nfc-man-15alt - American Association of Teachers of French

Le Grand Concours
Manual for Contest Administrators
American Association of Teachers of French
Prepared by the National Committee: Lisa Narug
Geneviève Delfosse, George Diller, Elizabeth Esper and Ken Tindle
Nous sommes tous des gagnants
American Association of Teachers of French
Le Grand Concours 2015
Manual for Contest Administrators
Table of Contents
Eligibility for Le Grand Concours ......................................................................................... 5
Primary Purpose of Le Grand Concours .............................................................................. 5
Contest Dates: 2015 ............................................................................................................ 6
Major Deadlines 2015* ....................................................................................................... 6
Advice to Contest Administrators (Especially to New Administrators) .............................. 7
Un coup d’oeil ..................................................................................................................... 8
Responsibility of the Contest Administrator .................................................................. 8
Contest Materials............................................................................................................ 8
CDs .................................................................................................................................. 8
Entrance Fees:................................................................................................................. 9
Practice Material:............................................................................................................ 9
Recruitment: ................................................................................................................... 9
National Committee: ...................................................................................................... 9
Banking information ......................................................................................................... 10
RECOMMENDED CALENDAR 2015 ................................................................................... 11
What to do in September: ............................................................................................ 11
What to do in October: ................................................................................................. 12
Mailing #1: ...................................................................................................... 12
What to do in November: ............................................................................................. 12
What to do in December: ............................................................................................. 12
Mailing #2: ...................................................................................................... 12
What to do in January: .................................................................................................. 13
The count-down begins! ........................................................................................... 13
What to do in February:................................................................................................ 13
Mailing #3: ...................................................................................................... 13
What to do in March: .................................................................................................... 14
What to do in April........................................................................................................ 15
What to do in May: ....................................................................................................... 15
American Association of Teachers of French
What to do in June: ....................................................................................................... 16
HOW TO CONTACT US ...................................................................................................... 17
Eligibility Rules .................................................................................................................. 18
Placement ..................................................................................................................... 18
Introduction .............................................................................................................. 18
Concours Levels ........................................................................................................ 19
Division Categories:................................................................................................... 21
General Guidelines.................................................................................................... 21
Division Rules: ........................................................................................................... 21
FLES Contest (Grades 1-6) ................................................................................................. 24
General Information ..................................................................................................... 24
Levels and Divisions ...................................................................................................... 24
Additional Rules ........................................................................................................ 25
Speaking ........................................................................................................................ 26
Ranking Winners ............................................................................................................... 27
Students with Learning Disabilities ................................................................................... 27
Eligibility Guidelines for Students Receiving French Instruction via Homeschooling or
with a Private Tutor .......................................................................................................... 27
Privacy Rights of Students................................................................................................. 28
Special Cases ..................................................................................................................... 28
Campuses Not in the United States .............................................................................. 28
Special Competitions .................................................................................................... 28
Scheduling difficulties ................................................................................................... 28
Interrupted Contest Principle ....................................................................................... 28
Noise ............................................................................................................................. 29
Test booklet defect ....................................................................................................... 29
Illness during testing ..................................................................................................... 29
Electronic Device Policy .................................................................................................... 30
Awards .............................................................................................................................. 31
Chapter Awards ............................................................................................................ 31
National Awards............................................................................................................ 31
American Association of Teachers of French
New Awards Procedure!! .......................................................................................... 31
Take a chance to win the French Embassy Academic Prize! .................................. 32
How to Report a Change ................................................................................................... 33
Contest Administrators ................................................................................................. 33
Contact Information ..................................................................................................... 33
Final Deadlines .................................................................................................................. 34
Contest Order Form .......................................................................................................... 35
CSES Form (Levels 01-5) .................................................................................................... 36
Contest Administrator of the Year .................................................................................... 37
Rationale: ...................................................................................................................... 37
Procedure:..................................................................................................................... 37
Nominations:................................................................................................................. 37
Deadline: ....................................................................................................................... 38
Previous Winners: ........................................................................................................ 38
Notes ................................................................................................................................. 39
Appendix ........................................................................................................................... 40
Sample letters to solicit prizes ...................................................................................... 41
Informational Letter for Parents ................................................................................... 43
Sample Permission Slip ................................................................................................. 44
Sample Mailing #1......................................................................................................... 45
Samples to send with Mailing #1 .................................................................................. 50
Sample Order Forms ..................................................................................................... 57
Sample Proctor’s Instructions ....................................................................................... 60
Sample Site Director Form ............................................................................................ 63
Sample FLES Answer Sheet ........................................................................................... 64
Links to Some Chapter Websites .................................................................................. 66
American Association of Teachers of French
Eligibility for Le Grand Concours
All students studying French are eligible. No student shall ever be denied entrance to Le
Grand Concours. Any arbitrary exclusion is in violation of the precepts of AATF
Teachers need to be members of the AATF in order to enter students at the
membership rate. Chapter treasurers, or their local equivalent, are responsible for the
verification of membership. AATF (Mailcode 4510, Southern IL Univ, Carbondale, IL
62901-4510) must have membership fees by January 1st to qualify the teacher’s
students for the Concours at the membership rate.
Primary Purpose of Le Grand Concours
To stimulate more students to begin and continue with their study of French
To recognize and reward individual student and teacher achievement
American Association of Teachers of French
Contest Dates: 2015
FLES: February 14-28
Secondary: February 21–March 22
Date by which initial orders must reach National: FEBRUARY 1, 2015
Major Deadlines 2015*
To make certain that there is sufficient time to accommodate every phase of the Contest,
the following deadlines must be observed:
Due Date
January 1, 2015
AATF Membership Dues
February 1, 2015
Initial orders or tests and CDs
Supplementary orders will be
honored given sufficient time
before testing date.
February 14-28
February 21 – March 22
To Be Received by
Executive Director, AATF
Mailcode 4510, Southern IL Univ
Carbondale, IL 62901-4510
Lisa Narug
PO Box 3283
St. Charles, IL 60174
FLES Contest Dates
Middle School/Secondary (Levels 01-5) Contest Dates
March 7, 2015
FLES Answer Sheets
March 14, 2015
March 28, 2015
Preliminary FLES results of
eligible speakers
Recordings of eligible speakers
March 28, 2015
Levels 01-5 Answer Sheets
Mid-April 2015
National Results
Survey Systems
790 5th St NW
New Brighton, MN 55112
Contest Administrators (who
forward to individual teachers)
Elizabeth Esper
PO Box 2508
Ashburn, VA 20146
Survey Systems
790 5th St NW
New Brighton, MN 55112
*Note: these dates may change – please see Contest Administrator’s page to confirm dates:
American Association of Teachers of French
Advice to Contest Administrators (Especially to New
Know the eligibility rules and enforce them.
Adhere to deadlines. See page 7.
Verify that the eligibility information (Consolidated Student Eligibility Sheet) or on-line
listing (for levels 01-5 only) is submitted to you by the time the Contest is administered.
(see p.36)
Keep in close touch with your Regional Representative.
Exercise good judgment, common sense, and strong leadership.
You are the key person in the Contest. You are the expert for your Chapter.
Feel free to write to the Director or a member of the National Committee (see p. 17) if
you have a question. We will answer promptly!
Select a working committee. Do not attempt to do the entire task alone.
Finally, keep your sense of humor, despite the many little problems that invariably arise.
New Member Benefits and Incentives to Recruit New Members
In 2015 we will waive the national fees of any new AATF member for up to ten students
including 1 CD (Maximum Value: $22.50).
In 2015, an AATF member who recruits a new member
we will waive the national fee for 5 TEST BOOKLETS.
NOTE: Chapters may decide whether or not to charge local fees.
AATF currently has a two for one promotion: a member who recruits two new AATF
members will receive a free AATF membership for one year. If a teacher recruits two new
members, he or she is eligible to receive 10 free test booklets AND have AATF membership
paid for one year - this is up to a $71.50 value!
Let’s take AATF’s challenge and recruit new teachers to AATF and Le Grand Concours.
American Association of Teachers of French
Un coup d’oeil
Responsibility of the Contest Administrator
The Contest Administrator is the one person in each Chapter who assumes full
responsibility for the administration of the Contest. The Administrator:
 May be elected by the Chapter or selected by the President with the approval of the
 Receives information from the National office for dissemination among Chapter
 Selects center administrators (those who operate the area centers for the Chapter)
and assistants (those whose duties mainly include publicity and prize solicitation).
 Selects an additional administrator for FLES (or forwards FLES information to teachers
and orders FLES materials for teachers).
 May choose to collect and forward Level 01-5 student answer sheets for the entire
chapter to Survey Systems for scoring.
Contest Materials
There are eight levels of competition, as follows: FLES A; FLES B; Level 01; Level 1; Level
2; Level 3; Level 4; and Level 5
Level FLES: FLES is for students in Grades 1-6. The Contest is available in Form A
(speaking and listening comprehension) and Form B (all of A plus reading
comprehension). The Contest consists of a series of pictures accompanied by recorded
questions with multiple choice responses; Form B contains some short reading
comprehension along with pictures. There is no writing. Note: students who score in
the top 20% record answers in French to questions given to the teachers to pose.
Names of eligible students are sent to the administrator via email. Administrators must
relay this information to adhere to our deadlines.
Administrator must be available around March 14th to notify teachers of eligible
speakers. Please provide alternate contact if you are not available at this time.
Levels 01-5: The levels for middle/secondary school are 01, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Each of
these levels consists of two parts: an aural section which is pre-recorded on CD and a
multiple-choice written section.
The total administration time for all Contest levels/divisions is 60 minutes.
The listening comprehension sections of both the FLES and the Secondary School
Contest are pre-recorded on CD, with a separate CD for each level. The same CD,
however, is applicable to all levels/divisions of FLES.
American Association of Teachers of French
Entrance Fees:
The National Office will set a basic fee for both tests and tapes. Tests: members:
@$1.65, non-members: @ $3.30 (Chapter may retain $0.30 of the non-membership fee
to defray extra costs associated with servicing a non-member. Thus the fee sent to
National for non-members is $3.00 per student.) CD @ $6.00.
We have two separate rate structures because the National French Contest is an
approved activity of the National Association of Secondary School Principals. As such,
we offer the Contest to all teachers: members and non-members. However, nonmembers pay twice the amount that members pay.
NOTE: Chapter Contest Administrators may increase these fees to defray local Contestrelated expenses.
Practice Material:
Former exams and CDs may be utilized for review purposes. Order from: National
French Contest, PO Box 3283, St. Charles, IL 60174.
Contest Administrators are requested to keep in close contact with other teachers of
French in the area. Keep up-to-date records of current and newly-appointed French
teachers and keep them informed of Contest information. In any mailing to a school, it
is prudent to send a copy to the Principal.
National Committee:
We are available to help you: see contact information on p. 17.
American Association of Teachers of French
Banking information
Open a separate checking account in the name of the National French Contest
for your Chapter. This procedure will facilitate deposits, payments, and
For banking purposes, AATF is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization as
described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. We file
Tax Form 990 and our Federal I.D. number is 38-1718689. This information
may help you when opening your checking account.
Your Contest account should have two co-signers listed with the bank
(generally the Contest Administrator and the Chapter Treasurer) to minimize
potential difficulties. You should also have a national co-signer: either the
Director of the Contest or the AATF Executive Director. Contact the Director
for additional information (see p. 18)
American Association of Teachers of French
What to do in September:
Get ready for mailings: either electronic or hard copy
 Make sure your bank account is set up and meets national guidelines (see p. 10).
 Update or prepare your mailing list of participating teachers in a computer data base or
spreadsheet to save time. AATF National HQ can provide you with mailing labels or an
Excel spreadsheet for members of your chapter (email request to You might also make up a separate mailing list of potential
participants, past participants, etc., to use for recruiting new students. Create an email
list of past participants and add new teachers to make communication easier and
 Select a testing date from the National Testing Dates (see p. 7). As a Chapter you may
choose to either select one date, a range of dates, or allow testing throughout the entire
National testing period.
Should a problem arise concerning a conflict between religious observance and the
Chapter’s testing date, the Director will agree, upon written communication from the
Contest Administrator, to alternative arrangements. Such consideration also applies to
home-instructed students and special-needs students.
You have selected a Saturday testing date. Religious observance prohibits a
student from participation. Test may be administered after sundown.
A student is homebound. No teacher is available to administer the exam in
the student’s home on the date selected by the Chapter. Administration may
take place on the first possible subsequent date.
URGENT: Keep in contact with the Director. Notify her at once of any changes to your
mailing information (physical mailing address or email address).
 Write to your State Foreign Language Supervisor to request a current list of teachers of
French in your area. Write a similar letter to local supervisors, chairpersons, and school
 Say bonjour to your Regional Representative (see listing at
 Consider presenting information on the Contest at a local FL meeting, an institute day,
back to school night, etc. Check the Contest Administrator’s website for ideas and
sample presentations. Contact Lisa Narug for supplies, giveaways, etc.
American Association of Teachers of French
What to do in October:
 Read your Contest Bulletin (Infobulletin) and the Contest newspaper (Le Grand
Concours) for the latest Contest Information.
 If you are new to your position, please consider contacting your predecessor for some
words of guidance, caution, and comfort.
 Remind your FLES colleagues about the FLES Concours. Distribute Contest information
to schools in your Chapter. Put teachers in contact with the National Chair for FLES if
you are not able to answer their questions.
 Mailing #1:
o Prepare a mailing to French teachers. Include:
o A reminder that teachers who enter students in the National French Contest at
the discounted membership fee need to be members of the AATF by January 1
o Contest dates, deadlines, and locations.
o Request that each teacher keep you informed of additions to the French staff in
his or her school
o Copies of the Secondary and FLES Contest Specifications
o Be sure to advise teachers about the Le Grand Concours Web Page:
What to do in November:
 Collect a list of local book, record, and periodical publishers. Search your professional
journals and telephone directories for firms that are French, deal with French products,
or do business with Francophone countries. Write for donations of prizes.
 Review the eligibility rules carefully.
What to do in December:
 Continue to write for prizes.
 Mailing #2:
Send a detailed letter to your teachers concerning every phase of your local
procedure. Establish a local deadline for receipt of orders.
Include a copy of the Consolidated Student Eligibility Sheets (CSES) for those
administrators and teachers who prefer to continue using it (levels 01-5 only).
Encourage teachers to create their own spreadsheet or database with fields for
Student Name (alphabetized by last name), Grade level, contest level, Division,
and special comments. One hard copy (paper) of this spreadsheet or data base
should be sent to you so you can verify that teachers are ordering materials at
the correct level(s) for their students.
American Association of Teachers of French
Remind teachers that the price of Contest is double the cost for non-members
and that January 1st is the deadline for membership payments.
Remind your FLES colleagues about the FLES Contest. Teachers may receive
additional information from the National Chair for FLES (see p. 17.) Information
is also available via the Concours website. Unlike levels 01-5, FLES teachers may
administer the Contest; however, the FLES Contest should NOT be mailed
directly to the French teacher. Materials should be sent to a neutral party for
storage until Contest time.
What to do in January:
The count-down begins!
 Remind teachers that ONLY original answer sheets will be scored. NO photocopies can
be accepted as they cannot be scored by machine.
 Keep accurate records of every contestant, teacher, and school.
 Prepare a list of addresses of participating teachers to be sent to your Regional
Representative in April. Be sure to include information for teachers who are not
What to do in February:
 Mailing #3:
o Send a final reminder to all teachers urging their participation. Make final
arrangements for Area Testing Centers (if applicable).
 Place your Composite Order for Contest materials. Use the form on page 26 or the Excel
spreadsheet available on the Contest Administrator’s Site. Send payment or partialpayment with your order if possible.
 When you receive your materials for the Contest, the packages may arrive days apart:
printed materials are sent from one location and the CDs from another. Included with
your printed materials will be: test booklets, answer sheets, instructions to proctors,
and certificates.
 Make certain that all teachers pay the entrance fees in advance of the testing date. This
procedure will avoid much unpleasantness.
 If you still use Area Testing Centers, gather the following for each:
o a CD player for each room
o two proctors for each room
o entrance and corridor signs indicating location of testing area, restrooms, and
fire exits
o a central committee and an open telephone or cell phone
American Association of Teachers of French
o students to act as runners for messages
o refreshments
 If your Chapter allows testing in the local schools, note that Contest materials should
NEVER be shipped to the French teacher. The teacher should designate a neutral party
(guidance counselor, principal, other language teacher) who will receive the materials,
verify accuracy of order, and store them in a secure location until Contest time. See the
appendix for a sample form that can be used.
 If you do not receive your testing materials by 10 days before your administration date,
contact the Director and identify the missing items. Email:, Tel: 630-677-2594 or Fax: 630-208-8189.
What to do in March:
 Guard the security of all materials:
 Teachers of French may not proctor their own students.
 Testing materials should never be sent to teachers of French -- always send to a school
contact (guidance counselor, principal, other language teacher, etc.)
 The Concours must be completed in a single one-hour block of time, unless
arrangements have been made in advance to take advantage of divided testing
procedure. See the Contest Administrator’s website for full information.
 All students in a school in a level must test at the same time.
 Students should not leave testing room until all answer sheets have been collected.
 Contest materials should be stored in a secure location until after the national testing
dates have ended.
If the above security precautions are not maintained, students may be
disqualified from national rankings
American Association of Teachers of French
 Teachers may send their answer sheets directly to the scoring center. If you prefer, you
may continue to collect the entire chapter’s answer sheets, and send them in one batch,
but this is not a requirement. Full details and directions will be available on the Contest
Administrator’s website
MARCH 7th.
CENTER BY March 28th.
 Those received late will NOT be included in the initial release of National results
but may be included in supplemental results if proper testing procedures were
What to do in April
 You will receive notification when your chapter’s results have been sent. Results
delivery may vary – please look for updates in January as needed.
 Notify Director of any early prize ceremonies so she can make sure that they are
received on time.
 Teachers of winning students are invited to send photographs of these students to the
Contest Administrator. Electronic photos are preferred and may be submitted via email
or on CD via mail. Complete information for each student should be included: name,
Concours level, school, teacher, and chapter. Be sure that the name of the photo file is
matched to the student information. These pictures may be published in Le Grand
Concours. Hard copy photos may also be submitted. Contact Lisa Narug at for
 Round up your prizes.
 Send notes of merci! to all those who assisted you and include their names in your
program. A little merci goes a long way!
 Plan a Distribution des Prix ceremony. Invite your Regional Representative, parents,
local dignitaries, photographers, former winners, participants, etc.
What to do in May:
 Review the local school calendar to ascertain the most convenient testing dates for next
year. Please advise the Director.
 Prepare a report for your Chapter, with a copy to the Regional Representative and the
Director of Le Grand Concours, based on: the number of entrants by level, increase or
decrease over the previous year; number of schools involved; awards given by the
American Association of Teachers of French
Chapter and by private donors; evaluation of the examinations; specific problems,
recommendations for next year, etc.
What to do in June:
 Determine if you would like to be re-appointed for the following year. Then, check with
your Chapter President. If both responses are in the affirmative, inform the Director by
June 15th.
 If you cannot continue as Contest Administrator, please ask your Chapter
President to make a new appointment and to notify the Director by June 15 th.
May you enjoy a well-deserved summer vacation!
NOTE: these procedures are based upon the experiences and comments of
many Contest Administrators. You are invited to submit recommendations
to the Director or any other member of our National Committee for the
improvement of this Manual and all of our services.
American Association of Teachers of French
All general questions:
Lisa Narug
National Director
PO Box 3283, St. Charles, IL 60174 | Tel: 630/677-2594 | e-mail: | Skype: lisa.narug
Content of the secondary Contest (Levels 01-5):
Geneviève Delfosse
National Chair for Test Development (Secondary)
TJHSST, 6560 Braddock Rd., Arlington, VA 22312
Information on eligibility and placement of students in appropriate level/division:
George Diller
National Chair for Eligibility
11528 SW 8th Ave., Gainesville, FL 32607-1120
Tel: 352-332-9780 | e-mail: (Indicate “Concours” in the subject line of
your message)
Content of the FLES Contest:
Elizabeth Esper
National Chair for Test Development (FLES)
PO Box 2508, Ashburn, VA 20146
Scoring procedures:
Kenneth Tindle
National Chair, Scoring Center Operations
 Concours web site:
 AATF web site:
 Contest Administrators information web page (source of documents, mailings,
samples, links, etc.):
 School/Teacher Code Website:
American Association of Teachers of French
Eligibility Rules
The following Eligibility Rules include the criteria necessary to place most students in Le Grand
Concours. There are always exceptions and borderline cases which the teacher and contest
administrator must decide on the basis of good judgment, fairness, and consistency. The level
at which the Contest Administrator registers a student is irrevocable. Therefore, in case of
doubt, be sure to contact the National Chairman for Eligibility before registering the student.
No student shall take the same level of Concours more than once.
In particular, where a high school obliges all entering ninth graders to take French 1, this rule
applies and the student, who has already taken Concours at level 1, will have the choice of
taking level 2 or abstaining for a year. If it is discovered that a student has been registered at
the same level two years in a row (without having received prior written permission—see
below), or that a student has entered the Concours at two different levels or divisions for the
same competition, that student’s registration shall be nullified. Teachers and Contest
Administrators will keep registration records in order to prevent such repeat registrations and to
simplify record keeping from year to year.
There are only three exceptions to this rule: (1) Level 5 and (2) FLES students may take the same
level more than once (3) Students will be permitted to take the Concours at the same level two
years in a row provided they submit evidence to the Contest Administrator, through their
teacher, that they are repeating the same French course because they did not pass it when they
took it previously.
 If students are found to be enrolled in the wrong level and/or division, for
whatever reason, they will be disqualified from national ranking.
 If a student indicates the wrong level/division on their answer sheet, they
may be disqualified from national rankings.
For these reasons, it is absolutely essential that students be registered correctly
and that the accuracy of answer sheets is verified.
American Association of Teachers of French
Concours Levels
FLES Level: Grades one through six.
However, sixth-grade students beginning a two-year course sequence leading to French high
school level 1 credit or the equivalent at the end of their second course will take Concours
level 01, as below (note: here “credit” means credit for knowledge of the course; not high
school credit hours)
Level 01: Students who began a two-year French course sequence in the fall of the current
school year and who are not receiving high school level credit or equivalent for their French
course. 01A = up to 1 previous year of French at school (FLES or any other French program);
Level 01B = more than 1 previous year of French at school (FLES or any other French program).
Note: here “credit” means credit for knowledge of the course; not necessarily high school credit
hours. A student may enter Concours at level 01A/01B once only. See Grades 6, 7 & 8 at a
Glance, on the following page.
Levels 1-5: Students shall take Concours at the level which corresponds to the high school credit
level assigned to the French course he or she is currently taking. Thus, for example, students at
any school level who have begun French in the fall and who will receive high school credit or
equivalent for French I at the end of the academic year will be placed in Concours level 1.
In what level do I enroll my students?
American Association of Teachers of French
Only those who (1) are NOT receiving high school level credit* or equivalent for their French
course and (2)who have had no more than one year of FLES or any equivalent French
Only those who (1) are NOT receiving high school level credit* or equivalent for their French
course and (2) who have had more than one year of FLES or any equivalent French program
ONLY those who (1) ARE taking French 1 for high school or equivalent level credit* and who
(2) have taken up to one year of FLES or any equivalent French Program
ONLY those who (1)ARE taking French 1 for high school or equivalent level credit* and who
(2) have had more than one year of FLES or any equivalent French Program
=Level 01A
=Level 01B
=Level 1A
=Level 1B
NOTE: Students receiving level 1 French credit or the equivalent or entering French 2 after their
present course must enter the Concours at level 1.
Example 1: in a middle school, where French is offered for the first time and French 1 is split over
7th and 8th grades. The 7th graders will take level 01A and the 8th graders will take level 1A. These
students will enter French 2 in high school and will continue with the 2A Contest
Example 2: in a private school where French is offered through all grades. 6th grade students will
take the FLES Contest, 7th grade students will take level 1B, and the 8th grade students level 2B.
These students will enter French 3 in high school and will continue with the 3A Contest.
There are many other possible scenarios. Please contact George Diller for specific placement
guidance to ensure that the students are placed at the proper levels
*Special note: here “credit” means credit for knowledge of the course; not necessarily high
school credit hours.
Level 5: Since this contest changes substantially each year and is quite demanding at this level,
students may repeat level 5.
Incorrect Placement: It is the responsibility of the student to enter the correct information on
his or her answer sheet which leads to correct placement by Level and Division. The
participating teacher is to verify the accuracy of placement and to refer it to the Contest or
Center Administrator who may elect to verify. The ensuing level and division shall be the
ultimate determination in arriving at a National rank. If, subsequent to the Contest, an error in
placement is determined, the student may be disqualified from national rankings. The local
chapter may re-compute rank for local statistical purposes.
For French programs on special calendars, or scheduling, or students in intensive programs that
do not correspond to regular semester programs, check to see if the students can be entered in
Division D or E (see p. 23). If the student does not match these categories, contact the National
Chairman of Eligibility.
American Association of Teachers of French
Division Categories:
General Guidelines
Students may be entered at Divisions A, B, C, D, or E as determined by the Contest
Divisions A and B are only available in levels 01, 1 and 2. These two divisions at the first
three levels permit fairer ranking of students of differing French backgrounds. Division
B is not offered after level 2 since the Concours is more challenging at the higher levels
and early French experience will not give students any measurable advantage over
students who do not have any previous exposure.
Division Rules:
1. Division A is for the student who has not lived with French-speaking parents,
who has not attended a French school and who has not lived in a Frenchspeaking community.
2. Division B is for:
a. students who, after their sixth birthday, attended a school where French
was the language of instruction for a total of more than one semester but
fewer than four semesters (two years); or, (2) students who, after their sixth
birthday, have lived in a French-speaking community for a total of more
than one year but fewer than three years. (Three years or more is Division
b. Students with one French-speaking parent.
c. Students taking, in addition to their regular French course, one course or
more conducted predominantly in French.
d. Students who have spent two or more successive summers in a Frenchspeaking area.
e. Students entering Concours at level 1 and who within the previous two
years (1) have had one year or more of FLES or any equivalent French
program, or (2) one semester or more of instruction in French above the
sixth-grade level.
3. Division C. For students whose background is more extensive than those in
levels 01B – 2B and 3A-5A. A few examples would be:
 Native French students.
American Association of Teachers of French
Foreign exchange students from schools where French is the principal
language and instruction.
Students who, within the last two years, have studied for two years/four
semesters or more at a school where French was the principal language of
Students who, within the last two years, have lived in a French-speaking
community for three or more years.
Students who are children of French instructors.
Students who regularly use French at home.
4. Divisions D & E. Because of the availability of alternate school schedules such as
block or trimester, there may be many variations in exposure to French. In each
case, we ask the Contest Administrator to make a decision based, generally, on
the guidelines below. En Principe, Division D refers to students who when they
take the Concours are still enrolled in French; E is designed for students “inbetween” French courses. However, if the student has a more extensive French
background and meets the criteria for Division C, the student must be enrolled in
Division C, regardless of school schedule and current enrollment.
A. Division D is for students who began their study of French at a given level (01
- 5) at the beginning of the fall semester but, at Contest time, are studying at
the next level. If, however, the student will complete the next level by the
end of the current academic year, he/she will take Concours at that level, but
not in division D.
Example 1: A student is enrolled in French 2 in September, 2014. Because the
school is on block scheduling, the course will be completed by December or
January. At Contest time, normally in March, the student will be enrolled in
French 3, which will not be completed until the fall 2015 semester has ended.
This student shall be enrolled at level 2D.
Rationale: The student has completed French 2, but has not had enough
experience in French 3 to achieve a good result. Students in Division D must
earn a score equal to or better than students in Division A to earn the same
American Association of Teachers of French
Example 2: A non-native speaking student begins French 3 in January 2015,
and will complete French 3 at the end of the current semester. This student
shall be enrolled at Level 3A.
Rationale: The student on this type of schedule will have had a similar
amount of instruction time compared to a student with a traditional school
schedule at Contest time.
B. Division E is for students who 1) began their study of French at a given level
(01-5) at the beginning of the fall semester but, at Contest time, are not
enrolled in French; or 2) who began their French course only in the second
semester of the academic year.
Example: A student is enrolled in French 2 in September, 2014. Because the
school is on block scheduling, the course will be completed by December or
January. At Contest time, the student is not enrolled in any course in French.
This student shall be enrolled at level 2E.
Rationale: The student has completed French 2, but at the time of the
Concours has not studied French for 2-3 months.
American Association of Teachers of French
FLES Contest (Grades 1-6)
General Information
Because the FLES* Contest is designed to include students in six different grades and a
variety of language programs, the Contest is separated into two divisions: A and B,
differing only in that Form B includes a section on reading comprehension and structure.
Student scores are adjusted to reflect age, number of years of French study, and
number of minutes per week of French. This permits children of varying backgrounds to
compete more fairly. Students who earn scores in the top 20% are invited to compete
in the speaking portion.
Special Note: If a 6th grade student is in a two-year course sequence that covers French 1,
that student shall be enrolled in level 01 in 6th grade and level 1 in 7th grade.
Levels and Divisions
1. Division 1A: For students in grades 1-3 only. (Listening section only and
speaking, if qualified.) Note: listening section will be shorter in this Division.
2. Division 2A: For all students in grade 4; students in grades 5 & 6 who have just
started French or are in strictly oral programs. (Listening section only and
speaking, if qualified.)
3. Division 2B: Students in grades 5 and 6 with several years of French.
Recommended for most 6th graders. (Listening, structure, and speaking, if
qualified.) Note: the structure section contains no writing; there are picture
identifications, question-answer reading, fill-ins of very elementary grammar C
all multiple choice.)
The decision for placement in Division 2A or 2B for 5th and 6th graders is at the
discretion of the individual teacher who can best judge the student’s program.
4. Division 3A: For students in grades 1, 2, or 3. (Listening section only and
speaking, if qualified.) See criteria below.
5. Division 3B: For students in grades 4, 5, or 6. (Listening, structure, and
speaking, if qualified.) See criteria below.
American Association of Teachers of French
Distinction between total immersion and partial or other circumstances (see
below) are recognized in scoring through adjustments of raw scores reflecting
number of minutes per week in French.
Divisions 3A and 3B are for any student who:
has French more than one hour a day, five days a week.
has had a year or more of private tutoring or enrichment lessons in addition
to school French classes. Note that number of minutes instruction time per
week are still taken into account for final scoring.
 has had a year or more of private or enrichment lessons or has private
lessons in addition to French classes at school
 is enrolled in French immersion or partial immersion program (over 500
minutes per week); has had at more than one year of immersion preschool
 has lived for an extended time in a French-speaking locale
 is presently in a school in a French-speaking locale
 has some members of the household who speak French at home
6. Hors Concours: Students who speak French at home with any member of the
household. These students must do Division 3A (grades 1-3) or 3B (grades 4-6)
contest and are eligible for national prizes.
For any questions on level/division placement, contact Elizabeth Esper.
Additional Rules
Division 3 students in grades 4, 5, and 6 must take Form B including the reading section.
Students who are enrolled in enrichment or tutoring programs in addition to their
French class at school MUST take the Concours with their classmates in school if the
Contest is offered at their school.
When there is a question of eligibility, it is safer to ask the students to do the complete
contest and include a written explanation for the Contest Committee to consider, rather
than risk disqualification.
American Association of Teachers of French
The FLES Contest includes an additional element: the oral responses of qualified
students. This is a vital feature of the FLES Contest. However, it is most timeconsuming. To ensure that we can send all Contest scores and awards simultaneously,
we must begin scoring FLES earlier. Therefore, the FLES Contest will take place February
14-28 and all answer sheets must be sent by the teacher to arrive at the scoring center
by March 7, 2015. Within one week, a list of students who are eligible to participate in
the speaking portion of the Contest will be forwarded to the Chapter Contest
Administrator. The Contest Administrator shall contact the teacher, and the teacher will
have until March 28th to send tapes of recorded students to Elizabeth Esper.
For those students unable to tape the speaking section before March 28th (because of
vacations) teachers will need to guess at their top 20% and record before leaving before
vacation. Please contact Elizabeth Esper for a copy of the speaking questions.
Recordings received after March 28, 2015 will not be evaluated.
American Association of Teachers of French
Ranking Winners
Concours participants, regardless of division (A-E), take an identical test at their level.
However, the results of their performance are ranked separately. Award rank in
Divisions B, C, and D is restricted to those students who score higher respectively than
Division A contestants at the same rank. For example: top score in level 1A is 80 (rank
1); if the top score in level 1B is 79, the 1B rank would be 2, even though it’s the highest
score in the level/division.
Students with Learning Disabilities
No later than two weeks before the registration deadline the student’s teacher shall
submit a document or documents that provide sufficient evidence for the Contest
Administrator to judge the case. Such documents may include an IEP (“Individualized
Education Plan”) or a “504 Plan” or other similar documents. The Contest Administrator
will then determine whether to allow special accommodations to permit the student to
perform equally with other students in Concours. Such accommodations may include,
but are not limited to, longer test-taking time, brailled or large-print materials, sound
scripts and alternate testing locations.
Eligibility Guidelines for Students Receiving French Instruction via
Homeschooling or with a Private Tutor
The regular (classroom) French instructor is responsible for registering his or her
students with the Contest Administrator. If a student is receiving tutoring in addition to
class instruction, the student may only enroll via the classroom instructor if the Contest
is offered at the school.
If the students are receiving their only French instruction through lessons outside of a
formal school setting (private tutor or home school), then the private tutor or parent
may enroll his or her students by requesting enrollment forms and a set of eligibility
rules from the nearest Chapter Contest Administrator.
The Contest Administrator shall work with the tutor or parent to determine the level
and division of such students and may require that the privately-tutored or home
schooled student participate at a local testing center or school. Privately tutored and
American Association of Teachers of French
home schooled students shall be eligible for recognition and awards on an equitable
basis with other students of the Chapter enrolled at the same level and division.
Privacy Rights of Students
The privacy of all entrants into Le Grand Concours shall be strictly maintained. While
local press releases or other similar communications are permitted, no listing of student
names or scores shall be made on a broad public basis; especially, but not limited to, the
Special Cases
Campuses Not in the United States
The National French Contest is available to students of French not living in the United
States. Contact the Director for information.
Special Competitions
If your Chapter services several specialized schools which, in your judgment, cannot
compete equitably with your other schools, you may set up separate competitions (i.e.
Division C, see pp.21-22).
Scheduling difficulties
Schools that cannot compete during the National testing dates may be permitted to
administer the Contest on a separate schedule. Contact the Director for permission and
Interrupted Contest Principle
If, in the conduct of Le Grand Concours, an equipment malfunction or other unforeseen
incident interrupts the administration of the Contest, the Center Administrator may
authorize remedial action PROVIDED NO UNFAIRNESS RESULTS. By unfairness, we mean
that no student shall gain or be given any advantage over other participants by the
remedial action taken by the Administrator. The following examples may serve as
American Association of Teachers of French
During the listening comprehension section, a loud noise of some duration (such as a
power-driven lawn mower) erupts under the window rendering the CD inaudible. The
proctor should stop the CD, caution silence, and restart the CD as appropriate.
Test booklet defect
During the written comprehension section, a student finds that one page of the test
booklet is blank and reports the same to the proctor. The latter advises the student to
continue with the remainder of the Concours and to remain after the conclusion of the
Contest. When the other students have departed, the proctor may give the student
another complete test booklet and permit the student to complete the written section,
allotting the student additional time.
Illness during testing
Should a student become ill while taking the Concours and must leave the room, the
proctor will collect the student’s test booklet and answer sheet and mark the time of
the interruption; request that a school official or monitor remain with the student until
the illness passes, and permit the student to complete the Contest after the other
students leave, with due consideration to the time limit.
The guiding principle is FAIRNESS to the student
American Association of Teachers of French
Electronic Device Policy
The use of mobile phones or other electronic devices as noted below is prohibited
during the Contest and should not be allowed in testing center or classroom during the
Cell phones or smart phones including iPhones, Android or Blackberry devices
iPods or other MP3 players
iPads or other tablet devices
Laptops, notebooks, PDAs or any other personal computing devices, including
Photographic or recording devices, except that needed for the listening
comprehension section of the Contest.
If a student uses any device listed above,
his/her test will not be eligible for
National rankings.
American Association of Teachers of French
Chapter Awards
Chapter awards are the responsibility of the local Chapter. Pins and medals are available from
National and can be used for local prizes or to supplement National prizes. Local chapters may
award additional prizes at their discretion to recognize schools who do not have National or
Chapter prizes (e.g., highest scoring student in school, etc.) Certificates for Lauréat du Chapitre
are available for purchase (see order form for pricing information).
National Awards
National awards are offered by the National Committee. All students, regardless of the level
and division at which they are enrolled, are in competition with students entered and the same
level and division and are equally eligible for all awards.
New Awards Procedure!!
Beginning in 2015, we will award medals based on percentile, not rank. Medals will be awarded
as follows:
National Winner
Highest Score in each level/division
95th Percentile
85th -90th Percentile
75th – 80th Percentile
50th – 65th Percentile
Platinum medal, plaque, and certificate
Gold medal and certificate
Silver medal and certificate
Bronze certificate
Mention d’honneur certificate
All certificates, Platinum, Gold, and Silver medals will be provided; Bronze medals will be
available for purchase by the local chapter.
Additional awards, such as scholarships, summer trips to France, cameras and other such prizes,
may be donated to the National French Contest or local chapters during the course of the year.
Distribution of these prizes is made based upon several factors: express wishes of the donor;
determination by the National Committee; qualifications of the contestants (i.e. student may be
too young for a college scholarship or study trip to France), etc.
Awards may be increased or increased depending on enrollment and results of the Concours.
American Association of Teachers of French
Le Grand Concours 2015
Take a chance to win the
French Embassy Academic Prize!
For the third time the French Embassy will award the French Embassy Academic Prize
to a student who will enjoy a 2 week stay in France! The winner will be selected by a
random drawing among the platinum medalists of Le Grand Concours 2015, from Level
3, 4 or 5 (divisions A, D or E). If there is no platinum medalist eligible, the Committee
will then draw from the pool of gold medalists.
Prize Includes
1 roundtrip ticket (U.S. hub to Perpignan)
2 week stay including housing and meals at the CUEF of the University of
Perpignan —
4 hours of French language instruction every morning and sport and cultural
activities every afternoon
Field trips to many cities and villages of Catalonia and Carcassonne
The participants in the random drawing must be over age 16.
The winner of the Prize will be selected by a random drawing of eligible students
who have completed the application.
American Association of Teachers of French
How to Report a Change
Contest Administrators
If you cannot continue with your duties on a long or short-range plan, notify your
Chapter President, Regional Representative and the Director at once. The name of your
replacement should be forwarded to everyone concerned to avoid a hiatus in Contest
operation. NOTE: Ask the former Contest Administrator to be available to his/her
successor for, at a minimum, the first year.
Contact Information
If your address, fax number or email changes, or the information on the mailing label of
National mail is incorrect, notify the Director at once in writing. Include Zip Code;
otherwise an important mailing may not reach you in time for maximum effectiveness.
NOTE: To keep communication flowing, report any change in Contest leadership to the
Chapter President, the Regional Representative, and the National Director of Le Grand
We welcome your comments for improvement of all phases of le Grand Concours.
If you like our service, tell a colleague!
If you don’t like our service, tell someone on the National Contest Committee
We will award prizes for suggestions we use!
American Association of Teachers of French
Final Deadlines
The culmination of the entire Contest activity is the eventual identification of the top
scoring students, their teachers, and their AATF Chapter. With each ascending level,
more steps are involved. A delay, therefore, by a Chapter or an individual, will delay all
other procedures.
Simply put, it is the National objective to notify Chapters of the national results by midApril. This early notification will assure every Chapter of sufficient time to hold its
Distribution des Prix and that each school will have the time to schedule an appropriate
ceremony. Please notify the Director of early dates for ceremonies or school ending and
all efforts will be made to ensure that results and prizes are available to the Chapter to
meet these deadlines.
Additional information will be included with contest mailings.
American Association of Teachers of French
Contest Order Form
American Association of Teachers of French
CSES Form (Levels 01-5)
American Association of Teachers of French
Contest Administrator of the Year
The key to the success of the Le Grand Concours, both locally and nationally, is the
degree of diligence of the Contest Administrator of the local Chapter.
AATF has established a symbolic recognition of those who are most deserving. This
recognition is not a reward: professional satisfaction is far more rewarding. It is our
way of acknowledging superior effort, calling this effort to the attention of our
colleagues, and inviting individuals to continue their successful work with us.
AATF will select two Contest Administrators annually, one from a “large” Chapter
(previous year’s Contest enrollment of 1,500 students or more) and one from a “small”
Chapter (previous year’s Contest enrollment of less than 1,500 students). These
individuals will each be presented with a National plaque, a check for $200, and
professional recognition.
The following eight criteria apply: The candidate
1. is a member of AATF
2. encourages teacher and student participation in the Contest
3. follows deadlines
4. reports accurately
5. pays bills within a reasonable time
6. has increased Chapter enrollment over Concours, 2010
7. has recruited students for the FLES* Contest
8. has held position of Contest Administrator for five years or more.
The National Committee may waive one of these criteria in special cases.
Official nominations may be made by the Chapter President or the Regional
Representative who may each nominate a Contest Administrator. This nomination may
be made separately or jointly by a letter (English or French) indicating how and to what
degree the candidate has met each of the criteria. Additional letters of support may be
sent by other AATF members.
American Association of Teachers of French
All letters are received by the National Director by April 1st. Please send to PO Box 3283,
St. Charles, IL 60174 Fax: 630-208-8189 or email:
Announcements will be made by letter within a reasonable period of time and at the
forthcoming National Conference.
Previous Winners:
1994 Lorna Wingate, Maryland
Sr. Mary Helen Kashuba, Philadelphia
1995 H. Todd Knox, Louisiana
Janet Wohlers, Eastern Massachusetts
Ronald Mueller, Greater St. Louis
1996 Claire Stifler, Western Massachusetts 1997 Mary Arslanian, Suffolk, New York
Ted Haldeman & Leah Bolek, Chicago/N IL
Josette Young, South Carolina
1998 Thomas Betts, Connecticut
1999 Elaine Kay Shumway, Northwest Indiana
Tucky Roger, Oklahoma
Marlene Manela, New Jersey
2000 K. Sandra Anderson, NH/VT
2001 Sylvie Rockmore, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Margie Rodgers, Hautes Plaines Texas
Martha Ewell, Houston, Texas
2002 Steven Daniell, Alabama
2003 Warren Scoones, Central New York
Mary C. Frye, West Virginia
James Murphy, Michigan
2004 Deborah Bartle, Virginia
2005 Sue Slaughter, Arkansas
Paula Frank, Rhode Island
Kathleen Zipf, New Mexico
2006 Violet Horsley, Utah
2007 Nikki McDonald, Nebraska
Laura Walker, Northern Virginia
Jane Romer, North Carolina
2008 Sophie Kent, Westchester New York
2009 Catherine Lochtefeld, Western New York
Tammy Wubbenhorst, New Jersey
Jim Lambert, New Hampshire
2010 Joseph Theroux, Rhode Island
2011 Bonnie Youngs, Western Pennsylvania
Valerie White, Georgia
William Thompson, Tennessee
2012 Kristen Necaise, Mississippi
2013 Charlotte Neller, Oklahoma
Sherri Forbes Pea, Indiana
Patricia Nakashima, Northern California
2014 Carolyn Fisk, Minnesota
Jennifer Corbin, Mississippi
American Association of Teachers of French
Personal notes of the Contest Administrator
What to do differently in 2016. What to repeat in 2016. People to include, thank, write, etc.
American Association of Teachers of French
Note: all these documents are available in electronic format. Contact the Director
American Association of Teachers of French
Sample letters to solicit prizes
The National French Contest, sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of
French, will conduct its Annual Competition this Spring.
Over 100,000 students, representing public, private, and parochial schools, participated
last year. The Contest is now expanded to include every student of French anywhere in
the world.
As the Contest Administrator for the ________ Chapter, I am writing to you to request
you to consider a contribution to our awards: scholarships, US Savings Bonds, recording
equipment, magazine subscriptions, books, and gift certificates. We will publish your
generosity in our bulletin.
As a donor, you would be contributing to the encouragement of students to continue
their study of French and, thereby, to expand their cultural awareness and heritage.
We can also make arrangements to establish an annual scholarship or other award in
your name. Names of all donors will be publicized, unless you specify to the contrary.
Please send your awards or direct your inquiries to: (Give name and address of contact
I would be happy to discuss this matter with you at your convenience. (Signed by
Contest Administrator, include address, phone, and email.)
American Association of Teachers of French
Dear Mr. Business Manager:
Each year the Crown Point High School French students participate in the American
Association of Teachers of French (AATF) Grand Concours, a national contest, which will
be administered at Crown Point High School. Students from all over Northwest Indiana
are invited to participate. Winners receive medals or trophies from our local chapter for
rankings one through five and medals from the National AATF for rankings one through
ten. We are seeking prizes for an on-time drawing Saturday, March 15th, for
Several businesses have been so generous in helping: the youth in this community have
benefited greatly from your support. We would appreciate your support this year. You
will, of course, be recognized in our program so that your customers may see that you
have helped make these events a success.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time during the day. We
can be reached at 219-663-4885 ext. 11262. We will be contacting you soon to ask for
your donation. We look forward to speaking with you soon.
Sincerely yours,
Linda Atwood, AATF-NWIN Grand Concours Administrator
American Association of Teachers of French
Informational Letter for Parents
American Association of Teachers of French
Sample Permission Slip
Dear Parent/guardian,
January 2010
I am excited to announce that all Crown Point High School students will participate in the Grand
Concours, a national French contest. If you wish to find out more about the contest, Le Grand
Concours Web page is Local and National winners are
recognized and receive prizes at the spring brunch of the Northwest Indiana Chapter of the
American Association of Teachers of French in May. Those scoring in the top 50% receive
This experience facilitates taking college placement and local exams. We will administer the
National Exam at Crown Point High School on Saturday, March 13. A continental breakfast is
available at 8:15 AM in the cafeteria and the on-time drawing will begin at 8:45 AM. This contest
includes material learned throughout all levels of French, and will be recorded as a curved test
score, typically at 50%. If your child is unable to participate in the national contest, they will take
the test in class the following Monday: Saturday’s participants will enjoy a free reading or
homework day. If you would like to compete, but are not sure of your schedule, please sign up
now. National results and local scores will be sent to your child’s teacher in late April.
Students will receive a study guide and French Club has been hosting monthly Quiz Bowl
contests to practice for the test. Additional zero hour and after school sessions will be available
by request so that students will feel confident about what is expected on the test. The computer
room, E119, will be open zero hour when our class is scheduled so that students can use the
Grand Concours computer program. In addition, old tests are available for check out.
Sincerely, Mme Atwood & Mme Berchem
This returned form is an assignment DUE BEFORE January 29, 2010.
Name of student: ______________________ Current year of French 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
□Yes □No
I have additional French experience: Explain:
□Yes □No
I will compete nationally March 13th
□Yes □No
I have included $1.50 for breakfast (optional)
Parent/Guardian signature: __________________________ (required)
American Association of Teachers of French
Sample Mailing #1
I would like to invite your students to participate in the 2014 National French Contest. For 79
years, as a service to its members, the American Association of Teachers of French has organized
this annual event to recognize and reward student achievement. In 2013, more than 97,000
students in grades 1 – 12 participated and they earned more than 15,000 national prizes. The
National French Contest is recognized as an approved activity of the National Association of
Secondary School Principals (see for more details).
Le Grand Concours is a 60 minute test that will give you a good idea of how your students are
performing compared to other students across the country. There are seven levels available, as
well as different divisions to make sure that students are only ranked against students with similar
experience and background. Complete specifications are available on the Contest website: . Note that Contest results are only
released to you – no one else will see your students’ scores.
The FLES Contest (grades 1-6) takes place from February 14-28, and the secondary Contest
(grades 7-12) from February 23 – March 23, 2014. You may select a date within these periods to
administer the Contest in your school. Administration takes one hour and only requires a CD
player and a neutral proctor. (You may not proctor your own students, but you can swap classes
with another teacher or request that a parent or other school staff member proctor the Contest.)
The first 20 minutes of the Contest is listening comprehension. The remaining questions include
reading comprehension selections and language in context (multiple choice grammar-type items
that are used in a paragraph – fill-in-the blanks.) In Levels 01-5, you may break up Contest
Administration over two days and do Part A one day and Part B another day. Full details of this are
available upon request.
After the Contest, the test materials are stored in a secure location until the end of the national test
dates. After these dates, you keep the test booklets and CDs and may use them for future review
or other purposes.
Completed answer sheets are mailed to National and are scored by computer. National results
and Chapter results are computed and posted around the middle of April. National Prizes are
mailed by the end of April and include certificates, medals, and plaques.
An order form for Contest materials is enclosed and should be accompanied by either a check or a
school purchase order. Deadline for orders is January 12, 2014.
Please contact me if you have any questions or would like more details. I hope to hear from you
American Association of Teachers of French
Dear French Teacher,
I would like to invite you and your students to participate in the 2010 “Grand Concours”, the
National French Contest of the American Association of Teachers of French, which will take place
March 1-28, 2010. It has been my pleasure to coordinate this contest for the state of Tennessee for
the past nine years, and I’m looking forward once again to working with the French teachers in
Tennessee on this excellent program. This is undoubtedly the biggest annual event for French
students and teachers in Tennessee, with hundreds of medals, prizes, and certificates awarded every
Once again this year, all of the information and forms for the contest can be found online at:, including general information about the Contest, the
procedure for entering your students, the “Teacher Data Sheet,” and the “Consolidated Student
Eligibility Sheet” that you may download for providing information about the individual students
participating in the Contest. The postmark deadline for registering your students is January 15, 2010.
There are also links to the national contest website for further information.
Registering your students in the contest is easy!, but please do not hesitate to get in touch me by any
of the means listed below if you have any questions [e-mail is by far most efficient]. Thank you for
your help, cooperation, and enthusiasm. I am very much looking forward to working with you on the
Contest this year.
Dear French teachers:
16 October 2009
Winter is blustering and the leaves have not yet fallen! Students are snuggling with their French
books, studying, and dreaming of spring and the approaching National French Contest, le Grand
Concours. In anticipation, Crown Point French Club has formed multilevel quiz bowl teams. Perhaps
you are interested in some fun intra-school competition? Contact me if you would like to host or
compete at a school near you.
For the best competition of the year, the Northwest Indiana American Association of Teachers of
French (AATF-NWIN) would like to invite ALL French students with their teachers, public, private and
home schooled, to participate in the Grand Concours, a national French contest, on Saturday, March
13th (or your own school on Friday). The tests are developed annually by the AATF as a motivational,
extracurricular activity and contest. In addition, the Grand Concours is approved by the National
Association of Secondary School Principals Many schools including
Crown Point include all students in this experience to prepare them for the many standardized
exams that they will face in the future. There is no failure, nor negative consequences to the test:
American Association of Teachers of French
However, recognition, prizes and certificates will be awarded at National and Chapter levels, and
individual schools. For more information, go to I hope
you will choose to encourage your students to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity. Please
send me your e-mail address for future updates: Forms will be made
available on our chapter website in December:
If you're not currently an AATF member, please consider joining. For a relatively modest cost, you
become part of the largest association of French teachers in the world, and can benefit from its
scholarships, the professional development opportunities it offers, the teaching materials it makes
available, the grants it gives for classroom projects, ten free tests and a free CD for the Grand
Concours (New members only), and the knowledge that your membership is helping to sustain the
study of French in the United States. You can also open up opportunities for your students: They can
enter poster and essay contests and become eligible for la Société honoraire française. Best of all,
you become part of a supportive community of people who—like you—love French and want to do
their best at passing on that love to their students. Please visit . You can
join online—it's quick and easy!
Dear Colleagues:
October 12, 2009
En avant! And welcome to the new teachers joining the contest for the first time!
The National Contest will take place in our chapter between February 22 and March 19,
2010 (FLES: 2/22-2/26; Secondary: 3/1-3/19). Please note that these dates are fixed for
our chapter so that I can, with your schedules and my schedule, get our answer sheets
back to AATF on time (April 1). You may not administer the contest before or after the
dates indicated for our chapter, in this letter. If these dates are not convenient for you,
please remember that any teacher or school can deal directly with the AATF and bypass
the administrator altogether.
Allow me to bring to your attention the fact that once again the FLES answer sheets are
due back to the AATF by March 5, in the envelope and with the mailing label provided.
Please note that because of the tight dates, at a national level, the FLES teachers are
responsible for mailing the completed FLES answer sheets, all facing the same way in
one package, to the AATF by March 5:
Send secondary answer sheets to arrive in my hands by March 24 if possible, but if you
send them certified, please send them to my school address: Department of Modern
American Association of Teachers of French
Languages, BH160, Carnegie Mellon University, Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 152133890 since more than likely I won’t be home to sign for their delivery. The date is
important; I have to send all of our chapter’s answer sheets in one package only.
As always, you may administer the exam in your individual schools per the Contest’s
rules (we have to respect the national dates), and there will also be a session on
Saturday March 6, 2010 from 10:00-11:00 am at Carnegie Mellon University, although
this is not an option for FLES students. If any of your students have special concerns,
please let me know either via postal mail or email (, and I
will do my best to accommodate them.
Please find the registration forms attached in this email. The Contest administration
sheet with the pricing and my request for administrative information can also be found
here. If you have any questions concerning levels, visit the National Contest website:
I will continue to send you general information via email, not only to save postage costs,
but also to save time, in case of urgent messages. Let me know if email is generally not a
good way to contact you. Send me any information on new French teachers that you
know, and I’ll add them to my contact database. And, please, correct any
misinformation that I have and I’ll update my list.
This year, once again, the chapter price has not gone up although National’s prices have.
The $4.25 member price includes pricing for the CD format for listening comprehension
and includes as well the contest booklets and the coordination services that the Chapter
offers to you. The non-member price is $7.25. You do the math! Sometimes, depending
on the number of students you have, it’s worthwhile to become a member and receive
their publications for the entire year. Some schools will even pay professional
membership fees-it doesn’t hurt to ask.
Be aware too that first-time members who send in their dues to the Executive Director,
AATF; Mailcode 4510, Southern IL Univ.; Carbondale, IL 62901-4510 by January 1, 2010,
will receive free, 10 exam copies and the CD of their choice.
In addition, current members who refer one new member to the AATF will receive five
free contest booklets (maximum of 15 free contest booklets for three new members).
American Association of Teachers of French
All membership dues (new and old members) must be to AATF (not to me) by January 1,
2010 if you want to take advantage of the member price. Otherwise, you may forward
the costs using the non-member price. Please send me your order forms by January 15,
2010. This will allow me to get our entire Chapter order in by the national deadline of
February 1st.
I wish you all a continuing happy school year.
American Association of Teachers of French
Samples to send with Mailing #1
What is Le Grand Concours?
It is a national contest organized annually by AATF. Its purpose is to stimulate more students to
begin and continue with their study of French, and to recognize and reward individual student
and teacher achievement. For information on the FLES contest, please read FLES GENERAL
INFORMATION 2010, available at this same site.
Is it open only to AATF members?
No, but membership will ensure you preferential pricing of test materials for your students, not
to mention all the other benefits of belonging to a national organization!
Which students can participate?
Any students enrolled in a French course at school or being home-schooled whose teachers wish
to participate. There are two different exam formats, FLES, for elementary school students, and
the regular Grand Concours, for middle and high school.
When does this take place?
FLES Feb 15-26 2010: Middle and High School March 1- 28 2010
Do we have to go to a test center?
No. In Georgia, we permit testing at your school. However, the test may not be administered by
the students’ own teacher, and all test materials must be sent to another designated person
(school counselor, department chair, administrator etc).
Is there a fee?
As in 2009, I will continue to offer FREE test materials to any teacher who wishes to participate
in FLES, the contest for elementary schools. Also, any participating middle school teachers will
receive 10 FREE TESTS. There is a charge for all other test materials. You will need one test per
student and one CD per testing group. You may decide to ask students for a small fee to defray
the cost of entry or request help from the administration of your school. (NB These charges are
clearly listed on the school order form. They are not the same as prices published on the
national website for review materials. All test materials must be ordered from your local chapter
Do all students take the same test?
American Association of Teachers of French
No, there are different levels according the level of language being studied by the student.
Levels go from 01 (first year of middle school study) to 5. Within each level, there are also
categories for students with outside experience. All students enrolled at the same level will take
the same test, but will be rated only compared to students in their own category. Please refer to
the enrollment guidelines at the AATF website.
What are the advantages of Le Grand Concours?
For teachers who may be the only French teacher in your school, it is a great way to help you
compare your students’ progress with that of others in the state and nationally. It’s a great
motivator for students: there are prizes for top state and national winners as well as certificates
for those in the top 20% and top 50%. It is also a source of great publicity for French courses at
a time of falling enrollments and competition from other languages. Parents, students and
administrators all love it!
I’m hooked! What do I do next?
Start promoting the contest at your school. Arrange help from colleagues and administrators.
Join AATF. Send your school contact information to your GA chapter Contest Director Valerie
Download the order form (choose the correct form for FLES or Middle and High). For further
info, go to
Nous sommes tous des gagnants!
American Association of Teachers of French
 It’s fun and you can meet students studying French from other
schools if you’re testing at a university center.
It’s for your own personal challenge and achievement.
It’s a great way to assess your ability and progress over the years.
It’s great practice for college placement tests, SAT II and the AP
test. The National French Contest is an inexpensive way to gain
experience taking these types of tests.
Achieving a National or Chapter ranking score looks great on a
college application.
It’s good PR for your school, your school’s foreign language
department and your favorite French teacher.
Fantastic prizes given out in the Northern Illinois area include:
Alliance Française scholarships, immersion summer camp,
thousands of dollars in cash and gift certificates, CD’s, videos,
watches, games and more. There are hundreds of attractive
runner-up prizes. Close to 25% of all participants received multiple
Chapter prizes; and another 25% received a (gift certificate)
consolation prize.
You can develop your competitive spirit by testing with over
100,000 other students nationally.
American Association of Teachers of French
How do I register my students?
You register your students by completing the Teacher Data Form and the Consolidated Student
Eligibility Sheet (or a similar list that you can generate yourself). A check for the registration
fees, made out to the “AATF National French Contest” must accompany the forms. Complete
information can be found in the “Procedures for Entering Students in the 2011 Contest.”
What is the deadline for registering my students?
This year, the postmark deadline for sending your registration forms and fees is FRIDAY,
JANUARY 14, 2011. It is imperative that everything be sent by that date, since there is very little
turn-around time to send the registration fees to the national office.
How much does it cost?
The registration fee per student for 2011 is $5.00 for teachers who are not AATF
members. Current members of AATF receive a registration reduction for the students they
enter in the 2010 AATF French Contest: $4.00 instead of $5.00 per student. If your school is
participating for the first time, you will also pay the reduced fee of $4.00 per student for the
first year you participate. If you are not an AATF member and would like to join (thereby
reducing the cost of registering for the contest), there is a new member form on the AATF
website at The dues must be paid by January 1, 2010 for you to be
eligible for the discounted rate. As an added incentive, the AATF will issue vouchers permitting
free admission for ten students of each teacher who joins AATF for the first time by January 1.
How do I determine the levels and divisions for my students?
Information about the levels and divisions of the Grand Concours is available at Any questions about the appropriate
level/division for individual students should be addressed to the chapter administrator.
How can I prepare my students?
Past copies of the Contest are available for purchase for review and practice purposes. Audio
scripts and scoring keys for past years are also available. Materials can be ordered through the
Concours website at:
How is the test administered in my school?
American Association of Teachers of French
Test materials and proctoring information are sent via UPS directly to your test administrator,
who may be a guidance counselor, librarian, school administrator, or another teacher who does
not teach French. The National Office insists that no French teachers be present in the room
while their students are taking the test; however, at least one French teacher will need to verify
that the CDs actually have the test on them and that no defective CDs will be used. The test
takes approximately one hour to administer in its entirety.
When do I get my students’ results?
Results are sent to the chapter coordinator 2-3 weeks after the answer sheets are sent to the
scoring center. The chapter coordinator then sorts the results and prizes for each school and
teacher. Everything is sent to the schools via UPS before the end of April.
What prizes are awarded?
Medals are awarded to students who obtain one of the top ten scores nationally in their
respective levels. Certificates are awarded to students who are either national medalists, top
20% in their level, or top 50%. Numerous prizes (books, posters, notepads, CDs, etc.) are also
awarded to students achieving one of the top three ranks in the state. The exact number of
prizes awarded, and the ranks receiving prizes, vary from year to year. At least one student
from every participating school receives a prize. Teachers are also encouraged to consider
awarding additional prizes as they see fit.
What if I have other questions?
Never hesitate to contact Will Thompson, the contest administrator for Tennessee at or (901) 678-3160.
American Association of Teachers of French
American Association of Teachers of French
American Association of Teachers of French
Sample Order Forms
American Association of Teachers of French
Le Grand Concours 2009 - Western PA Chapter of the AATF
FLES dates (grades 1-6): February 22-26, 2010
Secondary dates (grades 7-12): March 1-19, 2010
School name/
of person to
This is not the teacher.
information of
school contest
This is not the teacher.
Date of contest
in your school
FLES (from February 22-26)_________________________________
Secondary (from March 1-19) _______________________________
*At Carnegie Mellon? (secondary only)
Cost of contest
materials &
prizes; postage
of materials,
certificates &
______ Cost for teachers/members of the AATF @ $4.25/student
______ Cost for teachers/non-members of AATF @ $7.25/student
______ Mailing fee $5.00 or $10.00/school
Pay $10.00 only if you are administering the contest at your school. If your
students will come to Carnegie Mellon, please pay $5.00.
______ Total cost for materials and mailing fees
Check payable to “Western PA Chapter of the AATF”
American Association of Teachers of French
Sample Packing List
Le Grand Concours 2010
AATF Georgia Chapter
I complete one of these per school as a packing slip
I print teacher names and codes here
In case of discrepancy/problems, contact:
Valerie White
Northview High School
Parsons Rd
Johns Creek GA 30097
school phone 770 497 3828 (voice mail # 377) school fax 770 497 3844
American Association of Teachers of French
Sample Proctor’s Instructions
American Association of Teachers of French
National French Contest Proctors
Procedures, Guidelines, Materials
Thank you very much for your willingness to administer the 2010 National French Contest [Le Grand
Concours] at your school. Without your help, the contest could not run so smoothly.
Please find enclosed all testing materials (instructions for administrators, test booklets, answer sheets,
CDs, copy of Teacher Data sheets), as well as a letter that you should give to the French teacher(s) whose
students are taking the exam. To provide for maximum test security (the same tests are given
nationwide), I am forwarding the materials directly to you. As soon as you receive this package, you
Check to make sure you have the correct number of answer sheets and booklets for each level.
Please contact me immediately, preferably via e-mail at, if you need
• Have a French teacher assure that the CDs actually contain the level of test which is marked on
the outside and that the CDs are working properly. Otherwise, the teachers are to have no
contact with the test materials until after the end of the national testing period (March 28).
After this date, you may give unused answer sheets and all the test booklets to the French
teachers. You should have exactly the number of answer sheets and booklets that you need.
Please contact me immediately, preferably via e-mail at, if you need
Once you have finished the testing, please send the answer sheets AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to me at the
address below. The deadline for receipt of these materials in my office is MARCH 29. This is a
requirement over which I have no control, so I thank you for your cooperation, as the students’ exams
cannot be processed if I do not forward the materials to the national office by their deadline. Students
whose sheets are not sent in time DO NOT RECEIVE A SCORE AND ARE INELIGIBLE FOR PRIZES.
I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you send the answer sheets back to me by express/overnight mail, especially
if your school’s test date is close to the deadline. When you return the answer sheets, do NOT divide
them in any way or use paper clips or rubber bands. You simply need to put all of the sheets in an
envelope and return them to me. Do NOT return unused answer sheets to me. Do NOT send the
materials by certified mail, as this will cause a delay in my receiving the answer sheets.
Often there are problems with answer sheets which are not bubbled in properly. It is especially important
that the teacher code be provided [especially considering that there are approximately 100,000 students
who take the exam annually!]. Please give the answer sheets to the French teacher(s) and have them
supervise their students as they fill in the appropriate information, perhaps during French class a day or
two before the actual test date. It would be helpful if both you and the teacher checked the answer
sheets for omissions before the test date. The correct level and division need to be clear on each answer
sheet. The French teachers should know the levels and divisions of their students. The teacher codes for
your teachers are at the bottom of this page.
American Association of Teachers of French
If you have any questions, please call me at (901) 678-3160, or e-mail me at
Again, thank you for your contribution to this excellent opportunity for French students all across the
Procedure for National French Contest Administrators [Please also see blue sheet enclosed]
The test takes sixty consecutive minutes. Provide either a language lab or a classroom with a CD
player for each of the levels of testing (six maximum; the French teacher(s) should inform you of the
exact number). Tests for different levels may be administered in the same room at different times,
but only one level at a time in each room.
2. Please verify that the answer sheets have been properly filled in with the teacher code and test level
(01, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and division (A, B, C, D, E). Have teachers take care of this ahead of time with their
own students. Please check as well as you can for mistakes and omissions. I have enclosed a sample
sheet for reference.
3. Be sure that students use #2 pencils.
4. If, in the course of testing, an equipment malfunction or other unforeseen incident interrupts the
administration of the contest, you may authorize remedial action provided no unfairness results.
Such incidents could include a loud noise of some duration, in which case the administrator may stop
the CD and restart when appropriate. The time is controlled by the running of the CD.
American Association of Teachers of French
Sample Site Director Form
American Association of Teachers of French
Sample FLES Answer Sheet
American Association of Teachers of French
Sample 01-5 Answer Sheet
American Association of Teachers of French
Links to Some Chapter Websites