Ch 33 Study Guide Questions #1 Briefly explain the ideas of

Ch 33 Study Guide Questions #1
Briefly explain the ideas of Nietzsche, Freud, and Jung.
What distinguishes the 20th century avant garde art movements from the 19th century?
What is Expressionism?
What characteristics of Fauvism make it expressive?
What is rather conventional about Matisse’s Woman with the Hat?
Explain Matisse’s attitude toward color and light?
How does Matisse emphasize the flat quality of the canvas in Red Room?
How does Derain indicate light and shadow in The Dance?
In what ways was Die Bruke similar to the English Arts and Crafts Movement?
What makes Kirchner’s Street Dresden “jarring and dissonant?”
How does Nolde’s painting technique enhance the brutal quality of Saint Mary of Egypt Among
Turn to pages 927 and 932 and look at figures 31-6 and 31-11. Die Bruke artists were interested
in the art of Oceania. What particular qualities of these two pieces might have appealed to Die
Bruke artists?
How did Ernest Rutherford’s work on atomic structure influence Kandinsky?
Why did Franz Marc turn to depicting animals to express his pessimism about the state of
Explain the scene in the Fate of the Animals?
To what sources did Picasso turn for inspiration in his portrait of Gertrude Stein?
Who are the women in Les Demoiselles d’Avignon? What is so radical about the women’s forms
and their relationship to the space around them?
How were the Cubists pursuing Cezanne’s analysis of form?
How does Apollinare define Cubism?
What distinguishes Analytic Cubism?
How does Braque “exacerbate the tension between representation and abstraction” in The
In what way did the Delaunays challenge the established modes of Analytic Cubism?
How can Robert Delaunay’s Champs de Mars be interpreted?
How was Picasso “playing” (pun intended) with levels of reality in Still Life with Caning Chair?
What distinguishes a papier colle from a true collage?
How was Braque trying to “fool the mind” in Bottle, Newspaper, Pipe, and Glass?
Explain how Cubism was viewed in sociopolitical terms?
How does Picasso’s Guitar operate “at the intersection of two and three dimensions?”
Explain Lipchitz’s form of The Bather?
How does Archipenko utilize the void as an object in Woman Combing Her Hair?
What is Purism?
How does the work of Leger embody the “machine esthetic” advocated for by the Purists?
How did the Futurists view war?
How does Balla create a sense of “simultaneity of views” in Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash?
35. How is the sense of movement created in Boccioni’s Unique Forms of Continuity in Space?
36. Compare and contrast Unique Forms of Continuity in Space with the Nike of Samothrace,
37. What is missing from Serverini’s Armored Train? How does it compare to Goya’s Third of May,
38. Explain (if you can ) the basic premise of Dada?
39. How does Dada parallel the work of Freud and Jung?
40. How does Arp use chance to create Collage Arranged According to the Laws of Chance?
41. What characteristics do the Dada performances share with their successors, Happenings (page
42. What are “ready-made” sculptures as created by Marcel Duchamp?
43. Explain the “artness” of Duchamp’s Fountain?
44. How is a human compared to a machine in Duchamp’s The Bride Stripped Bare by Her
45. How do the Berlin Dadaists create photomontages? How is it different from the Cubist collage?
46. What is the “wickedly humorous critique” of Hoch’s Cut with the Kitchen Knife Dada through the
Last Weimar Beer Belly Cultural Epoch of Germany?
47. How is Schwitter’s work, Merz, “trashy” (puns are fun !)?
48. Members of The Eight were also known as the Ashcan school or as “the apostles of ugliness.”
Using Sloan’s work Sixth Avenue and 30th Street, explain why this group was labeled with those
49. Why is the 1913 Armory Show so important to the development of American art?
50. Compare Duchamp’s Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2 to Boccioni’s Unique Forms of
Continuity in Space.
51. How is The Steerage a “straight, unmanipulated” photograph?
52. How does Weston move toward abstraction in his photographs?
53. What is Dada about Man Ray’s Cadeau?
54. How does Hartley create a portrait in Portrait of a German Officer without actually including any
human figures?
55. What does Davis combine with Synthetic Cubism to make his work distinctive? How is Lucky
Strike different from Synthetic Cubism?
56. What aspects of Synthetic Cubism can be seen in the work of Aaron Douglas?
57. What thematic and stylistic traits did the Precisionists share?
58. What organization was instrumental in championing the “age of the machine” in the US?
59. What is Cubist about Demuth’s work My Egypt?
60. How is O’Keeffe’s Jack in the Pulpit No. 4 similar to the work of Edward Weston?
61. What was the aim of the Neue Sachlichkeit artists?
62. What comment is made about the German army doctors in Grosz’s Fit for Active Service?
63. How does Beckmann convey the horror and terror of war without depicting an actual scene of
war in Night?
64. How does Dix’s The War recall the Isenheim Altarpiece? What aspects of the Isenheim
Altarpiece did Dix not include?