Spanish Colonies

Two Colonies
What is this in green?
 New World colony was divided
into two viceroyalties.
 The ruler was a viceroy who
directly answered to the king.
 Each colony was divided into
encomiendas (kind of like states)
 A Spanish person was given land
 Land included the Native
population (as slaves for farming
or mining)
Spaniards from Spain
Full blood Spaniard born in New World
Mixed race Spaniard Father/ Indian mother.
Few Spanish women came to New world.
Men oftentimes married Indian women
 Indian slaves were a major part of
the labor force
 Treated harshly, often beaten or
killed for the smallest infraction
 Bartolomé de las Casas, a Spanish
Priest fought for better treatment of
 - pass out primary source documents
 The Spanish Crown and Catholic
Church opposed the
enslavement of Native Indians
 They did NOT oppose the
enslavement of Africans