Crash Course Meiosis

Crash Course Biology Notes on: Meiosis, Where The Sex Starts
Go the website below and click on the meiosis video and fill out the notes that follow the video. Under
the video click options and check interactive transcript to have a written out version of everything said in
the video.
How many cells do humans come from?
What are the sex cells?
____________________ replicates a cell with a complete set of _________________ chromosomes into
two daughter cells that are each identical to each other.
What would happen if mitosis was the only kind of cell division?
Everybody’s cells contain the same mix of DNA _________ chromosomes grouped into _________ pairs
One from your __________ and one from your _______________
What’s another word for genes?
Since the pairs are so similar we call them _______________________ chromosome pairs
What does Homo mean?
What does Logus mean?
What does homologous mean?
How many chromosomes do sperm and egg cells have?
Are sperm and egg cells haploid or diploid?
What happens in meiosis?
Crash Course Biology Notes on: Meiosis, Where The Sex Starts
Go the website below and click on the meiosis video and fill out the notes that follow the video. Under
the video click options and check interactive transcript to have a written out version of everything said in
the video.
Meiosis is a lot like mitosis, except ___________
What are the eight stages of meiosis called?
Where does meiosis occur in male and female bodies?
What are the diploid cells in males testis called?
What are the diploid cells in female ovaries called?
What do men produce? How long do they produce it?
What do women produce? How long do they produce it?
Does meiosis have interphase?
What all is replicated during interphase?
What is the first round of meiosis called? What happens in this phase?
Once attached each single chromosomes is called a ________________ one on each side of the x
What are the additional steps of phophase1?
How many sex cells do we want to end up with?
Each of the sex cells will have how many single chromosomes from each of the homologous pairs?
Are all the copies the same or different?
Crash Course Biology Notes on: Meiosis, Where The Sex Starts
Go the website below and click on the meiosis video and fill out the notes that follow the video. Under
the video click options and check interactive transcript to have a written out version of everything said in
the video.
Each double chromosomes line up next to its _________________________
You have your _______________________________ version and your
_______________________________ version of the ______________________ chromosome.
The double chromosomes with two chromatids add up to __________________________ chromatids.
What is cross over?
What is the recombination in cross over?
What is crossing over in recombination?
Why is crossing over so important to meiosis?
What is one of the pillars of natural selection?
After cross over and recombination are all four chromatids the same or different?
How does cross over and recombination effect siblings with the same mother and father?
What pair of chromosomes doesn’t go through crossover or recombination?
What are the female sex chromosomes? Can they go through recombination and crossover? Why can or
can’t they?
What are the male sex chromosomes? Can they go through recombination and crossover? Why can or
can’t they?
Crash Course Biology Notes on: Meiosis, Where The Sex Starts
Go the website below and click on the meiosis video and fill out the notes that follow the video. Under
the video click options and check interactive transcript to have a written out version of everything said in
the video.
XY chromosomes split into single chromatids resulting in x creating _____________ offspring and the y
creating ___________ offspring.
How is metaphase1 in meiosis different than metaphase in mitosis?
What happens in anaphase1?
What happens in telophase1?
What process causes the cell to separate?
At the end of round one of meiosis how many cells do we have? Are they haploid or diploid? How many
chromosomes do they have? Are the chromosomes the same as the parent or different?
The second round of meiosis is exactly the same as _________________________
There is no ________________________ replication in prophase2 instead ________________ clumps
up again into chromosomes
What in the cell moves the chromosomes?
What happens in metaphase2?
Crash Course Biology Notes on: Meiosis, Where The Sex Starts
Go the website below and click on the meiosis video and fill out the notes that follow the video. Under
the video click options and check interactive transcript to have a written out version of everything said in
the video.
What happens in anaphase2?
What happens in telophase2?
How any chromosomes were in the original cell?
How many cells were made from the original cell?
How many chromosomes do the new cells have?
Describe the characteristics of sperm cells.
How many eggs are made from one cell at the end of meiosis?
What happens to cause only one egg to form?
What are the non-egg cells that are produced called?
Are polar bodies useful in humans?
Are polar bodies useful in plants? How are they useful?
What is endosperm?
Crash Course Biology Notes on: Meiosis, Where The Sex Starts
Go the website below and click on the meiosis video and fill out the notes that follow the video. Under
the video click options and check interactive transcript to have a written out version of everything said in
the video.
Read Pages 247-254 and answer the key idea review questions on pages 249 and 254
Pg. 249
1. __________________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________________________
Pg. 254
2. __________________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________________