Theories of Anthropology






AIM: Why did evolutionism fade away?



Dominate intellectual perspective in the middle of the 19 th century.

Evolutionism eventually overtaken by historical particularism and structural functionalism.

Evolutionism, historical particularism, and structural functionalism were most significant theoretical orientations for almost 100 years.

Evolutionism – Early Controversies

Do all human beings have a common origin

(monogenesis) or different origins and developments (polygenesis)?

Much of this theory contained racial predjudice

Basic Features of Evolutionism


Tended to evaluate cultures of the world in terms of model of

Victorian England

Underlying assumption that evolutionism culminated in England and Europe

Armchair Speculation

Early anthropologists did not do fieldwork

Relied on data supplied by untrained amateurs

Focus was the comparative method, with the assumption that societies could be arranged into a taxonomy

Basic Features of Evolutionism

Assumption all cultures had gone through same stages of evolution, in the same order

Inevitable Progress

Emphasis on progress, order, rationality



Edward B. Tylor (1832-1917)

Born into a wealthy family in London, England

Never conducted in-depth, original fieldwork

1871 – Primitive Culture

Focus on religion

Defined religion as a belief in spiritual beings

Argued culture evolved from the simple to the complex

Three Stages




Tylor stressed the rationale basis of culture

Social institutions are driven by reasons, and customs

Lewis Henry Morgan (1818-1881)

Born in the United States

Ethnographic studies focused on Native


1877 – Ancient Society

Like Tylor, argued society evolved over three stages










Shift from lower to higher stage was introduction of a significant technological innovation

Morgan also associated with distinction between classifactory and descriptive kinship terminology

Classifactory System – same terms that apply for relatives such as husband and wife may be applied to a wider range of kin

Descriptive Terminology – terms such as father or daughter designate a specific and narrow range of individuals characterized by biological or marital relations.

For Tylor and Morgan, the transition from lower to higher stage meant progress, not only technological sophistication but also in morality.

Racist perspective

Terminological Adjustments

Savages  Hunters & Gathers

Barbarians  Horticulturalists

Civilized People  citizens of modern, stratified states

Herbert Spencer (1820-1903)

Born in England

Two Stages of Evolution

Militaristic (central authority)

Industrial (individual freedom)

At an advanced stage of evolution, the parts of society (individuals) dominate the whole (the state) rather then the reverse

Believed society evolved from simple to the complex

Some of Spencer’s ideas paved the way


“Survival of the fittest” coined by Spencer

Believed humans subject to same natural laws as non-humans

Eventually society would progress to perfection


Evolutionism placed emphasis on survival of the fittest and with the assumed superiority of the


Provided support for colonialism & imperialism

AIM: Why did historical particularism fade away?



Historical particularism was main argument in America against evolutionism

Main aspect was diffusionism

Diffusionism – an aspect of culture, such as discover of the wheel, religious belief, or marital practices tend to spread from one culture to another, eventually becoming integrated into all of the cultures in a given geographical area

No longer need for each culture to evolve through specific stages in a specific order

Three schools of Diffusionism

Kulturkreise School

Explain the development of culture through migration and diffusion

British Diffusionism

Implausable claim that Egypt was source of virtually all cultural traits and innovations, which then diffused to rest of the planet


Historical Particularism

Basic Features of Historical Particularism

Focus on one culture (or cultural area) and that the history of that culture be reconstructed


Any particular culture was partly composed of elements diffused from other cultures

Culture is a loosely organized entity, rather then a tightly fused system

Culture is to some extent unique

Focus on emic analysis

Social life is guided by habit and tradition


Since each culture is to some degree unique, unacceptable to pass judgment on beliefs and actions found in other cultures

Cautious generalizations

Emphasis on original fieldwork

Inductive procedure



Franz Boas (1858-1942)

Born and educated in Germany

Focus on importance of culture

Concentrate research efforts on Native people of the west coast of British Columbia

Descriptive accounts of potlatch among

Kwakiutl (1897)

Rigorous fieldwork standards

Collect native texts, vernacular accounts of aspects of culture


 Only after masses of solid data had been collected could stabs at explanation and generalization be made

Impact on American anthropology

Taught at Columbia from 1896 – 1937

 Trained and influenced a lot of anthropologists

Ruth Benedict (1887-1948)

Trained by Boas

1934 – Patterns of Culture

Leading figure in culture and personality school

Believed each culture promoted a distinct personality type, and that there was a high degree of consistency between cultural type and patterns of emotion

Modal Personalities

A statistically most prominent personality which left room for other types

 Eventually view emerged that each culture had several modal personalities

Margaret Mead (1901-1978)

Student of both Boas and Benedict

Selected Samoa to demonstrate overwhelming importance of culture

1928 – Coming of Age in Samoa

1930 – Growing Up in New Guinea

1935 – Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive


Focused on gender studies in her later years


Boas’s emphasis on:

Subjectivity (personal interpretation)

Insistence on collection of original texts (emic)

Distrust in grand theoretical schemes

Promotion of relativism

AIM: How did structural functionalism become the dominant anthropological theory?


Structural Functionalism

Initial reaction in British anthropology against evolutionism took form of diffusionsim

From late 1800s until 1950s/60s, structural functionalism was leading theory in British anthropology

Basic Features of Structural Functionalism

Organic Analogy

Society is like a biological organism, with structures and functions

Natural science orientation

Empirical, orderly, patterned

Narrow conceptual territory

Investigations should be restricted to social structure (society)

Rarely paid much attention to art, language, ideology, the individual, technology, or environmental factors

Existing structures and institutions in any particular society contained indispensable functions without which the society would fall apart, and these structures and functions or their equivalents were found in all healthy societies

Basic Features of Structural Functionalism

Significance of kinship system and the family


Society was not only thought to be highly patterned, but also in a state of equilibrium and would re-equilibrate when disruptions occurred

Society exhibited long-term stability


Did not encourage a historical perspective

Fieldwork Orientation

Devoted to first-hand, participant observational research



A.R. Radcliffe-Brown (1881-1955)

Born in England

Disciple of Durkheim

Powerful theoretician

Promoted three stages of scientific investigation

Observation (collecting data)

Taxonomy (classifying the data)

Generalizations (theoretical excursions)

Believed cross-cultural comparisons and generalizations were essential to anthropology

Natural science model of society was unable to cope with complexities of social life

Bronislaw Malinowski (1884-1942)

Born in Poland, but taught in


Father of Modern Fieldwork

Long-term participant observation in a small community

Research among Trobrianders

Remained among them for four years, setting standard for future fieldwork

Kula Ring

The Kula Ring

Necklaces were exchanged clockwise from one Trobriand island to another

Armshells were exchanged counterclockwise

Exchange was ceremonial (neither item had any intrinsic value)

Exchanges increased level of interaction and decreased the degree of hostility among the people of various islands

Made bartering for valuable resources possible with others

Could not barter with groups you exchanged necklaces or armbands with

Contributed to social solidarity and prevented squabbles over who got the best deal

Malinowski vs. Radcliffe-Brown

Malinowski placed emphasis more on function than structure

Focused more on what institutions actually contributed to a society

Radcliffe-Brown gave priority to social structure

Malinowski argued that the function of institutions was to satisfy biological needs. Radcliffe-Brown saw their function as fulfilling the mechanical needs of society

Malinowski stressed the importance of gathering native texts, or accounts of beliefs and behaviors in native’s own words

Malinowski & Radcliffe-Brown held many of the same views as well


Structural functionalism provided anthropology with a coherent and tidy framework

At its most basic level, procedure only required ethnographers to identify patterns of action and belief, and specify their functions.

Downplayed conflict and almost ignored social change

Structural functionalism suited to maintaining colonial empires once they had been established


Through the first phase of anthropology, there was a general commitment to establishing a scientific study of culture or society

AIM: What methods did anthropologists use through the first phase of theories?



Methods courses were almost unheard of until the

1960s / 70s

Very little attention paid to ethics

1874 – Notes and Queries

Published by British Association for Advancement of

Science in era before anthropologists began to collect their own data

Provided a guide to amateurs, highlighting themes and categories they should focus their inquiries on

The Fieldwork Situation

In the late 1800s, there was a division of labor between the professional anthropologist and amateur fieldworker

Anthropologist remained in comfort of the library and museum

Amateurs travelled to remote parts of the world collecting materials

By early 20 th century, anthropologists themselves began to do fieldwork

At first the emphasis was on fieldwork rather then participation

When 1913 edition of Notes and Queries was published there was an argument for intensive participant observation studies, to be carried out by a sole researcher in a small population over a period of at least a year

Basic Techniques and Related Elements - Fieldwork

Participant observation

Reliance on informants

The interview (usually unstructured)

Genealogies & life histories

Collecting census material

Long period of fieldwork

Learning indigenous language

Emphasis on actor’s point of view (emic)

Emphasis on informal rather than formal structure

Back rather then front stage

Emphasis on validity rather than reliability

Validity implies ‘truth’

Reliability just means that repeat studies will produce same results

Limit on size of population

Comparative method as alternative to controlled lab experiment

Inductive research design

Reaching conclusion based on observation: generalizing to produce a universal claim or principle from observed instances

Search for virgin territory

Exaggeration of the degree of cultural uniqueness

The more exotic, the better

One’s research site should be as remote and isolated as possible so no other anthropologist will ever check up on one’s ethnographic findings

Fieldwork personality

Flexible and perceptive, sense of humor

Strong constitution, good listener

Sustained disbelief

Doubt about what people said, about their explanations for beliefs and behavior…anthropologists had to get to the truth

AIM: How did future theories help to fill in some of the holes of earlier anthropological theories?



AIM: How did future theories help to fill in some of the holes of earlier anthropological theories?


Historical particularism in America and structural functionalism in Britain proved to be the leading theoretical approaches, dominating the discipline up to World War II

By 1950s & 1960s anthropological landscape had changed

Cultural ecology

Conflict Theory

Social Action Theory (…)

Each orientation, in different ways, attempted to keep the dream of a scientific study of society alive by patching the cracks that had begun to weaken historical particularism and structural functionalism

Cultural Ecology (and Neo-Evolutionism)

Julian Steward developed theoretical orientation about influence of the environment on culture

Eventually grafted into a revitalized version of evolutionism

Basic Features of Cultural Evolutionism

Culture is shaped by environmental conditions

Techno-economic factors combine with environment to influence social organization and ideology

Human population continuously adapt to techno-economic-environmental conditions

Culture also shapes techno-economic-environmental factors

Emphasis on etic rather then emic data

Meaning is a product of social structure

Culture is purposeful and functional

De-emphasis on the individual

Social structure, social groups, ecological and technological factors explain culture

Emphasis on etic data

Capable of producing causal explanations and laws

Evolutionary context

Ecological and technological factors driving force in human interaction, also fundamental to historical development of society



Julian Steward (1902-1972)

Influenced by Boas

1955 – Theory of Culture Change

Ecology defined as adaption of culture to environmental and technological factors

Less developed the level of technology in a society, greater the influence of the environment

Hunting-and-Gathering societies at whim of environment

Social organization and population dictated by environment

No economic surplus to permit stratification

As level of technology in a society improves, there is greater control over environment, increased economic surplus and population density, and a shift from egalitarianism to class stratification

In highly advanced societies, environment ceases to be a controlling force

 Cultural ecology loses influence when environment does not matter

Today, environmental factors such as pollution, deforestation, global warming are making people think twice about environment ceasing to be a controlling factor

Not only did environmental conditions shape culture, but each culture was composed of thoroughly practical and useful adaptions to its environment

If a foreign culture consisting of agriculturalists and possessing different social organization was plopped into ecological zone occupied by hunters-gathers, the alien culture (agriculturalists) would have to adapt their social organization and values to survive

Steward divided culture into core and periphery

Core consisted of enduring and causal features of culture

Core includes social organization, politics, religion

Cannot escape impact of techno-economic factors

Periphery consists of fortuitous or accidental features

Includes artistic patterns, fads, quirks

Largely independent of techno-environmental base

Steward and Evolutionism

Emphasis on critical role of environment in evolutionary scheme

Rejected notion of unilinear development

Particular cultures diverge significantly from one another and do not pass through unilineal stages

Cultures have evolved along several different lines, at different rates

Multi-linear evolutionism

Rejected old assumption that evolution equals progress


Unilinear vs. Multi-linear

Leslie White (1900 -1975)

American anthropologist

Emphasized etic rather then emic

Saw culture as a highly integrated entity rather then a loose bundle of traits

Assigned contributing priority to techno-economic factors, while dismissing individual and personality as irrelevant to anthropology

Culture is utilitarian

Culture composed of four sectors:


Social Structure



White believes the symbol has replaced the gene in importance as an explanatory tool

We live today in a symbolic universe, guided more by culture than heredity

Distinction between signs & symbols

 Meaning of signs is inherent in things; meaning of symbols in things is arbitrary

Culture advances according to increase in amount of energy per capita per year

E x T = C (E represents energy, T represents efficiency of tools, C represents culture)

Amount of energy varies across cultures

Simplest societies rely completely on human energy

Marvin Harris (1927-2001)

Essentially an armchair anthropologist instead of a fieldworker

Cultural Materialism

Focuses on and assigns causal priority to the material conditions of life, such as food and shelter

 Before there can be music and poetry, people must eat and be protected from the elements

Human activity organized to satisfy the material conditions of life is affected and limited by our biological make-up, the level of technology, and the nature of the environment, which in turn generate ideological and social organization responses.

Harris downplayed importance of emic data.

People’s consciousness, perspectives, interpretations, ideas, attitudes, and emotions never explain their reactions.

India’s Sacred Cow

The refusal of Indians to eat their cattle has often been interpreted as a perfect example of just how irrational cultural practices can be

According to Hindu doctrine of ahimsa, Indians should worship their cattle rather then eat them, even if they are starving.

Spiritual obsession obligates material welfare

India’s Sacred Cow

Harris suggests…

India’s undersized cattle are far less important as a source of food than they are as a source of power, fertilizer, transportation, and fuel

Undersized, undernourished cattle in India are perfectly suited to difficult environmental conditions they face

Rather then being irrational, it plays a positive and critical economic role in


John Bennett (1916 – 2005)

Bennett recognized that culture not only adapts to ecological conditions, it also modifies them

Key to cultural ecology is adaption

1969 – Northern Plainsmen

Describing various ways in which four different groups of people adapted to the same environment

Evaluation of Cultural Ecology

Emphasis on causality and objective conditions, especially technology and the environment, constituted a massive repudiation of historical particularism

Cultural ecology and neo-evolutionism aspired to be scientific, but to achieve that ‘soft’ data such as meaning, emotions, and individual motivation had to be relegated to the sidelines.

Does not match up with contemporary anthropology and its data

AIM: How did future theories help to fill in some of the holes of earlier anthropological theories?


Conflict Theory

Structural functionalism was dominant theoretical orientation in British social anthropology right up to the 1950s

A healthy society rested on a unified set of indispensable, universal functions and equilibrium was maintained

Critics complained it puts cart before the horse

Structural functionalism was incapable to cope with social change

Basic Features of Conflict Theory

Conflict is normal and widespread

Opposite to structural functionalism

 Conflict was viewed as abnormal and rare

Conflict knits society together, and thus maintains society in a state of equilibrium

Conflict with an outside group generates internal solidarity

Society consists of criss-crossing identities, loyalties, and strains which ultimately nullify each other, resulting in harmony and integration

Societal equilibrium is the product of the balance of oppositions



Max Gluckman (1911 – 1975)

Guru of Manchester school of anthropology

Gluckman influenced by Radcliffe-


Gluckman argued conflict is essential to social interaction

Society achieves equilibrium, product of conflict

People tend to create different sets of loyalties and allegiances which clash with each other

Criss-crossing loyalties cancel each other out

Lewis Coser (1913 – 2003)

Several scholars, independent of each other, were promoting the same ideas

Overlap with Gluckman

Portrayed conflict as normal, widespread, and positive, contributing to the integration of society and acting as a safety valve for strains that might otherwise build up and tear society apart

Group cohesion due to external conflict

In some cases, external conflict is intentionally fostered by societal elites in order to deflect hostility and tension within a community onto an imaginary enemy

Realistic Conflict

Arises from frustration between two or more persons

Non-Realistic Conflict

Free-floating frustrations; aggression flies off in all directions, and rather than resolving the frustrations, aggression is an end in itself

Criticism was conflict model was disguised as an equilibrium model, slightly different then structural functionalism


During the several decades in which structural functionalism had dominated, conflict and strain had been ignored

Conflict theorists emphasize interests which divide people in society unite them, not common values

AIM: How did future theories help to fill in some of the holes of earlier anthropological theories?


Social Action Theory (Interactional Theory)

When conflict theory proved to be an inadequate substitute for structural functionalism, British social anthropologists began to play around with other theoretical approaches

Central message in structural functionalism is that human beings conduct their behavior in accordance with the rules laid down by society

Others argued social life is messy and disjointed. People say one thing but do another; rather than adhering perfectly to the rules of society, they bend, twist, and ignore these rules as self-interest dictates

Theory that emerged had the capacity to cope with both social change and conflict

Referred to as processual, interactional, or transactional model

Basic Features of Interactional Theory

Society is constantly changing

Norms are ambiguous and unclear, even contradictory

There is a gap between normative order and actual behavior, which means rules or norms do not explain behavior

Human beings are in constant competition for scarce goods and rewards

Humans must constantly choose between alternatives

Emphasis on the individual as a self-interested manipulator and innovator

Emphasis on reciprocity, exchange, and transaction

Focus on informal (back stage) rather than formal structure

(front stage)



F.G. Bailey (1929 - _ )

British social anthropologist who worked under Gluckman

1969 – Stratagems and Spoils

Bailey challenged assumption that there is a simple, direct relationship between normative order and actual behavior

Assumption fails to take into account the degree to which individuals manipulate the world around them

Most people are guided by self-interest, thread our way between norms, seeking the most advantageous route

Bailey distinguishes between normative and pragmatic rules of behavior

Normative rules – general guides to conduct; make up the public, formal, or ideal rules of a society

Pragmatic rules – deviations from the ideal rules; tactics and strategies that individuals resort to in order to effectively achieve their goals

When pragmatic rules drastically increased, the normative order, or ideals of a society, must be rebuilt to fit current realities

Bailey’s assumption is that pragmatic rules more closely correspond to how people actually behave

Stratagems and Spoils was an innovative work

The people portrayed by Bailey are not puppets controlled by institutional framework

People are active, choice-making agents locked in competitive struggle

Social structure is dynamic, continuously being reshaped by shifting allegiances, coalitions, and conflicts that characterize human interaction

Social Action model provides an alternative to structural functionalism

In addition to laying the groundwork for a new theoretical orientation, Bailey also provided a vocabulary to articulate it

Jeremy Boissevain (1928 - __)

1974 – Friends of Friends

Social life unfolds in the informal arena, where what counts is one’s contacts – who one knows rather than what one is qualified to do

In reality, people do what is best for themselves

Boissevain believes structural functionalism just documents how people are supposed to behave, not how they actually behave

Everyday life is acted out in an arena of competition and conflict, and social change rather than stability is the normal state of affairs

Fredrik Barth (1928 - __)

Norwegian anthropologist

1966 – Models of Social Organization

Describes relationship between leaders and followers as a form of transaction

Leaders provide protection, followers allegiance

Self-interested individuals manipulating values and norms to their own advantage, choosing between alternative strategies, and establishing relationships and alliances governed by

reciprocity, with the whole process feeding back on and transforming the value system and social organization

Advocated a focus on the processes that produce structural form

Central to this is the capacity of people to make choices

End products are patterns of behavior which are formed and reformed over time

Victor Turner (1920 – 1983)

British cultural anthropologists

Studied under Gluckman

Worked on symbolism, ritual, and rites of passage

Turner analyzed three types of conflict:

Conflict between principles of social organization

Contradictions embedded in the social structure

Conflict between individuals and cliques striving for power, prestige, and wealth

Inconsistent, even contradictory, norms exist side by side

People must select and discard norms most advantageous to their interests

Internal conflict between egoism and altruism (selfish or social motives)

Max Weber (1864 – 1920)

Influenced by Marx

According to Weber, society consisted of 4 quasi-autonomous spheres

- economic, political, legal, religious – and ideas, beliefs, and values had an independent causal impact on human conduct

Weber made important contribution to study of power, authority, the state, bureaucracy, class, and status

Weber believed there were significant differences between natural and the social sciences

Weber defined social action as intentional, meaningful, and oriented to others

The only real or concrete phenomenon was the individual human act

Social institutions are not concrete realities, instead, they consisted of a plurality of actors who only have a high probability of interacting for a particular purpose

Social Relation – two or more persons guided by meaningful conduct and oriented to each other

 Bridged the gap between actor and social institution.


Social action or transactional model can be traced back to the Manchester school presided over by


Trained Bailey, Boissevain, and Turner

Gap between what people say and what they do, or between rules of behavior and actual behavior

Incorporated conflict into framework


By concentrating on the intricate and complex maneuvers of individuals and coalitions, focus is lost on the larger social structural context

Fail to take history into account, and the degree to which it explains the present

Macro-Micro Dilemma

How to achieve a sensitive, detailed analysis of the local situation while simultaneously bringing into play the wider structural-historical context

Nature of anthropological theory changed dramatically from phase one to phase two, the pursuit of science remained the same

AIM: What methods did anthropologists use through the second phase of theories?



Cultural ecology, social action theory, and conflict theory tried to keep true to scientific

Unintentionally made goal of science more difficult

Conflict theorists rejected assumption of unified central value system

Social Action writers promoted the image of a choicemaking, manipulative actor, and the porous, shifting social structure

Phase Two begins to see first gaps between theory and method

Methods Literature

Majority of anthropology professors of the time belonged to the sink-or-swim school

Rather then being provided with techniques, students were advised to take lots of notes and participate

Young anthropologists began to write about their own fieldwork experiences and set off an explosion of publications on ethnographic method

Goal was make open and public what has been previously closed and mysterious

‘How To’ textbooks

Qualitative methods became very popular

Profiled qualitative methods as a distinctive research approach, and gave it some legitimacy

Much of this literature was published by American anthropologists

Students learned methods by actually doing research, which was basically the attitude of earlier anthropologists

Purpose of methods literature was to demystify the fieldwork process, to render it more scientific

Slight problem  degree to which one’s data and interpretations are shaped by one’s informants

Two different informants can result in two radically different ethnographies

Also pointed out role played by chance and accident in fieldwork

Cast doubt on anthropology as science

Fieldwork Situation

Most of the basic assumptions and elements of research that existed in phase one continued into phase two, with some modifications

Greater emphasis was placed on theory, and fieldwork became shorter

Students were encouraged to narrow the focus of their studies, and to concentrate on limited number of sharply defined problems rather then trying to cover everything

Recognition that outside social and historical forces always penetrate and shape the small community and must be taken into account

Recognition that cultures being studied were no longer primitive

Interview emerged as a principle technique

Increased emphasis on the ethics of fieldwork

Greater sensitivity to ethical issues (rationalization)

Anthropologists began to accept they did not have a right to intrude on people’s lives

Demand for research to be useful

Fieldworkers to make research goals explicit

Seek permission from and respect the privacy of people

New Rules of Thumb for Fieldwork

Use multi-methods, not just participant observation and informants

Keep daily diary on methods

Appendix on methods in report, thesis, or book

Information for the reader to understand methodological approach

Keep data separated

Distinction between actor’s and observer’s interpretation is usually blurred

Clearly identify native analytic concepts and observer analytic concepts in report, book, or thesis

Select research project on basis of a problem to be solved, rather than an area or tribe to investigate

Leading up to WWII, anthropologists looked for virgin territory

Let the research problem dictate your choice of methods

Learn to count

Quantitative data…more specific then “more, less, a lot, a little”

Provide universities in countries where research is conducted with copies of one’s publication

Part of new ethical stance

Assure informants represent all sectors of a community

Do fieldwork abroad and at home

Formal Analysis

In the American school there was an even greater effort to introduce more systematic research procedures

Formal analysis supposedly was able to provide a scientific explanation of mentalist data

Sometimes labeled cognitive anthropology

Formal analysis can be written off as a quick blip on the anthropological record with few followers

Case Study One: A West African Utopia

Challenge of impression management

Age, sex, ethnicity, country of origin, religion, etc. all will have an impact

Four distinct research roles

Complete participant

Participant who observes

Observer who participates

Complete observer

Managing deviants

First individuals who cozy up to anthropologist tend to be deviants, people who for some reason or other are marginal in their communities

Participant observation is crucial

Need informants to interpret what you have observed and provide information to which you have not had access

Moral &Transactional informants

Moral based on trust and friendship; transactional informant is paid

Nothing ever works out as planned

Critical turning point – an event or situation that has determined whether the project continued or was abandoned

How do you know when to stop your fieldwork?

Case Study Two: The Radical Right in Canada

Influence of anthropologists background and bias


The theoretical literature, the methods of literature, and actual fieldwork had begun to head in different directions, a trend that picked up speed in phase three




For the one hundred years prior to the 1970s, the discipline of anthropology of swung back and forth between hard and soft versions of science

Objective conditions such as technology and environment

Subjective conditions portraying people as robots controlled by a rigid social structure, or active, manipulating agents in an ever-changing universe

Goal throughout was of a scientific study of society

Emergence of structuralism, postmodernism, and feminist anthropology basically discarded science

Structuralism – questioned positivism, emphasis on empirical data, evidence, confirmation of a hypothesis

Postmodernism & Feminists – questioned fieldwork. Ethnographic fieldwork accused of gender and cultural bias, as powerful and privileged academics misrepresented the lives of natives and women for the benefit of Western males.

Aim was not to patch up scientific foundation of anthropology as in phase two…phase three aimed to dismantle discipline and start over again

AIM: Why did structuralism appear?



Structuralism in the 1960s and 1970s was a theoretical perspective with a distinct methodological approach

Offered an alternative to positivism

Basic Features of Structuralism

Deep structure vs. Surface structure

Structuralists examine the underlying principles and variables (deep structure) that generate behavior instead of empirical, observable behavior (surface structure)

Structuralists focus analysis on deep structure, where the range of key variables is more confined

Primacy of unconscious over conscious

What motivates people lies beyond their consciousness at the level of deep structure

Etic vs. Emic analysis

Structuralism places priority on etic analysis.

Relegates to the explanatory sidelines the individual human being, whose motives and actions are seen as largely irrelevant and merely a distraction to the researcher

Structuralism sometimes described as having an anti-humanistic orientation

Emphasis on synchrony vs. diachrony (change)

Structuralists are concerned with repetitive structures

Different forms of social organization are produced over and over again by the underlying principles

Reversibility of time

Distinction drawn between chronological (historical) and mechanical (anthropological) time

Chronological time is cumulative; events unfold across history

Mechanical time is repetitive, events unfold across space

According to structuralists, social organization supposedly is reproduced generation after generation

Basic Features of Structuralism

Transformational analysis

Assumed different institutions of human existence – economic organization, marriage systems, architecture, ritual – are transformations of each other, manifestations of the same finite set of underlying principles

Linguistic analogy

Aspects of culture derive their meaning in the context of the overall system of relationships in which they are embedded

Various cultural institutions constitute codes or messages that anthropologists decode, to tell us what they are saying

Focus on mental life

Emphasis on belief systems, cognitive maps, and oral and written thought

Main focus on mythology, understood as a distinctive ‘language’ or ‘code’ that reflects the way the human brain operates and articulates fundamental themes, dilemma's, and contradictions in life

Neurological reductionism

Behind the level of observable behavior (surface level), lies the principles that generate everyday interaction

 Assumption culture is modified and restricted by the operations of the brain, which are thought to be universal across humankind

Structuralists strive to detect the impact of the brain on cultural organization

Dialectical method

The brain is assumed to operate in terms of binary oppositions

Nature-culture bridge

Is there any difference between humans and other animals?

Humans as classifiers

Central to structuralism is contention that what makes humans unique is capacity for classification

Reduced models

Types of culture or categories of culture reduced to most simplistic, elementary properties

 Primitive culture contains basic elements that characterize human existence everywhere



Claude Levi-Strauss (1908 – 2009)

Structuralism in anthropology was almost single-handedly established by Levi-Strauss

Challenged empirical, positivistic tradition, arguing that culture is more like a language or logical system of signs than a biological organism (analogy used by structural-functionalists)

Implication was epistemological and methodological approach favored in natural science was not appropriate for anthropology

Several reasons, according to Levi-Strauss for not focusing on surface structure

At the level of observable human interaction there are too many facts, too much going on

At the empirical level there is a degree of randomness that makes systematic analysis exceedingly difficult

When investigating cultural life, the focus is on underlying principles which generate the surface patterns, not the patterns themselves

Levi-Strauss always tried to reduce data to binary oppositions

Best known for his imaginative analysis of mythology

Assumed that myths constitute a kind of language

Myths are vehicles which supposedly take the analyst close to the workings of the brain

Concerned with what myths indicate about the brain ‘operations’

Not so much in what humans think as in how they think

Rejected basic methodological principle  beliefs and behaviors must be explained in their specific cultural context

One version of a myth is not better then another

Attempts to explain myths that occur in one part of the world with those that are found in other parts of the world

In mechanical time, cultural materials such as myths do not progress chronologically; they are simply reproduced across space

Consists of decoding the messages in a cultural institution, and tracing these codes as they are transformed from one institution to another

Edmund Leach (1910 – 1989)

Trained by Malinowski

Political Systems of Highland Burma (1965)

Drew a distinction between actual behavior and anthropological models used to explain it.

Everyday behavior is dynamic, messy, driven by choice, contradiction, power

Anthropological models, in contrast, are always equilibrium models

Provide a sense of orderliness in an otherwise chaotic universe

Leach’s achievement was to retain a fundamental feature of structural-functionalism, the notion of equilibrium, while simultaneously promoting social action model contained in Malinowski’s work


Levi-Strauss placed big question about humankind back on the anthropological agenda…what does it mean to be human?

There are no superior societies

Threw out conventional, positivistic science

Argued structuralism constituted the appropriate scientific procedure for the investigation of culture

Defined social structure not as a general representation of the empirical world, but rather as an abstraction or model in which variables consist of logical relationships between things instead of things themselves

In the 1960s & 1970s, Levi-Strauss was probably most highly regarded anthropologist alive

Given his popularity, it is amazing how quickly structuralism fell out of favor

Dealt almost exclusively with mentalist data, failed to relate data to material world, and sidestepped major social and political issues

AIM: Why did postmodernism appear?



Although Levi-Strauss thought he was still engaged in scientific work, it was radically different version of science

Non-positivistic & non-verifiable

With postmodernism, no longer was the case of science being unobtainable due to technical obstacles

Postmodernists regarded fieldwork as a political activity whereby powerful Westerners have traditionally represented (or misrepresented) the lives of non-Westerners, depersonalized and objectified them as scientific specimens

Basic Features of Postmodernism

(Interpretive Anthropology)

Challenge to anthropological authority

Arrogant for anthropologists to assume they have capacity and responsibility to describe, interpret, and represent lives of people in other cultures. Assumption is people in other cultures lacked capacity to speak for themselves.

Dialogical and polyvocal approaches

Complex dialogue between ethnographer and ‘the natives,’ a joint venture out of which meaning and interpretation emerge.

Anthropologist lets go of some authority and allows for voices from research subjects.

Ethnography as a literary text

Can be analyzed in terms of tone, style, and literary devices. Can be analyzed using the tools of literary criticism.

Focus on interpretation and meaning rather than on causality and behavior

Culture is regarded as a system of signs and symbols, a complex of meanings. Anthropologist joins forces with ‘the natives’ and interpret it.

Trend away from grand theory and generalization

Positivism is regarded as both inadequate and immoral. It cannot cope with the vision of culture as an endless complex of changing and contested individual interpretations and meanings.

Postmodernists, in contrast, emphasize the particular and the unique, valorize (give validity to) ‘the other’ (subjects of the research), and are comfortable with an image of social life that is inherently fragmented, disjointed, and incomplete.

Renewed emphasis on relativism

Relativism, pioneered by Boas, emphasized uniqueness of each and every culture.

Simple view that customs had to be understood initially in their specific cultural context and it was unacceptable to comment on the moral worth of customs, especially by comparing them negatively to those in one’s own culture.

Author-saturated rather than data-saturated ethnography

Author has taken center stage – how the author ‘knows’ a culture and interprets data, how meaning is negotiated between researcher and the researched, self-conscious musings on the subjective experience of fieldwork.



George Marcus & Michael Fischer

“Interpretive Anthropology”

Social life must fundamentally be conceived as negotiation of meanings

Importance of relativism –subjective value according to differences in perception

Clifford Geertz (1926 – 2006)

American cultural anthropologist

Thick Description” essay (1973)

“Believing, with Max Weber, that man is an animal suspended in webs of significance he himself has spun, I take culture to be those webs, and the analysis of it to be therefore not an experimental science in search of a law but an interpretive one in search of meaning.”

Interpretive anthropology aims for ‘thick description’ by generalizing deeply within cases.

Emphasis on texts and writing and the switch from structure causality to meaning and interpretation.

“Anthropological writings are themselves interpretations.”

Geertz continues to regard interpretive perspective as a science


Criticisms against Postmodernism

Postmodernists demand that the author as the sole authority step down, that books be dialogical, recognizing all voices that are involved

 Critics believe this goal is not feasible

Postmodernism may amount to a post-fieldwork model

If research, especially in our own cultures, is unsound both on epistemological grounds (how can we ‘know’ the other) and on ethical grounds (what right do we have to represent the other), why not just give up on it completely?

Postmodernism, with its heightened sensitivity to ‘the other,’ and its critique of positivistic, colonial anthropology, appears to be radical, even revolutionary.

Sometimes contended that there are no standards in postmodernism, that one cultural account is as good as any other, that anything goes.

Views postmodernism primarily as a power play, with academics jockeying for influence, mobility, tenure, and promotion.

AIM: Why did Feminist Anthropology appear?


Feminist Anthropology

Academic feminism has been paralleled and fuelled by the ongoing actions and changes in the empirical world, notably in connection to the women’s movement.

Anthropology has provided the basis for exploring numerous issues significant to feminism, such as whether gender roles and female oppression have been universally the same or culturally diverse.

Basic Features of Feminist Anthropology

All social relations and knowledge is gendered

Gender must be included alongside class, status, role, power, and age as a basic term

Distinctive epistemology

Research should be a collaborative, dialogical affair

Subjectivity (bias) is associated with females, and is superior to ‘male’ objectivity


Urges female scholars to incorporate their own subjective experiences of oppression into their research projects

Distinctive ethics

Primary purpose of research is to empower women and eliminate oppression


Language of science is regarded as the language of oppression. Positivistic research is said to serve the interest of elites.

Value-neutrality, even if possible, would be ruled out, because feminist research unapologetically promotes the interests of women

Basic Features of Feminist Anthropology

Preference for qualitative methods

Empathy, subjectivity, and dialogue supposedly allow the investigator to understand the inner worlds of women, helping them to articulate and combat their oppression

The life history

A specific qualitative technique, was very prominent in the social sciences before

WWII, had been rediscovered by feminist writers.

Seen as a means to give voice to people, vividly to capture institutional and historical forces as they impinge on and are experienced by individuals.

Female essence

Provides a counter-balance to misogynist representations

Universal sexual asymmetry

Anthropology has proved to be fertile ground for examining two key questions.

Has gender inequality existed in all cultures at all times?

Has gender inequality increased or decreased as human societies have moved through history?

Anthropology of women versus feminist anthropology

Anthropology of women was the forerunner to feminist anthropology



Marjorie Shostak

Nisa: The Life and Works of a !Kung Woman


Wanted to find out what it meant to be female among the !Kung

Some people question the ethnography because the fact that only in the two-week period before Shostak’s departure did the focus on the woman called Nisa crystalize.

Apparent lack of deep rapport, and the businesslike arrangement (Nisa was paid for her interviews) that

Shostak was forced into with Nisa in order to obtain her cooperation, raise considerable doubt about the validity of the central theme of the book; Nisa’s obsession with sex

Gives voice to and humanizes a !Kung woman

Elvi Whittaker

Canadian anthropologist

1994 - “Decolonizing Knowledge: Towards a Feminist

Work Ethic and Methodology”

Concerned with the representation of women by men

Relationship between men and women is comparable to that between the colonized and colonizer.

In both, Western, white, heterosexual males have imposed their world view on the other (women and colonial peoples)

Feminism and Marxism

Both center on issues of inequality and oppression, with women compared to natives

Marxists charge feminism with promoting gender at the expense of class, resulting in an analysis that props up the ruling class.

Feminists accuse Marxism of being male-oriented approach that serves the interests of men by promoting class at the expense of gender, obscuring women’s rights.

Feminism and Postmodernism

Both concerned with the issue of representation

Feminism – woman’s voice

Postmodernism – multiple voices


Although there are a several varieties of feminism, they all start off from the assumption that conventional social science has been male-biased

Four reactions to this…

Don’t do anything

 How most social scientists have responded

Add women when convenient to one’s analysis

Women-centered research

Non-sexist research

AIM: What methods did anthropologists use through the third phase of theories?



With the emergence of postmodernism and feminist methodology, science took a pounding

Hope was qualitative research would be seen as rigorous and explicit as quantitative research

Methods Literature

Major change was the emergence of literature on the use of computers in qualitative research

Software programs are no substitutes for the researcher’s insights and interpretations

Tendency to exaggerate scientific quality of their reports , assuming that because they have used a computer their work must be valid

The Fieldwork Situation

In phase three, there was a huge gap between the theoretical and methods literature

By the 1990s, a few changes in the fieldwork situation had become apparent

Life history had been revived as the principle technique

Comparative method was not dead

By phase two it had been recognized that no community was isolated and that the external forces that impinged on it had to be taken into consideration

By phase three, outside forces didn’t just intrude into the small community; they were an essential part of the community

Tendency of shorter field work continued from phase two into phase three

