Vertebral Column Group#1 (Pg. 219

Vertebral Column Group#1 (Pg. 219-220 in textbook)
How many bones are there in the vertebral column?
Which bone is it mostly composed (made up) of?
Describe the vertebral column’s major features.
What are the major functions of the vertebral column?
Describe the 2 groupings of curvatures of the spine:
o Primary Curves
 Thoracic curvature
 Sacral curvature
o Secondary Curves
 Cervical curvature
 When does this curve form?
 Lumbar curvature
 When does this curve form?
Draw and label a picture of the vertebral column: cervical curvature, thoracic curvature, lumbar
curvature, sacral curvature, vertebrae
Vertebral Column Group #2 (Pg. 221-224)
Describe a typical vertebrae.
What is the function of the intervertebral discs.
Describe the 3 different types of vertebrae: FUNCTION and LOCATION
 Cervical
 Atlas-function
 Axis- function
 Thoracic
 Lumbar
Describe the sacrum: function and location
Describe the coccyx: function and location as well as common name
Draw and label a picture of the vertebral column with each section labeled: cervical vertebrae, thoracic
vertebrae, lumbar vertebrae, sacrum, coccyx
Thoracic Cage Group #3 (Pg. 225-226)
What bones make up the thoracic cage?
What are the major functions of the thoracic cage?
What bones do the thoracic cage attach to?
Describe a typical rib.
Describe the different types of ribs :
o # of ribs
o True ribs
o False ribs
o Floating ribs
Draw a picture of the thoracic cage with all parts labeled: ribs, true ribs, false ribs, floating ribs,
sternum, costal cartilage
Pectoral Girdle Group #4 (pg. 227-228)
What bones does the pectoral girdle consist of?
What is the function of the pectoral girdle?
Describe the scapula. Include location and common name.
Describe the clavicle. Include location and common name.
Draw and label a picture of the pectoral girdle: clavicle, ribs, Humerus, scapula, sternum
Upper Limb Group #5(pg 229-232)
What does the upper limb consist of?
What are the major functions of the upper limb?
Describe the bone as well as the location, function, and common name of each of the following
o Humerus
o Radius
o Ulna
o Carpals
o Metacarpals
o Phalanges
Draw and label a picture of the upper limb: Humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals, phalanges
Pelvic Girdle Group #6 (Pg. 233-236)
What bones does the pelvic girdle consist of ?
What are the four MAJOR functions of the pelvic girdle?
Describe the coxae:
o Describe the Ilium-location and common name
o Describe the Ischium- location and FUNCTION
o Describe the Pubis- location
Describe some of the differences between male and female pelves
Draw and label a picture of the pelvic girdle: Ilium, ischium, pubis, sacrum, coccyx
Lower Limb Group #7 (Pg. 236-237)
What parts does the lower limb consist of?
Describe the bone as well as the location, function, and common name of each of the following
o Femur
o Patella
o Tibia
o Fibula
Draw and label a picture of the lower limb: femur, patella, tibia, fibula, tarsals, metatarsals, phalanges
Foot Group #8 (pg. 238-240)
What three parts make up the foot?
Describe the bone as well as the location, function, and common name of each of the following
o Tarsals
o Metatarsals
o Phalanges
o Calcaneus
Draw and label a picture of the foot: tibia, fibula, calcaneus, tarsals, metatarsals, phalanges
Skull Group #9 (pg. 209-215)
How many bones in the skull?
What are the two sections we divide the skull into?
What are the functions of the cranium?
What are the functions of the facial bones?
How many bones of the facial skeleton move?
Draw and label a picture of the skull (Figure 7.19 on pg. 210): Frontal bone, parietal bone, occipital
bone, temporal bone, nasal bone, maxilla, mandible