

Part F-I

The Economic Theory of Crime and Punishment



Traditional Theory of Criminal Law

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There are two fundamental questions:


What acts should the state punish?


To what extent should a given act be punished?

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We are now considering an area of

Public Law

Why are these issues not simply handled as part of tort law?

Historically they were included as part of the ‘common law of crimes’

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‘Common law of crimes’ has been replaced by

‘criminal statutes’

- criminal law has been codified

Both the common law of crimes and the more recent criminal statutes are premised on the traditional theory of criminal law embodied in legal tradition and scholarship

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Traditional Theory of Criminal Law

1. Intended wrongs (crimes) versus accidental wrongs (torts)

2. Public nature of harm (in addition to the private tort)

3. The plaintiff is the state not a private individual

4. The standard of proof is higher in a criminal matter as opposed to civil action

5. A guilty defendant is punished, as opposed to simply making restitution (making the victim whole)

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Broadly, the traditional theory is based on the simple notion:

‘if someone does something wrong and they are found guilty, they should be punished and they should be punished in proportion to the seriousness of their crime’

The traditional theory focuses on the individual and the act.

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This is not a good starting point for the economic analysis of crime.

Economic theory focuses on societal welfare (takes the perspective of society as a whole

Very simply economic analysis of crime starts with:

An act should be made a criminal act if doing so enhances ‘social welfare’. An act should be punished to the extent that deterring that act maximizes ‘social welfare’.

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Criminal Intent

Accidental harm vs. intentional harm mens rea

‘a guilty mind’ - Scale of Culpability thoughtful thoughtless mens res careful negligent reckless intentional cruel

0 blameless


Legal standard of precaution at fault

Civil wrong vs. criminal wrong

Crime_A guilty



Public Nature

Property, contract and tort law generally deal with private harm imposed by one individual on another

In criminal law more of the harm is of a public nature.

- a murderer kills his/her victim but also causes a general increase in fear and a loss of a sense of security for all members of society.

Three points:

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1. This ‘public’ nature of a criminal act is why in criminal law the plaintiff is the ‘the crown’ (the government) as opposed to the specific person harmed in the criminal act (victim).

In civil law the ‘victim’ is always the plaintiff

Traditionally the victim had very little, or no role in the prosecution or punishment of the crime (mostly as a witness).

More recently the victim might be consulted on charges to be laid and might a give ‘victim impact’ statement at sentencing – might even be compensated

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2. The notion that criminal acts harm the general public allows for the possibility of ‘victimless crimes’ (drugs, gambling, prostitution).

- parties to these transactions enjoy mutual gains

(economic theory would find no basis for such acts being classified as crimes)

- traditional theory of crime argues that there are victims (‘society as a whole’) whose peace and security is threatened (morality, public health, social welfare costs)

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3. What if someone ‘attempts’ to harm another but fails.

- there is no loss, no actual injury, no basis for a tort

- but traditional criminal theory argues that the ‘attempt’ to harm causes a fear and loss of security - the attempt should be punished, even if it failed

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Standard of Proof

Standards of proof

Civil case – ‘preponderance of the evidence’

(plaintiff is more convincing than the defendant - just tips the scales of justice) - 51%

Criminal case – ‘beyond a reasonable doubt’ (clear and convincing evidence) -


Why the difference?

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Traditional Theory of Criminal Law

– Standard of Proof

1. Convicting an innocent person seems worse than letting a guilty person go free (Type I vs. Type II error).

Hypothesis (H): Mr. X is guilty

H is true


Accept H


Correct verdict

H is false

(not guilty)

Type II error

Reject H

(don’t convict)

Type I error

Correct verdict

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The higher the standard of proof, the smaller the likelihood of committing a Type II error

(convicting an innocent person) but the greater the likelihood of committing a Type I error (letting a guilty person go).

Society’s standards in this respect vary over time

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2. The prosecution in a criminal matter can bring the full force of the state (prosecutor/police/etc.) and all its resources down on the defendant

- heavier burden of proof helps to offset this advantage

Note that at times private individuals can bring considerable resources to the court room

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Traditional Theory of Criminal Law

– Punishment


Incarceration (jail)

Restriction of movements (bail terms, house arrest, etc.) could be almost anything – no alcohol, no computers


Corporal punishment - beatings, mutilation, death

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Compensation in civil law aims to restore the victim to his/her previous level of well-being.

Punishment in criminal law is intended to harm the injurer but without making the victim better off.

(There is some very slow movement in this area.)

In principle, punishment and compensation might be substitutes or both could be imposed.

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Perfect compensation: a sum of money that makes the victim indifferent as to having suffered the injury or not having suffered the injury.


Perfect disgorgement: a sum of money that makes the injurer indifferent to having caused the injury or not having caused the injury.

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In criminal law, monetary punishment (fines) are intended to be a sum of money that makes the potential criminal prefer to not commit the crime

- intended to remove whatever incentive the potential criminal has to commit the crime

Aside: given the above, does a schedule of fixed fines ever make sense?

Speeding ticket of $200 or


- 1% of income

- 5% of the value of your car

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Traditional Theory of Criminal Law

– Some Problems

Traditional legal theory of crime:

- does not provide a model of predictive behaviour

(it aims to control behaviour but does not explain the behaviour itself)

- does not provide a clear objective for criminal law – ‘stop people from doing bad things’

(no guidance as to what should be criminal)

In what follows we will try to:

- distinguish between civil and criminal prosecutions

- develop a predictive model of criminal behaviour

- propose a clear objective for criminal law (Surprise

Surprise - minimize the social costs of crime).

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