The 27 Amendments

The 27 Amendments
Amendments 11-27
11th Amendment
This amendment provides immunity
of states from certain lawsuits. In
other words it protects states from
being sued by other states, countries
12 th Amendment
This amendment creates a separate
ballot for President and Vice
President. Vice Presidents must also
meet the same qualifications as
13th Amendment
Abolished slavery
Also the first of the Civil War
Amendment (13,14 and 15th
14th Amendment
A due process amendment for state
Due Process means the government
must act fairly and by established
rules (Miranda Rights with Police
would be an example)
15 th Amendment
This amendment says you cannot be
denied the right to vote based on
color, race or previous condition of
Last of the Civil War Amendments
16th Amendment
Power of Congress to Tax incomes
This was one of the major flaws of
the Articles of Confederation
17th Amendment
Popular Election of Senators
This means that we elect who
represents us in Washington D.C. as
our Senators
18th Amendment
This amendment prohibited the sale
of alcohol. It made illegal throughout
the country.
19th Amendment
This Amendment gave women the
right to vote
Amendment 20
This amendment states that
Congress will open on Jan. 3rd , and
Presidents will start their terms on
January 20th.
21st Amendment
This repealed the 18th Amendment.
It was now legal to again buy, sell,
and make alcohol.
22nd Amendment
Limits the president to only two
FDR- four term President!!!!
Republicans did not like this! So they
wanted to make sure it didn’t happen
23rd Amendment
Washington D.C now votes for
President. They get amount of
electoral votes equal to the smallest
state in the Union (United States)
24th Amendment
This Amendment abolished poll
Poll taxes were once very common in
the South after African Americans
were given the right to vote in order
to try and prevent them from
voting/participating in elections
25th Amendment
Presidential Succession. This
amendment refers to who takes over
for the President if something were
to happen to him
Look at page 359.
Who are the next three in line if
something were to happen to the
26th Amendment
Right to vote for anyone 18 or older.
This Amendment was passed shortly
after the Vietnam War. Many men
were upset that they were “old
enough to die but not old enough to
vote” for their country’s political
27th Amendment
This Amendment talks about the
Congressional pay or salary of
Any increase in pay does not occur
until after the next Congressional