Rome Chronology of Rome Pax Romana (27BCE – 180 CE) 500 BCE Republic Begins 12 Tables Struggle of the Orders 471-287 BCE 250 BCE Punic Wars 264-146 250 CE 1 CE Caesar is Dictator 47– 44 BCE Decline and fall Of the Roman Republic 133-31 BCE The Rise Of Roman Empire 14 -180 CE The Age Of Augustus 31 BCE – 14 CE 500 CE The fall Of Rome The spread Of Christianity 325 – 500 CE Expansion of Empire Geography of Rome Centrally located in the Mediterranean Protected by the Alps to the North On a Peninsula – surrounded on 3 sides by sea On the Tiber River Geography of Rome Centrally located in the Mediterranean Protected by the Alps to the North On a Peninsula – surrounded on 3 sides by sea On the Tiber River THE ALPS ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^^ MEDITERRANEAN SEA * CARTHAGE Tiber River * ROME Sicily Adriatic Sea HOW DID ROME’S GEOGRAPHY IMPACT ITS DEVELOPMENT? IT WAS SURROUNDED ON 3 SIDES BY WATER, SO …. IT HAD MOUNTAINS TO THE NORTH, SO…. IT WAS CENTRALLY LOCATED IN THE MEDITERRANEAN, SO… STRONG SEA TRADE DEVELOPED AND THE SEA PROVIDED PROTECTION THE MOUNTAINS PROVIDED PROTECTION FROM INVADERS IT BECAME A POWERFUL TRADE CITY The Etruscans and Greeks influenced the development of Rome. Etruscan engineering and metalworking was adopted. The Greeks taught the Romans how to grow grapes and olives. Rome’s earliest form of government was a monarchy. Its kings were Etruscan. They were overthrown. Then, it became a Republic –which is a representative democracy. What is a democracy? It had a Senate (legislative body), Consuls (CEOS, commanded armies) and an Assembly (citizens). At first, it only represented the Patricians. Who were the patricians? Wealthy landowners Then the Plebeians gained political rights and established their own senate called the Tribunes. Who were the Plebeians? Everyone else – 90 percent of the population Then the twelve tables became the law of Rome. Both plebeians and patricians were covered by the laws. The twelve tables established that people were innocent until Proven guilty Citizenship •Citizens were adult male landowners •All citizens were required to serve in the army for 10 years •Citizenship was offered to many non-Romans. Who was not allowed to be a citizen? Women and Slaves The Roman Republic was a representative democracy? How was this different From Athenian Democracy? The Consuls were the CEOs of the government – they directed the military The Senate made the laws and the Assemblies recommended laws Rome was constantly fighting its neighbors because its neighbors kept trying to invade. Rome won every battle because of its superior military. It didn’t set out to conquer the Italian Peninsula but it kept defeating invaders until Rome had control of the whole peninsula. In 264 BCE, Rome and Carthage battled over Sicily. Carthage was a rival and wanted to control trade in the Mediterranean Sea. Carthage attacked Sicily and Rome went into its first battle with Carthage. This was called The Punic Wars. Rome all three battles but the second war was nearly a toss-up. Carthage had a general named Hannibal who tried to invade Rome by surprise by taking his troops across the Mediterranean sea into Spain and up through the Alps. He won many battles But Rome won the second round In the third battle, Rome attacked and completely destroyed Carthage. After the Punic wars, there were social problems in Rome as soldiers returned to Rome and there were no jobs. Slaves from Carthage went to work on the large estates putting the small farmers out of business. The unemployed settled in the city—urban poverty became a problem. Unemployment, poverty and an expanding lower class caused the decline of the Republican government. The first Triumvirate ruled Rome for a very short period of time. Triumvirate Means rule by three: Julius Caesar, Crassus and Pompey. But the Senators were afraid of Caesar’s power. After Crassus died, Caesar then defeated Pompey. He then declared himself Dictator for life. What happened to the Republic and Democracy? The senators did not want to relinquish power to Caesar or any other leader. They assassinated Caesar on the Ides of March in 44 BCE Caesar left no successor and Rome faced a civil war. Mark Antony and Caesar’s grandnephew Octavian battled for control of Rome. Octavian defeated Mark Antony and became the first emperor of Rome – He was called Caesar Augustus or “exalted one” The 200 years that followed were called the Pax Romana. What does Pax Romana mean? It was a time of economic, political, and social stability. Augustus established a civil service, rule by law, common coinage and safe travel on the Roman roads. During this time, Rome expanded and conquered all of the civilizations around the Mediterranean sea and into Europe, Africa and Southwest Asia. It became a huge empire. The Decline and Fall of Rome began 400 CE (or AD) Economic problems Political problems Cost of defending Rome’s borders was too high Currency was worthless because Government used less and less silver in coins Not enough soldiers to defend borders Mercenaries were hired Invasions People didn’t want to serve the government As Rome began to fall, the emperor Diocletian moved the capital From Rome to the East near Byzantium. Later Constantine would Name this new capital in the east Constantinople. He would also Be the first emperor to legalize Christianity. After that, Rome fell to invaders: Germanic tribes called Visigoths and Ostrogoths. The east continued as the Byzantine Empire. Contributions of Rome Architecture: Arches, Domes, Pantheon Building and Engineering: Roman Roads, Colosseum, Aqueducts Language: Latin, Romance Languages Literature: Virgil’s Aenid Religion: Adoption of Christianity 1. Upper class Romans in the Roman Republic were known as a. Plebeians b. Senators c. Gladiators d. Patricians 2. Lower class citizens where known as a. Plebeians b. Patricians c. Slaves d. Tribunes 3. The lawmaking body of the Roman Republic was a. Tribunes b. Estates general c. Parliament d. Senate 4. Representatives who were elected to represent plebeians in the Roman Republic were: a. Senators b. Tribunes c. Vetoes d. Pages 5. The first codification of Roman Laws was called: a. b. c. d. The twelve tables Law of nations Ten Commandments Hammurabi’s code 6. What Carthaginian general led his elephants over the Alps in the 2nd Punic War? a. b. c. d. Octavian Caesar Hannibal Phillip II 7. Who were members of the first Triumvirate? a. b. c. d. Crassus, Pompey and Octavian Octavian, Leipidus and Mark Antony Crassus, Pompey and Caesar Crassus, Cleopatra and Caesar 8. What Roman Dictator was named Dictator for Life bringing about an end to the Roman Republic? a. b. c. d. Julius Caesar Augustus Caesar Nero Mark Antony 9. How did Julius Caesar die? a. b. c. d. He was assassinated by his army He was assassinated by Mark Antony He was assassinated by members of the Senate He was assassinated by his wife 10. Who was the first emperor of the Roman Empire a. b. c. d. Julius Caesar Octavian (Augustus) Mark Antony Pompey 11. What was the 200 year era of peace in Rome called? a. b. c. d. The first triumvirate Paterfamilias Latifundias Pax Romana 12. Which of the following caused the decline and fall of Rome: a. b. c. d. e. Economic decline caused by inflation Not enough soldiers to protect the borders coupled with barbarian invasions Political instability caused by unstable emperors High taxes which were required because Rome had become a welfare state All of the above 13. As the Western empire fell, the Eastern empire continued but was called: a. b. c. d. The Islamic Empire The Byzantine Empire The Ottoman Empire The Yuan Dynasty