Study Guide for Plant Quiz There are four main types of plants

Study Guide for Plant Quiz
There are four main types of plants:
These types of plants do not have roots but have rhizoids. They
obtain water through osmosis and diffusion only. They do not
have vascular tissue. Examples include mosses and liverworts
onvascular plants
Includes plants that have pipes or vascular tissue to transport
water and nutrients. They do not have seeds.
Examples include ferns, club mosses, and horsetails
GYMNOSPERMS – Plants that have pipes and seeds. They
do not have flowers. Reproduction of gymnosperms involves
cones and pollen carried by wind or water.
Examples: Pine trees, Gingko trees, Evergreen trees
ANGIOSPERMS – Plants that have pipes, seeds, and flowers.
They reproduce with flowers. Most of the plants we see in the
world are angiosperms. Examples: tulips, cherry trees, grass
Scientists believe that plants evolved from algae. Plants developed vascular tissue to transport water and
nutrients to itself from the ground and they developed roots that helped to anchor it in the ground.
Plants respond to gravity – gravitropism and to light – phototropism
Roots grow towards gravity pull
Plant grows opposite gravity pull
Plant grows towards light source
All Plants are eukaryotic (have a nucleus), multicellular and are autotrophic. Autotrophic means they
produce their own food. Photosynthesis is the means by which plants make their own food. Sunlight is used to
perform photosynthesis.
Parts and functions of plant parts:
Stems – support the plant and transport nutrients
and water to plant.
Leaves – protect the plant from losing or gaining
too much water, and it is where the plant
photosynthesizes. Most plant leaves are green
because they have chloroplasts in their cells.
Roots – anchor the plant in the ground, absorb
water and nutrients, and store extra food
Most plants stay upright because they have vascular tissue that carry the water throughout the plant and keep it rigid.
Xylem carries water and Pholem carries sugar.
Top side of the leaf – is darker and there is a waxy coating on the top part of the leaf
which helps hold water in and also keeps the leaf from getting too much water. It is
where photosynthesis occurs in the cells of the leaf where the chloroplast are located.
Bottom of leaf – lighter in color and not as exposed to the sun. Location where the
gases exchange with the environment. Carbon dioxide is taken in and oxygen is given
Pollination: The male part of the flower; the stamen
produces the pollen which must be carried by bees or
to has
the sfemale part of the flower called the pistil.
The bottom side of the leaf – is lighter
The pollen then fertilizes the ovule where a seed is
produced, The new seed can grow or produce another
plant. After the seed is fertilized, the ovary turns into a
This cladogram shows the evolutionary relationships between PLANT TYPES.
Vascular, seedless
vascular tissue
cuticles, cell walls, multicellular, eukaryotic, autotrophic, do not move, asexual and sexual reproduction