Unit #7 Targets- First Global Age (Age of Exploration) You will know

Unit #7 Targets- First Global Age (Age of Exploration)
You will know the vocabulary associated with this unit and apply the meanings to better understand the
major ideas.
a. Using the vocabulary words from this unit write a paragraph using all of the words that explains this unit in your
own words (underline each vocabulary word)
You will understand the circumstances surrounding the start of the Age of Exploration and what it was all
a. How did the events of the Middle Ages push people towards exploration?
b. How did the events of the Renaissance inspire and push people towards exploration?
c. What would be a good definition of Exploration at this time? What were they searching for?
d. Why don’t the Vikings and Chinese get credit for starting the Age of Exploration?
e. What would be a good definition of Colonization? Where was this taking place?
What does the word Exploitation mean? How important is it to this unit? Why or why not?
g. What ultimately develops from the exploration and colonization that takes place?
You will understand the reasons why Europeans focused on exploration during this period
a. What years did the Age of Exploration take place during? Is this the only time Exploration has ever happened?
Explain your answer.
b. What were the 3 main reasons for exploration during this period?
c. Which of those 3 do you think was the most important reason and why?
You will understand the changes in technology that allowed the Age of Exploration to take place
a. What were some of the new technologies that allowed the Age of Exploration to take place? Describe
b. What was the major drawback of the Sextant?
c. What was so important about the Caravel?
d. What did these new technologies do for sea travel?
You will understand what the major European nations accomplished in Exploration and Colonization during
this period.
a. Which country was the first to explore during this period?
b. Who was the leader of this first country and how important was he to the age?
c. Which country were the second to explore and the most successful early on? Where were their major claims?
d. Which two countries got started later and focused at first on fishing off the coast of North America?
e. What was the “Northwest Passage”? Explain what they were looking for and if they found it. What did the
Spanish call it?
Which country was the first to colonize during this period? How successful were they?
g. What importance did the Philippines play as a colony of the Spanish?
h. Explain how the Spanish colonies set the Global Age into motion- economically and culturally
Where did the English colonize during this period? How successful were they?
What major colonial claim did the French have? What ended up happening to it?
k. What colonial claims did the Netherlands have? What ended up happening to them?
Why did all of the exploring European countries have islands in the Caribbean Sea?
You will understand the changes that took place in the world politically, socially, and economically due to
the Age of Exploration
a. What is meant by “Western?”
b. What is meant by “Eastern?”
c. What was the Line of Demarcation and how did it come to exist? What changed the next year? Why would
these countries allow for this to happen?
d. Who was Amerigo Vespucci and how does him name come to label the new continents?
e. What were the Indies?
What happened to the names of the Indies and the Caribbean after Columbus made his voyage in 1492?
g. What is the definition of the Columbian Exchange in your own words? What did it do to the world?
h. Give some examples of some of the things transferred between the Western and Eastern Hemispheres. What
changes did these lead to?
Give an example of one thing that started an interconnection among the continents once it was transferred.
What importance did Christopher Columbus have to this exchange?
k. What is the impact of the Columbian Exchange on the world today?
What is a definition of Mercantilism in your own words? Make sure you know what defines a nations power
m. How were colonies important to the system of Mercantilism?
n. What was the Commercial Revolution?
o. What happened to the method of production during this time? Explain the relationship with capital and labor
You will understand what constituted the First Global Age and what it meant to Europe and the world
a. What is a definition of the First Global Age in your own words?
b. Who the winners and losers were in this First Global Age- explain why?
c. What were the major economic changes that took place during the First Global Age? Be specific and explain
d. What were the major political changes in this First Global Age?
e. What were the major cultural changes in the First Global Age?
You will create a map of the great explorers from Portugal, Spain, England, France, and the Netherlands that
shows where and what they discovered for their country.
a. Where did the Portuguese do most of their exploring? Who were two explorers who created routes in this
b. Who did Christopher Columbus sail for and what was he trying to do? What problems did he encounter?
c. What did Hernando Cortes do? What factors made it easy for him to accomplish what he did? What did this do
for Spain?
d. Who did Ferdinand Magellan sail for? What was he the first to accomplish? Is he given credit for something he
did not actually do? What?
e. What did Francisco Pizarro do?
What is Juan Ponce de Leon famous for seeking? Did he ever find it?
g. What is Francisco Coronado famous for seeking? Did he ever find it?
h. What two countries did Henry Hudson sail for and what is he famous for discovering for each?
What is Francis Drake famous for doing and who was he very good friends with? What activities did he do for
that friend?
Who did Louis Jolliet and Jacques Marquette sail for? What did they discover?
k. What did Robert LaSalle explore for the French and what claims did he make?
You will participate in a Socratic Seminar that will analyze the food part of the Columbian Exchange and
come to some conclusions about its impact on the World.
a. The ideas that we discussed during the Socratic Seminar will likely appear on the test
You will participate in a Socratic Seminar that will analyze the Middle Passage and the concept of slavery in
the Americas and throughout the World and come to conclusions about its impact.
a. The ideas that we discussed during the Socratic Seminar will likely appear on the test.
You need to be able to locate and identify the places we talked about during the unit on a map.
a. These are the things that you should be able to locate on a map from the First Global Age: Atlantic Ocean,
Pacific Ocean, Brazil, West Indies, East Indies, Australia, Cape Colony (Cape Town), Africa, Triangle Trade,
Philippines, India, Portugal, Spain, France, Netherlands, Ireland, and Britain