Plant test study guide answers

Name _______________________________
Study Guide on Plants/Insects
Label each part of the flower. Tell whether the part is female or male.
A. Filament - male
B. Anther - male
C. Stigma - female
D. style - Female
E. ovary - female
Label each part of the leaf and tell what it is or its job/function.
C. cuticle – waterproof covering
D. chloroplast - photosynthesis
E. xylem (transports water) and phloem (transports food)
F. stomata – oxygen and carbon dioxide exchanged here
Letter B is an insect. Label the 3 parts of an insect on letter B.
Head  thorax  abdomen
How is an insect able to obtain food (mouth)?
Specialized mouth structures – specific to its food
What is the difference between gradual metamorphosis and complete metamorphosis?
Gradual metamorphosis – no distinct larvae stage
Complete metamorphosis – goes through all 4 stages
2. What are the 4 stages of the butterfly and what happens during each stage?
Eggs – hatch into larva, larvae – eat and grow, pupa – protective covering, adult (can fly)
3. Insects belong to the phylum Arthropods.
1. The ancestors of today’s plants were most likely green algae.
2. What are the parts of the seed and what does each part do?
Endosperm – food, seed coat – protective covering, embryo – future plant
3. List 5 characteristics of plants. Multicellular, autotroph, eukaryotic, cuticle, photosynthesis, cell wall with
4. What is the major difference between vascular plants and nonvascular plants?
Vascular plants have vascular tissues, nonvascular plants do not
5. There are 2 main vascular tissues: xylem and phloem. What does xylem do?
Transports water from the roots to the top of the plant
6. What does phloem do? Transports food from the leaves down
7. What are the 2 different types of vascular plants? Angiosperms and gymnosperms
What is an example of a vascular plant? Tree, etc
What is an example of a nonvascular plant? Moss, liverwort, hornwort
The supportive structure that holds the plant up is the stem.
The organ responsible for absorbing water and minerals and anchoring the plant is the root.
Does the root do photosynthesis (make food)? no
The main place photosynthesis occurs is in the leaves
Gases pass in and out of the leaves through the stomata.
The stomata are at the top of the leaf or the bottom? bottom
The cuticle is a waxy waterproof coating on the leaf.
Water evaporation from leaves is known as transpiration
Germination is when embryo sprouts from the seed.
Photoperiodism is period of light and dark a plant needs
If a plant is dormant, what does this mean? A period of inactivity/rest
If a plant is a deciduous plant, what does that mean? Plant that loses it leaves in the fall
If a plant is an evergreen, what does that mean? Leaves that stay green year round
What are the 2 types of stems? What is the difference? Herbaceous – green/photosynthesis, woody – brown,
trees and shrubs
24. (cram session notes) A plant’s response to a stimulus is known as a tropisms.
25. Tropisms: Light phototropism, gravity gravitropism and touch thigmostropism
26. Plant hormones include: chemicals that control the growth in the plant ex. auxin
Gymnosperms vs. Angiosperms or Both
27. Which contains cones? g
28. What protects the seeds in fruit? a
29. Which has flowers? a
30. Which can live far from water? both
31. Which contains vascular tissues? both
32. Which contains seeds? both
33. Which has monocots and dicots? a
34. Which is a tree like a pine tree? g
35. Angiosperms  List the steps that happens after pollen falls on the stigma? 1. Fertilizes the eggs
2. Petals fall off
3. Ovaries will develop into fruit
Parts of the flower:
36. The sperm cell is in the pollen.
37. The egg cell is in the ovule.
38. The ovules are contained within the ovary.
39. petals are used to attract pollinators.
40. The stigma is sticky and is used to catch pollen.
41. The style is used to hold the sticky part up.
42. The anther contains the pollen in the flower.
43. The filament’s job is to hold the anther up
44. What will eventually become a fruit? ovary
45. Once a zygote forms, what will soon follow? Fruit forms
Monocots vs. Dicots
46. The seed leaves are known as a cotyledons. Monocots have 1and Dicots have2
47. The radicle will eventually become the root.
48. m have petals in 3’s
49. dhave petals in 4’s or 5’s
50. d have taproots
51. mhave fibrous roots
dhave net-like leaf veins
mhave parallel leaf veins
Name 3 examples of monocots: corn, wheat, grasses, rice, lilies
Name 3 examples of dicots: magnolias, maples, oaks, beans