School of Technology * Joint MS/MBA Program

School of Technology – Joint MS/MBA Program
The School of Technology and the Marriott School of Management offer a joint program leading to a
master of science (MS) degree in technology and a master of business administration (MBA) degree. The
degrees are approved and conferred separately by the two departments. Students must apply to both
programs and mention their intention to participate in the dual program in each letter of intent.
Students applying to the joint MS/MBA program need only take the GMAT (the GRE is NOT required).
More details on the MS degree can be found at For more
information about the MBA portion of the program, please visit:
Students are encouraged to complete the degree in 3 years (1 year for the MS and 2 years for the MBA),
although additional time may be needed to complete the M.S. thesis work. For students that prefer a threeyear program, a suggested flowchart is shown below.
Year 1
Year 2
MS Thesis Research (2 hours)
MBA Core
Fall and Winter
MS Thesis Research (2 hours)
MS Coursework (12 hours)
MBA Core
MBA 670
Year 3
Fall and Winter
MBA Core
MBA Electives
MS Coursework (9 hours)
MS Thesis Research (2 hours)
MS These Defense
12 credit hours can be used in common for both the MS and MBA degrees. Specifically, MBA
670 (Innovation and Entrepreneurship) is required for the MBA program and will be accepted as
an elective towards the MS degree. Additionally, any 3 MS courses (9 credit hours) will be
accepted towards the MBA degree as approved by the MBA advisor.
Of the 30 hours required for the MS, 6 hours are for the thesis, and 24 hours are for approved
coursework, which should include MBA 670.
Some MS courses must be taken concurrently with the MBA program or it will not be considered
a joint program.
Students must register for at least 2 hours their first term or semester.
It is recommended that the thesis advisor be selected as early as possible (usually before
It is strongly recommended that the thesis be completed and successfully defended before
beginning the MBA Core. It is difficult to stop the research and start it again later.
Revised January 13, 2012