are classified as flightless birds.
Carinate: keeled sternum, flying birds
Ratite: flat sternum, flightless birds
19. Explain the terms endothermic and exothermic.
Endothermic: Maintain homeostasis through internal metabolic production of heat
Exothermic: Body heat is obtained from external sources. Animals use solar energy rather
that cellular metabolic reactions for heat.
20. Metatherians and Eutherians are classified under what Subclass? Subclass Theria
21. All of the following are characteristics of Class Aves, except:
a. 4-chambered heart
b. Notochord persists
c. Scales on their legs
d. Endothermic