Ch 1

Chapter 1 Study Guide
Spanish conquistadores’ replacements
Agriculture in Spanish America
Differences between Spanish/English/French empires in America
Government in Spanish America
Ways Spain justified their claims to the New World
Description of Spanish culture in America
Martin Luther
Description of Spanish emigrants to the New World
Hernan Cortes
Columbian Exchange
John Cabot
Reasons European exploration of the New World proceeded so rapidly after Columbus
Aztecs: ritual sacrifices
Techniques used by Spanish conquistadores
Native Population in 1492
Portuguese motivations to begin exploration for a water route to India
African slavery in Africa
African slaves 1450-1500
Amerigo Vespucci
First center of Spanish empire in America
Columbus’s explorations and the role of religion
Columbus, geographic error
Religion in 17th century Europe
“Christian liberty”
European idea of freedom as colonization begins
Portuguese trading posts along the western coast of Africa
Women, English law, 16th and 17th century
English social inequality
Indian societies, personal independence
Native American conception of property
Native Americans and material wealth
Native American society, gender relations
European conceptions of Native Americans
English/French/Dutch land claim basis
Pueblo Indians
Native North Americans before Columbus
Native American religious ceremonies
Adam Smith
Similarities between Aztec and Inca empires
Development of agriculture in the Americas
First African slaves came to the New World when
St Augustine, Florida
European countries with colonies in the New World
Bartolome de Las Casas
Meaning of freedom to Christian men and women
1500s and 1600s Spanish field and mine workers
Pueblo Revolt
Crops grown in the New World by Native Americans
Spanish justification for enslaving Native Americans
New Laws of 1542
Black Legend
Repartimiento system
European explorers of the North American interior 1500s
Traits of Spain’s explorations of the New World
Spanish outposts on the North American east coast, where, why
Spanish Florida
First permanent European settlement in the Southwest, 1610
First French explorations in the New world
Pueblo Indian uprising 1680
New France characteristics
Samuel Champlain
French Canada
French involvement in the fur trade, changes for Native Americans
Jesuit influences
French relationship with Native Americans
Henry Hudson
The Netherlands and international trade
Dutch manifestation of liberty
New Netherlands, characteristics
Seal of New Netherlands
Dutch relations with Native Americans