UNITED STATES HISTORY, 1877 TO PRESENT 2013-2014 SCHOOL YEAR SYLLABUS AND POLICIES LYDIA C. CADENA Email: lcadena@novi.k12.mi.us Voicemail: (248)449-1212, ext. 9055 Home: (810) 923-3266 (Before 10 p.m., please) Welcome to Novi High School. Please look over the following syllabus for the 2013-2014 school year with a parent/guardian, sign it at the bottom and return the signed copy to me. The syllabus covers both semesters, though your child may only be in my class for one of the semesters. If you have any questions regarding the class, please contact me at the email or voicemail listed below. I look forward to working with your child this semester. I. COURSE DESCRIPTION US History is a course that studies the modernization of America and its emergence as a world power. Topics include Industrialization; Entrance into World Affairs; Roaring Twenties; Great Depression; WW II; Cold War; 60’s Culture; Watergate; Reagan Era; and the role of the United States in the post-Cold War world. Students read, write, work cooperatively, discuss, use computers for research and investigation, interpret historical documents and perspectives. This provides students with a foundational knowledge of U.S. history and the ability to express informed opinions on major historical issues. II. SCHOOL-WIDE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES I. Attendance: Students are expected to be on time for all classes and attend school all day every day. a. Students cannot exceed 10 absences (excused + unexcused) in a semester. b. If a student is passing the class, but has accumulated 11 or more absences, the student will receive a “NC” (no credit) for the semester grade. c. If a student completes the class and is passing at the semester, the student may opt to take the test-out exam. If the student earns 80% or better, he or she can earn credit back. d. Students who earn credit back will receive a “RC” (received credit) on their transcripts. e. An “E” always supersedes the “NC.” Tardy Policy: Students will be considered tardy if they are not present in their assigned classrooms when the bell signifying the start of that class period sounds. a. Students who accumulate five unexcused tardies (per class) will be assigned one half hour detention to be completed within a week of being assigned the detention. b. A new detention will be assigned for each tardy after five. c. Students who fail to attend detention will be assigned two detentions. d. Detention will be served in Room 100 on Mondays and Thursdays from 2:10 p.m. to 2:40 p.m. and on Friday mornings from 6:30 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. of each week. e. Students who do not complete their assigned detentions in a timely manner will be referred to their assigned administrator for further discipline. *For more details, the entire Attendance Policy can be found on the district website and in the Parent/Student Handbook (pg. 15A). II. Cumulative Grading, Grade Reporting & Zangle-Parent/Student Connect: a. Semester grades (.5 credits) are determined using Cumulative Grading. After the first nine (9) weeks of each semester, progress reports will be distributed in Academic Advisory. It is important to remember that nine (9) week grades are a reflection of student progress midway through the semester. Report Cards (semester grades), will be issued after 18 weeks and are the only grades that are calculated into the grade point average (GPA) and recorded on the official transcript. b. Zangle is a management tool to assist students and parents in monitoring academic performance and attendance. It is the expectations that all teachers will use Zangle grade book and update it on a regular basis as a means to effectively communicate grades and daily attendance. III. Cheating/Plagiarism: An essential part of education is developing a sense of academic honesty and integrity. There is zero tolerance in regard to cheating/plagiarism. If a student cheats or plagiarizes on any class work or assessment (tests/quizzes), that student will receive a zero and a parent/guardian will be notified by the classroom teacher. In addition, any student who assists another student in the act of cheating/plagiarizing will experience the same consequences. Students will have an opportunity to complete the assignment or take the assessment to assist the student in mastery of the content; however, their grades will remain at zero. III. CLASS GRADING POLICIES Marking period grades will be calculated with an 80/20 ratio: Summative Assessments, such as tests, quizzes, projects and extended writing assignments will make up 80% of marking period grade. Formative Assessments, such as homework, classwork, and comprehension quizzes, will be worth 20% of grade. The semester exam will be worth 15% of the final semester grade. Only the semester final grade will appear on student transcripts. With the exception of computer or human error, grade changes will not be made. Please be careful to review all returned work in a timely manner. If you have a concern about your grade, please make an appointment with the teacher to discuss it (before or after school, depending on teacher availability). Tests and other work missed because of unexcused absences and tardies will not be given credit as per school policy, and will negatively impact your grade. The following grading scale will be used: 99-100% A+ 89% - 87% B+ 79% - 77% C+ 69% - 67% D+ 98% - 93% A 86% - 83% B 76% - 73% C 66% - 63% D 92% - 90% A- 82% - 80% B- 72% - 70% C- 62% - 60% D- 59% and below E IV. SYSTEM FOR CALCULATING GRADES All grades will be calculated on a POINTS basis Summative Assessments, such as tests, quizzes, projects and extended writing assignments will make up 80% of marking period grade. They will be calculated as follows: Tests – will be worth approximately 10 points per chapter, with a mix of multiple choice and written items. They will be given approximately every three to four weeks. Quizzes – will be given approximately once per unit, and be worth 5 points per quiz. Projects – will be assigned two to three times per semester, the sum total will be worth 20-30 points. Formative Assessments, such as homework, classwork, and comprehension quizzes, will be worth 20% of grade. All homework will be worth five points, and will be given out at the rate of approximately 1-2 per chapter of the text, for a total of 25-30 for the semester. V. LATE WORK It is expected that all work will be handed in on time. All late projects and extended writing assignments will be penalized by 25% of full credit. All late homework will be worth up to 50% of full credit for one week. Extensions may be given under extenuating circumstances at the teacher’s discretion. VI. CLASSROOM MATERIALS EXPECTATIONS All students are expected to bring all materials to class on time – they will not be allowed to return to lockers after class begins. Students are expected to bring to class the following items on a daily basis: history notebook or binder with paper (depending on instructor), writing instrument, red checking pen, text, current assignments, chapter essentials pages, course calendar. VII. PARENT SIGNATURE I have read the syllabus and testing policy and discussed them with my child. I understand the class’s expectations and policies. Student’s printed name: Parent or guardian signature: Parent or guardian printed name: Email at which parent can be contacted: Best phone number & time to contact parent: Time: revised 01.XXV.14