Constitution Study Guide

The Constitution of the United States Test Study Guide
Using The American Journey pp. 248-269, fill out the following study guide. This must be
completed by Thursday, January 19th.
1. What document introduces the Constitution and sets forth general purposes for
which the government was established?
2. There are______Articles in the Constitution.
Fill out the main headings for each Article.
Article I_____________________________________________
Article II_____________________________________________
Article III_____________________________________________
Article IV_____________________________________________
Article V_____________________________________________
Article VI_____________________________________________
Article VII____________________________________________
3. Based on Article I, Section 2, how is the House of Representatives
4. According to Article I, Section 3, who elects senators? How many senators are there?
How many from each
5. According to Article I, Section 3, the Senate has the power
6. According to Article I, Section 6, who pays the salaries of senators and
7. According to Article I, Section 7, all tax laws must originate
8. According to Article I, Section 7, a bill may become a law only
9. The president can check Congress by______________________________its
10. According to Article I, Section 8, powers granted to congress are known
as____________________________________________also known as enumerated
11. (p. 222) These enumerated powers include the power to
12. Article I, Section 8, Clause_______gives Congress the power to declare war.
13. Expressed powers are those powers ____________________________stated in the
14. Article I, Section 8 grants Congress the power to make______________ that
control_______________________, or_______________________. This trade may be
with other_________________________________, among the ___________________,
or with _______________________________________________. During the 1800s, the
Supreme Court ruled that the tribes were_________________________nations.
15. According to Article I, Section 8, Clause__________the final enumerated power
granted to Congress is called the_________________________________________. The
clause gives Congress the right to make all
laws_____________________________and____________________________to carry
out the powers expressed in the other clauses of Article I. It is called the elastic clause
because it lets Congress____________________________its powers to meet situations
the Founders could never have anticipated. In the 1819 case of McCulloch v. Maryland,
the Supreme Court ruled in favor of a ________________________interpretation of the
16. Article I, Section 9, describes a writ of habeas corpus as something issued by a judge.
A_____________________________________________is a bill that punished a person
without a __________________________________________.
An__________________________________________law is one that makes an act a
crime after the act has been________________________________________.
17. Article I, Section 10, limits powers to the_________________________________.
18. According to Article II, Section 1, the President of the United States of America shall
hold his Office during the Term of ______________________, and, together with
the_______________________________________, chosen for the same Term, be
elected, as follows.
19. Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 states that the number of Electors is equal
to___________________________________________________________to which the
State may be entitled in the congress.
20. Article II, Section I, Clause 5 states that the President must be
a___________________________________________________by birth, at
least______________________years of age, and a ____________________________of
the United States for 14 years.
21. Article II, Section 1, Clause 6 states that if the President dies, resigns, is removed
from office by impeachment, or is unable to carry out the duties of the office,
the____________________________________assumes the duties of the president.
22. Article II, Section 1, Clause 7 discusses the presidents compensation. Currently, the
President’s salary is__________________________________plus a
___________________________________nontaxable expense account per year. The
President also receives living accommodation in two residencesthe_____________________________________and___________________________.
23. Article II, Section 2, Clause 1 states that President shall
be_________________________________________________of the Army and Navy of
the United States.
24. Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 states that the President shall have Power, by and with
the Advice of the Consent of the Senate, to_________________________________,
provided two thirds of the ___________________________________concur; and he
shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint
_____________________________________, other public Ministers and Consuls,
_________________________________of the Supreme Court.
25. Article Ii, Section 3 requires the President from time to time to give to the Congress
information of the__________________________________________.
26. Article II, Section 4 states that the President, Vice President and all civil officers of
the United States, shall be____________________________from Office
on_____________________________________for, and Conviction
of_________________________________, Bribery, or other
27. Article III, Section 1 states that the judicial power of the United States, shall be
vested in_________________ _______________________________________.
28. The judiciary of the United States has two different systems of courts. One system
consists of the ___________________________________, and the other includes the
courts of __________________________________________________________, whose
powers derive from state constitutions and laws.
29. According to Article III, Section 2, Clause 1 Federal courts deal mostly
with___________________________or laws passed by Congress,
____________________________, and cases involving the Constitution itself.
30. Article III, Section 2, Clause 2 states that the Supreme Court primarily
has____________________________jurisdiction and mostly hears
31. According to Article IV, Section 4 government can be classified in many different
ways. According to Aristotle, all governments belong to one of three major groups:
1) aristocracy-____________________________________________________
2) oligarchy-______________________________________________________
3) democracy-_____________________________________________________
32. A republic is a form of ___________________________________in which the
people___________________________________________________to make laws and
conduct government.
33. Article V discusses the ways that the Constitution can
There are____________amendments. All were proposed by a _________________vote
of both houses of Congress.
34. Article VI contains the ______________________________________. This clause
establishes that the Constitution, laws passed by Congress, and treaties of the United
35. Article VII addresses______________________________________and declares that
the Constitution would take effect after it
Bill of Rights
36. The first______________amendments are known as
the___________________________________(1791). These
amendments________________________the powers of government.
37. Amendment I protects the following freedoms:
38. Amendment II is often debated. Why?
39. Amendment III states that people do not have to
40. Amendment IV protects people from
41. Amendment V contains important protections for
According to this amendment, what is the function of a grand
42. Amendment VI gives a person the right to a_____________________________,
________________________________trial. This amendment also provides that legal
counsel must be provided to a ____________________________________.
43. Amendment VII states that a law suit must be at least_____________dollars for a
trial by jury.
44. Amendment VIII prevents________________________bail and
45. Amendment IX prevents government from claiming that the only rights people have
are those listed in the_________________________________________________.
46. Amendment X protects the states and the people from
an__________________________________federal government. It establishes that
powers not given to the national government or denied to the states-by the
Constitution belong to the___________________________or to
47. Amendment XI limits the jurisdiction of the________________________________.
48. Amendment XII provides for the_______________________________________to
use separate ballots in voting for president and vice president.
49. Amendment XIII outlaws____________________________________.
50. Amendment XIV, Section 2 reduced the number of members a state had in
the__________________________________________if it denied its citizens the right to
51. Amendment XV prohibits the government from denying a person’s right
to_______________on the basis of_______________________.
52. Amendment XVI gives Congress the power to collect____________________.
53. Amendment XVII states that the people, instead of state
54. Amendment XVIII prohibited the production, sale, or transportation
55. Amendment XIX guaranteed women the right to_______________________.
56. Amendment XX sets new dates for Congress to begin its term and for the
inauguration of the president and vice president. This is also known as
57. Amendment XX, Section 3 states that if the President-elect dies before taking office,
the____________________________________-elect becomes president.
58. Amendment XXI _______________________the 18th Amendment. It is the only
amendment ever passed to______________________________an earlier amendment
ratified by special state conventions instead of state legislatures.
59. Amendment XXII limits presidents to a maximum of_______________elected terms.
It was passed largely as a reaction
to________________________________________election to four terms between
60. Amendment XXIII allows citizens living in __________________________________
to vote for president and vice president.
61. Amendment XXIV prohibits ________________________taxes in federal elections.
62. Amendment XXV established a process for
the______________________________________to take over leadership when a
president is disabled.
63. Amendment XXVI guarantees the right to vote to all citizens_______________years
of age and older.
64. Amendment XXVII makes
congressional____________________________________effective during the term
following their passage.
According to the Preamble of the Constitution what are the six goals for the U.S.
65. (p.222) The Federal System includes three types of government powers: (Give an
example of what each can do.)
66. (p. 224) The approval of__________________of the states, either through their
legislatures or special conventions, are needed for an amendment
67. (p.228) According to the The American System of Checks and Balances, the Executive
Branch has power over the Judicial Branch because
68. (p. 228) The Judicial Branch has power over the Executive Branch because it
69. (p. 228) The Legislative Branch has power over the Executive Branch because it
70. (p. 228) The Legislative Branch has power over the Judicial Branch because it
71. (p. 228) The Judicial Branch has power over the Legislative Branch because it
72. (p. 228) The Executive Branch has power over the Legislative Branch because it
73. (p. 229) How a Bill Becomes a Law:
1. Most bills begin as similar proposals in
2. Committee holds ____________________________________,
makes_______________________________________and recommends
3. All bills must go through
_____ before reaching
4. President____________________________bill into_________________.
Quiz and Test Schedule
Friday, January 27th- Quiz #1 (SG #1-8)
Friday, February 3rd- Quiz #2 (SG #35-45)
Friday, February 10th- Quiz #3 (SG #64,65, 73)
Friday, February 17th-US Constitution Test
A score of at least 70% must be achieved on the final test. Students who do not earn
at least 70% will retake the test until the goal is reached. The new test will be a
different version than the original.