Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Students will be able to explain all objectives related to The Revolutionary War by completing review with at least 90% accuracy Students will be able to explain all objectives related to The Revolutionary War by completing an exam with at least 80% accuracy The student will be able to evaluate why the colonists were passionate about state rights and protecting rights as evidenced by completed Cornell notes and summaries with 80% accuracy The student will be able to compare and contrast the Land Ordinances and their role in settling the West as evidenced by completed reading and group e valuations and questions with 80% accuracy Can I explain all objectives for the unit learning goal? Can I explain all objectives for the unit learning goal? Why were the colonists passionate about state’s rights? The student will be able to understand how the Articles of Confederation created a weak government as evidenced by examining the articles and evaluating their success at creating a government with 80% accuracy How did the Articles of Confederation form a government? All from lesson topics All from lesson topics Constitution Executive Economic depression Limited government Legislature Continental Congress Land Ordinance of 1784 Land Ordinance of 1785 Land Ordinance of 1787 Land Ordinance of 1790 All from lesson topics All from lesson topics Demonstrate knowledge of the challenges faced by the new nation by identifying the weakness of the government established by the Articles of Confederation, the compromise that took place during the Constitutional convention and identify the basic principles of the new government established by the Constitution and the Bill or Rights SS.8.C.1.4-Explain economic impact of government policies LA., 6.3, 6.5 LA., 7.4 Demonstrate knowledge of the challenges faced by the new nation by identifying the weakness of the government established by the Articles of Confederation, the compromise that took place during the Constitutional convention and identify the basic principles of the new government established by the Constitution and the Bill or Rights SS.8.A.3.9-Evaluate the Articles of Confederation and Constitutional Convention LA., 6.3, 6.5 LA., 7.4 Demonstrate knowledge of the challenges faced by the new nation by identifying the weakness of the government established by the Articles of Confederation, the compromise that took place during the Constitutional convention and identify the basic principles of the new government established by the Constitution and the Bill or Rights SS.8.G.2.3-Use geographic terms and tools to analyze changes in US regions LA., 6.3, 6.5 LA., 7.4 Update notebooks. New UGL and progress charts. Free-write: Create an introduction paragraph for an essay with the topic of the Revolutionary War (Discuss needed components of an intro paragraph and thesis) -Bell-work (Discuss) -Directions for exam -Exam time -Preview Ch. 8: Government -Ticket-out: How are the progress charts assisting you in preparing for the exams? Looking at the map on page 202-203 answer Q’s Primary document analysis: Articles of Confed. Land Ordinances Map and Q’s -Bell-work (Discuss) -Mini-lecture: Building a new nation -Cornell notes, summaries, evaluations -Reflection and progress charts -Bell-work (Discuss) -Articles of Conf. -Weaknesses -Writing Assignment -Reflection and Progress Charts. -Bell-work (Discuss) -Mini-lecture: Land Ordinances -Complete charts -Reflection and Progress Charts. Learning Activities Bellwork Vocabulary NGSSS and CCSS Essential Question (s) Objective(s) TSWBAT: Lesson Plans Laura Fagan 8th grade American History & Advanced American History Week of: December 10th-14th -Bell-work (Discuss) -Progress charts (what areas to concentrate) -Directions for Jeopardy -Jeopardy -Ticket-out and reflection How did the government settle the western lands? ESOL and ESE modifications include but are not limited to: modified curriculum, reduced/modified assignments, assistance from classmates and/or aides, extra time to complete assignments and tests, reducing assignments into manageable “chunks”, and avoiding penalizing for spelling/grammar unless that is the objective of the assignment. Modifications are dictated by student needs, IEP, and the type of assignment given. Assessment Lesson Plans Laura Fagan 8th grade American History & Advanced American History Week of: December 10th-14th completed product/assignment Chapter test/project other: completed product/assignment Chapter test/project other: completed product/assignment Chapter test/project other: completed product/assignment Chapter test/project other: completed product/assignment Chapter test/project other: Modifications and Accommodations Note Taking ______XX______Make copies of Power point slides ______________Have another student take notes for the student in need (using NCR paper) ______________Give student a copy of another student’s notes ______________Tape record lessons ______________Interpret lesson for student _____XX______Pair up the student with another student to read notes on board aloud to student in need (The student in need may take notes while other student reads the notes slowly and spells out words aloud when needed) Class work _____XX_______Review directions on-to-one _____XX_______Give student extra time to complete assignment(s) _____XX_______Shorten the assignments(s) _____XX_______Have assignment(s) read to the student _____XX_______Provide student with tape recorded reading assignment(s) _____XX_______Have student work with another student on assignment(s) ______________Have student tape record his/her answers _____XX_______Have students give answers orally _____XX_______Give student an alternative assignment _____XX_______Work individually with student ______________Interpret assignment for student Homework/Projects ______XX______Review directions one-to-one ______XX___ give student extra time to complete assignments(s) ______XX_____shorten the assignment(s) ESOL and ESE modifications include but are not limited to: modified curriculum, reduced/modified assignments, assistance from classmates and/or aides, extra time to complete assignments and tests, reducing assignments into manageable “chunks”, and avoiding penalizing for spelling/grammar unless that is the objective of the assignment. Modifications are dictated by student needs, IEP, and the type of assignment given. Lesson Plans Laura Fagan 8th grade American History & Advanced American History Week of: December 10th-14th ______XX_____Have student work with another student on assignment(s) ______XX_____Give student an alternative assignment ______________Provide student with tape recorded reading assignment(s) ______________Interpret assignment for student Tests ______XX______Review directions one-to-one ______XX_____Have test read to student ______XX_____Have student give answers orally ______XX_____Provide printed copy of Power point test ______XX_____Provide alternative to test ______XX_____Give student extra time to complete test ______XX______Interpret test for student Physical Needs _______XX_____Move seat for hearing impairment _______XX_____Move seat for vision impairment _____ ______Provide assistant for changing classes ______________Use color overlays ____ ______Enlarge the print of materials _____xx________Provide printed copy of power point materials ESOL and ESE modifications include but are not limited to: modified curriculum, reduced/modified assignments, assistance from classmates and/or aides, extra time to complete assignments and tests, reducing assignments into manageable “chunks”, and avoiding penalizing for spelling/grammar unless that is the objective of the assignment. Modifications are dictated by student needs, IEP, and the type of assignment given.