Boerne ISD Dual Language Program Program Model Assessment Staff Development Bilingual/Dual Language Campuses Curington Elementary Dual Language Kindergarten Bilingual Pre-K, 1 – 6 Self-contained classes 1- 4, language arts/social studies bilingual instruction at 5th and 6th Fabra Elementary Dual Language K & 1st grades self-contained classes Bilingual classes: 2nd/3rd combined self-contained class, 4th self-contained; language arts/socials studies bilingual instruction at 5th and 6th Kendall Elementary Dual Language K – 5, self-contained classes; shared instruction between two teachers at 4th grade Language Arts/social studies bilingual instruction at 5th and 6th Boerne ISD Program Goals All students will develop high levels of proficiency in their first language All students will develop high levels of proficiency in a second language Academic performance will be at or above grade level All students will demonstrate positive crosscultural attitudes and behaviors All students will become bilingual, bi-literate, bicultural 90-10 Model 90% of the instructional day is in Spanish (or other minority language) during early years of the program Graduated time to 80-20, 70-30, until the ratio reaches 50-50 Shown to be the most successful program for ELLs (Thomas & Collier, 2001) Research supports that students perform as well or better on tests of English than their English-speaking peers who have been instructed in English only (Lindholm-Leary, 2001) The majority students have an immersion experience in the second language, while the minority students receive native language instruction with a gradual introduction of English and English-medium instruction Rationale for a 90/10 model: The further from the Texas/Mexico border, the greater the amount of Spanish should be included in the curriculum. A second language is best acquired when it is used as the medium of instruction across the curriculum (integrated instruction). Students who add a second language demonstrate higher levels of language proficiency, achievement, and self-concept. Skills transfer from one language to the other. Boerne ISD Instructional Model 90/10 Model: K – 90% Spanish/10% English 1 – 90% Spanish/10% English 2 – 80% Spanish/20% English 3 – 70% Spanish/30% English 4 – 60% Spanish/40% English 5 – 50% Spanish/50% English 6 – 50% Spanish/50% English Boerne ISD Dual Language Instructional Model K - 90/10 Daily Routines: Beginning of Day: Sign in, journaling, read aloud After Lunch: Read aloud Content-focused Center Time: 15 – 30 minutes daily minimum Subject Area Reading/ Language Arts (Listening, speaking, reading, writing) Math Social Studies Science Instruction in Spanish Minutes Components 90 10 5 30 35 Read aloud Songs, poems, chants Shared reading/partner reading Literacy stations Interactive writing Calendar time Daily count Lesson Center activities 45 Expository text Reading and writing in response to text Activities allowing students to manipulate concepts Center activities 45 Expository text Reading and writing in response to text Activities allowing students to manipulate concepts Center activities Instruction in English Minutes Components 30 Oral language development: songs, chants, poems Read aloud using expository text (math, science, social studies) Songs about numbers during oral language development – send home to parents Boerne ISD Dual Language Instructional Model 1st Grade – 90/10 Daily Routines: Beginning of Day: Sign in, journaling, read aloud After Lunch: Read aloud Content-focused Center Time: 30-35 minutes daily minimum Subject Area Reading/ Language Arts (Listening, speaking, reading, writing) Instruction in Spanish Minutes Components 90 Read aloud Songs, poems, chants Shared reading/partner reading Guided reading Literacy stations Interactive writing Math 10 5 30 35 Calendar time Daily count Lesson Center activities Social Studies 45 Expository text Reading and writing in response to text Activities allowing students to manipulate concepts Center activities 45 Expository text Reading and writing in response to text Activities allowing students to manipulate concepts Center activities Science Instruction in English Minutes Components 30 Oral language development: songs, chants, poems Read aloud using expository text (math, science, social studies) Songs about numbers during oral language development – send home to parents Boerne ISD Dual Language Instructional Model 2nd Grade - 80/20 Subject Area Instruction in Spanish Minutes Components Instruction in English Minutes Components Reading Listening Speaking 60 Introduce different genre/novel studies Read aloud Shared reading/partner reading Guided reading Literacy stations Interactive writing Word study, vocabulary 30 Oral language development: songs, chants, poems Read aloud using expository text (math, science, social studies) Content area reading integrated with writing Writing 30 Process writing/projects Composition - (Personal Narrative, Descriptive, Expository, Friendly Letter) Technology integration (i.e. Kidspiration, Kidpix, etc.) Spelling patterns 30 Content area writing integrated with reading – report writing, scientific journaling, math problem solving, etc. Technology integration (i.e. Kidspiration, Kidpix, etc.) Math 15 35 40 Problem of the Day Lesson Practice/Review/Centers Social Studies 30 (15) Expository text Reading and writing in response to text Activities allowing students to manipulate concepts Center activities (Oral language, read alouds, writing activities tied to social studies) 30 (15) Expository text Reading and writing in response to text Activities allowing students to manipulate concepts Center activities (Oral Language, read alouds, writing activities tied to science) Science Homework – reinforcement of concepts taught in class Boerne ISD Dual Language Instructional Model 3rd Grade - 70/30 Subject Area Instruction in Spanish Minutes Components Instruction in English Minutes Components Reading Listening Speaking 45 Introduce different genre/novel studies Read aloud Shared reading/partner reading Guided reading Literacy stations Interactive writing Word study, vocabulary 60 Formal reading instruction in English follows regular reading instruction using SIOP strategies Read aloud Shared reading/partner reading/guided reading Literacy stations Interactive writing Word study/vocabulary Writing 15 Content area writing integrated with reading – report writing, scientific journaling, math problem solving, etc. Technology integration (i.e. Kidspiration, Kidpix, etc.) Introduce Spanish grammatical, morpheme, and syntax structures 30 Instruction follows regular writing instruction using SIOP strategies Process writing/projects Composition - (Personal Narrative, Descriptive, Expository, Friendly Letter) Technology integration (i.e. Kidspiration, Kidpix, etc.) Spelling Math 15 40 35 Problem of the Day Lesson Practice/Review/Centers Social Studies 30 (15) Expository text Reading and writing in response to text Activities allowing students to manipulate concepts Center activities (Read alouds, shared reading, writing activities tied to social studies) Science 30 (15) Expository text Reading and writing in response to text Activities allowing students to manipulate concepts Center activities (Read alouds, shared reading, writing activities tied to science) Homework – reinforcement of concepts taught in class TAKS tutoring providing English vocabulary Boerne ISD Dual Language Instructional Model 4th Grade - 60/40 Subject Area Instruction in Spanish Minutes Components Instruction in English Minutes Components Reading Listening Speaking 45 Introduce different genre/novel studies Read aloud Guided reading Word study, vocabulary 45 Formal reading instruction in English follows regular reading instruction using SIOP strategies Read aloud Guided reading, word study, vocabulay Writing 30 Content area writing integrated with reading – report writing, scientific journaling, math problem solving, etc. Technology integration (i.e. Kidspiration, Kidpix, etc.) Introduce Spanish grammatical, morpheme, and syntax structures 30 Instruction follows regular writing instruction using SIOP strategies Process writing/projects Composition - (Personal Narrative, Descriptive, Expository, Persuasive) Technology integration (i.e. Kidspiration, Kidpix,etc.) Spelling practice Math 15 Problem of the Day 40 35 Lesson Practice/Review/Centers Social Studies 30 (15) Instruction follows regular social studies instruction Expository text Reading and writing in response to text Activities allowing students to manipulate concepts (Read alouds, shared reading, writing activities tied to social studies) 30 (15) Instruction follows regular science instruction Expository text Reading and writing in response to text Activities allowing students to manipulate concepts (Read alouds, shared reading, writing activities Science Boerne ISD Dual Language Instructional Model 5th Grade - 50/50 Subject Area Instruction in Spanish Minutes Components Instruction in English Minutes Components Reading Listening Speaking 45 Introduce different genre/novel studies Read aloud Guided reading Word study, vocabulary 45 Formal reading instruction in English follows regular reading instruction using SIOP strategies Read aloud Guided reading Word study/vocabulary Writing 30 Content area writing integrated with reading – report writing, scientific journaling, math problem solving, etc. Technology integration (i.e. Kidspiration, Kidpix, etc.) Introduce Spanish grammatical, morpheme, and syntax structures 30 Instruction follows regular writing instruction using SIOP strategies Process writing/projects Composition - (Personal Narrative, Descriptive, Expository, Persuasive) Technology integration (i.e. Kidspiration, Kidpix, etc.) Word walls Parts of speech Math 15 Problem of the Day 40 35 Lesson Practice/Review/Centers Social Studies 30 (15) 45 Science instruction provided by a regular classroom teacher who is ESL certified and SIOP trained Science Instruction follows regular social studies instruction Expository text Reading and writing in response to text Activities allowing students to manipulate concepts (Read alouds, shared reading, writing activities tied to social studies) Boerne ISD Dual Language Instructional Model 6th Grade - 50/50 Subject Area Instruction in Spanish Minutes Components Instruction in English Minutes Components Reading 45 Introduce different genre/novel studies Read aloud Guided reading Word study, vocabulary 45 Formal reading instruction in English follows regular reading instruction using SIOP strategies Read aloud Guided reading Word study/vocabulary Writing 30 Content area writing integrated with reading – report writing, scientific journaling, math problem solving, etc. Technology integration (i.e. Kidspiration, Kidpix, etc.) Introduce Spanish grammatical, morpheme, and syntax structures 30 Instruction follows regular writing instruction using SIOP strategies Process writing/projects Composition - (Personal Narrative, Descriptive, Expository, Persuasive) Technology integration (i.e. Kidspiration, Kidpix, etc.) Word walls Parts of speech 60 Math instruction provided by a regular classroom teacher who is ESL certified and SIOP trained 45 Instruction follows regular science instruction Expository text Reading and writing in response to text Activities allowing students to manipulate concepts Math Social Studies Science 45 Social studies instruction provided by a regular classroom teacher who is ESL certified and SIOP trained Assessments Students are administered all of the same academic tests as students in the regular education program. All local tests are given in the language of instruction. State assessments are given in the student’s strongest language. Reading assessments are completed in both English and Spanish. Assessment Plans for Next Year TAKS reading released tests will be completed in both English and Spanish in Oct. and Jan. The IPT oral language proficiency test in Spanish will be administered to all English dominant students at beginning and end of year; thereafter, at end of year. 6th grade students will take the Spanish I credit by exam in the fall and students who pass will take the Spanish II credit by exam in the spring. Formal Reading Assessments Given at beginning, mid, and end of year K 1 2 3 4 5 6 English/Spanish PAPI/PAPI-S PAPI/PAPI-S PAPI/PAPI-S TAKS/TAKS TAKS/TAKS TAKS/TAKS TAKS English/Spanish DRA/EDL DRA/EDL DRA/EDL DRA/EDL RFI/EDL RFI/EDL RFI /EDL PAPI Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Inventory Addresses the following: Same/different words Rhyming words Beginning sounds Ending sounds Letter recognition Letter name in English Letter sounds in Spanish Results from PAPI Teacher provides authentic opportunities in whole and small groups to further develop phonological awareness by using poems, rhymes, auditory games, etc. Students who have developed their phonological awareness skills, will immediately move into phonics materials which focus on syllables, as Spanish reading is based on the syllable. DRA/EDL Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) and Evaluacion del Desarrollo de la Lectura (EDL) assessments are to assess fluency, accuracy, and comprehension and to determine independent reading levels. Guided reading is then conducted based on EDL reading level. (Guided reading is part of a balanced literacy program, in which students on the same reading level or having the same reading issues, strengths are grouped together. The teacher provides support in helping the students read strategically and solve their own reading issues to become independent readers) Informal Assessments Teacher observation Anecdotal records Cooperative learning assignments Independent assignments Oral participation KES Spring 2007 TAKS Results 3rd Grade KES Spring 2008 TAKS Results 4th Grade KES Spring 2009 TAKS Results 5th Grade – First Round Staff Development August – Balanced Literacy training for K-2 teachers September – SIOP training; Dr. Smith observation and training; Guided reading demonstration lessons in K-2 by Diana Madrid October – SIOP training; Dr. Smith observation and training November – observation and training by Dr. Smith; Balanced Literacy training for K-2 teachers Staff Development December – SIOP training January – Dr. Smith observation and training; literature circle demonstrations by Diana Madrid February – NABE Conference March – TELPAS training; SIOP training April – SAAABE Conference