Chapter 1 Lesson 3 How are plants classified? How are plants classified? Biologists sort plants in a variety of ways, based on how they transport water and nutrients or how they reproduce. How are plants classified? How plants transport water and nutrients. Plants that transport water through tube like structures are called vascular. Plants that do not have tubes transport water from cell to cell are called nonvascular. How are plants classified? Vascular plants are able to move more water and nutrients for greater distances. Vascular plants grow taller than nonvascular plants. Examples of vascular plants: Bamboo, grass, dandelions, celery, and trees. How are plants classified? Nonvascular plants move water and nutrients only from one cell to the cell that is right next to it. This means that it takes water and nutrients longer to get to all of the cells in the plant, so these plants are smaller and low to the groud. Examples of nonvascular plants: Mosses, hornworts, liverworts. How are plants classified? Another way to classify plants is by how they reproduce, or make new plants. Plants reproduce by one of the following: Flowers and seeds Cones and seeds Spores How are plants classified? Flowers and seeds – plants in this group makes seeds. A seed has many cells. Seeds are different shapes and sizes, we can see seeds without using a hand lens. Cones and seeds – Plants that make seeds but do not make flowers are called conifers. Conifers make two kinds of cones, one makes pollen and the other makes seeds. How are plants classified? Spores – Plants that do not make seeds have spores. These plants reproduce by forming tiny cells that can grow into new plants. Each cell is called a spore. How are plants classified? Review questions Answer the questions on your own, the answers are on the next slide. How are plants classified? What are some examples of vascular plants? Why do nonvascular plants grow low to the ground? How are plants classified? What are some examples of vascular plants? Bamboo, grass, dandelions, celery, trees, and many more! Why do nonvascular plants grow low to the ground? They do not have tube like structures for support, so the plants grow low to the ground. How are plants classified? What is the difference between a seed and a spore? How are conifers different from ferns? How are plants classified? What is the difference between a seed and a spore? A seed has many cells and a spore is one tiny cell. How are conifers different from ferns? Conifers produce seed; ferns produce spores – neither one has flowers.