Week 2 Language Arts Plans

5th Grade Language Arts
Week Of: August 31st – September 4th
Reading 
5.1 A: Read grade level stories with fluency and comprehension
5.2A: Determine the meaning of words derived from Latin, Greek, or other linguistic
roots and affixes
5.9A: Read independently and summarize or paraphrase what the reading was about
Figure 19 A-F: Following strategies: establish purpose, question, monitor & adjust
comprehension, infer, summarize/paraphrase, make connections
Writing  5.18C: Write responses to literary or expository texts and provide evidence from text
 5.10A: Draw conclusions and evaluate how well the author’s purpose was achieved
 5.3A Compare & contrast themes or moral lessons
 5.15C: Revise draft to clarify and enhance
 5.15D: Edit drafts
 5.15E: Revise draft based on feedback from teachers/peers and publish
 5.15A: Independent writing to develop a controlling idea
 5.10A: Evaluate author’s purpose
 5.7A: Identify how authors present major events in a person’s life (autobiography)
English –
 5.20B: Use the complete subject and predicate in sentences
 5.21B: Recognize and use punctuation marks
Two Power Points on Sentence Structure
“Girls Education”
“Saving Their Native Language”
“Tigers Roar Back”
Post It Notes
Words on the Vine Menu Sheet
Science book on Matter
Math Reading
Words on a Vine “Graph” Anchor Chart
History Activity
Instructional Procedures:
Day One
1. Using Strategies That Work, model Fix-Up Strategies from lesson 2 during
the reading of “Girls Education.”
2. Use Post-It notes as a tracking device.
3. Record thoughts and questions on “Girls Education.”
4. Discuss Post-Its
5. Introduce Words on the Vine – “graph” – Go over meaning of the root word
6. Have kids select 2 activities from the Menu Sheet to complete by Friday
Small Group Work: Rotation between the following:
“Meet Unicef”
Read student chosen novel and track using Post-Its
Science book on Matter
Math reading
Day Two
Identify subject and predicates in sentences
Decide if a phrase is a sentence or fragment
View PowerPoint on sentence structure
Check Autobiography to ensure all sentences have a subject and predicate.
Peer edit the autobiography ensuring to look for grammar and punctuation
6. Write a 2nd draft to submit to teacher
7. Word Part of the Week “Words on the Vine” – Continue working on 2
menu items.
Day Three
1. Using Strategies That Work, model Fix-Up Strategies during the reading of
“Saving Their Native Language.”
2. Use Post-It notes as a tracking device.
3. Record thoughts and questions on “Saving Their Native Language.”
4. Discuss Post-Its
5. Continue Word Part of the Week “Words on the Vine” – (graph)
Small Group Work: Continue Rotation between the following:
“Meet Unicef”
Read student chosen novel and track using Post-Its
Science book on Matter
Math reading
Day Four
1. Using Strategies That Work, assess the Fix-Up Strategies during the reading
of “Tigers Roar Back.”
2. Sentences PowerPoint
3. Conference with teacher – autobiography paragraph – Final copy due
4. Read student chosen novel and track using Post-It notes
5. Word Part of the Week “Words on the Vine” – Continue working on Menu
Day Five
1. Using Strategies That Work, model Fix-Up Strategies during the reading of
“Testing Testing.”
2. Use Post-It notes as a tracking device.
Record thoughts and questions on “Testing Testing.”
Sentence Structure Quiz
Discuss Post-Its
History Activity
Word Part of the Week “Words on the Vine” – (graph) Assessment of Menu
Assessment Plan:
Fix-Up Strategies – Mini Assessment Thursday
Words on the Vine – 2 Menu Items
Sentence Structure Quiz - Friday
Final Draft of Autobiography - Friday