The Roman Republic Page 148 Get out your maps of Rome to

The Roman Republic
Page 148
1. Get out your maps of Rome to review!
a. What bodies of water were within the Roman Empire (seas, oceans, rivers, etc)
b. What is different between the terrains of Rome from the terrain of Greece?
c. What mountain ranges did we label in the Roman Empire; where are they; and what useful purpose
could these mountains serve? (3 questions)
d. Where is the city of Rome located in the Roman Empire? (What country/coast?)
e. Turn to page 147 in your textbooks; what civilizations inhabited Italy and eventually created the Roman
Empire? (hint, there are 4)
2. Describe a Republic (pg. 148):
3. On page 148, under “War and Conquest”, describe how Rome took control of Italy (who did they defeat?):
4. Explain the plan Rome devised to rule Italy (under War and Conquest):
5. Explain who Livy was and his contribution to Rome:
a. Who is similar to this person from the Greek Empire?-_________________________________
6. What characteristics made Rome successful? (NUMBER YOUR ANSWERS and be sure include all information
under each characteristic):
7. (Roman Political Structure) Rome was divided in two groups: __________________ AND __________________
8. The Chief executive officers of the Roman Republic were ________________ and _______________
9. What did the TWO consuls do?:
10. What did the praetors do?:
11. Describe the role of the Roman Senate:
12. Describe the two Roman assemblies:
a. ____________________-
b. ____________________-
13. Struggle of the Orders: what struggles/conflicts arose between the Plebeians and Patricians? BE SPECIFIC!
a. What similarities do you see between the plebeian struggle for rights and the struggle for African
Americans for civil rights in the United States? (Laws, military service, etc.):