
October 19, 2015 Newsletter
Monday’s homework:
*Read Fluency paper for 1 minute; record on reading log
*Answer the daily questions that correlate with the Fluency paper
*Read your leveled book
*Write the spelling words three times each – in crayon if you wish
*Study skeleton paper
Tuesday’s homework:
*Read Fluency paper for 1 minute; record on reading log
*Answer the daily questions that correlate with the Fluency paper
*Read Alexander Who Used to Be Rich
*Answer Alexander questions in complete sentences in Reading Journal
Wednesday’s homework:
*Read Fluency paper for 1 minute; record on reading log
*Answer the daily questions that correlate with the Fluency paper
*Read Alexander Who Used to Be Rich
*Reading Test on Thursday
*Study vocabulary words and spelling words
Thursday’s homework:
*Read Fluency paper for 1 minute; record on reading log
*Answer the daily questions that correlate with the Fluency paper
*Complete Jack of the Lantern paper, use reading strategies, box the title,
number the paragraphs and beside each question, put the paragraph
where you found the answer
*Read AR book
Vocabulary Test Lesson 6 Friday and Spelling Test on Friday
Our PDSA skill is context clues, trying to determine the meaning of a word by reading
the sentences and words around an unknown word.
There will be a Wordly Wise test this week. There will be a spelling test this week. The
Wordly Wise and Spelling lists are on my webpage for you to access.
We are continue to work on solving addition word problems and beginning subtraction.
Our PDSA for this week is Bar Graphs, and beginning multiplication.
We are studying the skeleton system.
Week of October 19th – Book Fair in the Media Center
October 23rd – Fall Festival
Wordly Wise Lesson 6
Chasm – a deep crack or opening in the
Continent – one of the seven great land
areas of the world, Africa, Europe,
Antarctica, South America, North
America, Asia, Australia.
Credit - 1. Honor or praise; a way of
expressing thanks 2. A way of buying
things and paying for them later.
Enable - To make possible; to give the
means to bring about.
Foul – 1. Having an unpleasant taste or
smell 2. Stormy, with strong winds and
heavy rain. 3. In sports, a move or play
that is against the rules.
Gust - A sudden increase in the strength
of the wind.
Ordeal - An unpleasant, painful, or
difficult experience or test.
Plateau - A broad, flat area of high
Rig - 1. To make or do something by using
whatever is nearby. 2. To set up sails on a
boat. 3. A machine or construction that is
used for a special purpose.
Schedule - 1. A plan that gives expected
times for different things to happen 2. A
list of times when trains, buses, and
planes arrive and leave.
Spelling Words
1. using
2. getting
3. easiest
4. swimming
5. heavier
6. greatest
7. pleased
8. emptied
9. leaving
10. worried
11. strangest
12. freezing
13. funniest
14. angrier
15. shopped
16. included
17. occurred
18. supplying
19. scarier
20. happiest