Sport Club Officer Training

Sport Club Officer Training
Fall 2014
What are Sport Clubs?
Purpose of today
Training is ongoing
Ask questions!
What makes your club
“Setting goals is the first step
in turning the invisible into
the visible.”
- Tony Robbins
“Leadership is simply the ability
of an individual to coalesce the
efforts of other individuals
toward achieving common goals.
It boils down to looking after
your people and ensuring that,
from top to bottom, everyone
feels part of the team.”
-Frederick W. Smith
What is your role?
Risk Manager
Rowan Sport Club Mission Statement
Rowan University’s Sport Club Program is dedicated to
enriching the
educational experience by providing safe opportunities to
students for engagement in a variety of physical, sport activities across
a broad range of skill levels and experiences. This includes activities that are
competitive, semi-competitive, and recreational in nature. Further, the
Rowan University Sport Club Program is a training ground for
leadership, organizational development, and
teaching. Ultimately, the mission is realized through a program that
provides diverse sport activities while also affording the students
opportunities to develop skills that will assist them
spent at Rowan.
beyond their
Tina Pinocci
Assistant VP
Director of Campus Recreation
Drew D’Elia
Assistant Director of
Sport Clubs and Youth Programs
Bill Moylan
Sport Club and Intramurals
Graduate Coordinator
Sport Club
Sport Club
Sport Club
Sport Club
Sport Club
Sport Club
Andrew Wilkinson
Shannon Steelman
Justin Chisari
Harvey Singh
M Lacrosse
M Soccer
W Lax
W Ultimate
W Rugby
M Rugby
M Ice Hockey
Field Hockey
M Volleyball
W Ice Hockey
M Ultimate
W Soccer
Roller Hockey
W Volleyball
Outdoor Adventure
Table Tennis
Ballroom Dance
Karate & Self-Defense
Competitive Sport Clubs:
Currently enrolled students (grad or undergrad),
unless there is a special exception designated by
your governing body.
Non-competitive Sport Clubs (no contests
against other colleges):
Open to students, faculty/staff, or Rec Center
Intramural Eligibility
Indoor Volleyball- 2 club members
Sand Volleyball (Doubles)- 1 club member
Sand Volleyball (4 on 4)- 1 club member
Indoor Soccer- 2 clubs members
Outdoor Soccer- 3 club members
Softball- 2 club members
Ultimate Frisbee- 3 club members
Wallyball- 1 vollyball club member
• President
• Treasurer
• Risk Manager
President Roles
Primary liaison with the SC Office
Keeps club members compliant with all policies
Assures all paperwork/reports are complete
Submits facility requests for any space needed
Attends all SC trainings and meetings
Works on transition to new officers
Assists other officers with all of their assigned
Treasurer Roles
Collects dues or assures that dues are paid
Maintains records of receipts and expenditures
Submits reimbursement requests or assists other
club members in doing so
Submits all invoices in prompt manner for
Submits officials’ paperwork when applicable
Assists in any other financial matters as needed
Risk Manager Roles
Submits travel itinerary for any club travel offcampus
Completes club Emergency Action Plan with
regards to any off-campus activity
Completes injury report in the event a SC Staff
member is not present
Checks out a FA kit
Maintains copies of club emergency contacts
Obtain FA/CPR Certification (provided by us)
Other Officer Roles
- Assist President with any duties as needed
- Attend meetings in absence of President
- Potential ‘President-in-waiting’
- Maintains club’s Social Media
- Creates club flyers
- Communicates with SC Marketing Staff
Takes attendance at practices and meetings
- Assists with any paperwork or semester/Annual Reports
Need to maintain being a STUDENT org
Coaches shouldn’t run the club or fulfill officer
duties unless that coach is a student
Our office does not hire/fire the coach, but can
assist in those processes
Important to designate what the coach’s duties
are, what the club’s duty is
Final say goes to the club
Is your club looking for a coach?
Coach benefits
Coach’s contract
Maintaining Your Club
Updated Constitution (by end of September)
Waivers (should be completed before any activity)
Practice/Game/Trip Schedule
Sport Club signature form (due 9/19)
Attend SC Meetings (dates TBD)
Submit Paperwork on time (ongoing)
Community Service (one per semester)
Key to your success, and maximizing our ability
to help you communicate with…
The Sport Club office (Drew and Bill)
Denise (Rec Secretary)
Staff on-site at your events
Sport Club Supervisor liaisons
Participation Waiver
Travel Waiver
How to pay dues?
Plan a budget
Tracking member dues
Allocation usage, carry-forward
Funding Model and
Allocation Process
How we determined your money
◦ Tiers, Multipliers, Points, Deductions,
How you can assure all your money
 When we can, we increase funding, trying
for more next year, so it is important that
clubs do their part in abiding by
everything, setting goals, being awesome
 Post-season
Sport Club Math 101
Needs + Points = Cash Money
More Points = More Cash Money
Strikes = Less Cash Money
More Cash Money = More Opportunities
Monthly Meetings
Roster Checks
Number of members
Community Service
National/Regional Competiton
Signed officer forms
SC Strike System
Rowan Sport Clubs are required to complete all club
duties as outlined today and in the Sport Club Manual
 Strikes will accumulate throughout the course of one
full academic year.
 When a club accumulates 6 strikes or more, the
club will be considered eligible for a probation
Probation penalties
Limited practice time
No home events
Checkup meetings
Freeze funds
Strike Summary
Missed Officer Meeting – 1 Strike
◦ A club will receive 1 strike for missing any officer meeting (1 per
month) throughout the Fall and Spring semesters.
Late Constitution, EAP, and Officer List – 1 strike each
◦ A club will receive 1 strike for each document handed in past the
Missed Semester/Annual Report – 2 Strikes
◦ A club will receive 2 strikes for failing to hand in a semester or
annual report.
Failed Roster Check - 2 strikes
◦ Each club will be roster checked at practices periodically throughout
the semester. A club will receive 2 strikes for not having at least 90
percent of their participants without waivers.
Missed Service Project – 2 Strikes
◦ A club will receive 2 strikes for missing a service project. Two service
projects are required each academic year (1 per semester).
Sport Club Math 101
Needs + Points = Cash
More Points = More Cash Money
Strikes = Less Cash Money
More Cash Money = More Opportunities
Pre-Travel Procedure
Before you travel, you MUST submit a Travel Itinerary. In
addition, a Request for Travel Form must be submitted in
advance of your departure date. Otherwise, you are
traveling at your own personal expense and are not
covered for any liability by University Insurance. A
sport club travel packet must be picked up at the Rec Center
main office before departing Rowan University.
*Form will be
Pre-Travel Procedures
A Travel Itinerary can be found on the Rowan Sport Club Webpage. A link on the webpage will direct you to a
form which can be completed and submitted electronically. The travel itinerary is due two weeks before
travel. No hard copies are required for submission.
If your club is travel overnight, a Request for Travel Form (aka Funded Travel Form) must be completed in
addition to the Travel Itinerary. The Request for Travel Form is submitted to either Drew or Denise three
weeks before travel.
Request for Travel form applies when your trip costs more than $250 or requires an overnight stay
Attach documentation such as event registration, flyers, hotel reservations, and/or invoices which contain the
dates and times of the event.
A travel roster and driver list must be attached to the Travel Request Form. Each traveler MUST have a travel
waiver submitted. Each Driver must have a completed driver waiver submitted to the main office.
Include all estimated costs; you cannot ask for additional funds later. Be sure to add tax to hotels or obtain a
If requesting mileage reimbursement (45 cents per mile), attach print-out of mileage program such as Google
Maps or Mapquest
Pre-payments are possible for registration fees. Hotels cannot be paid for in advance.
Even if you are not requesting reimbursement, submit a Request for Travel form to ensure you are covered by
Rowan Insurance.
Pick up travel packet at the Rowan Rec Center main desk. This large envelope contains emergency protocol
procedures, an emergency contact list, injury reports, and safe travel tips.
While on the trip
Alcohol and Other Drug Use
◦ Consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages or illegal substances
is not permitted at any club function or event, including traveling to
and from venues. Noncompliance with this policy may result in
individual disciplinary action by the Assistant Director of Sports Clubs
and may be sent to the Student Judicial Affairs Office. Any
consumption, possession, or suspicion of consumption or possession
may result in removal from the facility and disciplinary actions to the
individual and club. Clubs are collectively responsible for individual
members of their team. Rowan University does not permit use of
tobacco products (cigarettes, chewing tobacco, etc.) at any
University‐sponsored events such as Sport Clubs events. Additionally
all facilities are tobacco free. Spectators or club members must move
outside of the fenced field areas for this use.
Refer to your travel packet
◦ Emergency action plans
◦ Emergency contacts
◦ Injury reports
◦ Travel tips
*Your club represents the university*
Post Travel Procedures
Post-competition report must be submitted online by
Tuesday 11:59pm, or two days following the return
If any injuries occurred on the trip, Injury Report Forms
must be immediately submitted to the Main Office upon
For reimbursements, a Travel Request Reimbursement Form
must be completed. Please attach original receipts to the
back of the form. If payment was with credit card, the last
four digits must be on the receipt. If student paid with a
personal check, our office will need a copy of the bank
statement which shows the check was deposited.
Reimbursed items: registration, gas, hotel, plane tickets,
food. Due 2 weeks upon return
Pre-Travel Review
If your club is staying overnight OR your day-trip costs more that
$250, the Request for Travel Form due 3 weeks before the trip
Travel Roster (list drivers)
Travel Waivers for each student on the trip
Travel Itinerary
Event Registration forms
Hotel Reservations
Mileage form if gas reimbursements are requested
Travel Itinerary (for both university funded and non-funded
travel) due 2 weeks before the trip.
Driver waivers
Pick up travel packet at the main office before departing Rowan.
Post-Travel Review
 Competition
report is due two days after
returning (Tuesday 11:59pm)
 Reimbursement
are due to the main office
two weeks after returning
• MUST have original receipts with the last four digits of
the credit card on them.
Travel Scenarios
Risk Management
Funded Overnight
Non-Funded Overnight
Funded Day-Trip
Non-Funded Daytrip
Rowan University defines hazing as “any action taken,
created, or situated which intentionally or recklessly subjects
any person to the risk of bodily harm, mental or physical
discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule; or
causing or encouraging any person to commit an act that
would be a violation of law or university regulations; for the
purpose of initiating, promoting, fostering, or confirming any
form of affiliation with a student group or organization.”
Field space
First Aid kits
Protocol for giving ice
Cancelled practices
Turf Field
2 officers must be CPR/First Aid certified
Off-campus practices
◦ Insurance process
Home Event Procedures
Communication is crucial
Home event policies
Start on time
Sport Club Supervisor responsibilities
Spectator responsibility
Paying Officials
Rowan Student
◦ Student Special Project Contract
◦ Not already employed
 W4, I9, Driver’s License and SS#
Non-Rowan affiliated
◦ Personal Service Contract
◦ W9 Form
Social media
Rowan Announcers
Keep fresh and current!
Form Review
Hard copies
Participation Waivers
Travel Waivers
Driver Waivers
Officer Signature Form
Request for Travel
Reimbursement Form
Google Drive
◦ Travel Itinerary
◦ Competition Reports
Looking Ahead…
CPR/First Aid Certification signup
Monthly Officer Training Meetings
Turf Field referendum
“Why Most Student Orgs Don’t Work”
Home Events
◦ Dates TBD this week
◦ 9/22, 7pm
◦ Signed Officer Form- 9/19
◦ Constitution and EAP- 9/26 (can be emailed)